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Bøker av Luis Vega

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  • - A People of Signs and Wonders
    av Luis Vega

    What is the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble"? Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire 'Trouble'. One can argue that since Israel's Modern 'Re-Birth' in 1948, there has been nothing but 'Trouble'. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years. A Triangulation of Factors that will help explain this Prophecy and Time of Trouble for Jacob or Israel will be based on Astronomical, Geo-Political, and Eschatological Framework. The various Pieces of Research over the Years, will demonstrate how End Times Astronomical above and Geo-Political Events are signaling the soon Beginning of the Last Week that will conclude Jacob's Discipline. It will involve the Promised Land, Jerusalem and the 3rd Temple, in that Prophetic Order of their Destruction and subsequently of their Reconstitution. The World to come after the End of the Church Age that is concluded by the Rapture Event will initially rally around the Rebuilt Temple, Jerusalem as the Promised Land becomes the Center of the World's Religion, Money, Media, Military and Medical Nexus of Control. But Israel, the People of 'Signs and Wonders', will once again find itself in the Fiery Furnace where its Faith will be Tested, and sadly a Holocaust 2.0 is foretold in the Book of Zechariah. In part, the 'Troubles' of Jacob will be due to how they will accept a False Jewish Messiah 'Savior', whom they will make a 'Pack' with the Devil' and 'Death', per Isaiah. Things will not go well because of this, as not only Jacob will be Double-Crossed, but the entire World on the brink of Extinction. Consider a purchase of this Book for one's Personal Study or to give to others as a Gift. Please leave a Rating to help Support this Type of Research.

  • - Omens of National Judgments
    av Luis Vega

    The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc. The Research explores each of the 3 Great American Eclipse, that were Total Solar Eclipses as it pertained to its Astronomical Significance, Geo-Political Correlations and most importantly, its Spritely Diagnosis and Prognostication. The Eclipses occurred, 1st in the Constellation of Leo and was connected to the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017. The 2nd Eclipse occurred in the Constellation of Virgo and the Eclipse produced a Spectacular Wedding Ring Effect. Then lastly, the Final and 3rd Eclipse occurred in the Sign of Pisces. Where are these all Coincidences? One will present Circumstantial Evidence that suggests these were in fact how the GOD of Israel, of Creation set for the Signs of Omens of Judgment in the Sun, Moon and Starts. One is convinced that the 3 Great American Eclipses were Omens of National Judgment that caused a Division upon the Land as the Spirits of Ancient Goddesses and Baphomets came in to fill in the Vacuum of a Nation once dedicated to Biblical Law and Living. What does this National Judgment look like? What has become of America's Prominence and Position in the World? What is the State of the Churches in this Last Chapter of the Once Great and Mighty United States of America? Purchase a Copy for one's Personal Study or to give to others as a Gift. Please leave a Review to help support this Type of Research.

  • - Days Before the Great Escape
    av Luis Vega

    What is the Rapture Event? Is it Real? Will it Happen? Is it Pre, Pre-Wrath, Mid or Post-Tribulation? These are the many Questions this Book will attempt to answer. One will be presenting Circumstantial Evidence based on the Biblical Narrative and Scriptural Typologies in both the Old and New Testaments. One will also incorporate the various Factors of both Astronomical and Geo-Political Nuances that signal just how soon the Event is to occur. Why is the Topic of the Rapture relevant to Today's everyday Life? According to one's Biblical Interpretation, this Event will close-out the Church Age that will lead the World into the most Terrible and Horrible Time in Human History, called the Tribulation Period. This is how Jesus described it. It will be that if He does not Return to stop Humanity from Self-Destruction, 'No Flesh would be left Alive'. The Rapture Event will lead to the initiation of the Completion of Daniel's 70th Week of Years. This 7-Year Tribulation Period is how long Humanity will have before the Return of Jesus. Purchase a Hardcopy for one's Personal Study or to give to others. Leave a Rating to help support this Type of Research.

