Utvidet returrett til 31. januar 2025

Bøker av Matt Clayton

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  • - Historias Fascinantes del tiempo del sueno de los australianos indigenas
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Mitos fascinantes sobre dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias de Africa
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Una fascinante guia de Atum, Horus, Set, Isis, Anubis, Ra, Thoth, Sejmet, Geb, Hathor y otros dioses y diosas del antiguo Egipto
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Mitos fascinantes de los dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias de la antigua Sumeria y su importancia para los sumerios
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Fascinantes sagas legendarias e historicas
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Una guia fascinante sobre el folklore chino que incluye cuentos fantasticos, mitos y leyendas de la antigua China
    av Matt Clayton

  • - La fascinante historia de Ragnar Lodbrok, Ivar el Deshuesado, Ladgerda y otros, en su contexto historico
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Una fascinante guia del folclore japones, mitos, cuentos de hadas, yokai, heroes y heroinas
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Mitos fascinantes griegos, egipcios, nordicos, celtas y romanos sobre dioses, diosas, heroes y monstruos
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Mitos fascinantes sobre dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias del Mexico antiguo y de Centroamerica
    av Matt Clayton

  • - A Captivating Guide to African Mythology and Gods of Ancient Egypt
    av Matt Clayton

    Explore Captivating African Mythology and Egyptian GodsTwo captivating manuscripts in one book:African Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures of AfricaEgyptian Gods: A Captivating Guide to Atum, Horus, Seth, Isis, Anubis, Ra, Thoth, Sekhmet, Geb, Hathor and Other Gods and Goddesses of Ancient EgyptThe continent of Africa is home to fifty-four countries that together harbor over three thousand cultures, each with their own ways of life and each with their own stories. Some of these stories have their origins in the folk beliefs of people native to their particular region, while others were imported from or influenced by cultures from elsewhere who settled in Africa.A great number of African folktales have been transmitted orally from person to person down through the ages, but since the nineteenth century, many stories have been written down and transmitted to audiences beyond the boundaries of the cultures that created them. One important-and tragic-conduit for the transmission of these stories beyond African shores was the European slave trade. Captured Africans who were brought to the Americas and the Caribbean fought to keep alive what they could of their home cultures, and this included their folktale traditions.African folktales come in many different types. Some are myths explaining the origins of things, while others are tales of heroes with supernatural abilities. Animal stories are many and varied, and they usually involve some kind of trickster who uses his wiles to get out of sticky situations and sometimes into them. There are also cautionary tales explaining why it is important to behave well and treat others with respect, while other stories have a style and shape similar to that of a fairy tale.Some of the topics covered in manuscript 1 of this book include:Animal TricksterssHero TalesCautionary TalesThe Influence of IslaAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in manuscript 2 of this book include:Amen (Amun, Amon, Ammon)Anubis (Anpu, Inpw)Aten (Aton)Atum (Tum, Tem, Atem, Temu)Bastet (Bast, Boubastis, Pasht)The Book of the Dead and Other Funerary TextsThe Four Sons of HorusGeb (Seb, Keb, Kebb, Gebb)Hapy (Hapi)HathorHorus (Hor, Her, Heru, Har)Imhotep (Imouthes)IsisKhnum (Chnum)Khonsu (Khons, Chons)Maat (Ma''at, Ma''et, Mayet)Nefertem (Nefertum)Neith (Neit)Nephthys (Nebt-het)Nun (Noun, Nu)The Ogdoad of HermopolisOsirisPtahRa (Re, Pre)Serapis (Sarapis, Userhapi)Set (Seth, Sutekh)Sobek (Suchos)ThothAnd more!So if you want to learn about African Mythology and Egyptian Gods, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Mitos fascinantes aztecas de los dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias
    av Matt Clayton

