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  • - La guia definitiva para influir y comprender el comportamiento humano, incluyendo tecnicas de manipulacion y formas de potenciar su inteligencia emocional
    av Mark Dudley

  • - Los secretos para mejorar su inteligencia emocional, habilidades sociales, carisma, influencia y autoconciencia, y consejos de comunicacion efectivos para persuadir a la gente
    av Mark Dudley

  • - Lo que necesita saber sobre influencia, manipulacion, psicologia oscura, inteligencia emocional, comportamiento humano, engano, negociacion, PNL, control mental y aptitudes sociales
    av Mark Dudley

    Si siempre ha querido ser influyente en el ámbito social y profesional, pero constantemente lucha por mantener el interés de los demás, entonces siga leyendo...¿Está harto de intentar siempre hacer lo correcto y tener éxito en los entornos sociales?¿Ha intentado un sinfín de soluciones, pero nada parece funcionar por más de unas semanas?¿Quiere finalmente decir adiós a las relaciones fallidas, a las ventas perdidas y a las luchas profesionales, y descubrir algo que funcione para usted?Si es así, entonces ha llegado al lugar correcto.Aprender a persuadir a otras personas para que lo aprecien o para que hagan lo que usted pide no tiene que ser difícil.Incluso si ya intentó ser una persona agradable y siempre escucha lo que dicen los demás y trata de ser la persona más agradable.De hecho, es más fácil de lo que usted piensa.Un informe realizado por el Business News Daily ha demostrado que la inteligencia emocional lo puede llevar al éxito en entornos sociales y profesionales.Y otro estudio afirmó que la persuasión puede obtener los resultados que desea, incluso al hacerlo de forma ética y justa.Lo que significa que usted puede obtener el éxito que desea en el trabajo sin renunciar a su integridad o su propia voluntad.Esta es solo una pequeña fracción de lo que descubrirá:Todo sobre la comprensión de las emociones y la empatía, y cómo son relevantes para obtener lo que deseaUna guía para leer el lenguaje corporal de otras personas con facilidad y claridadUna comprensión de lo que es la psicología oscura y cómo puede usarla para persuadir a otrosUna guía sobre la inteligencia emocional y cómo la información puede enseñarle a tener éxito profesional y social.Qué es la PNL y cómo se está usando para cambiar las mentesEl análisis del comportamiento humano y lo que esCómo influenciar y persuadir a otrosCómo evitar la manipulación, el engaño y el control mentalCómo negociar con éxito y cuándo no negociarCómo las habilidades sociales reales y su desarrollo pueden ser mucho más beneficiosas que cualquier otra cosa cuando se trata de conseguir lo que deseaY mucho, mucho más¡Tómese un segundo para imaginar cómo se sentirá cuando finalmente sea capaz de realizar su trabajo con éxito y destreza con sus recién descubiertas habilidades de persuasión e interacción social, y cómo reaccionarán al final su familia y amigos cuando su confianza se dispare!¡Adquiera este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la persuasión!

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking and Skyrocketing Self-Esteem, Confidence, Productivity, and Mental Toughness, Including 500 Daily Affirmations
    av Mark Dudley

