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  • av Melissa Foster

    L'amitié et la famille sont à l'honneur dans cette semaine d'amour, de rire et de bonheur éternel. Retrouvez vos personnages préférés et assistez au mariage de Bones et Sarah, tout en tombant sous le charme du nouveau couple de l'univers des Whiskey, Penny Wilson et Scott Beckley, dans cette novella de la série Les Whiskey.Quand tout ce dont vous rêvez est juste en face de vous, mais toujours hors de portée...Penny Wilson est heureuse en affaires, elle a plus d'amis qu'une femme ne pourrait en désirer et un petit ami dont elle est passionnément amoureuse. Scott Beckley est honnête, fidèle, de loin l'amant le plus talentueux de la planète et absolument fou de ses nièces et de ses neveux. Scott est le genre d'homme que l'on épouse... sauf que Penny n'a toujours pas entendu les trois fameux mots qui pourraient propulser leur relation au niveau supérieur. Scott a fui les maltraitances de ses parents à l'âge de dix-sept ans. Il s'est frayé un chemin dans le monde sans l'aide de personne. Même si cela fait plus de dix ans, et que depuis, il a retrouvé les s¿urs dont il s'était éloigné et s'est bâti une belle vie à Peaceful Harbor, dans le Maryland, son passé le tourmente toujours. Penny sait qu'il l'aime de tout son c¿ur, mais entre une fille qui rêve d'une famille et un homme qui redoute d'en avoir une, l'amour ne suffira peut-être pas.D'autres histoires des WhiskeySous l'armure de ton c¿ur (Truman Gritt)Comme une étincelle (Bear Whiskey)Fou de désir (Bullet Whiskey)En toi, un refuge (Bones Whiskey)Du bonheur à volonté (Jed Moon)Amours rebelles (Dixie Whiskey)Aime-moi dans mes ténèbres (Quincy Gritt)À nos horizons (Scott & Penny)À L'état brut (Diesel & Tracey)La série Les Whiskey : Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor est une série de romances avec des histoires profondes, des liens familiaux forts et un tourbillon d'émotions. Des amours sur fond de petite ville, avec une fin heureuse garantie. Les motards du club Dark Knights n'ont rien de dominateur. Ces bad-boys sont durs et coriaces, mais ils ont un c¿ur en or... et ils n'ont pas peur de s'en servir.

  • av Melissa Foster
    354 - 507,-

  • av Melissa Foster

    Eric James ist ganz sicher nicht der Richtige für Kat Martin, zumindest bis ein verspäteter Flug zu einem heimlichen Stelldichein führt und das Falsche sich plötzlich so richtig anfühlt wie noch nie.Ein Bradens-Kurzroman mit Kat Martin, beste Freundin von Brianna Heart aus ¿Verspielte Herzen", und Eric James, Rennfahrer und Freund von Hugh Braden. Wer die Bradens liebt, wird diese rasante Begegnung nicht verpassen wollen.Liebe ungebremstKat Martin weiß genau, was für einen Mann sie will - er muss beständig sein und sie abgöttisch lieben, auf keinen Fall ist es einer, der sich durch die Betten schläft. Schließlich ist Kat eine Frau, die meist das Richtige tut. Als sie allerdings auf den bestechend verführerischen Eric James trifft, fühlt sich das Falsche plötzlich so richtig an wie noch nie.Seinen Beruf lebt der Rennfahrer Eric James in aller Intensität und mit Leidenschaft, seine Bettgeschichten dagegen sind gewagt, hemmungslos und vor allem ohne weitere Verpflichtungen.In einer stürmischen Nacht verführt ein verspäteter Flug zusammen mit dem Reiz des Unbekannten Kat dazu, alle Bedenken über Bord zu werfen und sich ein Abenteuer zu gönnen, das sie hinterher sofort wieder vergessen will. In Eric weckt das heimliche Stelldichein jedoch eine besitzergreifende Seite und Vergessen ist keine Option mehr.***Liebe ungebremst ist ein Kurzroman aus der großen Liebesroman-Sammlung Love in Bloom - Herzen im Aufbruch von New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin Melissa Foster. Figuren aus allen Romanen begegnen Ihnen auch in späteren Geschichten immer wieder. Besuchen Sie Melissas Website mit Familienstammbäumen, Serien-Checklisten und mehr.

