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  • av Melissa Smith

    Twelve days of sweet Christmas ideas to make it the best one yet, but will her one true Christmas wish finally come true?Christmas is quickly approaching, and with it comes the gift-giving season meant to share love with those who matter most in your life. It's a time of joy and gratitude and love. Then why does Alexa feel as if there's a gaping hole in her life? Why does this Christmas feel completely hollow? She's secretly wished for the same thing every year since marrying her husband, but she's yet to receive it. Will this be the year, or will it continue to elude her for as long as she lives?Jonah, seeing the internal struggle of his wife, wants nothing more than to cheer her up and give her a happy Christmas. He knows why she's sad, but there isn't much he can do that he hasn't already done besides be there for her in every way. So he devises some fun ideas, innocent and not so much, to entice that smile to light up her face. Despite the pain of the predicament he put them in, can he salvage this Christmas and make it the most memorable yet?*This is a little slice of life novella for a couple that you've loved but never got to see firsthand like this. This short story contains content meant for mature audiences but is otherwise a happy story with a happy ending. If you haven't read this couple before, you'll find them in books 1 & 2 of the series.*

  • av Melissa Smith

    Lives hang in the balance. Death is heavy in the air. Who will be spared? Tavionna's people are hanging on by a thread, her efforts to save them have all failed, and now she's leaning on a last resort. Relocation and revenge all in one. Despite her whole-hearted decision, doubt clouds her mind.Kari's discovered Tavionna's secret, the one that will stop her terrorizing once and for all, but can she get through to the vengeful priestess out for blood? Will she save both of their peoples before it's too late?With Kari distracted and searching for a solution to a more urgent issue, her biggest enemy yet is still in motion, following her every move, searching for weaknesses to exploit. She doesn't have much time to stop this enemy and save the planet she now calls home, but where to begin?*This is book 4 in a series that must be read in order. It is intended for adult audiences due to mentions and/or scenes involving blood, autopsy, medical experiments & procedures, threats, and other stimulating content. Read at your own risk.*

  • av Melissa Smith

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué significan realmente tu signo solar, tu ascendente o tu luna? ¿Quieres descubrir cómo los signos, planetas y casas en tu carta natal pueden revelar aspectos profundos de tu personalidad y destino? Si es así, "Astrología para Principiantes: Descubre los Misterios de los Signos, Planetas y Casas en tu Carta Natal y Conecta con tu Propósito Cósmico" es el libro que has estado buscando. Este libro es tu guía completa para comenzar a comprender la astrología y cómo puede ayudarte a comprender mejor a ti mismo y a los demás. Aprenderás: ¿ Los fundamentos de la astrología, incluyendo los doce signos del zodiaco, los planetas y las casas.¿ Cómo interpretar tu propia carta natal y comprender su significado.¿ Los aspectos planetarios y cómo influyen en tu personalidad y destino.¿ La importancia de tu signo solar, tu ascendente y tu luna en tu carta natal.¿ Cómo descifrar las interacciones y relaciones entre diferentes signos del zodiaco para una mejor comprensión de las dinámicas interpersonales. Independientemente de tu nivel de conocimiento actual, este libro te proporcionará una base sólida en astrología y te ofrecerá una nueva forma de ver el mundo y a ti mismo.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Are you curious about unlocking a new path of self-exploration that integrates the wisdom of age-old tarot with innovative shadow work techniques? Have you ever wondered if there's an untapped potential within you, waiting to be discovered, that could lead to a deeper understanding of your inner self? If you found yourself nodding affirmatively this book is a journey you might just be ready to take.This unique guide melds the enigmatic symbology of the Tarot's Major Arcana with the profound exploration of shadow work, inspiring you to undertake a journey of self-discovery that is deeply transformative. The approach, while anchored in timeless wisdom, brings a novel perspective to the field of self-awareness and personal evolution.Through the pages of this guide, you will:Gain a deep understanding of shadow work and its pivotal role in your transformative journey towards self-improvementUnveil the symbolism and profound significance of each Major Arcana card, connecting their mystic representations with various facets of your shadow self.Master the art of using tarot as a potent tool for introspection, unveiling hidden aspects of your personality and revealing patterns operating beneath your conscious awareness.Engage in a variety of inventive, practical exercises that meld tarot interpretation with shadow work, forming a robust catalyst for self-evolution.Decipher the intricacies of your ego and its connection with the Tarot, leading to a more profound understanding of your conscious and unconscious self.Discover the intricate correlation between your shadow and the Tarot, fostering a unique dialogue that promotes self-acceptance and harmony.Learn to recognize, comprehend, and harmonize your shadow aspects, guiding you towards a more balanced, complete, and integrated sense of self.... and much more!"Tarot Shadow Work" isn't just another book about tarot cards-it's a guide designed to facilitate an intimate conversation with your inner self, a dialogue that can lead to profound personal transformation.Whether you're a novice or a seasoned tarot reader, there are fresh perspectives and hidden truths waiting to be discovered. Are you ready to confront the shadows within you and illuminate them with the light of consciousness? Your exploration begins here.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Terrified. Anxious. Guilt-ridden. Heartbroken.Shannon and Maya feel the same despite being torn apart by light-years.Taken together from Earth by The Reapers years ago, they were sold together as slaves. Unfortunate events saw Shannon returned as Maya became a personal slave to a very evil, rich man.Freed by Charlie and Ethan, Shannon now has the strength and help she needs to rescue Maya and start their life over together.Will Shannon be able to rescue Maya alive and bring her home, or will she be too late? *This book is the 4th in a series that must be read in order. It has mentions of rape and abuse as well as a hostage standoff with weapons, and murder. There are heavy topics of trauma recovery and deep emotional pain in this book as well. Read at your own risk.*

