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Bøker av Maria Grau

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  • av Maria Grau

    "Habâia una vez un pequeäno dragâon que se llamaba Pascual y que estaba triste porque no tenâi a fuego. Hasta que un dâia se hizo amigo de unos niänos de Olot y tuvo una idea: allâi habâia a volcanes tienen fuego. Quizâa podrâia bajar a buscarlo..."--Provided by publisher.

  • av Maria Grau

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: ¿ Quieres descubrir qué es lo que hace un bombero en su dí a a dí a? Todo el mundo conoce a Daniel el bombero, que tiene un camió n rojo y reluciente que se llama como é l. ¿ Quieres saber qué tipo de trabajo hace un bombero tan valiente y simpá tico como Daniel? Daniel el bombero es el primer cuento de la colecció n Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚ SCULA e imprenta, en españ ol, que está ordenada en funció n de la dificultad lectora, siendo el nÚ mero 1 el má s sencillo y el nÚ mero 9 el má s complejo. El texto es rimado y está escrito en ambos tipos de letra para facilitar el salto de una a la otra. En cada pá gina se encuentra el mismo texto dos veces: arriba en letra de imprenta y abajo en letra de PALO (mayÚ sculas). > LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL. SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Do you want to find out what a firefighter does on a daily basis? Everyone knows Daniel the fireman, who has a shiny red truck named after himself. Do you want to know what kind of work a firefighter as brave and friendly as Daniel does? Daniel, el bombero is the first title in the Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚ SCULA e imprenta collection, in Spanish, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the simplest and number 9 the most challenging. The text is rhymed and written in both fonts to make it easier to jump from one to the other. On each page the same text is found twice: at the top in lowercase letters and at the bottom in CAPITAL letters. > ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.

  • av Maria Grau

    Once upon a time, there was a little dragon named Pascual who was sad because he couldn't breathe fire. Until one day he became friends with some children from the town of Olot and they had an idea: there were volcanoes in the town, and volcanoes have fire. Fourth story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPER CASE and lowercase letters, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, with number 1 being the easiest and number 9 being the most challenging. Each page contains the same text: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (upper case). It enables capital letters and the change towards printed characters to be worked on. At the end of the book, you can discover a message to think about it. The collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty.

  • av Maria Grau

    Do you want to discover what a fireman does in his everyday life? Learn to read with Bernard, the fireman! Bernard the Fireman is the first story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPERCASE and lowercase letters, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the easiest and number 9 the most challenging. > Titles in the collection: 1) Bernard, The Fireman 2) Brave 3) Small, A Happy Grain Of Sand 4) The Fireless Dragon 5) Simba The Lion 6) The Pirate's Treasure 7) The Man With Three Hairs 8) The Yellow Car > The collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty.

  • - En letra MAYUSCULA y de imprenta
    av Maria Grau

    SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Esta es la historia de un perro perdido y peludo que siempre va muy sucio. Hasta que conoce a Ana, que lo limpia, le pone un nombre y lo convierte en su mejor amigo. ¡Guau, guau! ¡Que suerte he tenido! Valiente es el segundo cuento de la colección Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚSCULA e imprenta, en español, que está ordenada en función de la dificultad lectora, siendo el número 1 el más sencillo y el número 9 el más complejo. >Títulos de la colección: 1) Daniel, el bombero 2) Valiente 3) Pequeño, el granito de arena travieso 4) El dragón que no tenía fuego 5) Simba, el león 6) El tesoro de pirata 7) El hombre que tenía tres pelos 8) El coche amarillo > La colección está pensada para aprender a leer y se ordena en función de la dificultad lectora. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAÑOL. SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Brave is a shaggy little dog, very dirty because he's lost. Until he meets Ana, who becomes friends with him. Woof, woof! How lucky he's been! Valiente is the second story from the Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚSCULA e imprenta collection, in Spanish, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the easiest and number 9 the most challenging. >Titles in the collection: 1) Daniel, el bombero 2) Valiente 3) Pequeño, el granito de arena travieso 4) El dragón que no tenía fuego 5) Simba, el león 6) El tesoro de pirata 7) El hombre que tenía tres pelos 8) El coche amarillo > The collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty. ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.

  • av Maria Grau

    Brave is a shaggy and distracted puppy, very dirty because he's lost. Until he meets Ana, who becomes his friend. Woof woof! He's been so lucky! Brave is a rhyming story and the second title from the Learn to Read collection in CAPITAL LETTERS and lowercase, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the simplest and number 9 the most challenging. On each page you will find the same text twice: at the top in lowercase letters and at the bottom in uppercase letters. It allows reading in capital letters and makes the change towards lowercase easier. It allows working on the following values: - Solidarity - Responsibility > Collection titles: 1- Bernard, the Fireman 2- Brave 3- Small, a Happy Grain of Sand 4- The Fireless Dragon 5- Simba, the Lion 6- The Pirate's Treasure 7- The Man with Three Hairs 8- The Yellow Car 9- Long Trunk

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