    If you want to reach your fullest potential and feel better about yourself, then keep reading...Many of us go through life followed by that little voice in our head, who is our own worst enemy. We spend our days bullying ourselves, putting ourselves down and telling ourselves that we can’t do this, that we aren’t good enough, or that people don’t value us. That nasty little voice in your head may be telling you that you are stupid and not capable. You know differently, but it is hard to run away from it and the message it keeps telling you.Sadly, the negative little voice in our heads is a result of years of negative programming that started in our childhood. It might seem impossible to undo it; how can you possibly combat the decades of programming that your personality went through? Your parents, your teachers, your friends, and your siblings—they all played a role. This started in infancy and probably continues all the way to this day. Think of the way that it cuts emotionally when someone tells you that aren’t good enough or smart enough.In Self-Talk: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking and Skyrocketing Self-Esteem, Confidence, Productivity, and Mental Toughness, Including 500 Daily Affirmations, you are going to learn the specific steps that you need to adopt in order to overcome the negative programming that has been holding you back for years. In this book you’ll learn:Where negative self-talk comes from, and how we form habits and behaviors from it that are holding us back.Why self-love matters – how to have a positive attitude without being a narcissist.The levels of self-talk – learn how to step from negative to positive levels of self-talk.Stop the blame game – are you always blaming yourself or others for your circumstances? Learn how to stop using blame as an excuse and make real progress.Confronting negative self-talk – learn how to recognize negative self-talk when it happens, and learn how to replace it with positive self-talk.Fostering self-esteem – learn how to see yourself as worthy and important.Emotional intelligence – find out how you can use emotional intelligence to erase negative thoughts and feelings.Strengthen the mental muscle – get tough and have your own back, and learn how to fight through adversity.500 affirmations – this book includes 500 affirmations that you can select from to use daily, in order to foster positive thinkingAnd much, much more!If you need to overcome the negative self-talk that has been keeping you from living the most fulfilled life that you can possibly lead, then click the add to cart button now!

  • - An Essential Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking Into Positive Thinking and Increasing Your Confidence, Self-Discipline, Success, and Productivity
    av Mark Dudley

    If you've always wanted to achieve greatness in your life, but you struggle with negative thoughts or productivity, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Mindset: Unlocking the Power of Positive Thinking: Skyrocketing your Confidence, Success, Self-Discipline, Productivity, Focus,Self-Esteem, Mental Toughness, Social Intelligence and Leadership SkillsSelf-Talk: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking and Skyrocketing Self-Esteem, Confidence, Productivity, and Mental Toughness, Including 500 Daily AffirmationsAre you sick and tired of not feeling successful?Have you tried, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to long hours with no results? Do you want to discover something that works for you?If so, then you come to the right place.You see, success and greatness don't have to be difficult. Even if you've tried other methods of productivity or focus,you will find that the methods included in this book are easier than you think.An article in the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health speaks to how adopting a new mindset can improve your motivation and increase your success rate.Another article written at Stanford University discusses how changing your mindset is going to affect your ability to learn and improve your outcome in life.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Unlocking the power of positive thinking through learning how to approach each day with joy and enthusiasmSkyrocketing your confidence by learning how to control your own destiny and take responsibility for your successSuccess by learning to take responsibility for your life to decide how you want to live and what you believeHow to use the Law of Attraction to manifest wealth, health, and powerSelf-discipline that enables you to focus and improve your life, making it possible for you to manifest your destinyIncreased productivity by learning how to control your life, work, and relationshipsLearn how to completely reorganize your life to increase productivity and improve your outcomesIncrease your focus so that you are able to work more efficiently and effectivelyBoost your self-esteem so that you can gain the confidence that you need to take life in strideLearn how to be happier and less anxious by utilizing the effectiveness of visualization in your core beliefsUnderstand the concept of mental toughness and how by developing this skill, learning habits that boost your chances of successLearn how social intelligence gives you an advantage in the workplace and in lifeLeadership skills; What type of leader are you? What is your superpower?And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:Where negative self-talk comes from, and how we form habits and behaviors from it that are holding us back.Why self-love matters – how to have a positive attitude without being a narcissist.The levels of self-talk – learn how to step from negative to positive levels of self-talk.Stop the blame game – are you always blaming yourself or others for your circumstances? Learn how to stop using blame as an excuse and make real progress.Confronting negative self-talk – learn how to recognize negative self-talk when it happens, and learn how to replace it with positive self-talk.Fostering self-esteem – learn how to see yourself as worthy and important.

