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Bøker av Margaret Habashy

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  • av Margaret Habashy

    Writing about the Christian life, the Apostle Paul uses the metaphor of running in a race. Athletes all around the world appreciate the value of personal coaching. The same applies to each of us in the game of life with its challenges and uncompromising demands. As Christians our life is centered by our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Spirit within us. God the Father has given each of us strengths to equip us to fulfill our life purpose and callings. If we are to excel and be the best we can be, we cannot escape the need for the training and coaching in the critical aspects of our life. We are most grateful for the many people who invested in coaching us through challenges and various stages of life. Without their investment we could not have played our coaching roles or provided the thoughts in this booklet. We have written these pages through our own experience and the experience of clients we have served over the past many years. This booklet is written to encourage and foster coaching relationships in the church and community. Dr. Albert Winseman, pastor, author and Senior Executive says, "Everyone needs a coach and every one can coach." The Bible tells us that "as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17. Christ Centered Coaching is at the heart of making disciples of Jesus Christ. He has set the model for us. We have just provided some simple tools.

  • av Margaret Habashy

    They say that life is like a roll of toilet paper; it moves faster as you get closer to the end. Sometimes before you know it, you may find it is too late to take care of unfinished business.Don't let this happen to you.________________________________________"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7________________________________________For those in the golden years this book will help you live life to the fullest and finish well.-Part One challenges you to use your God- given talents in creating your golden years.-Part Two provides questions, thoughts, and tips to help you finish well.

  • av Margaret Habashy

    Do you ever wonder why some people find work enjoyable, energizing, and fulfilling while some struggle to make it to the end of a work day?Do you personally have days when everything seems to go your way? Tasks are easy and responsibilities are a joy. And then there are days when you seem to struggle to get anything done. Work piles up and you end the day worse than when you started. Why?According to research by the Gallup organization, 87% of those surveyed do not have an opportunity to consistently play to their strengths and do what they love to do. Why? Peter Drucker, the great thought leader of the 20th century, suggests that most people do not know their strengths and those who think they do are often wrong. -Do you know your strengths? -Are you playing to your strengths?The Strengths Workshop seeks to help you find the answers. Finding the answer will help you find the abundant and fulfilling life Jesus talked about in John 10:10. Pastor Max Lucado calls this "the sweet spot of life" and the Gallup Organization calls it "playing to your strengths."Based on the world renowned StrengthsFinder2.0 the objective of the Strengths Workshop is to help you know your strengths so you can play to your strengths, live in the sweet spot of life, enjoy the abundant life, and fulfill your life callings.

  • av Margaret Habashy

    Escribiendo sobre la vida cristiana, el apóstol Pablo usa la metáfora de correr en una carrera. Los atletas de todo el mundo aprecian el valor de entrenamiento personal. Lo mismo se aplica a cada uno de nosotros en el juego de la vida, con sus retos y demandas inflexibles.Como cristianos nuestra vida está centrada en nuestra relación con Jesucristo y Su Espíritu dentro de nosotros. Dios el Padre nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros las fortalezas que nos equipan para cumplir con nuestro propósito y llamamientos de vida. Si vamos a sobresalir y ser lo mejor que podemos ser, no podemos escapar a la necesidad de capacitación y entrenamiento en los aspectos críticos de nuestra vida.Este folleto está escrito para fomentar y promover las relaciones de entrenamiento en la iglesia y la comunidad. El Dr. Albert Winseman, pastor, autor y Ejecutivo Principal dice: "Todo el mundo necesita un entrenador y cada uno puede entrenar." La Biblia nos dice que "El hierro con hierro se afila, y un hombre aguza a otro." Proverbios 27:17. El Entrenamiento Centrado en Cristo está en el centro de hacer discípulos de Jesucristo. Él ha establecido el modelo para nosotros. Le hemos proporcionado solo algunas simples herramientas.

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