  • - Why the World will Believe in the False Narrative
    av Luis Vega

    If 'Aliens' were to 'Return' to Earth and 'Show-up', what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Why not? It has been 'Reserved' or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been 'Officially' Released or made already, especially since World War 2, the Explanation of 'Who did it' and 'What happened', would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer when Millions of People and Children will 'Be Taken' from off the Face of the Earth. According to the Bible, such Entities are either Fallen Angels in a Rebel Alliance with Lucifer. And that Demons or Disembodied Spirits are the By-Products of Hybridization Interferences between Fallen Angels and Human Women, etc. To a large part, it will be because of how Humanity has been Conditions, Programed, Controlled and Dumbed-Down to a Point that they have been reduced to Modern Day Serfs. So, if curious about one's Take on the 'Alien Rapture', do read about what Circumstances will lead to why the Lie of an 'Alien' Rapture Narrative will be Believed. Purchase a Copy for one's Personal Study and Reference or to give to another. Please leave a Review to help Support this Type of Research.

  • - Rapture Rendezvous
    av Luis Vega

    The Bible describes that when the Rapture Event happens, it will coincide with a 'Sudden Destruction'. What is that? Will it be a Nuclear Exchange? Will it be World War 3 or a Regional Conflict? The purpose of this Book is to investigate and present possible Scenarios of the Signs that have occurred Above and Below. What are those Signs about? The Signs Above pertain to the Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars. The Signs Below pertain to the Geo-Political Events that center around Israel in particular. Why Israel? Israel is the Fig Tree Generation that is the 'Prophetic Countdown Clock' that will end with the Rapture. Review the Evidence provided will show just how close the End of the Church Age is at Hand. Consider a Purchase for Self-Study or a Gift for others. Please leave a Review to Support this Type of Research.

  • - Order out of Chaos
    av Luis Vega

    When will the New World Order begin? When will the Biblical AntiChrist Rise to Rule the World? The Bible calls this coming Globalist Government, the 'Whore of Babylon'. The purpose of this Book is to present an Array of Comprehensive Studies spanning over a Decade of Eschatological Research suggesting that the Fall of 2025 is the probable Year of the start of the 7-Year Tribulation Period that will realize all of this. Given this Timeline Scenario, one surmises that the Rapture Year has to be prior to the Fall of 2025. Based on this Assertion, one is more convinced that the Summer Wheat Type of Harvest would correlate to the Acts 2 Pentecost Summer New Wine Feast for 2024. This is to suggest the 70th Week of Years, per the Prophet Daniel, will see the Rise of the Whore Babylon System take shape. It will be a Time where the Biblical Notion of the Mystery of Iniquity will be Fully Realized and Achieved. In part, it is the Revelation and Acceptance of what the Masons deem, the 'Pure Doctrine of Lucifer' that will be out in the open. Why? The False Religious System will fill-in the Vacuum left by the Rapture of the Bride of Christ that proceeds the coming Advent of the Man of Sin. It will be the AntiChrist that will Epitomize the Whore of Babylon. He will Unite the World in a Final Attempt to finish the 'Tower of Babel' to then overthrow YHVH and prevent the return of Jesus Christ from setting up His Kingdom on Earth. Consider a Purchase for Self-Study or to give to a Friend. Please leave a Review to help Support this Type of Research.

  • - Blood Moon Omens
    av Luis Vega

    Are Blood Moons Omens of Doom? Are they Biblically Prophetic? The purpose of this Book is to provide a Retrospective and Comprehensive Study of the Tetrad and Blood Moon Sequences that occurred since 1949 that suggest a Prophetic Reconstitution of Israel, Jerusalem and the eventual 3rd Temple. This will all be based on over 15 Years of studying the Tetrad Phenomena, to suggest they are tied to the Timing of the End of the Church Age, and the Start of Daniel's 70th Week. The various studies provided will look back at how the Blood Moon Tetrads sparked a renewed interest in Biblical Prophecy of the Last Days. Such Celestial Signs are heralding the Convergence of the Fulfillment Jesus prescribed would be Destroyed but then Reconstituted to be in place when He would Return. It is about the Jews being back in the Promised Land, the Recapture of Jerusalem. What is yet to complete this Trifecta of Israel's Redemption is the Rebuilding of the 3rd Temple. And the Tetrad Pattern suggests this and when. Purchase a Copy for Personal Study or to give to others Please leave a Review to help support such type of Research.

  • - Jerusalem Invasion 2032
    av Luis Vega

    When will Armageddon Begin? The purpose of this Book is to investigate and ascertain the possible Prophetic Variables that will lead to the ultimate Battle of Armageddon. The Presumption is that certain Events in the Middle East, in particular, have been building-up to this Apocalyptic Event that will involve all the Nations of the World. It is about the Redemption of Israel and the Return of the King, Jesus Christ. Although the topic of Armageddon has a multitude of possible Themes to consider, only certain Aspects relevant to the Theory of its Biblical Fulfillment and Interpretation will be examined. Consider a Purchase for Personal Study or to give to others as a Gift. Please leave a Review to help Support this type of Research.