  • - Unlock Unconventional Habits for Real Productivity, Focus, and Self-Discipline and Discover How to Beat Procrastination Once and For All
    av Mark Dudley

    If you have always wanted to increase your productivity but are plagued with constant procrastination, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of not getting things finished when you would like to?Have you tried an endless number of solutions, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to procrastination and missed deadlines and discover something, which works for you?If so, then you have come to the right place.You see, managing your time wisely does not have to be difficult.Even if you have tried waking up earlier, setting multiple reminders or alarms, multitasking, and any other procrastination ‘solution’ that did not work.In fact, it is easier than you think.A study in Personality and Individual Differences demonstrated that procrastination is not a lack of willpower, but depends on if a person feels that something is important enough to do.And another study in The Journal of Psychology stated that time management training can help to lower avoidance behavior in employees.When means you can get more work done during the day without having to sacrifice your free time to make up for missed tasks.Here is just a tiny fraction of what you will discover:The 10+ ways to track how you use your timeThe 5+ best ways to pick your priorities for the weekWhy adding more things to your to-do list is hurting your progress–and what to do insteadHow to get more work done without using more time9+ ways to set up your environment to increase your productivityHow to save time with just one simple change in your routineA cool trick used by Mark Zuckerberg which helps you plan a productive workdayThe biggest mistake people make in trying to beat procrastinationThe 10+ best apps to help you with your productivity journeyAnd much, much more!Take a second to imagine how you will feel once you get tasks done one time, and how your family and friends will react when you are not always running late for things.Therefore, even if you are constantly procrastinating to the point that your work and family life is suffering, you can overcome your procrastination with the solutions found within these pages.In addition, if you have a burning desire to manage your time wisely and live a stress-free productive life, then scroll up and click “add to cart.”

  • - Unlocking the Power of Positive Thinking: Skyrocketing your Confidence, Success, Self-Discipline, Productivity, Focus, Self-Esteem, Mental Toughness, Social Intelligence and Leadership Skills
    av Mark Dudley

    If you've always wanted to achieve greatness in your life, but you struggle with negative thoughts or productivity, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of not feeling successful?Have you tried, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to long hours with no results? Do you want to discover something that works for you? If so, then you come to the right place.You see, success and greatness don't have to be difficult. Even if you've tried other methods of productivity or focus, you will find that the methods included in this book are easier than you think.An article in the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health speaks to how adopting a new mindset can improve your motivation and increase your success rate.Another article written at Stanford University discusses how changing your mindset is going to affect your ability to learn and improve your outcome in life.Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:Unlocking the power of positive thinking through learning how to approach each day with joy and enthusiasmSkyrocketing your confidence by learning how to control your own destiny and take responsibility for your successSuccess by learning to take responsibility for your life to decide how you want to live and what you believeHow to use the Law of Attraction to manifest wealth, health, and powerSelf-discipline that enables you to focus and improve your life, making it possible for you to manifest your destinyIncreased productivity by learning how to control your life, work, and relationshipsLearn how to completely reorganize your life to increase productivity and improve your outcomesIncrease your focus so that you are able to work more efficiently and effectivelyBoost your self-esteem so that you can gain the confidence that you need to take life in strideLearn how to be happier and less anxious by utilizing the effectiveness of visualization in your core beliefsUnderstand the concept of mental toughness and how by developing this skill, learning habits that boost your chances of successLearn how social intelligence gives you an advantage in the workplace and in lifeLeadership skills; What type of leader are you? What is your superpower?And much, much more!Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you achieve success and how your family and friends will react when you start living life on your own terms.Even if you are an unsuccessful, shy individual, you can achieve success with your mindset.If you have a burning desire to achieve success and live life on your own terms, then scroll up and click “Add to Cart”.