  • av Melissa Foster

    From New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster comes a funny, sexy romantic comedy featuring a twice-divorced, stressed-out romance writer who finds out that sometimes true love can be a hot mess.Who buys a cottage in a New England fishing village on a whim? A stressed-out, twice-divorced romance writer and single mother looking for a fresh start, that's who. Despite what my besties say about my three-year dry spell, I'm not looking for a man. Or drama. Or sex. I've got enough on my plate with writer's block and a daughter who refuses to grow up. Community. That's what I need. Unfortunately, it seems the universe has other ideas. Either Chatemup, Massachusetts, has a serious shortage of single women, or I've become a hot mess magnet for the male species.At least I've found one funny, good-hearted friend: fish peddler Declan Miller, my brainstorming adventure buddy who stirs my creative juices. I'm his Writer Girl. He's my Dimple Dude. Just scruffy, granite-chested, deep-voiced, ex-military brawn who happens to be--oh, Nicole, what are you doing to yourself?--stoking a long-neglected fire without even trying.A self-confessed hot mess, divorced single dad Declan is too old for relationship games. Not interested. Same here. So why do I keep thinking about him? Preferably naked. Because I'm a hot mess, too? At least he's inspiring me to write. If only real life were like one of my novels. At least then I'd have a better idea of how this was going to end.

  • av Melissa Foster

    FREEING SULLY is the short prequel to the novel FOR THE LOVE OF WHISKEY, detailing Sullivan "Sully" Tate's escape from the Free Rebellion compound.FREEING SULLY and FOR THE LOVE OF WHISKEY are part of The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption Ranch series, a small-town, big-family collection of standalone romance novels featuring fiercely loyal, insanely sexy bikers who give horses-and people-a second chance. All Whiskey novels are written to stand alone, so dive right in and buckle up for a wild ride in Hope Valley, CO, as these big-hearted badasses and their sassy sisters wrangle in their forever loves.No cliffhangers, no cheating, and breathtaking happily ever afters.The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchThe Trouble with WhiskeyFreeing Sully (Prequel to For the Love of Whiskey)For the Love of WhiskeyA Taste of WhiskeyMore coming soon...

  • av Melissa Foster

    Als ein skrupelloser Milliardär mit hochtrabenden Bauplänen auf ihre Insel kommt, ist Gabriella Liakos bereit, mit schmutzigen Mitteln zu kämpfen, um die Ursprünglichkeit von Elpitha Island zu erhalten. Ihr Plan, ihn durch Verführung abzulenken, könnte allerdings nach hinten losgehen und sie nicht nur die Insel, sondern auch ihr Herz kosten.Entdecken Sie den Zauber der Romane von New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin Melissa Foster und erleben Sie selbst, warum Millionen Leserinnen sich in die Ryders und die anderen Love in Bloom - Herzen im Aufbruch-Familien verliebt haben. Die Ryders können unabhängig voneinander oder als Teil der Serie gelesen werden.Von der Liebe erobertGabriella Liakos, Anwältin für Familienrecht, hat eine große Liebe, und das ist Elpitha Island, die Insel, auf der sie aufgewachsen ist und auf die sie irgendwann zurückkehren will. Doch die Insel steckt in ernsten finanziellen Schwierigkeiten, und Gabriella ist bereit, mit allen Mitteln zu kämpfen, um ihre Heimat davor zu bewahren, in die falschen Hände zu fallen.Der findige Immobilieninvestor Duke Ryder hat sich in den Kopf gesetzt, Elpitha Island in ein exklusives Luxusresort zu verwandeln. Er lässt sich auch nicht davon abschrecken, Land zu erwerben, in dem eine Familie so tiefe Wurzeln geschlagen hat, dass sie wahrscheinlich bis auf den Meeresgrund reichen. Jedenfalls bis er seiner wunderschönen, sturköpfigen Gastgeberin begegnet, Tochter der Familie, die den Großteil der Insel besitzt.Gabriella setzt alles daran, Duke vom Kauf der Insel abzubringen, doch der hat andere Pläne. Er will die Insel und Gabriella. Seine Verführungskünste verfehlen ihre Wirkung auf Gabriella nicht - aber können ein gerissener Immobilieninvestor, der Glanz und Glamour gewohnt ist, und eine Frau, die die ursprüngliche Kultur ihrer Heimat erhalten will, wirklich ein Happy End finden?

