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Bøker av Matilda Walsh

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  • av Matilda Walsh

    The Ultimate Life Skills Guide for Kids: How to Thrive at Home, in School and Beyond!As children grow up, there is a lot to learn! From making friends, cooking, learning about the environment and setting goals, to managing time and stress, there are a lot of challenges and life experiences ahead of them. This book is a comprehensive guide to help kids build the confidence and self-reliance they need to succeed in school, at home, and in life, with fun exercises, real-life examples, and practical advice.Here are just some of the valuable life lessons you'll discover in this book:How to succeed at school, handy tips on doing your homework, setting goals, time management, and how to get help for ANY problem when you need it!Learn about the environment, how to grow vegetables and flowers, how to take care of your dog or cat, and start cooking some simple meals.Discover proven tips for making and maintaining friendships, as well as how to handle peer pressure, bullies and build lifelong friendships. Develop strong communication skills to express yourself clearly and assertively, in any situation. Plus find out how to stay safe online and deal with any type of emergency.Learn how to stay healthy, like eating well, exercising, trying yoga and taking care of yourself. Build self-confidence and determination to overcome obstacles and setbacks.And lots more...But what if you don't read a lot of books? Well, this book is jam packed full of interesting tips and cute illustrations that you're going to find impossible to put this book down. You'll even be a little bit sad when you turn the final page, it's got that many useful tips!So if you're a kid between the ages of 8 and 12 who wants to develop the skills you need to succeed in life, "101 Life Skills Every Kid Needs to Know" is the book for you. With practical advice, fun exercises, and real-world examples, this book is the perfect gift to help you build confidence and self-reliance. So don't wait any longer! Pick up a copy of "The 101 Life Skills Every Kid Needs to Know" and start your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

  • av Matilda Walsh

    La Guía Definitiva de Habilidades para la Vida para Niños: ¡Cómo Prosperar en Casa, en la Escuela y Más Allá!A medida que los niños crecen, ¡hay mucho que aprender! Desde hacer amigos, cocinar, aprender sobre el medio ambiente y establecer metas, hasta administrar el tiempo y el estrés, hay muchos desafíos y experiencias de vida por delante. Este libro es una guía completa para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar la confianza y la autosuficiencia que necesitan para tener éxito en la escuela, en casa y en la vida, con ejercicios divertidos, ejemplos de la vida real y consejos prácticos. Estas son solo algunas de las valiosas lecciones de vida que descubrirás en este libro:Cómo tener éxito en la escuela, consejos útiles para hacer la tarea, establecer metas, administrar el tiempo y cómo obtener ayuda para CUALQUIER problema cuando lo necesites.Aprende sobre el medio ambiente, cómo cultivar verduras y flores, cómo cuidar a tu perro o gato y comenzar a cocinar algunas comidas sencillas.Descubre consejos probados para hacer y mantener amistades, así como cómo manejar la presión de grupo, los acosadores y construir amistades duraderas.Desarrolla habilidades sólidas de comunicación para expresarte claramente y de manera asertiva en cualquier situación. Además, descubre cómo mantenerte seguro en línea y enfrentar cualquier tipo de emergencia.Aprende cómo mantenerte saludable, como comer bien, hacer ejercicio, probar el yoga y cuidarte.Desarrolla la autoconfianza y la determinación para superar obstáculos y contratiempos.Y mucho más...¿Y si no lees muchos libros? Bueno, este libro está lleno de consejos interesantes e ilustraciones lindas que te resultará imposible dejarlo. Incluso te sentirás un poco triste cuando llegues a la última página, ¡tiene tantos consejos útiles!Así que si eres un niño de entre 8 y 12 años que quiere desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en la vida, "101 habilidades para la vida que todo niño debe saber" es el libro para ti. Con consejos prácticos, ejercicios divertidos y ejemplos del mundo real, este libro es el regalo perfecto para ayudarte a desarrollar confianza y autosuficiencia. ¡No esperes más! Consigue una copia de "Las 101 habilidades para la vida que todo niño debe saber" y comienza tu viaje para convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo.