    Si busca una fascinante colecci├│n de mitos aztecas, entonces siga leyendo...Los aztecas cre├¡an que las ofrendas de sangre y vidas humanas eran necesarias para el continuo funcionamiento del universo. De hecho, en los mitos aztecas los propios dioses hacen sacrificios de su propia sangre e incluso de sus cuerpos enteros para crear un universo en el que los humanos puedan vivir y, en una historia, crear ellos mismos a los humanos; por lo tanto, los humanos deben hacer sacrificios de sangre a su vez para alimentar a los dioses y mantener el universo en existencia.Para los antiguos aztecas, estas pr├ícticas parec├¡an adecuadas, necesarias y honorables, ayudando a conectar el mundo de los humanos con el mundo divino de los dioses, un universo que en el mito azteca tom├│ forma en ciclos de creaci├│n, destrucci├│n y renacimiento.Mitolog├¡a azteca: Mitos fascinantes aztecas de los dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias le invita a realizar un viaje sorprendente para descubrir historias como:La Leyenda de los SolesLas escrituras de Mixc├│atlEl origen del ma├¡z y la creaci├│n del pulqueLa ca├¡da de Xochiqu├⌐tzalEl destino de las almasHuitzilopochtli y la fundaci├│n de TenochtitlanHuemac juega el juego de pelota┬íY muchos m├ís!┬íObtenga este libro ahora para aprender m├ís sobre la mitolog├¡a azteca!

  • - Una Guia Fascinante para Entender la Mitologia Griega, la Mitologia Nordica y la Mitologia Egipcia
    av Matt Clayton

    Tres manuscritos en un libroMitología griega: Una guía fascinante para entender la antigua religión griega con sus dioses, diosas, monstruos y mortalesMitología nórdica: Una fascinante guía para entender las sagas, dioses, héroes y creencias de los vikingosMitología Egipcia: Una Guía Fascinante para Entender a los Dioses, Diosas, Monstruos y MortalesAlgunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la primera parte de este libro incluyen:Héroes griegosLadrones honorablesLeyendas de orgulloLeyenda de Cadmo, Fundador de Tebas, GreciaLa IlíadaLa OdiseaMitos asombrososCécrope y los dragonesReligión GriegaLas cargas del egoísmo y la arroganciaLas edades del hombreLa moral de los DiosesZeus creando un nuevo tipo de caosMonstruos griegosTifón y EquidnaPerseo y CetusHeracles y sus trabajosLa conexión griega con la civilizaciónFundamentos del pensamiento griegoY másAlgunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la segunda parte de este libro incluyen:Cómo el cambio climático contribuyó a la personalidad despiadada de los vikingosLas sagas islandesasLa Guardia VaregaLos vikingos en AméricaLos vikingos en SiciliaLa conquista normanda de InglaterraLos BerserkersLos Vanir contra los AesirLos Nueve ReinosLos gigantes de JotunheimDivinidades menoresCuentos de Odín y ThorLoki y RagnarökrY mucho más...Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la tercera parte de este libro incluyen:Osiris, Isis, Set y HorusEl Sol y la CreaciónDioses y HumanosApep, la Gran Serpiente del CaosSet: Dios del Desierto, las Tormentas, la Guerra, el Mal y el CaosImhotep, el Sabio del Siglo XXVII AECAkenatón, el Rey que Cambió la Tradición DrásticamenteRamsés el GrandeCleopatra, el Fin de una ÉpocaY mucho más¡Consiga este libro ahora para saber más sobre la Mitología!

  • - Una fascinante introduccion a los mitos sobre los dioses, diosas, heroes y monstruos griegos
    av Matt Clayton

    Fascinantes historias sobre dioses, diosas, héroes y monstruos griegosPuede resultar difícil encontrar una colección completa de mitos griegos, teniendo en cuenta el número de versiones y traducciones disponibles. Sin embargo, no busque más, aquí tiene un libro que incluye muchos de los mitos griegos más populares en un formato de fácil acceso.La intención de este libro no es solo ofrecer una introducción a la mitología griega, sino también captar su atención y hacer volar su imaginación para que pueda revivir las historias de los dioses, diosas, héroes y monstruos griegos más fabulosos.Este libro cubre los siguientes mitos y temas griegos:El comienzo: la creación del mundo y la guerra entre los titanes y los olímpicosLos gobernantes del OlimpoPrometeo y EpimeteoLos dioses y diosas olímpicosLa casa de Atreo y la guerra de TroyaEl largo camino a casa de OdiseoEl regreso de OdiseoEl regreso a casa de Agamenón y la elección de OrestesEdipo y las profecíasLos hijos de EdipoCupido y PsiqueCuentos cortosY muchos más¡Consiga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la mitología griega!