  • av Melissa Foster
    339 - 354,-

  • av Melissa Foster

    Un toxicomane en rémission, les rêves brisés d'une danseuse et le formidable amour qu'aucun n'avait vu venir.Une nouvelle romance drôle, sensuelle, émouvante et palpitante par Melissa Foster, auteure de best-sellers au classement du New York Times. L'histoire d'amour parfaite pour ceux qui aiment les mâles alpha farouchement loyaux et follement sexy, les héroïnes vives et intelligentes, les liens familiaux puissants, les bikers, les bébés et plus encore !Quincy Gritt, toxicomane en rémission, a combattu ses démons. Il a confessé ses crimes et vaincu ses addictions. Il est enfin prêt à séduire la douce et belle Roni, cette brune splendide qui a gagné une soirée en tête à tête avec lui dans une vente de charité, cinq mois plus tôt, et qui n'a cessé de reporter le rendez-vous en le rendant complètement dingue.La danseuse Veronica Wescott, surnommée Roni, a tout fait pour échapper au quartier malfamé de son enfance et suivre son rêve jusqu'à Julliard. Mais en un clin d'¿il, tout a volé en éclats. Au prix de gros efforts, elle a retrouvé une vie normale. Malheureusement, tout bascule à nouveau quand la grand-mère qui l'a élevée meurt, laissant Roni à la dérive dans un monde qu'elle connaît très peu en dehors de la danse. C'est alors qu'arrive Charlie Hunnam, alias Quincy, l'homme dont les textos du soir l'ont aidée à traverser son deuil et font battre son c¿ur depuis des mois.Quincy fait son possible, bien décidé à lui prouver que cette amitié n'est que le début d'une belle histoire qui les attend. Aux soirées romantiques succèdent une passion brûlante et une connexion profonde trop forte pour être ignorée. Mais quand le passé de Quincy revient le hanter, Roni et lui accepteront-ils leur nouvelle réalité, aussi dure soit-elle, ou Quincy sombrera-t-il à nouveau dans les ténèbres, au risque de perdre l'avenir qu'il a tant essayé de construire ?Pour plus d'histoires des Whiskey ?Sous l'armure de ton c¿ur (Truman Gritt)Comme une étincelle (Bear Whiskey)Fou de désir (Bullet Whiskey)En toi, un refuge (Bones Whiskey)Du bonheur à volonté (Jed Moon)Amours rebelles (Dixie Whiskey)Aime-moi dans mes ténèbres (Quincy Gritt)À nos horizons (Scott & Penny)À L'état brut (Diesel and Tracey)La série Les Whiskey : Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor est une série de romances avec des histoires profondes, des liens familiaux forts et un tourbillon d'émotions. Des amours sur fond de petite ville, avec une fin heureuse garantie. Les motards du club Dark Knights n'ont rien de dominateur. Ces bad-boys sont durs et coriaces, mais ils ont un c¿ur en or... et ils n'ont pas peur de s'en servir.