  • av Matilda Walsh

    ¡Felicidades, el día finalmente ha llegado! ¡Oficialmente eres un ADULTO! Lo cual es genial en teoría, pero quizás un poco más estresante en la práctica...Esto es lo que se te viene encima muy rápidamente...Vas a tener que aprender a cocinar, limpiar, encontrar un trabajo, arreglar tu coche, vivir lejos de casa y administrar tu dinero. Necesitarás comer las cosas adecuadas (lo siento, pero fideos 24/7 simplemente no será suficiente), destacar en la entrevista de trabajo, impresionar a tu jefe y arreglar tu neumático desinflado el lunes por la mañana para llegar a tiempo al trabajo o a la universidad. Idealmente, ganarás más dinero del que gastas, harás nuevos amigos, quizás incluso comenzarás tu propio negocio y crearás una vida que ames.¡Estas son todas las habilidades importantes para la vida que necesitamos saber como adultos y que NO nos enseñan en la escuela!Bien, ¡no te preocupes! Estás en el lugar correcto. Este libro compartirá contigo consejos y estrategias comprobadas para hacer de tus días de adultez los mejores días de tu vida.Con este libro, podrás esperar muchos años felices como un adulto exitoso y feliz. Así que compra una copia hoy.Un increíble regalo de graduación de preparatoriaEl libro también es el regalo perfecto para graduaciones de preparatoria, nuevos empleos y universidad. Está lleno de trucos para la vida adulta que ayudarán a tu hija, nieta, sobrina o amiga a tener éxito en el mundo.

  • av Matilda Walsh

    La guía definitiva de habilidades para la vida para adolescentes: Cómo tener éxito en la escuela, las relaciones y la vida.¡Ser adolescente no es fácil! Desde crecer, lidiar con la escuela, la presión de los compañeros y todo lo demás, es fácil sentirse abrumado e inseguro de uno mismo. ¡Pero no te preocupes! Aquí está 101 habilidades para la vida y consejos para adolescentes para ayudarte.Este libro es una guía completa para ayudar a los adolescentes a desarrollar las habilidades que necesitan para prosperar en casa, en la escuela, en todas las relaciones y en la vida. Con consejos prácticos, ejemplos del mundo real y sugerencias interesantes, este libro es indispensable para cualquier adolescente que quiera estar preparado para el futuro.Aquí hay algunas valiosas lecciones de vida que descubrirás en este libro:Cómo establecer metas, tener éxito en la escuela, hacer amigos, lidiar con la presión de los compañeros y los abusones.Explora recetas fáciles que puedes cocinar, consejos para una alimentación saludable, trucos para el refrigerador y consejos de limpieza.Consejos útiles para el cuidado personal, el ejercicio y la práctica de la atención plena.Aumenta la autoconfianza aprendiendo a amarte y aceptarte tal como eres.Descubre técnicas para manejar el estrés y la ansiedad de manera saludable, incluida la creación de hábitos saludables en las redes sociales, cómo enfrentar emergencias y tomar buenas decisiones.Desarrolla habilidades sólidas de comunicación para mejorar las relaciones con familiares y amigos.Cómo evitar errores importantes en la vida con el tabaco, el alcohol y las drogas.Desarrolla habilidades de educación financiera para manejar tu dinero, evitar o minimizar deudas y planificar tu futuro.Aprende cómo desarrollar una mentalidad de crecimiento y construir resiliencia para superar obstáculos.Y mucho más...¿Y si no tienes tiempo para leer un libro completo? ¡No hay problema! Cada capítulo se divide en secciones manejables, y hay muchos ejemplos y ejercicios para mantenerte comprometido y DISFRUTANDO de los consejos que puedes implementar hoy.Entonces, si eres un adolescente que busca desarrollar las habilidades que necesita para tener éxito en la escuela, las relaciones y más allá, no dudes en tomar este libro. Con consejos prácticos, ejercicios interesantes y ejemplos del mundo real, este libro es la herramienta perfecta para ayudarte a alcanzar tu máximo potencial. Y también es el regalo perfecto para adolescentes. Entonces, ¿qué estás esperando? Comienza a leer hoy.

  • av Matilda Walsh

    The Ultimate Life Skills Guide for Kids: How to Thrive at Home, in School and Beyond!As children grow up, there is a lot to learn! From making friends, cooking, learning about the environment and setting goals, to managing time and stress, there are a lot of challenges and life experiences ahead of them. This book is a comprehensive guide to help kids build the confidence and self-reliance they need to succeed in school, at home, and in life, with fun exercises, real-life examples, and practical advice.Here are just some of the valuable life lessons you'll discover in this book:How to succeed at school, handy tips on doing your homework, setting goals, time management, and how to get help for ANY problem when you need it!Learn about the environment, how to grow vegetables and flowers, how to take care of your dog or cat, and start cooking some simple meals.Discover proven tips for making and maintaining friendships, as well as how to handle peer pressure, bullies and build lifelong friendships. Develop strong communication skills to express yourself clearly and assertively, in any situation. Plus find out how to stay safe online and deal with any type of emergency.Learn how to stay healthy, like eating well, exercising, trying yoga and taking care of yourself. Build self-confidence and determination to overcome obstacles and setbacks.And lots more...But what if you don't read a lot of books? Well, this book is jam packed full of interesting tips and cute illustrations that you're going to find impossible to put this book down. You'll even be a little bit sad when you turn the final page, it's got that many useful tips!So if you're a kid between the ages of 8 and 12 who wants to develop the skills you need to succeed in life, "101 Life Skills Every Kid Needs to Know" is the book for you. With practical advice, fun exercises, and real-world examples, this book is the perfect gift to help you build confidence and self-reliance. So don't wait any longer! Pick up a copy of "The 101 Life Skills Every Kid Needs to Know" and start your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