  • - Unlock the Secrets to an Emotional and Powerful Presentation, Overcome Fear, and Develop your Confidence, Communication Skills, Social Intelligence, Persuasion Ability, and Charisma
    av Mark Dudley

    If you want to master public speaking, then keep reading...You’re standing in front of a room full of people.The spotlight is on you. The crowd is waiting in pin-drop silence to hear what you are about to say. Your heart is pounding. You begin sweating.You’ve never felt so paralyzed with nerves and anxiety —this moment, here, when you are faced with the prospect of public speaking.Do you think you are the only one who feels this way? Guess again.Not everyone has natural public speaking skills, but it is something everyone can learn and master by practicing the right techniques.The answer is through a lot of hard work, countless practice sessions, plenty of experience, and having the right techniques up their sleeves. In other words, everything that you are about to discover throughout this book!Feeling at ease on stage is not an impossible dream if you long for it badly enough and put your mind to it. You will become a powerful, emotional public speaker full of confidence, communication skills, ability to persuade with charisma; audiences are not likely to forget you anytime soon.Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover:Being One with Your BreathPrepping Your Mind, Body, Soul, and VoiceTwo Power P’s – Pace and PauseHave You Been Listening to Your Tone?What’s Happening with Your Hands?The Language of the EyesGetting Over the Stage Fright HumpPush Without Being PushyYou’re Nearly ThereAnd much, much moreSo if you want to become an amazing public speaker, then scroll up and click “add to cart”.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Presentations, Persuasion, Communication, Small Talk and Increasing Your Overall Networking Skills
    av Mark Dudley

    Do you want to master public speaking and the art of networking?Two manuscripts in one book:Public Speaking: Unlock the Secrets to an Emotional and Powerful Presentation, Overcome Fear, and Develop your Confidence, Communication Skills, Social Intelligence, Persuasion Ability, and CharismaNetworking: Secrets to Highly Effective Small Talk, Persuasion, Conversation Starters, Emotional Intelligence, Body Language Habits, Influence, and Increasing Your Communication Skills with PeopleYou’re standing in front of a room full of people.The spotlight is on you. The crowd is waiting in pin-drop silence to hear what you are about to say. Your heart is pounding. You begin sweating.You’ve never felt so paralyzed with nerves and anxiety —this moment, here, when you are faced with the prospect of public speaking.Do you think you are the only one who feels this way? Guess again.Not everyone has natural public speaking skills, but it is something everyone can learn and master by practicing the right techniques.The answer is through a lot of hard work, countless practice sessions, plenty of experience, and having the right techniques up their sleeves. In other words, everything that you are about to discover throughout this book!Feeling at ease on stage is not an impossible dream if you long for it badly enough and put your mind to it. You will become a powerful, emotional public speaker full of confidence, communication skills, ability to persuade with charisma; audiences are not likely to forget you anytime soon.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Being One with Your BreathPrepping Your Mind, Body, Soul, and VoiceTwo Power P’s – Pace and PauseHave You Been Listening to Your Tone?What’s Happening with Your Hands?The Language of the EyesGetting Over the Stage Fright HumpPush Without Being PushyYou’re Nearly ThereAnd much, much moreSome of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:Understanding Business Networking and Its BenefitsTypes of Networking Events to AttendCreating a Networking PlanIdentifying Your PersonalityBuilding a Better PersonalBuilding ConfidenceBuilding CharismaBuilding a Positive MindsetTurning Small Talk into ConversationHow to Start Great Small Talk with AnyoneThe Five-Step Guide to General Small TalkUnderstanding Body LanguageBecoming a Better CommunicatorDeveloping Emotional IntelligenceBreaking Mental Barriers—an Introvert’s GuideDeveloping Your Persuasion SkillsDeveloping a Confident Sense of StyleUsing the Right Words to Connect with PeopleAnd much, much moreSo if you want to learn more about public speaking and networking, then scroll up and click “add to cart”.