  • av Melissa Foster

    Verlieben Sie sich mit Desmond Black und Tracey Kline in diesem mitreißenden, prickelnden neuen Roman von New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin Melissa Foster. Genau die richtige Liebesgeschichte für alle, die brandheiße Alpha-Männer, starke Frauen, bedingungslose Familienbande, Biker und Babys lieben.Desmond Diesel Black ist ein Nomad im Dark Knights Motorradclub. Er beschützt andere mit seinem Leben und bleibt doch immer rastlos und allein. Tracey Kline verließ ihre Familie für einen Mann, der sie körperlich und emotional gebrochen hat, daher fällt es ihr schwer, anderen zu vertrauen, und sie ist auf sich allein gestellt. Als die beiden durch eine Fügung des Schicksals aufeinandertreffen und hinter die Fassade des anderen blicken, stellt sich die Frage, ob es ihnen gemeinsam gelingen kann, alte Wunden zu heilen und sich gegenseitig Liebe und Vertrauen zu schenken.**Die Whiskeys sind die perfekte Strandlektüre: tiefgründig, mit starken Familienbanden und einer Fülle von Emotionen - Liebesromane mit Kleinstadt-Flair und Happy-End-Garantie.Weitere Bücher der Serie:Tru Blue - Im Herzen starkTruly, Madly, Whiskey - Für immer und ganzDriving Whiskey Wild - Herz über KopfMad About Moon - Verrückt nach dirTaming My Whiskey - Im Herzen wildThe Gritty Truth - Kein Blick zurückIn For A Penny - Süßes GlückUnd nicht verpassen: Liebe gegen den Strom (Die Bradens in Peaceful Harbor) - die Geschichte, in der die Whiskeys zum ersten Mal auftauchen

  • av Melissa Foster

    Tricked into spending the summer on the Cape with her badass half sister and a misbehaving dog. What could go wrong? Did I mention the sparks flying every time she sees her hunky, pushy neighbor, Rick Savage? Yeah, there's that... Fall in love at Bayside, where sandy beaches, good friends, and true love come together in the sweet small towns of Cape Cod. Bayside Summers is a series of standalone steamy romance novels that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom big-family romance collection.This special edition includes bonus images, special formatting, and a playlist.As the co-owner of Bayside Resorts, Rick Savage has a fabulous job working with his best friends and brother, and a thriving business in Washington, DC, which he'll be returning to at the end of the summer. Spending time with his family is great, but being back on Cape Cod has unearthed painful memories. When sweet, smart, and overly cautious Desiree Cleary moves in next door, Rick is drawn to the sexy preschool teacher, and she just might prove to be the perfect distraction.Running an art gallery was not in preschool teacher Desiree Cleary's plans, but after being tricked into coming to her impetuous, unreliable mother's aid, she's stuck spending the summer with the badass half sister she barely knows and a misbehaving dog. If that's not frustrating enough, she can't escape the sparks igniting with her strikingly handsome and pushy neighbor, Rick, who makes all her warning bells go off.Passion ignites as Desiree and Rick spend long summer nights sharing heartfelt confessions and steamy kisses. For the first time in years Rick is enjoying life again instead of hiding behind mounds of work miles away from his family. Desiree has touched him in a way that makes him want to slow down. Only slowing down means dealing with his demons, and he isn't sure who he'll be when he comes out the other side.**Binge read more of the Love in Bloom series. Filled with heat, humor, heart, these steamy romances feature fiercely loyal, alpha heroes and smart, sexy women that are funny, flawed, deeply emotional, and easy to relate to for readers of contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and women's fiction. Characters from each series appear in other Love in Bloom books so you never lose track of your favorite characters' engagements, weddings, or births.LOVE IN BLOOM BIG-FAMILY ROMANCE COLLECTION:Snow SistersThe BradensThe Bradens & MontgomerysThe RemingtonsSeaside SummersBayside SummersThe RydersThe Steeles at Silver IslandBillionaires After DarkWild Boys After DarkBad Boys After DarkHarborside NightsTru Blue and The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful HarborThe Wickeds: Dark Knights at BaysideThe Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchFoster's love stories are perfect steamy romance beach reads for fans of big-family, small-town romance. The characters are romantic and loyal, some are billionaires, others are blue collar, and you're always guaranteed a happily ever after. Topics vary: Small town, big city, vacation love, workplace love, family romance, billionaire romances, friends to lovers, second chance romance, forbidden love, out of the blue, firefighters, and more!

