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Bøker av Mel Mae Schmidt

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  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

    A book about forgiveness, true and honest love, and selflessness that puts the wellbeing of others above your own. Brothers Lion and Kaylon Jones live and work at the stately Goldenheart Manor. Lion's wife Annabelle eventually gives birth to their daughter Hannah. Before Annabelle dies that night after giving birth, she leaves her child a strange bracelet that changes color. For generations, this has been in the family.When Lion Jones receives an immoral order from the heart-cold landlord that goes against Lion's beliefs, he refuses and is brutally murdered. Kaylon flees with Hannah and other servants, seeking revenge.Living on the streets, Kaylon becomes visibly more vicious and finally simply abandons Hannah like a dog. But unnoticed, she sneaks after Kaylon and from then on secretly stays near him. Because a well-kept secret in her heart keeps her clinging to her uncle: she has been in love with her uncle since birth.She stays under cover and follows him everywhere to protect him. In many situations, she sacrifices herself for him without his knowledge so that nothing happens to Kaylon. Soon she discovers a mysterious book related to her bracelet and she realizes her true calling.However, when Kaylon falls in love with a woman, Hannah must choose between her uncle's well-being and her own.

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt
    194 - 369,-

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

    Einst lebte ein kleines Herz in der Brust eines gerechten Mannes. Dieser Mann war gut und voller Barmherzigkeit.Doch das kleine Herz wollte die Welt kennenlernen, und so machte es sich eines Tages auf den Weg in die Welt hinaus.Es sprang aus der Brust des Mannes und zog fort.Da dieser gerechte Mann nun aber kein Herz mehr besaß, wurde er grausam und gefühlskalt. Man begann, sich vor ihm zu fürchten.Unterdessen befand sich das Herz auf einer Reise um die Welt. Naiv wie es war, glaubte es nur an das Gute, nie hatte es Gräuel erleben müssen. Doch fortan draußen in der großen weiten Welt fand es nur noch Übel vor.Schlechte Herzen machten seine Bekanntschaft. Er lehrte sie seine Tugenden und versuchte die schlechten Herzen zu verändern.Wird das Herz es schaffen?Wird es je wieder in die Brust des Mannes zurückkehren?Und was geschieht mit diesem Mann?Wird er auf ewig herzlos bleiben?

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

  • - Eine Novelle in Reimen
    av Mel Mae Schmidt

  • av Mel Mae Schmidt

    Once upon a time there lived a little heart in the chest of a just man. This man was good and full of mercy.But the little heart wanted to get to know the world and so one day it set out into the world.It jumped out of the man's chest and moved away.But now this just man had no heart any more and he became cruel and emotionally cold. People began to be afraid of him.Meanwhile, the heart was on a journey around the world. Innocent as it was, it believed only in the good, never had it had to experience atrocities. But from then on out in the big wide world it found only evil.Bad hearts made his acquaintance. It taught them its virtues and tried to change the bad hearts.Will the heart make it?Will it ever return to the just man's chest?And what happens to this man?Will he remain heartless forever?

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