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Bøker av Louis L'Amour

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  • - A Graphic Novel
    av Louis L'Amour, Beau L'Amour & Kathy Nolan

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    Trent came to Idaho seeking solitude. He built a cabin, broke a few wild horses, and quietly put his pas behind him. Then King Bill Hale began laying claim to all the land around Cedar Bluff. When Hale''s son kills one of Trent''s neighbors, Trent quickly steps forward to lead the fight. Their property had been legally filed on, but Bill Hale has the men, money, and political power to steal it from them. What Hale doesn''t realize is that Trent also has connections. With evidence that can ruin Hale''s scheme, Trent must find a way past Hale''s gang of thugs to the men who can help him. However, if he succeeds, his violent past will be revealed; if he fails, the others may forfeit their land. But Trent could forfeit his life.

  • - Adventure Stories
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - Stories
    av Louis L'Amour

    From the American West to the Siberian coast, from Hollywood to the boxing ring, here are timeless tales of war, mystery, romance, crime, and punishment as only Louis L'Amour can tell them.These stories are vintage L'Amour: • A hard-bitten cattle driver is pitted against a man trying to steal his woman, the disappearance of a thousand head of cattle, and a plot to frame him for murder. . . .• A private eye visits a remote mining town on a case involving a sexy widow, an uneasy lawman, and a fortune in gold buried in an abandoned mine shaft. . . .• A country boy with a good right hand must fight not only his vicious opponent in the ring but the ruthless gangsters who'll do anything for profit-even commit cold-blooded murder. . . .• A young woman stranded in an isolated harbor must survive the wilderness and a brutal battle of wits with a sadistic fortune hunter. . . .Here is the trademark blend of action, suspense, historical detail, and unforgettable characters that have made Louis L'Amour one of the world's most extraordinary writers.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    A woman ahead of her time, Mary Breydon knew how to get things done. Raised on a Virginia plantation, she learned how to care for livestock, respect her workers, and keep good books. But after her husband is killed, Mary must provide for her young daughter by running a stage coach station on the Cherokee Trail. With the help of an Irish maid and a mysterious stranger, Mary faces challenges that even the men eagerly anticipating her failure would have a difficult time overcoming. After firing the previous station manager with the aid of a bullwhip, she must track down stolen horses, care for a wayward boy, and defend against Indians. If that wasn’t enough, she also has to protect herself from the man who murdered her husband—and is coming for Mary next.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    Considine and Pete Runyon had once been friends, back in the days when both were cowhands. But when Runyon married the woman Considine loved, the two parted ways. Runyon settled down and became a sheriff. Considine took up robbing banks. Now Considine is planning a raid on the bank at Obaro, a plan that will pit him against Runyon . . . and lead to riches or suicide. The one thing he never counted on was meeting a strong, beautiful woman and her stubborn father, hell-bent on traveling alone through Apache territory to a new life. Suddenly Considine must choose between revenge and redemption—and either choice could be the last one he makes.

  • av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    BEST OF THE WEST A veteran trail driver, who has survived thundering stampedes and Comanche raids, discovers there's nothing so dangerous as courting a beautiful woman. . . . A brutally beaten homesteader crawls off to die-only to stumble upon an ancient talisman that restores his will to live. . . . This treasure trove of stories captures the grit, grandeur, and the glory of the men and women who wielded pistol and plow, Bible and branding iron to tame a wild country. A mysterious preacher rides into town to deliver a warning that leads to a surprising revelation. . . . And in the full-length novella Rustler Roundup, the hardworking citizens of a law-abiding town are pushed to the edge as rumors of rustlers in their midst threaten to turn neighbor against neighbor. Each of these unforgettable tales bears the master's touch-comic twists, stark realism, crackling suspense-all the elements that have made Louis L'Amour an American legend.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - Stories
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    Bill Canavan rode into the valley with a dream to start his own ranch. But when he managed to stake claims on the three best water holes, the other ranchers turned against him.No one is more determined to see Canavan dead than Star Levitt. Levitt is an unscrupulous businessman who has been accumulating cattle at an alarming rate. Suspicious after witnessing a secret meeting between the riders of warring ranches, Bill begins noticing other dubious behavior: Why is Levitt's fiancée, Dixie Venable, acting more like a hostage than a willing bride-to-be?Canavan doesn't have much time to figure out what's going on. The entire valley is against him, and everyone is ready to shoot on sight.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - Stories
    av Louis L'Amour

