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Bøker av Mari Schuh

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  • av Mari Schuh

    Light comes from natural sources like the Sun. Light also comes from lightbulbs and candles. Read to learn about different sources of light.

  • av Mari Schuh
    127 - 195,-

    In this book young readers will discover what litter is, how it can harm the environment and what they can do to help clean it up! The book introduces readers to the problem of littering and how to keep it in its rightful place.

  • av Mari Schuh

    Thunder booms through the sky. Lightning flashes through the clouds. A thunderstorm is here. Find out the safest place to be and what to do as you ride out the storm.

  • av Mari Schuh

    A spinning column of air reaches down from a thunderstorm. As it touches the ground, a tornado is formed. Tornadoes can travel more than 100 kilometres per hour, and they destroy everything in their path. Find out how to prepare and stay safe when a tornado is heading your way.

  • av Mari Schuh

    Although hurricanes start far out to sea, they often reach land. Winds can whip to over 250 kilometres per hour. Trees, power lines and homes are easily blown over. Find out how to prepare yourself and your home for this natural disaster.

  • av Mari Schuh

    Choo choo! The train is here! A freight train carries coal. A commuter train carries many workers. Through delightfully simple text and bright, close-up photos, beginning readers will learn about train parts, types and uses.

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