  • av Melissa Smith

    Have you ever felt like there's something more to you?Do you have a knack for knowing what people are thinking?Are you always able to sense when something bad is about to happen?Are mediums real and not just myths or legends?What is the process for becoming a psychic? And how does it actually work?Psychic abilities can be a mysterious and feeling-filled realm for many people. But, if you're reading this, you probably already know that there's something about you that makes you feel more connected to your intuition than the average person. This is because having psychic abilities is natural and something most people possess to some extent. However, before you can develop your psychic abilities to the fullest, it's important to know where they come from and how to cultivate them.When people think of someone who is psychic, they often imagine a person who can see into the future, while this is definitely one type of psychic ability, it's not the only one. In fact, there are many different types of psychic abilities, and not all of them involve seeing into the future.Here is just a tiny fraction of what you will discover:- How to develop your Psychic Abilities- Clairvoyance; Clairsentience; Claircognizance- Precognition; Retrocognition; Remote Viewing- Tasseography- How to Develop Telepathy- Aura Reading- Astral Projection- How to Contact the Spirit World- How to protect yourself from psychic attacks with powerful protection spells...and much more!Developing your psychic abilities can be a daunting task, but it can also be inspiring, fun, and rewarding. Give yourself a realistic and positive outlook, and you'll be on your way to developing your abilities. When you learn how to use them, you begin to develop more insights about yourself and others. You start understanding the hidden meanings behind things, the reasons for why things happen, and the connections between people.The development of a psychic ability requires practice, discipline, and patience. And while there are no clear-cut steps that you should follow, there are some general guidelines you can use to develop your power.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Vi sentite persi, bloccati o alla ricerca di un significato più profondo nella vostra vita?Cercate di scoprire lo scopo della vostra anima, di guarire dai traumi del passato o di creare connessioni più autentiche con gli altri?Se avete risposto "sì" a una di queste domande, questo libro fa per voi.Mentre il sole tramonta su una tela infuocata di rossi e arancioni, proiettando lunghe ombre sul terreno, una leggera brezza accarezza le foglie, sussurrando i segreti della vita. Questo è il momento in cui i nostri cuori e le nostre anime si intrecciano con l'arazzo dell'universo, il grande disegno tessuto dai fili dell'amore, del dolore, della gioia e della tristezza. È in questi momenti che intravediamo la profonda verità delle nostre relazioni, dipinta dalle tinte eteree dei contratti d'anima e delle connessioni karmiche, riflesse nello specchio sacro dei Registri Akashici.All'interno di questa guida illuminante, esplorerete:- Le antiche origini e la storia dei Registri Akashici, che rivelano la saggezza senza tempo delle civiltà del passato.- L'energia sottile dell'Akasha e la sua connessione con le filosofie orientali, la fisica quantistica e la coscienza umana.- Tecniche collaudate per accedere ai Registri Akashici, tra cui la meditazione, la visualizzazione, il sogno lucido e la proiezione astrale.- Strategie pratiche per interpretare e applicare le intuizioni raccolte nei Registri per migliorare la vostra crescita personale e spirituale.Vi sentite ancora dubbiosi? Non preoccupatevi: comprendo che il concetto di Registri Akashici possa sembrare astratto o addirittura mistico. Per questo motivo mi sono assicurata di affrontare i cliché e le paure più comuni intorno ai registri, fornendovi gli strumenti necessari per superare lo scetticismo e ottenere chiarezza nel vostro viaggio.Addentrandovi nel mondo dei Registri Akashici, imparerete a..:- Guarire i traumi del passato, liberare gli schemi karmici e liberarsi dai cicli generazionali.- Scoprire la missione della vostra anima, allinearvi con il vostro potenziale più elevato e fare scelte di potere nella vostra vita.- Comprendere i contratti dell'anima, le connessioni karmiche e navigare nella complessità delle relazioni con maggiore empatia e autenticità.... e molto altro ancora!Questa guida è stata meticolosamente realizzata per fornirvi una tabella di marcia completa, passo dopo passo, per accedere, interpretare e utilizzare la Biblioteca Universale di Saggezza per la vostra crescita personale e lo sviluppo spirituale, nonché per entrare in contatto con amori delle vostre vite passate.Siete pronti a intraprendere un viaggio che vi cambierà la vita?Non aspettate oltre: prendete in mano il vostro destino e sfruttate il potenziale illimitato che è in voi.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Hai mai avvertito una connessione così profonda e intensa con qualcuno che sembra quasi divina? Ti sei mai chiesta/o se esista una connessione dell'anima che supera le relazioni comuni? Se la risposta è sì, allora sei pronto per scoprire il mistero delle Fiamme Gemelle e il loro potere trasformativo. Immergiti in questo libro affascinante e scopri: - Il misterioso e affascinante mondo delle Fiamme Gemelle e come può trasformare la tua comprensione dell'amore e delle connessioni spirituali.- La differenza tra Anime Gemelle e Fiamme Gemelle, per capire pienamente la profondità delle tue relazioni.- L'importanza e il ruolo delle Fiamme Gemelle nella coscienza globale, per capire come puoi contribuire all'ascesa della coscienza collettiva.- Tecniche e consigli pratici per riconoscere la tua Fiamma Gemella, gestire l'intensità emotiva e mantenere l'armonia nel tuo viaggio spirituale.- Approfondimenti sulle leggi dell'universo come la Legge di Attrazione e come usarla per attirare e manifestare la tua Fiamma Gemella.- Scopri il potere dell'amore per se stessi nel contesto del viaggio della Fiamma Gemella e apprendi tecniche per coltivare questo amore fondamentale.- Connettiti con le nozioni di risveglio spirituale, ascensione e le lezioni preziose derivanti dalla connessione spirituale.- Esplora il rapporto tra le Fiamme Gemelle e il concetto di vite passate, la reincarnazione e la guarigione dei traumi delle vite passate.- Come riconoscere una FALSA FIAMMA GEMELLA. E molto altro! Non importa dove tu sia nel tuo percorso, questo libro ti guiderà attraverso i vari aspetti del viaggio della Fiamma Gemella, dal primo incontro alla riunione, offrendoti tecniche efficaci e testate per imparare ad amarti e trovare l'amante della tua vita.Avvia il tuo viaggio di scoperta e trasformazione con la tua Fiamma Gemella. Cosa aspetti? Acquista la guida oggi e cambia la tua vita per sempre.