  • av Melissa Foster

    Yoga teacher Emery Andrews has got her best friend and roommate Dean Masters' heart all tied up in knots. Fall in love at Bayside, where sandy beaches, good friends, and true love come together in the sweet small towns of Cape Cod. Bayside Summers is a series of standalone steamy romance novels that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom big-family romance collection.This special edition includes bonus images, special formatting, and a playlist.When Emery Andrews's best friend, Desiree, moves away, falls in love, and opens an inn all in one summer, she feels her absence like a missing limb. Until she visits over the holidays and meets sinfully hot Dean Masters, who's as easy on the eyes as he is to talk to. After returning home, what starts as a flurry of late-night flirtations quickly turns into a deep connection and unexpected friendship. Now, months later, Desiree offers Emery a job teaching yoga at the inn. Adventurous Emery jumps at the chance and heads for Wellfleet, Massachusetts, to reunite with her BFF and her new close friend, Dean.After months of sharing their lives, and their secrets, over video chats and phone calls, Dean's ready to move things to the next level. The fact that Emery seems oblivious to the sparks between them and has recently put her foot down about dating friends just means he'll have to bide his time.When Emery finds a naked man in her kitchen the first morning she's there, Dean doesn't hesitate to move her into his guest room. Maybe now Emery will see what's right before her eyes--although that guy she's got a date with might be a problem.**Binge read more of the Love in Bloom series. Filled with heat, humor, heart, these steamy romances feature fiercely loyal, alpha heroes and smart, sexy women that are funny, flawed, deeply emotional, and easy to relate to for readers of contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and women's fiction. Characters from each series appear in other Love in Bloom books so you never lose track of your favorite characters' engagements, weddings, or births.LOVE IN BLOOM BIG-FAMILY ROMANCE COLLECTION:Snow SistersThe BradensThe Bradens & MontgomerysThe RemingtonsSeaside SummersBayside SummersThe RydersThe Steeles at Silver IslandBillionaires After DarkWild Boys After DarkBad Boys After DarkHarborside NightsTru Blue and The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful HarborThe Wickeds: Dark Knights at BaysideThe Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchFoster's love stories are perfect steamy romance beach reads for fans of big-family, small-town romance. The characters are romantic and loyal, some are billionaires, others are blue collar, and you're always guaranteed a happily ever after. Topics vary: Small town, big city, vacation love, workplace love, family romance, billionaire romances, friends to lovers, second chance romance, forbidden love, out of the blue, firefighters, and more!

