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Bøker av Mary Jane Sterling

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  • av Mary Jane Sterling

    Algebra ist für viele ein notwendiges Übel. Doch mit dem richtigen Wissen bewältigen Sie auch diese Herausforderung. Mary Jane Sterling erklärt Ihnen die grundlegenden Regeln zum Rechnen mit Brüchen und Wurzeln, wie Sie lineare und quadratische Gleichungen lösen und wie Sie mit Textaufgaben umgehen. So ist dieses Buch auch denjenigen ein treuer Begleiter, die Ihre Algebra auffrischen müssen. Wem Exponenten und der Satz des Pythagoras die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen und wem Buchstaben in Formeln den Schweiß auf die Stirn treiben, dem hilft dieses Buch auf einfache und humorvolle Art und Weise.

  • av Mary Jane Sterling

    Make trigonometry as easy as 1-2-3Believe it or not, trigonometry is easier than it looks! With the right help, you can breeze through your next trig class, test, or exam and be ready for your next math challenge. In Trigonometry For Dummies, you'll learn to understand the basics of sines, cosines, and tangents, graph functions, solve tough formulas, and even discover how to use trig outside the classroom in some cool and interesting ways.Ditch the confusing jargon and take a plain-English tour of one of the most useful disciplines in math. In this lifesaving guide, you'll learn how to:* Graph trig functions, including sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent functions* Understand inverse trig functions and solve trig equations* Relate triangles to circular functions and get a handle on basic identitiesSo, whether you're looking for an easy-to-use study guide, to boost your math grade, or get a refresher on some basic trig concepts after a long absence from studying, Trigonometry For Dummies is your ticket to understanding the mathematical mysteries of the triangle.

  • - 1,001 Practice Problems
    av Mary Jane Sterling

    Prepare for calculus the smart way, with customizable pre-calculus practice 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies offers 1,001 opportunities to gain confidence in your math skills.

  • av Mary Jane Sterling

    Your complete guide to acing Algebra II Do quadratic equations make you queasy? Does the mere thought of logarithms make you feel lethargic? You're not alone! Algebra can induce anxiety in the best of us, especially for the masses that have never counted math as their forte.

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