  • av Melissa Smith

    ¿Te sientes perdido, atascado o en busca de un sentido más profundo en tu vida? ¿Buscas descubrir el propósito de tu alma, sanar traumas pasados o forjar conexiones más auténticas con los demás? Si respondiste "sí" a alguna de estas preguntas, entonces este libro es para ti. Dentro de esta guía reveladora, explorarás: ¿ Los orígenes antiguos e historia de los Registros Akáshicos, revelando la sabiduría atemporal de las civilizaciones pasadas.¿ La sutil energía del Akasha y su conexión con las filosofías orientales, la física cuántica y la conciencia humana.¿ Técnicas probadas para acceder a los Registros Akáshicos, incluyendo la meditación, visualización, sueños lúcidos y proyección astral.¿ Estrategias prácticas para interpretar y aplicar las perspectivas obtenidas de los Registros para mejorar tu crecimiento personal y espiritual. ¿Aún te sientes dudoso? No te preocupes; entendemos que el concepto de los Registros Akáshicos puede parecer abstracto o incluso místico. Por eso nos aseguramos de abordar conceptos erróneos comunes y temores, proporcionándote las herramientas que necesitas para superar el escepticismo y obtener claridad en tu camino. Mientras te sumerges en el mundo de los Registros Akáshicos, aprenderás cómo: ¿ Sanar traumas pasados, liberar patrones kármicos y romper con los ciclos generacionales.¿ Descubrir la misión de tu alma, alinearte con tu potencial más elevado y tomar decisiones empoderadas en tu vida.¿ Entender los contratos del alma, las conexiones kármicas y navegar la complejidad de las relaciones con mayor empatía y autenticidad....¡y mucho más! No dejes que la duda te impida descubrir la sabiduría profunda y el poder transformador de los Registros Akáshicos. Esta guía ha sido meticulosamente elaborada para proporcionarte un camino exhaustivo y paso a paso para acceder, interpretar y utilizar la Biblioteca Universal de la Sabiduría para tu crecimiento personal y desarrollo espiritual. Entonces, ¿estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje que cambiará tu vida y desvelar los secretos de los Registros Akáshicos? No esperes más, toma las riendas de tu destino y aprovecha el potencial ilimitado dentro de ti. Haz tu pedido del libro "Registros Akáshicos: Desvelando la Biblioteca Universal de la Sabiduría" hoy mismo y comienza a manifestar la vida que siempre quisiste vivir.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure of love, growth, and spiritual transformation? Prepare to be captivated by the compelling world of Twin Flames and discover the profound depths of a connection that transcends all boundaries. In this book, you will be guided through the captivating stages, exhilarating challenges, and incredible growth that awaits you on this soulful path. Get ready to explore: The hidden truths behind Twin Flames and their profound significance in your lifeUnveiling the myths and misconceptions surrounding Twin Flames and gaining a deeper understanding of their unique natureDelving into the fascinating historical and cultural references that shed light on the timeless essence of Twin FlamesUnlocking the scientific perspectives that reveal the intricate dynamics of Twin Flame connections, from psychology to the fascinating realm of quantum entanglementDiscovering the biochemical connections that ignite the fires of passion and spiritual alignment within Twin Flame relationshipsRecognizing the unmistakable signs that signify the presence of your Twin Flame, from the shared energy that binds you together to the awe-inspiring synchronicities that manifest in your livesNavigating the diverse stages of the Twin Flame journey, from the exhilarating initial meeting to the transformative reunion and unificationOvercoming the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way, including the intense emotional intensity, the runner