  • av Melissa Foster

    Serena is Drake's best friend, business associate, and in his heart, she's his one and only true love. But is he too late? A hilarious, sexy not-to-be missed summer romance. Fall in love at Bayside, where sandy beaches, good friends, and true love come together in the sweet small towns of Cape Cod. Bayside Summers is a series of standalone steamy romance novels that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom big-family romance collection.This special edition includes bonus images, special formatting, and a playlist.Drake Savage has always done the right thing, especially where beautiful and fiercely determined Serena Mallery is concerned-even when it means keeping his feelings for her to himself. Serena has always wanted more than what their small town of Wellfleet, Massachusetts has to offer, and Drake's roots are so deeply entrenched in the Cape, it's all he can do to watch her pack up her life and move away.Serena has always had big dreams. As a teenager she dreamed of becoming an interior designer and marrying smart, musically inclined, sexy-as-sin Drake Savage. Now she's finally landed a killer job with a top interior design firm, but though she has spent the last four years working side by side with Drake, he's never made a move. Four years is long enough for her to accept reality, and her new job in Boston is the perfect way to move on.A weak moment leads to sizzling, sensual kisses, opening a door through which they've both been aching to walk. But Serena's determined not to give up her shot at the career she's always dreamed of, and Drake has loved her for too many years to stand in her way. With true love at their fingertips and a world of unstoppable passion igniting between them, can the two star-crossed lovers find their way to their happily ever after?**Binge read more of the Love in Bloom series. Filled with heat, humor, heart, these steamy romances feature fiercely loyal, alpha heroes and smart, sexy women that are funny, flawed, deeply emotional, and easy to relate to for readers of contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and women's fiction. Characters from each series appear in other Love in Bloom books so you never lose track of your favorite characters' engagements, weddings, or births.LOVE IN BLOOM BIG-FAMILY ROMANCE COLLECTION:Snow SistersThe BradensThe Bradens & MontgomerysThe RemingtonsSeaside SummersBayside SummersThe RydersThe Steeles at Silver IslandBillionaires After DarkWild Boys After DarkBad Boys After DarkHarborside NightsTru Blue and The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful HarborThe Wickeds: Dark Knights at BaysideThe Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchFoster's love stories are perfect steamy romance beach reads for fans of big-family, small-town romance. The characters are romantic and loyal, some are billionaires, others are blue collar, and you're always guaranteed a happily ever after. Topics vary: Small town, big city, vacation love, workplace love, family romance, billionaire romances, friends to lovers, second chance romance, forbidden love, out of the blue, firefighters, and more!

  • av Melissa Foster

    Jett Masters has single-handedly built an empire. There's nothing he can't handle. Until sexy, snarky, and disorganized Tegan Fine catches his eye, and proves him wrong. Fall in love at Bayside, where sandy beaches, good friends, and true love come together in the sweet small towns of Cape Cod. Bayside Summers is a series of standalone steamy romance novels that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom big-family romance collection.This special edition includes bonus images, special formatting, and a playlist.Tegan Fine has never had a plan-life, business, or otherwise. But she's always had goals-to laugh daily and to pay it forward as often as she is able, just like her favorite uncle always did. After inheriting her great-uncle's amphitheater, Tegan makes a risky move to a charming small town on Cape Cod to carry on her uncle's legacy and hopefully expand the business with her new friend, Harper. Unfortunately, those goals aren't doing much to help her plan a business strategy for her new endeavor. With Harper counting on her and her uncle's legacy at stake, she swears off all distractions, determined to succeed. If only she could stop bumping into a certain arrogant, witty, and excruciatingly hot businessman who tweaks her nerves and invades her every thought. Including her late-night fantasies.Self-professed workaholic Jett Masters never slows down. He lives life with no attachments-except to his clients, to whom he gives his all. A reluctant trip to his hometown has him itching to shake the ghosts of his past and get back to spinning deals and adding to his investments. But when he comes face-to-face with a gorgeous, handsy woman who is quite possibly the snarkiest and most disorganized person he's ever met, sparks fly, and his sharp mind stumbles. He doesn't even know her name, but he can't get her out of his mind.A chance encounter turns into a wild, sexy night, and their chemistry is off the charts-even if their ideals, and their lives, are worlds apart. Neither Jett nor Tegan is looking for more. Becoming friends with benefits seems like the perfect solution. But when they are trapped together in torrential weather, they work side by side in the aftermath, and every passionate kiss deepens their connection. Secrets are shared, trust is built, and no promises dare be made. As their lives move on, lines begin to blur, hearts get hurt, and their true selves come into focus. Tegan and Jett are left wondering if they make the perfect storm, or if they've reached the end of their bayside fantasy.**Binge read more of the Love in Bloom series. Filled with heat, humor, heart, these steamy romances feature fiercely loyal, alpha heroes and smart, sexy women that are funny, flawed, deeply emotional, and easy to relate to for readers of contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and women's fiction. Characters from each series appear in other Love in Bloom books so you never lose track of your favorite characters' engagements, weddings, or births.LOVE IN BLOOM BIG-FAMILY ROMANCE COLLECTION:Snow SistersThe BradensThe Bradens & MontgomerysThe RemingtonsSeaside SummersBayside SummersThe RydersThe Steeles at Silver IslandBillionaires After DarkWild Boys After DarkBad Boys After DarkHarborside NightsTru Blue and The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful HarborThe Wickeds: Dark Knights at BaysideThe Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchFoster's love stories are perfect steamy romance beach reads for fans of big-family, small-town romance. The characters are romantic and loyal, some are billionaires, others are blue collar, and you're always guaranteed a happily ever after.

