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Bøker av Martin Baker

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  • av Martin Baker

    Zwei Außerirdische beobachten auf ihren jeweiligen Heimatplaneten die Landung eines Raumfahrzeugs und versuchen, es zu erforschen. Im Inneren entdecken sie rätselhafte Experimente, die ihnen zeigen, dass die Welt sich nicht so verhält, wie sie es angenommen haben, und die ihr gesamtes Verständnis der Realität in Frage stellen. Die Vorgeschichte der Raumfahrzeuge enthüllt schließlich eine Bedrohung von galaktischem Ausmaß, die nur mit Hilfe der Quantenmechanik überwunden werden kann.Dieses Sachbuch in Form eines Science-Fiction-Romans führt erzählerisch und spannend in die Konzepte der Quantenmechanik ein. Zentrale Begriffe wie Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus, Verschränkung und Schrödingers Katze werden an nachvollziehbaren (Gedanken-)Experimenten erläutert.

  • av Martin Baker

    Martin Baker was born in Liverpool in 1961 and attended West Derby Comprehensive between 1972 and 1979. Four years later he graduated from the University of Bradford with some great friends and a first class honours degree in pharmacy. He moved to London and began a PhD which he never got round to completing. He now lives in Newcastle upon Tyne with his family and works in the IT services industry, where he spends most days dreaming of more creative employment.This is his first published collection.

  • - Transforming safeguarding in education
    av Martin Baker

    The safeguarding and child protection challenges in education have never been more complex, nor the legal duties on schools and colleges more stringent. The criminal and sexual exploitation of children, FGM, radicalisation and online safety are sadly all now part of the remit, as are self-harm and mental health issues. And these safeguarding challenges are found not only in urban communities, but also in leafy suburbs and rural idylls throughout the UK. The responsibility on safeguarding leads in schools, colleges and multi-academy trusts is huge, and Covid-19 (and its inevitable after-effects) has only added to the complexity.This book sets out how you can transform your safeguarding arrangements, with a strategic framework that will help you and your governing body or MAT board to develop and implement outstanding practice across your whole organisation. It is based on an 8-point strategic safeguarding model that will enable you to anticipate potential problems, deal with concerns more effectively, and build a robust safeguarding culture that is underpinned by a strong network of support, both internally and externally. Ultimately, this approach will support safeguarding leads in their vital role of protecting children; enable senior leaders, governors and trustees to provide appropriate leadership and support for safeguarding; help to improve the effectiveness of multi-agency working; and support educators in their vital work of preparing learners for life.

  • av Martin Baker

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