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  • av Lambert Okafor

    The Lord God wants us to know that there is perfect healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus and by His blood. There is great peace, joy, progress, success, restoration for the people of God.But the way we go about seeking these things (deliverance, progress, etc) these days is no longer pleasing to God. We have cast away the simplicity that is in Christ, and have replaced it with the heavy yoke of religion. The free deliverance, which is easy to obtain through Christ, doesn't seem to be available anymore. It has been replaced with another type of deliverance, a religious deliverance, which is so hard and costly. People pay so much money, do so much fasting, torture themselves so much all in their bid to obtain deliverance. At the end, they are not really delivered! Their problems remain with them, or even get worse.The purpose of this book is to bring us back to the simple and free way of obtaining perfect deliverance in Christ, without all the religious struggles and troubles that men have imposed on us.Those who have tried the simple ways of Christ, which are in this book, are greatly surprised how so quickly God could make things beautiful again in their lives, without extra cost, without struggles.May God use this book to help bring you into the path of perfect deliverance and progress, which He has obtained for us in Christ Jesus. LaFAMCALL MinistriesJanuary 2005

  • av Lambert Okafor

    When I was going to the University of Ife in 1976,1 made one resolution - to hide myself in the crowd and get lost in the world. I did not want anything about 'God' around me. Consequently, I threw away my small Bible and everything that reminded me of God. Sincerely speaking, I could not say why I took that decision. I was born into the Anglican Church and the rest of my brothers and sisters were godly. In my secondary school days, I had joined the 'Born Again' group, and thought I loved God. But soon, all of that stopped, as I slipped back into the world. Somehow, it seemed there was something in me that did not want God really. While at home, I had to do 'church things' once in a while, somehow under pressure - just to satisfy my family expectations. Now, I was happy to be on my way to the 'campus' where no one would bother me about God. My going to the University was therefore seen as an escape from God and I kept to it. All through my campus days, the National Service and up to 1983 when I started work with the Union Bank, I kept to my decision to keep God away from me. Somehow, I felt that the ways of God were too tough, and His standards too high for me. I therefore wanted to 'enjoy' myself and forget about 'Heaven and hell,' I thought. I went to church again in 1987 just because I was getting married. Soon after the wedding, I decided to quit going to church completely and I told my wife so. All her tears and pleas could not change my heart and at last she gave up. Soon after our wedding, on 20th April, 1987,1 stopped going to Church completely. I would not even go once in a while. I never saw the four walls of any church. On Sundays therefore my wife and the rest of the family would simply inform me that they were going to the church so that I might come and lock the door! That was the situation until May 28th, 1989, when something marvellous happened which changed the life of everyone in the family starting with me! You will get the details later. I therefore thank God for this wonderful privilege of being part of what is now a worldwide event, to usher in the ultimate rule of God here on earth. The Kingdom of God is about to be revealed to the earth. God is about to answer that popular age­ long prayer which Jesus taught at His disciples' request - "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth... as it is done in Heaven..."God's political time-table is rapidly unfolding and His Ministers - the Angels - are at red-alert. They have indeed gone all out on "mission possible" - to prepare for the "landing" of the new Kingdom. Things have begun to happen. Unbelievable things are happening here again. They happened during the Apostolic Age - with the Apostles of the Lord. That was in the beginning of the Church Age. Here they are again - at the end of the Church Age. God is here again to reveal Himself to His people! That God would have me included in this end­ time programme is what I cannot understand! Why should I have expected God's grace to be so freely poured out on me, in such a way that all yokes are broken! I was not seeking Him. I was not involved in things about Him.

  • av Lambert Okafor

    In our Holy Ghost School dreams, one interesting aspect is that of spiritual Colours! People see colours in their dreams, as God uses these to teach and give us messages, it therefore becomes necessary for us to know the meanings of these colors. God has always been interested in colours. In Exodus 28:1 -6, God told Moses to make holy garments for Aaron, the high priest, and He gave him specific instructions about the colours. ...and they shall make garments for Aaron thy brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto Me in the priest's office... of blue, and of purple, of scarlet and fine line (Exodus 28:4-6) Today, God still speaks about colours, this time spiritual colours through, and so we have to know their meanings. Spiritual colours are the colours we see in our dreams. We are not talking about physical colours that we have in the wardrobes and elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with any physical colours, as far as we know. We are only talking about the spiritual significance of the colours that God brings to teach us in dreams and visions, in Holy Ghost School. We should not in any way try to apply these discussions to the physical colours of our dresses and other materials we have. That is not the purpose.