  • - Mitos fascinantes incas sobre los dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias
    av Matt Clayton

    Si est├í buscando una fascinante colecci├│n de mitos incas, siga leyendo...Los mitos de los dioses incaicos en la primera secci├│n del libro explican c├│mo se cre├│ el mundo y tambi├⌐n detallan las aventuras de varias deidades mientras compiten por la supremac├¡a o act├║an como embaucadores en los mundos de los mortales y las huacas por igual.La segunda secci├│n contiene el mito del origen del Imperio inca, que fue usado para justificar la legitimidad pol├¡tica inca. Esta secci├│n tambi├⌐n presenta otros relatos sobre los actos mitol├│gicos de los emperadores incas y sus interacciones con seres divinos.La ├║ltima secci├│n contiene una colecci├│n de cuentos populares andinos y una versi├│n narrativa en prosa del drama del siglo XVIII Apu Ollantay, que puede haberse basado en un antiguo cuento inca y que cuenta la historia del amor prohibido entre Cosi-Collyur, hija del inca Pachacuti, y el valiente guerrero Ollantay, cuyo nombre tambi├⌐n adorna la fortaleza inca de Ollantaytambo, al norte del Cuzco.Mitolog├¡a Inca: Mitos fascinantes incas sobre los dioses, diosas y criaturas legendarias le invitan a realizar un asombroso viaje y a descubrir:Historias de los DiosesMitos pol├¡ticos incasCinco cuentos populares andinos, una obra de teatro inca┬íY mucho, mucho m├ís!┬íAdquiera este libro ahora para aprender m├ís sobre la mitolog├¡a inca!

  • - A Captivating Guide to Atum, Horus, Seth, Isis, Anubis, Ra, Thoth, Sekhmet, Geb, Hathor and Other Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
    av Matt Clayton

    Explore Egyptian GodsIt is tempting to see ancient Egyptian religion as something relatively static, with a single pantheon whose nature and activities did not change throughout the three-thousand-year span of the Dynastic Period. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout Egyptian history, we see that gods who had once been favored were set aside or had their roles altered in order to make way for gods whose cults became more popular, while political changes, such as the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, ushered in cultural and religious exchanges that both affected native Egyptian religious practices and also had an impact on the religious beliefs of Greece and Rome.Because the Egyptian pantheon is vast, even if one leaves out the syncretized deities, it is not possible for this volume to present a comprehensive overview of ancient Egyptian religion and myth. Instead, only a select number of deities and concepts are discussed here. Some of these are more well-known deities, while others might not be as familiar to modern readers. However, this book still offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient Egyptian religion and culture and the richness that was life in ancient Egypt.Within this book, you''ll find the following the Egyptian gods and topics covered:Amen (Amun, Amon, Ammon)Anubis (Anpu, Inpw)Aten (Aton)Atum (Tum, Tem, Atem, Temu)Bastet (Bast, Boubastis, Pasht)The Book of the Dead and Other Funerary TextsThe Four Sons of HorusGeb (Seb, Keb, Kebb, Gebb)Hapy (Hapi)HathorHorus (Hor, Her, Heru, Har)Imhotep (Imouthes)IsisKhnum (Chnum)Khonsu (Khons, Chons)Maat (Ma''at, Ma''et, Mayet)Nefertem (Nefertum)Neith (Neit)Nephthys (Nebt-het)Nun (Noun, Nu)The Ogdoad of HermopolisOsirisPtahRa (Re, Pre)Serapis (Sarapis, Userhapi)Set (Seth, Sutekh)Sobek (Suchos)ThothAnd more!So if you want to learn about Egyptian gods, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una fascinante guia para entender las sagas, dioses, heroes y creencias de los vikingos
    av Matt Clayton