  • - What You Need to Know About Influence, Manipulation Techniques, Dark Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Human Behavior, Deception, Negotiation, NLP, Mind Control, and Real Social Skills
    av Mark Dudley

    If you’ve always wanted to be influential in social and professional settings but have always struggled with keeping the interest of other people, then keep reading…Are you sick and tired of always trying to do what is right and succeed in social settings?Have you tried endless other solutions but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to failed relationships, lost sales, and professional struggles, and discover something which works for you?If so, then you’ve come to the right place.You see, learning how to persuade other people to like you or do what you are requesting doesn’t have to be difficult.Even if you’ve attempting to be the nice person and always listening to what other people say and trying to be the people pleaser.In fact, it’s easier than you think.A report done by Business News Daily has demonstrated that emotional intelligence can lead to success in social and professional settings.And another study stated that persuasion can get the results you want, even when done ethically and fairly.Which means you can get the success you want in the workplace without giving up your integrity or your own free will.Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:All about understanding emotions and empathy, and how they are relevant to getting what you wantA guide to reading the body language of other people easily and clearlyAn understanding of what dark psychology is and how you can use it to persuade othersA guide to emotional intelligence and how the information can teach you how to succeed professionally and sociallyWhat NLP is and how it is being used to change mindsHuman behavior-analysis and what it isHow to influence and persuade othersHow to avoid manipulation, deception, and mind controlHow to negotiate successfully, and when not to negotiateHow real social skills and developing them can be far more beneficial than anything else when it comes to getting what you wantAnd much, much moreTake a second to imagine how you’ll feel once you are finally able to perform your job successfully and skillfully with your newfound skills in persuasion and interacting socially, and how your family and friends will react when your confidence skyrockets as a result!So if you want to learn more about Persuasion, then scroll up and click “add to cart”!

  • - Unlock the Secrets to Boosting Your EQ, Social Skills, Charisma, Influence and Self Awareness, Including Highly Effective Communication Tips for Persuading People
    av Mark Dudley

    For a long time, you left your emotions at the door. It was a trend that meant that thinking and feeling were totally dissociated, without any connection. However, this trend is reversing more and more, and your emotional intelligence is now considered a real skill to develop.But why is this “EQ” an asset?Feelings and emotions are a real asset in our relationships with each other, and can also provide a huge boost for our success at work.On a personal level, being aware of your emotions makes it easier to channel and manage them. From a relationship point of view, developing your emotional intelligence at work allows for a better understanding of other people, better team spirit, and better productivity. Knowing how to identify your emotions is therefore essential in the understanding of others, but also of yourself, to be more aware of what you are doing and what you are projecting to the outside world.Emotional intelligence refers primarily to “the ability to regulate one's emotions and those of others, to distinguish them and to use that information to guide one's thoughts and actions.” Getting to know each other better is important for your well-being, but above all for knowing how you function, what you are looking for, and rejecting what does not benefit you.Your emotional intelligence will allow you to have a better professional performance by understanding your mode of operation. By knowing how to welcome and listen to your emotions, you will no longer be controlled by them, and you will be more able to lead a healthy lifestyle, working for example under stress but without letting it make you sick.If you need to manage your emotions better, and you don’t know where to start? This book right here has all the answers!Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:Emotions and IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence is Another Form of MindWhere Did the Emotions Come From?Five Key Skills for Developing Emotional IntelligenceAmplifier of Emotions of Joy – A Resource that Is Always with YouAnger Management – Emotional Resilience in ConflictManaging Fear, and How to Develop CourageSelf-Confidence – The Path from Uncertain Self-Esteem to Reliable Self-WorthLaughter Anatomy – How to Develop a Sense of HumorInspiration – Where Is Your Enthusiasm “Start” Button?Infected with a Sense of GuiltAnatomy of the Feeling of Resentment – The Recipe for Radical ForgivenessJealousyPoisonous EmotionsImproving Emotional ConsciousnessAnd much, much more!And if you have a burning desire to become the person you know you could be and master social interactions, then scroll up and click “add to cart”!

  • av Mark Dudley

  • av Mark Dudley & Dudley Mark Dudley

  • - Sometimes the Dew Reveals More Than What Is Expected
    av Mark Dudley

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