and chaser dynamic, and the longing experienced during periods of separationEmbracing the power of self-love as a catalyst for growth and healing within the Twin Flame connection, with practical techniques to cultivate self-love and nurture your own divine essenceHarnessing the transformative potential of spiritual growth and ascension on the Twin Flame journey, uncovering the profound lessons learned from the spiritual connectionExploring the intriguing realm of past lives and their impact on Twin Flame relationships, with guidance on discovering past life connections and healing deep-seated traumasMastering the delicate art of balancing the Twin Flame connection, harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies within, and embracing the transformative power of meditation and mindfulnessUnlocking the secrets of manifestation and the law of attraction in the context of Twin Flames, with practical visualization techniques and mindset shifts to manifest a harmonious reunionNurturing and deepening your connection in a Twin Flame relationship, with guidance on healthy communication, overcoming challenges together, and maintaining lasting harmonyEmbracing the profound impact of Twin Flames on the global consciousness, understanding their role in ascending collective awareness and contributing to the healing of our worldEmbracing the call to dispel common misconceptions and dive into the depth and beauty of Twin Flame connections, guided by a grounded and comprehensive perspective Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey that will challenge, inspire, and transform you. This book is your invitation to unlock the infinite potential of love, growth, and spiritual connection within the realm of Twin Flames.

  • av Melissa Smith

    ¿Alguna vez has sentido un llamado hacia lo misterioso, una atracción hacia lo desconocido? ¿Estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y despertar mágico? Si es así, "Wicca Para Principiantes: Hechizos Wiccanos, Magia con Hierbas y Brujería: El Camino Hacia el Misterio y el Dominio de lo Desconocido" es el libro que estabas esperando. Descubre un camino lleno de magia y misterio, una guía diseñada para ayudarte a entender y manejar el poder de la magia wiccana, la magia con hierbas y la brujería. En este libro, aprenderás: ¿ Los fundamentos de los hechizos wiccanos y cómo crear tus propios hechizos efectivos.¿ Las propiedades y usos de varias hierbas para realizar magia herbal.¿ El fascinante mundo de la brujería, su historia y su relevancia en el mundo moderno.¿ Técnicas y rituales para canalizar tu energía interior y conectarte con el universo.¿ El camino para entender y dominar lo desconocido, dándote el control y el poder para transformar tu realidad. No importa si eres nuevo en el mundo de la Wicca o si ya tienes experiencia pero deseas profundizar tus conocimientos y habilidades. Este libro está diseñado para ser una herramienta invaluable en tu viaje mágico.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Have you ever imagined stepping into a world where ancient myths and legendary creatures are brought to life through captivating illustrations? 'Japanese Mythology' invites you on a visual and narrative journey into the mystical heart of Japan's most beloved tales and folklore. This beautifully illustrated book features: Stunning artwork that vividly portrays the essence of each myth, enhancing the storytelling experience.In-depth explorations of the Shinto origins, including the creation myth that narrates the birth of the Japanese islands.The radiant story of Amaterasu, the sun goddess, and the enigmatic tales of Tsukuyomi, the moon god.The dramatic saga of Susanoo, showcasing his stormy rivalries and the powerful forces of nature.Captivating accounts of the Tengu and the endearing tale of Momotaro, the peach boy.and much more!