    Una fascinante guía para entender las sagas, dioses, héroes y creencias de los vikingosEste libro de mitología nórdica es parte de la nueva colección "Mitología griega - Mitología nórdica - Mitología egipcia" escrito por el exitoso autor Matt Clayton. En esta guía esencial sobre mitología nórdica, descubrirá historias fascinantes sobre los dioses, héroes y creencias de los vikingos.El libro se divide en dos partes:Héroes y sagasDioses nórdicosEste libro contiene hechos e historias fascinantes. Por ejemplo, incluye todo lo que necesita saber sobre los nueve reinos, como así también historias fascinantes sobre Odín, Thor, Loki y Ragnarök.Los vikingos de las poesías e historias nórdicas eran un grupo temerario y sus cuentos solían ser trágicos. Algunos de los mitos estaban basados en gente y eventos reales. Estos héroes realizaron cosas fantásticas, algunas incluso documentadas por sus enemigos.Los vikingos nacieron de una época de dificultades. Las historias de sus primeras incursiones datan de los años 790, durante la Edad Media europea. Este fue un período glacial peligroso, ya que el ciclo climático de mil años se convirtió en el más frío que nuestro mundo había experimentado en 7000 años. Sin duda, el punzante frío ayudó a estas personas del norte de Europa a disipar cualquier complacencia que pudieran haber sentido durante la época más cálida del Holoceno medio. La muerte estaba esperando en la puerta, y los débiles y apocados habrían muerto con este cambio climático. Solo los fuertes y astutos podrían sobrevivir.Al igual que sus sagas y héroes, los dioses nórdicos eran un grupo de individuos rudos con un fuerte carácter y debilidades humanas.Algunas de las preguntas y temas incluidos en este libro son:Cómo el cambio climático contribuyó a la personalidad despiadada de los vikingosLas sagas islandesasLa Guardia VaregaLos vikingos en AméricaLos vikingos en SiciliaLa conquista normanda de InglaterraLos BerserkersLos Vanir contra los AesirLos Nueve ReinosLos gigantes de JotunheimDivinidades menoresCuentos de Odín y ThorLoki y RagnarökrY mucho más...D¡Compre este libro ahora para conocer más sobre la mitología nórdica!

  • av Matt Clayton
    343 - 346,-

  • - Captivating Legendary and Historical Sagas
    av Matt Clayton

  • - The Captivating Tale of Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar the Boneless, Lagertha, and More as well as Other Legendary Stories of Vikings in Their Historical Context
    av Matt Clayton

  • - The Captivating Tale of Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar the Boneless, Lagertha, and More, in Their Historical Context
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Mitos romanos fascinantes sobre dioses y diosas romanos, heroes y criaturas mitologicas
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Una fascinante guia del folclore nordico que incluye cuentos de hadas, leyendas, sagas y mitos de los dioses y heroes nordicos
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Mitos celtas fascinantes de dioses, diosas, heroes y criaturas legendarias
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Captivating Greek Myths of Greek Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Heroes
    av Matt Clayton

  • - Historias Fascinantes de los Dioses y Heroes Griegos y Romanos, y las Criaturas Mitologicas
    av Matt Clayton

    Dos manuscritos en un libro Mitología Griega: Fascinantes Mitos de Dioses, Diosas, Monstruos y Héroes Griegos Mitología Romana: Una Guía Fascinante de los Dioses Romanos, Diosas y Criaturas MitológicasAunque los dioses y diosas griegos eran seres inmortales y poderosos, estos eran muy similares a los humanos que los adoraban. Los dioses y diosas sufren ataques de celos, se enamoran, se enfadan cuando se sienten engañados, y otorgan bendiciones cuando son honrados. De igual modo, los héroes son de proporciones épicas: su fuerza, velocidad y habilidad los separan de otros mortales; pero, como todos los humanos, sufren de dolores, enfermedades y muerte.Este libro es una ventana al pasado. A través de él podrás disfrutar de historias entretenidas mientras aprendes sobre los mitos griegos. Mitos que subyacen en las raíces de la civilización occidental, marcando su cultura y lenguaje. Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la primera parte de este libro incluyen La Creación de los Titanes El Nacimiento de los Dioses y la Caída de los Titanes Prometeo y Epimeteo El Nacimiento de las Musas Los Dioses y Diosas del Olimpo Hera, Reina de los Dioses Hermes, Bromista, y Mensajero de los Dioses Atenea de los ojos grises, Diosa de la Sabiduría y Estrategia Hefesto, Dios del Fuego y la Herrería Artemisa, La Diosa Virgen de la Caza Apolo, Dios de la Música y la Curación Dionisio, Dios del Vino y la Locura Ritual Ares, Dios de la Guerra, y Afrodita, Diosa del Amor La Historia de Deméter y Perséfone Semidioses, Héroes, y Monstruos La Historia de Perseo Heracles Teseo y el Minotauro And more!Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la tercera parte de este libro incluyen: La Conexión Troyana Lo que la Historia y un Análisis Del Mito Nos Cuentan Fundación de Roma Dioses Puramente Romanos Las Criaturas de la Mitología Romana Préstamos de Etruria Influencia del Panteón Griego Criaturas Griegas Adoptadas por los Romanos Popurrí Celta Las Conquistas Romanas de los Celtas La Verdad Detrás de los Dioses Romanos And more!