  • av Melissa Foster

    After a string of bad luck, Harper runs into one man she can't forget. He's hot, smart, and oh-so romantic, but is he the one? Or is he the next in line to break her heart? Fall in love at Bayside, where sandy beaches, good friends, and true love come together in the sweet small towns of Cape Cod. Bayside Summers is a series of standalone steamy romance novels that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom big-family romance collection.This special edition includes bonus images, special formatting, and a playlist.When screenwriter Harper Garner got a shot at the big-time in LA, she celebrated her brave cross-country move with her first and only one-night stand-connecting so deeply with the sexy, brilliant man, she broke the number-one rule of one-night stands and left her phone number. Not hearing from him was only the first in a long line of hope-shattering, confidence-busting blows. Ten months later, Harper is done with men and done with LA. She pulls up her big-girl panties and heads home to Cape Cod to start over.On the surface, interior designer Gavin Wheeler has it all: a successful business, a loving family, and a close-knit group of friends. But Gavin once endured a heartbreak so painful, he was sure he'd never feel anything for a woman again. A chance encounter at a music festival with a gorgeous, down-to-earth blonde proved him wrong, but when morning came, the woman who made him crave more was gone.A serendipitous evening reunites Harper with her devastatingly delicious one-night stand, and the connection is just as intense as she remembered. Harper's life is too unsettled for a relationship, but Gavin is determined to help her find her way, especially if it leads straight to his heart. Moonlight conversations lead to steamy kisses, and as romance blooms, it stirs a love too real to deny. But when Gavin's past collides with the life they're building, it has the power to ruin everything.**Binge read more of the Love in Bloom series. Filled with heat, humor, heart, these steamy romances feature fiercely loyal, alpha heroes and smart, sexy women that are funny, flawed, deeply emotional, and easy to relate to for readers of contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and women's fiction. Characters from each series appear in other Love in Bloom books so you never lose track of your favorite characters' engagements, weddings, or births.LOVE IN BLOOM BIG-FAMILY ROMANCE COLLECTION:Snow SistersThe BradensThe Bradens & MontgomerysThe RemingtonsSeaside SummersBayside SummersThe RydersThe Steeles at Silver IslandBillionaires After DarkWild Boys After DarkBad Boys After DarkHarborside NightsTru Blue and The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful HarborThe Wickeds: Dark Knights at BaysideThe Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchFoster's love stories are perfect steamy romance beach reads for fans of big-family, small-town romance. The characters are romantic and loyal, some are billionaires, others are blue collar, and you're always guaranteed a happily ever after. Topics vary: Small town, big city, vacation love, workplace love, family romance, billionaire romances, friends to lovers, second chance romance, forbidden love, out of the blue, firefighters, and more!