  • av Melissa Smith

    Hai voglia di conoscere un misterioso sistema di divinazione utilizzato da più di 2000 anni dagli antichi popoli del Nord? Vuoi scoprire in che modo è possibile sfruttare la magia delle Rune nella tua vita quotidiana, in maniera moderna e attuale? Sapevi che la runa "Raidho" rappresenta la "nobiltà ottenuta per merito"? Niente in questa vita è gratuito, tutto ciò che pensi l'universo debba darti, devi meritartelo. Devi agire affinché sia tuo. Se tutto questo suscita il tuo interesse, allora continua a leggere. Avere a che fare con un sistema antico e puro come l'Elder Futhark aiuta a fare chiarezza nelle nostre vite e ripulire le giornate dalle influenze e dalle energie negative che costantemente, attraverso la tecnologia ma non solo, appesantiscono il vivere quotidiano. Non sto dicendo che grazie alle Rune la vita cambierà immediatamente ma l'ispirazione positiva e l'apertura mentale che sicuramente porteranno saranno di grande aiuto nel percorso di realizzazione individuale che hai iniziato. Il mio obiettivo è quello di riportare in vita i vecchi metodi di divinazione nordica e guardarli da una prospettiva moderna per superare tutti i blocchi mentali ed energetici presenti nella nostra vita. Non troverai un'infinità di noiose citazioni di testi accademici, soltanto le mie parole, le parole di qualcuno che ha vissuto la propria vita alla ricerca delle radici più profonde della tradizione nordica. Questa è solo una piccola anticipazione di ciò che è presente nel libro: - La storia delle Rune e le origini dell'Antico Futhark- Cosa sono le Rune e in che modo i popoli antichi le utilizzavano- Il significato profondo di ognuna delle 24 rune: da Fehu ad Othala- Come interpretare le Rune in un'ottica moderna e personale- Come effettuare il tuo primo lancio- Rituali magici per rafforzare il tuo collegamento con il tuo set di Rune- Otto tipi di layout differenti per svolgere divinazioni complesse a seconda della tua necessità Il mondo in cui viviamo è basato sulla gratificazione immediata e risposte altrettanto immediate ai quesiti che ci poniamo nei confronti della vita. Tutto questo, non è di alcun aiuto: la gratificazione è momentanea e fugace, le risposte sono spesso sbagliate. Con questo libro imparerai a comprendere meglio ciascuna delle 24 Rune, ti insegnerò a praticare la tua prima lettura e ti darò le basi per migliorare e fare progressi nel tempo. Molto dipenderà dal tuo impegno e dalla routine quotidiana che imposterai, tuttavia, avere una guida accessibile a cui far riferimento ogni volta che ne avrai bisogno ti sarà di grande aiuto.Tutta la conoscenza che cercherò di donarti è stata acquisita con anni di letture ed esperienze pratiche.Utilizzala per sviluppare e costruire il tuo sistema di lettura personale.

  • av Melissa Smith

    How far will a High Priestess go to save her people? As far as it takes.Chief Criido's life is in danger, and by extension, the entire village is at risk. Kari and her crew are attempting to protect against an enemy unlike any they've come across before.Tavionna's people are dying, and she doesn't know why or how to stop it. All she knows is that something needs to be done, and she'll do absolutely whatever it takes to keep her people alive and healthy.Will Kari reaching out to Charlie for help be enough to protect them against Tavionna's threats and attacks?Can Kari find a solution to all their problems before any more lives are lost?*Ngozii's Plight is book 3 in the Among the Cosmos series that must be read in order. Contains adult content, threats, and scenes of medical distress - including blood. This is a romance story containing MF, MM, and MFM relations.*