  • av Luis Vega

    How many more Wars will Israel have to Fight? Will Israel ever have 'Peace and Security'? The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting 'Drunk' over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was deliberately placed at the Center of Humanity. That is what Jerusalem is all about, has been, is and will be. It is about Control. It is about having Power over the Promised Land, Jerusalem and the Temple. Why? Having control of all these Facets gives one the potential to Control the Heavenly Promised Land, the New Jerusalem and the Temple that equally has such a Constitution.This Book will present various Arguments, Assessments and Commentary from several Aspects. Foremost, the Context and Background will be that from an Evangelical Christian Perspective. This included the End of the Church Age that is to be concluded by the Rapture Event. Then one will filter the various Geo-Political Assessments, based on one being a Political Scientist by Degree. One has also had the Opportunity to travel to the Middle East, to both the Jewish State and an Arab Muslim State.One will also offer some Military Perspectives, as one had another Opportunity to participate in the Israeli Sar El Program that partners with the Israel Defense Force, IDF. One had a 1st Hand Perspective 'Behind IDF Battle Lines'. It was an Invaluable Experience that one will incorporate when presenting the following Assessments, Arguments and Commentary about why Israe still has 3 Major World Wars to Fight. Purchase a Copy for one's Personal Study and Reference or as a Gift to give to another. Please leave a Review to help Support this type of Research.

  • av Luis Vega

    When did the Pentecost of Acts 2 occur? Is this 'Pentecost' the same as the Feast of the Jewish 'Shavuot'? What if nearly 2000 Years of Church History has been wrong about this? What if, in fact there are 3 'Shavuots', which just mean a Counting of 7 Weeks or 49 Days? What if the Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16 has been Obfuscated to not reveal that there is a 'Double-Count' of 49+1 Day and then a Subsequent Counting of 50 Days? What if this New Understanding of when Pentecost of Acts 2 actually coincided with the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine? Why is this Topic of importance? It could very well be the Clue to the Timing of the Rapture that will conclude the Church Age Commission and Witness to Jesus.The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of 'Discovery' into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, and thus the Pentecost of Acts 2 occurred. But then, which Calendar? There are the Enochian, Solar and Essene Calendars that are hinged upon the start of the Spring Equinox. This is what one does prefer to take into account. However, within this Solar Calendar, there is a Discrepancy as to what constitutes the New Month, the New Year, etc. In this regard, one will explore and use the various Calendar Start Dates to plot-out the 99 Day Count. The other major Discrepancy has to do, also with Leviticus, of how the Count is determined from the 'Marrow after the Sabbath'.The Evidence provided will show how that plays-out in determining the True Day of the Acts 2 Pentecost or 2nd Shavuot'. Lastly, the other main way of deterring the Shavuot, at least the 1st one, that the Jews and Christians agree is the Shavuot of the initial 49 Days or Count of 7, 7's is based on the 'Counting of the Omer'. However, with the New Understanding of the Temple Scrolls found among the Dead Sea Scroll, there is ample Evidence to collaborate the Notion that in fact, there were 3 Feasts of the First Fruit, beyond the Week of Passover.