  • - Captivating Egyptian Myths of Egyptian Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures
    av Matt Clayton

    A Captivating Collection of the Most Popular Egyptian MythsIt can be challenging to find a comprehensive and engaging collection of Egyptian myths considering the number of versions and translations available. However, look no further as you have found a captivating book that includes many of the most popular Egyptian myths in an easy-to-read format.This book is divided into four parts. The first, titled "Cosmological Narratives," contains myths concerning the creation of the world and how the ancient Egyptians understood the structure of the Underworld and the passage to the afterlife."Myths of the Gods" contains the great myths of the gods Ra, Isis, Osiris, Horus, and Set.The third section contains two political myths, the tale of the birth of Hatshepsut and "The Tale of the Famine," both of which are stories created by rulers to consolidate their power by claiming divine intervention and favor.Other stories, similar to what we today would call fairy tales, make up the last section of the book, and are full of magical wonders, animals that speak, and gods who reveal themselves to human beings and take an active role in their affairs.In this book, you'll find the following Egyptian myths and topics covered Creation Myths The Birth of Osiris The Tale of Isis and Osiris The Lament of Isis and Nephthys The Battle of Horus and Set The Birth of Queen Hatshepsut The Tale of the Famine The Shipwrecked Sailor The Two Brothers The Princess and the Demon The Taking of Joppa Two Tales of Setne KhamwasBecause the Egyptian pantheon was so extensive and fluid, a select glossary is included at the end. The glossary also contains definitions of select terms that are important for understanding some of the concepts in the stories, such as the Egyptian classification of parts of the soul. A brief timeline of ancient Egyptian history also follows the introduction.

  • - Captivating Stories of the Gods, Sagas and Heroes
    av Matt Clayton

    Captivating Stories of the Gods, Sagas, and HeroesThis book gives an overview of Norse mythology, telling some of the stories of the gods, giants and other creatures of that lost era before history began.Though the world came to know of the Norse and their legends through Roman interaction about the time of Christ, most of what we came to know were handed down from folk tales gathered by native writers like Snorri Sturluson (c. 1179-1241). This was from a time when the Norse had already been converted to Christianity. Some of what Sturluson wrote was clearly influenced by Christian beliefs of the time. As with all sources, we have to assume at least a little bit of bias was involved. The age of belief in the Norse gods had ended. We can only guess how much of those old beliefs were left out because they may have been incompatible with the new beliefs of Christendom. Sturluson gathered the tales in a work now known as the Prose Edda.Several anonymous writers of the pre-Christian era created poems which have collected in what is now called the Poetic Edda. These pre-date Sturluson's work and thus are far more likely to give us insights into the thinking and attitudes of the early Norse people.Danish scholar Saxo Grammaticus gave us a Latin language version of Danish history, Gesta Danorum, written in the twelfth century. But even earlier, we have more matter-of-fact writing of Roman historian Tacitus in the first century, discussing the tribes of the region they called Germania.As with most stories, it's best to start at the beginning. And as with any story of gods, we start with the Norse version of creation.Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include Norse Creation Story The Nine Realms Gods and the "Giants" of Jötunheim Midgard and the Humans Elves, Dwarves, Trolls and Valkyries Odin, Frigg, Thor, and Loki The Death of Baldr Conflict Between the Realms English Days of the Week And more!Scroll to the top and select the "Add to Cart" button now to learn more about Norse mythology

  • - A Fascinating Guide to Understanding the Sagas, Gods, Heroes, and Beliefs of the Vikings
    av Matt Clayton