  • av Melissa Smith

    The Reapers must be stopped, and it's my destiny to make it happen.Zaynt has stood by his friends, helped them, watched them grow and fight this evil for the last two years, but something has to change. Ethan and Charlie can't keep up this pace forever, someone needs to do something.Taking matters into his own hands, Zaynt is determined to rid the universe of the biggest crime bosses ever known. Luckily for him, his friends are there for him as he always has been for them. Together, they'll enter the lion's den to compile the evidence they need.Will they be smart enough to stay under the radar of the smartest criminals in the universe?Will lives be saved once again or will they be lost?*This is the final installment of The New Life series, following our teens on their biggest mission yet. Be warned of mentions to heinous acts and criminal behavior, as well as cursing, medical procedures, threats, knife violence, and other dark themes that go along with these. As always, there will be a happily ever after for our kids, if you're brave enough to keep reading.*

  • av Melissa Smith

    Invisible. That's how Molly felt with Charlie as her brother growing up.Until he went 'missing'. Now she just wants to go back to being invisible, to get away from the constant condolences, and get back to studying. She wants to find her place in the universe, help people in more ways than she is, and Charlie can help her get there. But he refuses to take her into space.Molly gets her wish, just not how she hoped. Being a pawn in someone else's game is not how she wanted to spend her time in space. Although, it has brought to life a dream that she will do anything to make into reality.When Molly disappears, all Charlie gets is a ransom and a warning that if he refuses to comply, Molly will take her only space walk. He's refused to bring her into his world to keep her safe, and now she's in danger.All Molly can do now is wait and hope that Charlie can find her wherever she is among the trillions of stars before something goes wrong. Will Charlie be able to find Molly before she's left to float forever among the stars?Will Molly make it out of this endeavor alive and turn her dream into reality?*Molly's New Dream is the third installment of the New Series and they must be read in order. There are some dark themes and cussing that some may find troubling as well medical content that may be difficult to read if queasy. Please read at your own risk.*

  • av Melissa Smith

    Journey into the mystical world of spirit animals and unlock the wisdom of the wild with "Animal Spirit Guides". This comprehensive guide will take you on a transformative journey, uncovering the profound insights and guidance that spirit animals can offer in our lives. Whether you're seeking direction, facing a challenge, or yearning for personal growth, let the spirit of nature be your compass. In this enlightening book, you will: - Uncover the symbolic meanings of over 50 spirit animals, from the mighty eagle to the playful dolphin. - Discover how to identify your personal spirit animal and interpret its unique guidance. - Learn how to decipher the symbolism and messages that appear in dreams and daily life. - Explore the role of spirit animals in healing, personal growth, and spiritual discovery. - Develop techniques to deepen your connection with your spirit animal and invite its guidance into your life. "Animal Spirit Guides" is more than just a book. It's an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation under the guidance of nature's wisdom. Are you ready to meet your spirit animal and embrace the wisdom it has to offer? Unlock the messages of the wild and let your journey begin. Order your copy today and step into the vibrant world of spirit animals.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Have you ever noticed recurring numbers in your life, appearing seemingly out of nowhere? What if these numbers held a deeper meaning, a divine message just for you? Welcome to the enchanting world of Angel Numbers, where the universe speaks to us through the language of numbers, guiding us on a profound journey of spiritual growth and personal transformation. In this captivating book, delve into the fascinating realm of Angel Numbers and explore their profound significance across cultures and spiritual traditions. Uncover the secrets of their communication methods and learn to decipher their frequency and vibrations. Discover the hidden messages behind single-digit, triple-digit, and quadruple-digit Angel Numbers, and unravel the profound influence they can have on your life. -Explore the power and significance of numbers across different cultures and spiritual traditions. -Gain insights into the communication methods of angels and how they use numbers to guide and protect us. -Dive into the frequencies and vibrations of numbers and their profound influence on our daily lives. -Discover the hidden meanings behind single-digit, triple-digit, and quadruple-digit Angel Numbers and learn to interpret their messages. -Unleash the transformative power of Angel Numbers to enhance your personal growth, manifest your desires, and navigate synchronistic events. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Angel Numbers and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery? Let the universe guide you on a path of spiritual enlightenment, personal growth, and deep cosmic connection. Open your heart and mind to the mystical language of numbers and embrace the divine wisdom that awaits you. The universe is speaking. Are you listening?.Get your copy of "Angel Numbers" today and unlock the mystical messages that await you. The universe is eagerly waiting to reveal its secrets.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Authentically Grounded: A Guided Journal for Unraveling and Soothing Your Soul is a one-of-a-kind tool designed to help you tap into your inner strength and connect with yourself on a deep level. Authentically Grounded offers a refreshing approach to self-exploration by providing a safe and empowering space to celebrate your strengths, acknowledge your challenges, and explore your inner self.Through a unique blend of introspective prompts, self-care practices, and mindfulness exercises, this guided journal provides a nurturing environment for exploring your patterns, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, enabling you to reconnect with your sense of self.Authentically Grounded offers a distinctive method of supporting individuals from communities that have been historically excluded, marginalized, and underserved. This guided journal deliberately creates a welcoming environment for these communities to delve into their experiences, emotions, and feelings as they navigate their path toward personal growth and healing.You are worthy and deserving of the life you want, and you have the power to create it, one step at a time. Whether seeking inner peace, building self-confidence, or cultivating a deeper self-awareness, experience the transformative power of Authentically Grounded: A Guided Journal for Unraveling and Soothing your Soul.Start your journey toward authenticity and wholeness today!

