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Bøker av Makan Soumare

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  • av Makan Soumare

    Our study focused on verifying the palatability of Opilia celtidifolia leaves. The phytochemical study revealed saponosides, oses and holosides, and mucilages that can be used as chemical markers for quality control of Opilia celtidifolia leaves.Numerous polyphenolic constituents showed strong free-radical scavenging activity in decoctate, suggesting a beneficial antioxidant activity for hepatoprotection.Daily administration of leaf decoctate at doses of 50mg/Kg, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg and Opilia celtidifolia decoctate orally for 37 days induced individual weight gain in rats. Decoctate at 200 mg/kg reduced transaminases (ALAT and ASAT) and blood glucose levels in rats. There was an increase in water consumption during the test, and an increase in GGT and uric acid.We therefore recommend repeating this study with the macerate. KEYWORDS: Traditional medicine, Opilia celtidifolia, appetizing activity.

  • av Makan Soumare

    Nashe issledowanie bylo poswqscheno prowerke wkusowyh kachestw list'ew Opilia celtidifolia. Fitohimicheskoe issledowanie wyqwilo saponozidy, ozy i golozidy, a takzhe mucilagi, kotorye mogut byt' ispol'zowany w kachestwe himicheskih markerow dlq kontrolq kachestwa list'ew Opilia celtidifolia.Mnogochislennye polifenol'nye komponenty pokazali sil'nuü antiradikal'nuü aktiwnost' w dekoktate, chto goworit w pol'zu antioxidantnoj aktiwnosti, poleznoj dlq gepatoprotekcii.Ezhednewnoe wwedenie dekoktata list'ew w dozah 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg i 200 mg/kg i dekoktata Opilia celtidifolia peroral'no w techenie 37 dnej priwodilo k uwelicheniü wesa krys. Dekoktat w doze 200 mg/kg wyzwal snizhenie urownq transaminaz (AlAT i AsAT) i glikemii u krys. Vo wremq ispytaniq nablüdalos' uwelichenie potrebleniq wody, a takzhe powyshenie urownq GGT i mochewoj kisloty.Poätomu my rekomenduem powtorit' äto issledowanie s maceratom. KLJuChEVYE SLOVA: narodnaq medicina, Opilia celtidifolia, appetitnaq aktiwnost'.

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