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Bøker av Lee Chapman

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  • av Lee Chapman

    The 1944 Allied invasion of France was a combined effort, with land- and sea-based forces supported by a huge aerial task force. The force comprised the RAF, its allies and the USAAF, which resulted in an eclectic mix of aircraft. With over 170 images, this book features many of the aircraft that were involved in the Normandy invasion and D-Day.

  • av Lee Chapman

    Based on a True story, my story: I wish I could spin you a yarn of mere imagination, casting doubt upon the grim reality that unfolded. To claim it was a fanciful fabrication, a concoction of the mind, a fabricated escapade where love's loss was but a phantom. A blood bond, a solemn vow to protect, now shattered into oblivion. Were it not for a living witness, a survivor who persists to this very day, his hand resting upon my shoulder, solemnly affirming the horrors that transpired in that house, I might be deemed insane. A mad daydreamer, teetering upon the precipice between the realms of fancy and the chilling grip of actuality, a candidate for the confinement of a straitjacket. Yet, the truth looms before us, an inescapable verity that none who peruse this chronicle will fathom as deeply as I. An insidious evil slumber in the dark, its riddles unanswered, its haunting whispers resurging from the depths of forgotten memories. A relentless quest to unveil ancient enigmas, to unravel secrets that gnaw at my sanity like a ravenous beast. Should the accursed abode ever reveal its sinister countenance to you, heed my plea: retreat, avoid its grasp, and never venture within. I implore you, for your own safety, let the shadows enshroud whatever evil mysteries dwell there. What more to say... I lost my friend. Book 1 from the Peculiar Adventures of Master Chapman: I wish to speak of tales untold, Of imagination's realm, a story to unfold.Yet true it is, not mere fabrication's guise, A solemn narrative, where reality lies. A bound of blood, a promise strong, A love once vibrant, now forever gone.A witness stands, alive and true, To vouch for deeds that the darkness drew, In whispered tones, a chilling refrain, A tale of loss, of heartache's pain.Aline blurred between dream and wake, A mind ensnared in its own ache. Haunted by memories, forgotten, yet near, Unearthed secrets, the soul's deepest fear.Driven to quest, to search the abyss, In pursuit of truth, a journey amiss. Should the house reveal its ominous face, Beware its shadows, its eerie embrace.Stay far, stay safe, heed this plea, Some mysteries are best left free.

  • av Lee Chapman

    ASTRALIS Chronicles The Luminous Nexus, Volume 1 is an Introduction to the World of ASTRALIS, a mystical Fantasy world, where the imagination and realities itself become one. Synopsis: In the mystical realm of Astralis, Elara, guardian of the Luminous Nexus, senses an impending darkness as the sorcerers, from the Dark lands and their venomous master, the nameless one approach at speed to devour the energy of the Nexus. Fearing for her cherished home, Elara embarks on a quest for guidance. Seeking solace from the ancient tree spirit, she uncovers forgotten prophecies that foretell of an all-consuming darkness. Determined to protect the Nexus, she sets forth to gather allies. Nova, a spirited and fearless technomancer along with the wise owl, a majestic and enigmatic creature of immense knowledge and wisdom, joins Elara's cause. Together they begin their perilous quest.Their journey is one of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering determination as they face the malevolent nameless one and confront the sorcerers, seeking redemption and hope in the face of overwhelming odds. A Tale by the Campfire: Ah, gathered 'round the campfire's warm embrace, we would share tales that weave through time and space. Through poetry and prose, our minds would roam, exploring realms where magic finds a home.Amidst the crackling flames, our spirits soar, embracing stories of adventure and lore. With every word, a bond we'd create, a symphony of ideas, a shared creative state. I'd tell you of the stars, their secrets unveiled, and you'd share your thoughts, your dreams, uncurtailed. Together we'd dance in imagination's flight, painting pictures in the canvas of the night. The Luminous Nexus, our enchanting theme, where magic and technology intertwine like a dream. We'd journey with Elara, her heart so bright, seeking unity and wisdom in the darkest night. And as the embers glow, our spirits blend, united in the stories that we extend. With laughter and wonder, our souls alight, we'd bid farewell to the fading light. In this magical moment, time would slow, as we bask in the tales we've come to know. Around the campfire, under the starry dome, our creative spirits find their truest home.

  • av Lee Chapman

    Exploring many significant British aircraft types that were active between World Wars One and Two, focusing on modern-day survivors and replicas, this volume tells the story of how aviation changed during the period. Covering both civil and military aircraft types, the story is told with over 200 images of surviving, replica and restored aircraft.

  • av Lee Chapman

    Forty years ago, on 2 April 1982, Argentinian troops invaded the Falkland Islands, a UK territory in the South Atlantic Ocean. The resulting Falklands War lasted just 74 days and was an impressive demonstration of the British military's reach and adaptability.

  • av Lee Chapman

    During World War One, the role of the aeroplane evolved from a stable, lumbering observation platform to a more agile fighter. Rapid developments in aeroplane technology led to an array of ever-advancing aircraft seeing service during this time. This book includes various aircraft that contributed to the iconic events between 1914 and 1918.

  • av Lee Chapman

    The Battle of Britain is widely considered to be Britain's finest hour. This book features a history of the front-line RAF fighter aircraft and explores the major training and support aeroplanes that contributed to the iconic events. The story includes over 160 photographs of aircraft in the air, on the ground and in unique formations together.

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