  • av Melissa Smith

    The Ultimate Paganism GuideFour books in one:o RUNES FOR BEGINNERS : Bring the Norse Magic, Elder Futhark, Divination, Spells, and Rituals Into the Modern Worldo CELTIC MYTHOLOGY : The Ultimate Guide to Celtic Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, Myths, and Legends of Celtic Mythologyo Ásatrú FOR BEGINNERS: A Modern Approach to Heathenry and Norse Paganismo ASTROLOGY FLIRTING WITH THE STARS: A Modern Guide To Understand Your Sign, Your Birth Chart and Improve Your RelationshipsWhat is Ásatrú ? What is heathenism?Is paganism what mass media portrays it to be?If any of these questions have ever crossed your mind, or if you're curious about paganism, you've come to the right place.This book covers everything from Norse mythology and the Norse pantheon to Celtic Mythology and the Celtic Pantheon as well as rituals and practices.Most importantly, you'll learn all about the complete freedom paganism offers its practitioners. At its core, paganism focuses on you and your well-being.Throughout this book, I will also help you begin your journey of enlightenment and show you the wonders that the runes have to offer. We will cover the rituals that will become the basis of all those that follow and we will touch on the spells that will become a part of your everyday life.From Fehu to Othala, we will cover each rune meticulously and show you how to bring their wonderful energies into our modern world, where they are needed now more than ever.We will cover the Norse people that brought them to us and the magic and divination that was passed down through the generations. What you will learn is that magic has always been around you, but until now, it has remained just out of reach.Finally we are going to explore everything about astrology: Zodiac signs compatibility in love and life, duplicity and duality, ascendants, and how to properly read your own and other peoples birth charts

  • av Melissa Smith

    Vuoi scoprire se il tuo partner Leone è un buon candidato per una relazione felice e duratura?Ti sei mai chiesta/o in che modo gli astrologi calcolano gli oroscopi?Vuoi scoprire come e perché il Sole, la Luna, i Pianeti e gli Ascendenti influenzano chi sei, come ti comporti, quali emozioni provi e persino cosa stai pensando in questo momento? Questo è solo un assaggio di ciò che imparerai acquistando Astrologia per Principianti, il tuo corso completo per imparare tutto ciò che necessiti riguardo le stelle e l'oroscopo: - Storia dell'astrologia- Nozioni astrologiche di base- Il tema astrale- Comprendere i segni zodiacali- Il ruolo del Sole e della Luna- L'Influenza dei Pianeti- Duplicità e Dualità nei segni zodiacali- I decani- Gli ascendenti e la loro influenza sui segni zodiacali- Compatibilità tra i segni zodiacaliL'astrologia è la tua strada verso il successo. È il codice segreto della vita che aspetta solo di essere svelato. È un mondo ricco di mistero e confusione, ma se riesci a dissolvere la nebbia astrale, anche tu puoi utilizzare l'antica scienza dell'astrologia per comprendere meglio la tua vita.Sebbene la scienza contemporanea rimanga scettica nei confronti dell'Antico Sapere, coloro che rifiutano l'astrologia non hanno mai ricevuto la formazione e la guida necessarie per comprenderla correttamente, studiare le sue origini e il suo reale funzionamento: si limitano a bollare l'astrologia come pseudo-scienza, ignorando che per la sua natura occulta non può offrire evidenze empiriche, ma soltanto intuitive.Solo attraverso un percorso di crescita interiore, infatti, è possibile vedere inequivocabilmente il modo in cui le leggi astrologiche influenzano la vita dell'umanità.Con questa guida accessibile e facile da seguire apprenderai tutte le basi necessarie per iniziare il tuo percorso nell'astrologia. Ho lavorato duramente per rendere comprensibili anche i temi più complicati ed ostici. Certo, la quantità di cialtroni presente in questo campo, non giova alla reputazione dell'astrologia, ma in passato le cose erano diverse, l'astrologia era la scienza attraverso la quale le menti più raffinate interpretavano il mondo. Credo che il vantaggio principale dell'astrologia sia la sua capacità di conferire potere ed elevazione, dandoti fiducia nelle tue decisioni e la sensazione di avere accesso a una serie di informazioni segrete che ti differenziano dalle altre persone. Cosa aspetti? Scorri verso l'alto, fai click sul pulsante Acquista Adesso e impara a leggere le Stelle!