  • av Lambert Okafor

    I wrote this booklet because of the many inquiries I have received from believers, some through letters and others through personal visits, all concerned about how to hear from God! I was surprised at the first time when some of the inquiries came from people I regarded as very mature Christians. Soon, I realized that this was one problem that actually cut across all cadres of believers, yet one problem that rarely received any attention in our various churches!No wonder people find it easier to say, "my pastor said...", rather than "The Lord said"! And so, when the pastor slips off, every one also derails with him, because none can make independent inquiries directly from the Lord. That is very much like the Israelites in the Wilderness who could only hear and quote Moses, but dared not interact with their God directly. In the process, they all perished for they knew not the ways of God! What a dangerous thing at this end-time for any believer to depend entirely on the pastor!It pained my heart the more when I realized that the Lord was actually speaking to many of these people, only that, like Samuel, they could not recognize His voice. All they needed therefore, was someone to direct them, just as Eli did to Samuel. And the Eli's of our time appear to be too busy with some other issues.If you are one of those who have been suffering in silence for so long on this issue of hearing from your Father in Heaven, you should now rejoice for your need will soon be met, by the Lord Himself, through this little treaties. May the Lord Jesus graciously bless you as you read. Amen. Lambert .E. Okafor

  • av Lambert Okafor

    There is a new move of God, called HOLY GHOST SCHOOL. It is very simple, yet very powerful. It is simple and powerful in the sense that, through it, God will transform your life and the lives of all members of your family within a short time! Problems that have been there for years, which have refused to go despite all efforts, all these will be washed away by the WATER OF LIFE, which is flowing from the throne of God. This Water of Life will touch you through HOLY GHOST SCHOOL. All these will be done without your effort and struggles!Yes, in all these you will not be required to do much. You only have to rest in God's presence while He goes about, doing all these for you. God does not need our fleshly struggles anymore. He now wants us to enter into His presence and enjoy His REST, while He concludes the work that He began in our lives. This is the work of PERFECTION He is now doing in the lives of His children - through Holy Ghost Schooling. It is one of God's end-time programmes to make the bride of Christ ready! (Rev 19: 7).It is the sweet wine He reserved for us, for the last days. The New Wine is now being served.· In the LAST DAYS ... many people will come and say come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD... He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths. (Isaiah 2: 2, 3) · I will INSTRUCT thee and TEACH thee in the way which thou shall go. I will GUIDE thee with Mine eye. (Psalms 32: 8) · But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, (He) will TEACH you ALL THINGS ... (John 14: 26)

  • av Lambert Okafor

    INTRODUCTION - WHY THE BOOK WAS WRITTEN - Paperback EditionI wrote this booklet because of the many inquiries I have received from believers, some through letters and others through personal visits, all concerned about how to hear from God! I was surprised at the first time when some of the inquiries came from people I regarded as very mature Christians. Soon, I realized that this was one problem that actually cut across all cadres of believers, yet one problem that rarely received any attention in our various churches!No wonder people find it easier to say, "my pastor said...", rather than "The Lord said"! And so, when the pastor slips off, every one also derails with him, because none can make independent inquiries directly from the Lord. That is very much like the Israelites in the Wilderness who could only hear and quote Moses, but dared not interact with their God directly. In the process, they all perished for they knew not the ways of God! What a dangerous thing at this end-time for any believer to depend entirely on the pastor!It pained my heart the more when I realized that the Lord was actually speaking to many of these people, only that, like Samuel, they could not recognize His voice. All they needed therefore, was someone to direct them, just as Eli did to Samuel. And the Eli's of our time appear to be too busy with some other issues.If you are one of those who have been suffering in silence for so long on this issue of hearing from your Father in Heaven, you should now rejoice for your need will soon be met, by the Lord Himself, through this little treaties.May the Lord Jesus graciously bless you as you read. Amen.

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