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Bøker av Max Manus

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  • - - the Norwegian resistance fighters
    av Max Manus

    Rat Catcher was the name given to the Norwegian resistance fighters who carried out the dirtiest jobs during the second world war. They exterminated or, liquidated, informers, torturers and other Norwegians who worked for the Germans.The post-war period of war history is fascinating yet has been mostly concealed. In this short novel written in 1948 by my stepfather Max Manus, a well-known resistance fighter, it tells a story of the Rat Catchers. At the centre is Max's alter ego Freddy and a group of veterans. They try to find love and their place in society but drown out the bad memories from the days of war in different ways. We actually know quite a lot about my stepfather Max Manus - as early as 1945 he published Det vil helst gå godt, followed by Det blir alvor in 1946, and in 1995 Mitt liv (My Life) was published. In addition, the book Tikken, which is about my mother, was published in 2009.Max's war books were a success. He himself claimed that only the Bible sold more in the post-war years!People were keen to know what kind of life the boys really lived during the war. In 2008 the film Max Manus became a blockbuster and the most watched movie in Norway. It was directed by Joachim and Espen Sandberg (Pirates of Caribbean, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Kon-Tiki, Bandidas).It shows authentically, as my mother confirmed, what the atmosphere was like during the war, and what role Max had played.The story told in The Rat Catcher (Rottejegeren in Norwegian) is from the years immediately after the war, and we assume that Max wrote it in 1948. After all he felt he had proven to himself and the world that he could write.His joint company Clausen & Manus did not demand too much from him so in 1953 he started his own company, Max Manus Kontormaskiner (supplier of office machines).

  • - the Norwegian resistance fighters
    av Max Manus

    The rain splashes down, and the same strange old feeling explodes in his chest. The memories come and go as he trudges along the streets in the dark autumn night. In a particularly dark place in the street, he stops for a moment, and as he pretends to pull his raincoat tighter around his neck, he takes a good look around.Not spotting any people, he slips his hand under his armpit. He moves the gun from his armpit into his coat pocket. It's nice to feel the wonderful sense of security that the touch of a gun always gave him. His cigarette has gone out a long time ago, he puts the rain soaked stub in his mouth, however reluctantly he wants to, he has to spit out the remains.He dreams more and more back to the time when it was serious. The time when he had a task, and life really seemed to have meaning. How far it was, and yet so damned close. Tonight he feels more intensely than ever how lonely he is, and how foolish his whole life seems to him.his life which for five long years he has fought so hard to preserve.His innate sense of humour is slowly starting to help him get back on track. Although it'a chore, he stops and unbuttons his coat so he can reach into his trouser pocket for his cigarettes and matches. With his cigarette lit again, he felt significantly better and saw the situation a little brighter.

  • Spar 11%
    av Max Manus
    204 - 386,-

    Rottejegerne er betegnelsen på de norske motstandsfolkene som utførte de aller skitneste jobbene under andre verdenskrig: De likviderte angivere, torturister og andre nordmenn som jobbet for tyskerne. I etterkrigstiden har denne delen av krigshistorien blitt fortiet. I dette sensasjonelle og upubliserte romanmanuskriptet som ble skrevet i årene etter krigen, forteller Kompani Linge-løytnanten og Norges mest berømte motstandsmann Max Manus om rottejegerne. I sentrum står forfatterens alter ego Freddy og en gruppe veteraner. De forsøker å finne sin plass i samfunnet og kjærligheten, men døyver de vonde minnene fra krigen med alkohol og andre utskeielser. «Rottejegeren» er et hardkokt og levende tidsbilde av Norge på slutten av 1940-tallet. Det er en fortelling om krigens virkelige pris - fra en person som visste bedre enn de fleste hva han snakket om. «Det er deilig å kjenne den vidunderlige følelsen av trygghet som berøring av pistol alltid gir ham,» skriver Manus og legger til: «Men minnene forlater ham aldri.»

  • Spar 11%
    av Max Manus
    222 - 359,-

    I denne biografien forteller den kjente motstandsmannen om sitt liv før, under og etter andre verdenskrig. Forfatteren forteller fra barne- og ungdomsårene, og fra tiden som sjømann, vagabond, plantasjebestyrer og løytnant i Kompani Linge.

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