  • av Matilda Walsh

    Congratulations, you're a high school teacher! But you're exhausted, stressed and under pressure. You've got stuck in a rut and your non-existent work-life balance is giving you a headache. Before you can take care of your students properly, you KNOW you need to take care of yourself! Something has to change.So the question is, what's next?The good news is that you're in the right place. This book will share with you the proven tips & strategies to help you de-stress, improve your health and get your mojo back at home and in the classroom. You'll set up a practical self-care routine that will boost your energy levels and your happiness. Uncover how to finally centre your priorities and life as a teacher, without burning yourself out!USEFUL TIP: A fun way to implement these strategies is to set up a book club with friends, and follow the steps together!InSelf Care for High School Teachersyou'll discover: The #1 reason high school teachers need to learn to set boundaries and say no.The daily way you can reduce burn-out by doing nothing - which works for all teachers!How adding ONE common item to your diet can boost your energy levels in the classroom, improve your skin and make you look energized and refreshed.The #1 lifestyle change you can start TODAY to reduce stress and lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease.5 simple ways to outsource your home chores, change your behavior and get your time back.The #1 health power check all high school teachers and education professionals need to do this year.How to declutter your email, wrangle your social media and unplug to gain digital headspace, even if you check your phone 10 times a day.How to grow your circle of friends and feel connected and happier, even if you're an introvert.The easy way to improve your eating habits and health, without giving up the food you love, without a lot of discipline needed!How meditation and mindfulness can reduce stress at home and in school.3 fun methods to exercise more each week, even if you hate working out or you drive to work for proactive health management..And tons more proven de-stressing and anti-burnout tips and tricks in this handbook!With this book you'll be able to look forward to many happy years as a healthy and happy high school teacher. So grab a copy today.An awesome new job gift.The book is also the perfect thoughtful gift for high school teachers for birthdays, Christmas and family celebrations! It's packed full of useful tips, strategies, approaches and ideas to help your friend or family member survive and thrive in their school role.

  • av Matilda Walsh

    Congratulations, you're a middle school teacher! But you're exhausted, stressed and under pressure. You've got stuck in a rut and your non-existent work-life balance is giving you a headache. Before you can take care of your students properly, you KNOW you need to take care of yourself! Something has to change.So the question is, what's next?The good news is that you're in the right place. This book will share with you the proven tips & strategies to help you de-stress, improve your health and get your mojo back at home and in the classroom. You'll set up a practical self-care routine that will boost your energy levels and your happiness. Uncover how to finally centre your priorities and life as a teacher, without burning yourself out!USEFUL TIP: A fun way to implement these strategies is to set up a book club with friends, and follow the steps together!In Self Care for Middle School Teachers you'll discover: The #1 reason middle school teachers need to learn to set boundaries and say no.The daily way you can reduce burn-out by doing nothing - which works for all teachers!How adding ONE common item to your diet can boost your energy levels in the classroom, improve your skin and make you look energized and refreshed.The #1 lifestyle change you can start TODAY to reduce stress and lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease.5 simple ways to outsource your home chores, change your behavior and get your time back.The #1 health power check all middle school teachers and education professionals need to do this year.How to declutter your email, wrangle your social media and unplug to gain digital headspace, even if you check your phone 10 times a day.How to grow your circle of friends and feel connected and happier, even if you're an introvert.The easy way to improve your eating habits and health, without giving up the food you love, without a lot of discipline needed!How meditation and mindfulness can reduce stress at home and in school.3 fun methods to exercise more each week, even if you hate working out or you drive to work for proactive health management..And tons more proven de-stressing and anti-burnout tips and tricks in this handbook!With this book you'll be able to look forward to many happy years as a healthy and happy middle school teacher. So grab a copy today.An awesome new job gift.The book is also the perfect thoughtful gift for middle school teachers for birthdays, Christmas and family celebrations! It's packed full of useful tips, strategies, approaches and ideas to help your friend or family member survive and thrive in their school role.

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