    Cattlemen ride alone across the open range under the deadly aim of roving desperadoes. . . . Gamblers stake their fortunes and their lives on a deck of cards. . . . Strong-willed señoritas seek independence through an enticing combination of beauty, audacity, and spirit. . . . Lawmen and outlaws walk the same dusty streets and speak a common language: Colt, Winchester, Smith & Wesson. Gritty, tough, and unflinchingly authentic, here is the West as it really was: a land where for every friend there is an enemy, for every handshake a fist, for every dispute a resolution—usually in an explosive showdown of blood and bullets. In these remarkable tales, Louis L’Amour—like the very heroes he depicts—blazes a trail across the American frontier and takes us on an unforgettable journey into the heart of our western heritage.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    In To the Far Blue Mountains, Louis L'Amour weaves the unforgettable tale of a man who, after returning to his homeland, discovers that finding his way back to America may be impossible.Barnabas Sackett was leaving England to make his fortune in the New World. But as he settled his affairs, he learned that a royal warrant had been sworn out against him and that men were searching for him in every port. At issue were some rare gold coins Sackett had sold to finance his first trip to the Americas-coins believed to be part of a great treasure lost by King John years before.Believing that Sackett possesses the rest of the treasure, Queen Bess will stop at nothing to find him. If he's caught, not only will his dream of a life in America be lost, but he will be brutally tortured and put to death on the gallows.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    East Texas wasn't much of a home for Cullen Baker. Few liked him, and some even tried to kill him. Yet after three hard years of wandering, he's come back to farm the land that's rightfully his. Only Cullen's in for an unwelcome homecoming: his neighbors have long memories, the Reconstructionists have greedy hearts, and his worst enemy has teamed up with a vicious outlaw. But Cullen isn't about to back down. Instead, he's intent on perfecting a new way of gunfighting: the fast draw. And now, with enemies closing in on three sides and threatening the woman he loves, he'll have to be faster than lightning-and twice as deadly-just to survive.

  • av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - Stories
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    When Tom Chantry comes west to buy cattle, he quickly runs into trouble. During a drunken scuffle in a bar, Dutch Akin challenges Chantry to a gunfight. Leaving town rather than face Akin, Chantry is quickly branded a coward.Later, when hiring men to take his herd to the railroad, Chantry faces a dilemma: No one wants to make the long, dangerous ride with a leader of questionable courage. So when French Williams, a shrewd and ruthless cattleman, makes Chantry an offer, Tom reluctantly accepts his unusual terms: Tom must remain with the drive from start to finish. If he fails to do so, the entire herd will belong to French.Tom quickly learns that life is not going to be made easy for him. The first man French hires is Dutch Akin.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    In Lonely on the Mountain, Louis L'Amour's solitary wandering Sackett brothers make a stand together-to save one of their own.The rare letters Tell Sackett received always had trouble inside. And the terse note from his cousin Logan is no exception. Logan faces starvation or a hanging if Tell can't drive a herd of cattle from Kansas to British Columbia before winter. To get to Logan, he must brave prairie fires, buffalo stampedes, and Sioux war parties. But worse trouble waits, for a mysterious enemy shadows Sackett's every move across the Dakotas and the Canadian Rockies. Tell Sackett has never abandoned another Sackett in need. He will bring aid to Logan-or die trying.

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

  • - A Novel
    av Louis L'Amour

    “You’re not wanted in Hattan’s Point,” Matt Brennan was told moments after arriving in town. “There’s trouble here and men are picking sides.” But Matt decided he wasn’t going anywhere. Not until he found out what the dispute was about, and not before he got to know Moira Maclaren. She considered him nothing more than a drifting ranch hand, but Matt was determined to prove her wrong. To do so, he’d have to solve a mystery that was at the center of the growing violence in Hattan’s Point–a secret that could make a man rich . . . or dead. Probably dead.

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