    A Fascinating Guide to Understanding the Sagas, Gods, Heroes, and Beliefs of the VikingsThis book on Norse Mythology is part of the new series "Greek Mythology - Norse Mythology - Egyptian Mythology" that is written by the best-selling author Matt Clayton. In this ultimate guide on Norse Mythology, you will discover captivating stories of the Gods, heroes, and beliefs of the Vikings.This book is broken into two parts: Heroes and Sagas The Norse GodsThis book is jam-packed with fascinating facts and stories. For instance, it covers all that you need to know about the nine realms as well as captivating tales of Odin, Thor, Loki, and Ragnarök.The Vikings of Norse poetry and saga were a fearless lot, and their tales were frequently tragic. Some, if not all, of the myths were based on real people and real events. These heroes accomplished many fantastic feats, some of them even documented by their enemies.The Vikings were born out of an age of hardship. Tales of their earliest raids come to us from the 790s, during the early European Middle Ages. This was a period of dangerous iciness as the thousand-year climate cycle dipped to the coldest our world had experienced in 7,000 years. No doubt, the punishing cold for these people of Northern Europe helped to dispel any complacency they may have felt during the warmer, mid-Holocene epoch. Death was sitting on their doorstep, and the weak and timid would have died from the change in climate. Only the strong and cunning would survive.Like their sagas and heroes, the Norse gods were also a rough and tumble group of individuals with strong character and human frailties.Just some of the questions and topics covered in this book include: How Climate Change Made The Vikings Ruthless The Icelandic Sagas The Varangian Guard Vikings in America The Vikings of Sicily Norman Conquest of England Berserkers Vanir against the Aesir The Nine Realms The Giants of Jotunheim Lesser Divine Beings Tales of Odin and Thor Loki and Ragnarök And much more!Buy the book now and learn more about norse mythology

  • - A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology and Norse Mythology
    av Matt Clayton

    MythologyDiscover the captivating beliefs of the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Vikings in this book on Mythology that contains three manuscripts. The first manuscript in this bundle is the bestseller called Greek Mythology: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters.Manuscript 1: Greek Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and MonstersBy the time you are finished with this part, you will have a good appreciation for the nature of Greek mythology and the gods, monsters, and heroes which populate it.Just some of the topics covered in this part include: Uranus: Betrayal by Cronus Cronus: Fear of His Children Titans vs. Olympian Gods Olympian Rule Zeus and His Ladies Prometheus and Herakles An Unhappy Tale of the Underworld The Beauty Contest that Led to the Fall of Troy Poseidon, Metis, Athena and Atlantis Kraken and Other Monsters Jason, the Argonauts, and Medea's Dragon Menelaus, Agamemnon, and the Trojan War Solon, the Athenian Law Giver 300 Spartans Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Alexander the GreatManuscript 2: Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and MortalsThis manuscript is broken into three parts: Fantastic Images-Ancient Egyptian myths and legends as we know them today. Factual History-Covering pre-history through classical antiquity. Unraveling Myth-Looking at Egyptian mythology from a fresh perspective.This part is jam-packed with fascinating facts and stories. For instance, it covers perhaps the most popular of all the Egyptian stories - the myth of Osiris. Pieces of this story have been found throughout Egypt. One of the most appealing aspects of the Osiris myth is the human-like behavior of the gods within the story. Many of the other gods of the Egyptian pantheon were rather emotionless and their stories far less interesting. With the Osiris story, the gods display a broad range of emotions that made them more real to mere mortals.Just some of the questions and topics covered in this manuscript on Egyptian Mythology include: Egypt in Context Creation Fall of Humanity Osiris Myth Chief Gods of the Egyptian Pantheon Lesser Known Pantheon Ancient Egyptian HistoryManuscript 3: Norse Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Sagas, and HeroesWithin this part, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include: Norse Creation Story The Nine Realms Gods and the "Giants" of Jötunheim Midgard and the Humans Elves, Dwarves, Trolls and Valkyries Odin, Frigg, Thor, and Loki The Death of Baldr Conflict Between the Realms English Days of the Week And more!Buy this magnificent mythology book now to learn more about greek mythology, egyptian mythology and norse mythology

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