  • av Luis Vega

    What happened to the Revelation 12 Sign? Was it all just 'Hype'? In part, it was made out to be that, unfortunately. It did raise Awareness to the Nearness of the Rapture as it was a Type, and still is, but in what Year? As one often says about Biblical Prophecy, 'The Sign is not the Event'. But Prophecy is Pattern. So, the Celestial Sign was and is about the Rapture Event. This Book is also the Sequel to one's Original Research one, titled:'The Great Sign of Virgo'. ISBN: 1716360773.The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle the Amazing Astronomical Sign that one has Researched since it was 'Discovered' way before anyone would have suspected its Prophetic Impact on September 23, 2017, and Beyond. This Book will discuss the 'Beyond' of what happened with the Signs as one has observed its various Nuances over the Years since then.One will be presenting various Articles as to how one is more convinced that the Revelation 12 Sign is indeed the 'Sign of the Rapture' for the Bride of Christ. But it is also the Sign for the Remnant that will escape the 'Red Dragon' or the AntiChrist that will seek to Destroy her. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. One is now more convinced, after nearly 15 Years of Researching the Sign, that it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture that will conclude the Church Age.One argues that, although the High Rapture Watch Years approach, one is considering the Summer New Wine Wheat Season as the most likely Rapture Timing Window. As most who study the End Times can attest, there is a Transition back to Israel, as the World seems to be fixated in the Middle East. It will draw in the entire World as that is what Prophecy foretells will exactly Happen. And it has to do with the Revelation 12 Sign that will Front and Center, dissecting the 2 Halves of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.It is at that Time that then the Witness of Jesus on Earth will revert back to the Economy of Israel. And this will be mainly accomplished by the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists and the 2 Witnesses. Thus, if the Revelation 12 Sign was and is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture of the Bride of Christ, and when the Abomination of Desolation is to occur, at the 2029 Mid-Point, that is being based on a 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline. Consider a Purchase for Personal Study or as a Gift to others. Please leave a Review to help Support one's Work into this Type of Research.

  • av Luis Vega

    What is Heaven like? Many have had Out of Body Death Experiences and Describe Heaven with the Most Pleasant of Sights, Smells, Animals, Scenery, etc. But in terms of its Structure, how is it Configured? What Measurement Standard is being used? Are there Clues as to how it is Configured and what are its Dimensions, perhaps? Yes. Biblically Speaking, the Bible do provide a Patchwork of Data Points that this Book will seek to Investigate and Present as Evidence. This Book is a Compilation Book of many Articles on this Subject that will be based in the Context of a Biblical World View and Filter. But primarily the Working Thesis, is that Heaven, wherever that may be, is Configured to the Orion Constellation Outline and Motif. And that Primarily, at the Core of Heaven, there are 3 Main Structures that Triangulate with each other Correspond to the GOD-Head. The Hypothesis is that this Original is then Mirrored on other Levels or Planes of Existence or even Dimensions. The 1st Level is Heaven itself. Then there is the Heavenlies or the Cosmic, wherein Orion is situated as the Template. Lastly, the Motif is Replicated on Earth, as it is in Heaven, and even on other Planets, such as Mars, This Book will bring these Triangulations out for Consideration. So, why is this Orion Pattern and Mars Triangulation found on Earth? One is only providing Circumstantial Evidence from what can be Discerned on Earth, mainly using the Triangulation found on most Ancient Sacred Sites. One has used Google Earth to verify over 400 Earth Sacred Sites, that have such a similar Triangulation. What one has done is to then Reverse Engineer the 2 Levels being Mirrored on Earth, to Substantiate the 3rd Level, to be found, perhaps in Heaven itself. This takes into consideration the Orion Template on Earth, then the 3 Temple Triangulation on Cydonia, Mars, then in in the Orion Constellation to Surmise that, perhaps, Heaven itself is configured to. The Primary Clue will be Jerusalem. Why? It is where the Name of the Creator, YHVH, has placed His Name on Earth. And if the Logic would follow, if the Earthly Jerusalem is Laid-Out like Orion, and the Heavy Jerusalem is what the Earthly one is Mirrored to, then this is what the Book will present, as only Possible Inference to consider and study that it could very well be the case.

  • av Luis Vega

    When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one's Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to 'Convince' anyone, or to 'Prove' the Year, as that is beyond one's Ability. However, to Ascertain if 32 AD was the Year, one has used a Triangulation Approach to search this out. Most, if not all other Researchers into this Question do not consider any research beyond the mere Historical Data Points. The Triangulation Approach considers, not only the Historical Inferences to a 32 AD Possible Crucifixion Year of Jesus, but Incorporates the Astronomical and Archaeological Inferences as well, that one has studied over the Years about this Question. Why is the Year so Important that a whole Book is to be Published about it? One will Demonstrate throughout Reading that the Material strongly suggests, that by Knowing Jesus' Year of Death, Resurrection and Start of the Church Age, it can possible lend to a Timeline of when the Church Age is to End with the next Schedule Order of the Resurrection to include the Rapture is to occur. And it would also suggest, when the Last Week of Human History before Jesus' Return is to Begin, i.e., Daniel's 70Th Week of 7 Years, or the Tribulation Period. To this End, this Book is a Compilation of Research Articles and Material that span over a Decade's worth of Research, and it is one's Best Attempt and Compiling the Material into one Cohesive Reading. Consider the Circumstantial Evidence, why one is More Convinced, that the True Crucifixion Year of Jesus was in 32 AD, It was not only 1 of the most Important Days in Human History on Earth, but also 1 of the most Important Events in Heaven. Purchase a Copy for one's Personal Study or to give to others. Please leave a Rating to help support this type of Research.