  • av Melissa Foster

    She walked away from the only man she ever loved to save the sister she was taken away from. Star-crossed lovers reunite in this emotional and sexy love story. Fall in love at Bayside, where sandy beaches, good friends, and true love come together in the sweet small towns of Cape Cod. Bayside Summers is a series of standalone steamy romance novels that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom big-family romance collection.This special edition includes bonus images, special formatting, and a playlist.Two years ago Violet Vancroft was a nomadic artist who never wanted to put down roots and Andre Shaw was a prominent Boston physician whose roots ran too deep to unearth. Their love didn't stand a chance-or at least that's what Violet believed when she received a plea for help from the sister she'd never really known-so she snuck away like a thief in the night.Now Andre travels the world setting up new medical clinics, and Violet has finally found the family she'd always craved and the roots she'd never known she wanted. When their paths cross unexpectedly, it's not the reunion either one imagined. But they've never stopped loving each other, and after the dust of anger and hurt settles, passion ignites even hotter than before. As the end to Andre's time at the Cape nears, reality sets in, leaving them no closer to a future than they were before. Violet and Andre are forced to dig deep to discover if they're destined to live apart forever or if true love really can conquer all.**Binge read more of the Love in Bloom series. Filled with heat, humor, heart, these steamy romances feature fiercely loyal, alpha heroes and smart, sexy women that are funny, flawed, deeply emotional, and easy to relate to for readers of contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and women's fiction. Characters from each series appear in other Love in Bloom books so you never lose track of your favorite characters' engagements, weddings, or births.LOVE IN BLOOM BIG-FAMILY ROMANCE COLLECTION:Snow SistersThe BradensThe Bradens & MontgomerysThe RemingtonsSeaside SummersBayside SummersThe RydersThe Steeles at Silver IslandBillionaires After DarkWild Boys After DarkBad Boys After DarkHarborside NightsTru Blue and The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful HarborThe Wickeds: Dark Knights at BaysideThe Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption RanchFoster's love stories are perfect steamy romance beach reads for fans of big-family, small-town romance. The characters are romantic and loyal, some are billionaires, others are blue collar, and you're always guaranteed a happily ever after. Topics vary: Small town, big city, vacation love, workplace love, family romance, billionaire romances, friends to lovers, second chance romance, forbidden love, out of the blue, firefighters, and more!

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

    Tombez sous le charme de Jed et Josie dans cette romance bouleversante et torride, par Melissa Foster, auteure de best-sellers au classement du New York Times. L'histoire d'amour parfaite pour ceux qui aiment les héros virils farouchement loyaux et intensément sexy, les héroïnes intelligentes à l'esprit vif, les valeurs familiales fortes, les motards, les bébés et plus encore !Le véritable amour peut-il frapper deux fois dans une vie ?Josie Beckley refuse de croire qu'il existe une limite au bonheur. Dix ans après avoir échappé à ses parents violents et coupé les ponts avec ses frère et s¿ur, elle perd son mari et se retrouve seule avec son fils, sans abri. Mais Josie n'a jamais été du genre à se morfondre, et quand elle saisit l'occasion de renouer avec sa famille, un être lumineux à la beauté diabolique surgit de son passé pour l'aider à sortir des ténèbres.Pour la plupart, Jed Moon n'est pas le genre d'homme à qui l'on peut se fier. Il a souvent fréquenté la prison et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que son mode de vie laisse à désirer. Pourtant, il y a des années, une femme a su voir clair dans son jeu, et depuis, il ne l'a jamais oubliée. Maintenant, elle est de retour dans sa vie, et au nom du club de motards des Dark Knights, Jed promet de garder un ¿il sur cette mère célibataire sexy et pétillante qui a toujours alimenté ses fantasmes.Le feu entre Jed et Josie brûle plus fort que jamais. Avec cette femme et son fils dans sa vie, Jed se découvre des instincts protecteurs... et une vision d'avenir qu'il n'aurait jamais envisagée. Mais quand une révélation stupéfiante ébranle les amants insatiables, ils sont contraints de faire un choix qui pourrait bouleverser leurs vies à jamais.Pour plus d'amour à la Dark Knights, découvrez les autres romans de Melissa dans la même série :Comme une étincelle (Bear)Fou de désir (Bullet)En toi, un refuge (Bones)Du bonheur à volonté (Jed)Amours rebelles (Dixie)Aime-moi dans mes ténèbres (Quincy)À nos horizons (Penny)À l'état brut (Diesel)La série Les Whiskey : Les Dark Knights de Peaceful Harbor est une lecture de plage idéale avec des histoires profondes, des liens familiaux forts et un foisonnement d'émotions. Des amours sur fond de petite ville, avec une fin heureuse garantie.

  • av Melissa Foster
    339 - 354,-

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster

  • av Melissa Foster
    354 - 507,-

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