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Bøker av Kumar Rahul

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  • av Kumar Rahul

    dual model corresponding to given primal problems and some duality results werepiled up in Section 1.4. In Section 1.5, we recall standard minimax programmingproblem and present a small overview on the same. In Section 1.6, we introduce ashort note on saddle point optimality problems. In Section 1.7, we present basic conceptof multiobjective optimization problems and its solutions. Section 1.8 recallsconstraint qualification in multiobjective optimization problems. In Section 1.9,scalar and multiobjective semi-infinite optimization problems is introduced. In Section1.10, we remind definitions of Lipschitz and locally Lipschitz continuity. Section1.11 presents definition, basic properties of convexificators and recalls generalizedconvexity in terms of convexificators. Sections 1.12 is all about brief literature onsemidefinite programming problem and related concepts for further use. Section1.13 presents short introduction on vector variational inequality. Finally, Section1.14 includes basic details of mathematical programming with vanishing constraintsand its literature.

  • av Kumar Rahul, Arya Harish K & Saxena R K

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