  • av Luis Vega

    Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. The Book will delve into how World Events will narrow-down, eventually towards the Middle East, Israel, Jerusalem and the coming 3rd Temple. One will present the various 'Pieces of the Puzzle' to try to convey, that the World is fast approaching what Jesus Warned would be the Tribulation Shadow, of the Last 7-Years on Earth, before His Return. It will be a Biblical Convergence of a World Economic, Social, Medical and Military Collapse, just to name a few. One will argue that it is a Luciferian Ploy to bring down the Current Order, so as to have their New One Rise from its Ashes. Welcome to the Apocalypse.

  • av Luis Vega

    Is there Life on Mars? Are there really Ancient Pyramid Structures? If so, who Built them? What is Mars' Past History? The purpose of this Book is to present a Thrilling Full Length, Science Fiction Storyline about the Adventures of several Human Astronauts and their A.I. Android who travels to Mars in Script Format. There are 2 Astronauts that are former Israel Defense Force IDF Soldiers. The Ultimate Mission of the Teams being sent to Mars, is to establish a Permanent Human Colony. But Plans change as an Invasion of Earth has to be dealt with. This Piece of Work, presented in Script Format, was largely composed by using the latest online A.I. Open-Source Software, ChatGPT by This Novel will be perhaps, at the Time of Publication, 1 of the 1st Full Length Science Fiction, A.I. Generated Books ever Published, if not the 1st to be mostly written by A.I. All the Graphics, with some Editing were also done by using DALE-E A.I., that Generated the Artwork Online. This Full Length, Science Fiction Book, about going to Mars will be Biblically Contextualized for a Space Odyssey to the Red Planet. This Book is intended to raise the Curiosity of those interested in Space Exploration to other Planets and wonder about the Ancient Mystery Civilizations of the past and perhaps even in other planets. But also, anyone who Admires a good Space Novella will appreciate this attempt, using the latest A.I. Platforms. At the very end of this Book, there will be a Glossary of Terms. There will also be Maps of the actual Cydonia, Mars Region for Context and References.

  • av Luis Vega

  • av Luis Vega

    Why is Evil triumphing all over the World? The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has Risen in the World and in the USA in particular. And what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has Reversed and Undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. There has been a 'Spell' cast upon the USA and World to introduce a 'New Morality' based on Re-Definitions or Terms, Gender and what is Humanity, in preparation for the New Order that the World is being forced to Enter and Transition into. This Spirit of Transformation or 'Reset' is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval of Evil and is functioning as a 'Controlled Demolition' of Humanity that is occurring in the World and in the USA through a Medical Tyranny, that will spell the 'End' the present World Order. Prepare to be Re-Defined and Re-Assigned, or else.

  • - Doomsday Signs of the End Times
    av Luis Vega

    What is the ¿Beast¿? Who is or will be the ¿Beast¿? Why does the Bible call this coming Man, the ¿Beast¿? The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Lucifer¿s AntiChrist has risen in the World and about to make his Great Debut. The Book will present several chapters with an Emphasis on how Prophetic Variable such as Astronomical Time Markers, End of the Church Age with the Rapture, and the Orchestrated COVID Tyranny will result in the eventual Mark of the Beast. It is a quest for Total World Domination, through a Full Spectrum Dominance of Mankind. Will the Beast succeed? What does Jesus have to say about this 'Beast'? Journey through this Book into Geo-Political, Astronomical and Biblical Evidence to ascertain the Debut of the Beast.

  • - The War In-Between Wars
    av Luis Vega

    Is the IDF the Greatest Military Force on Earth? The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle the Volunteer Experience through the Sar-El Program in Partnership with the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) at the Anatot Military Base outside Jerusalem, Israel. The following are items documenting the Short Incursion to Israel in November of 2019. Sar-El is the Hebrew Acronym for ¿Service to Israel¿. The Military Details consisted of Logistics with Furlough Weekends to Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv in one¿s case. Sar-El¿s purpose is to bring Supporters of Israel to Israel and contribute to the Security of Israel, in Israel.

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