  • av Melissa Smith

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cuál es el significado detrás de las runas nórdicas? ¿Te apasiona la cultura y la mitología nórdica? Si es así, entonces este libro es para ti. Descubre el misterioso mundo de las runas y su conexión con la magia y la adivinación en este completo y detallado libro.La primera parte del libro comienza con una breve historia de las runas y los nórdicos, lo que te permitirá comprender mejor su simbolismo y significado. A continuación, se hace una breve mirada a la magia y la adivinación, y cómo se relacionan con las runas.La segunda parte del libro se adentra en el mundo de las runas en sí. Cada una de las runas se describe detalladamente, incluyendo su forma, significado y simbolismo. Además, se incluyen imágenes detalladas de cada una de las runas, lo que facilita su comprensión y reconocimiento.Una vez que entiendas el simbolismo de las runas, podrás aprender cómo utilizarlas para la adivinación y la magia. Este libro incluye rituales y hechizos mágicos que te permitirán utilizar las runas de manera efectiva en la práctica. Aquí te dejamos algunos de los temas que se abordan en este libro:Breve historia de las runas y los nórdicos.Breve mirada a la magia y la adivinación.Descripción detallada de cada una de las runas, incluyendo su forma, significado y simbolismo.Imágenes detalladas de cada una de las runas.Cómo utilizar las runas para la adivinación y la magia, incluyendo rituales y hechizos mágicos.Este libro es la guía perfecta para explorar el fascinante mundo de las runas nórdicas. Si eres un apasionado de la cultura y la mitología nórdica, no puedes perderte este libro. Descubre el significado y la magia detrás de las runas y aprende cómo utilizarlas de manera efectiva.¿Estás listo para sumergirte en el mundo de las runas? ¡Obtén tu copia ahora y comienza tu viaje!

  • av Melissa Smith

    If you are reading this, you probably already know that Wiccans are not evil creatures of the night who spread their evil power over the World, but they are just sensitive people living their spiritual life, today, in our real world.Wicca is not an ancient religion, but incorporates knowledge and tradition from old myths and beliefs. For its connection and analogy with pre-Christian pagan religions, the word Wicca often generates misconceptions and stereotypes, preventing many people from getting closer to this positive, happy, and nature-loving experience. If you are curious enough to join this wonderful journey without prejudice, this audiobook can give you all the basics you need to find your own spiritual path.Together we will: Understand what Wicca isLook at Wiccan holidays and beliefsOverview the PantheonExplore the benefit of the practiceUnderstand the meaning of colors, crystals, gemstone, herbs, and essential oilsLearn how to deal with others if they don't accept our faithPrepare what is needed for ritualsPerform basic spellsOur spiritual research is often hindered by the established dynamic of our modern world we live in, making it hard sometimes to be able to peacefully head out on this journey. Fortunately, the number of people who raised interest in this aspect of existence is always growing more and more. Our spiritual self, added to the physical one, is vital for us to complete the development as a whole entity, necessary to enjoy a fulfilling life. Whether you are a believer or just curious, the inner journey we are going to do together, could only lead you to an enrichment path.

  • av Melissa Smith

    Are you feeling lost, stuck, or searching for deeper meaning in your life? Do you seek to uncover your soul's purpose, heal past traumas, or forge more authentic connections with others? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Inside this enlightening guide, you'll explore: • The ancient origins and history of the Akashic Records, revealing the timeless wisdom of civilizations past• The subtle energy of Akasha and its connection to Eastern philosophies, quantum physics, and human consciousness• Tried-and-tested techniques for accessing the Akashic Records, including meditation, visualization, lucid dreaming, and astral projection• Practical strategies for interpreting and applying the insights gleaned from the Records to enhance your personal and spiritual growth Still feeling doubtful? Don't worry; we understand that the concept of the Akashic Records may seem abstract or even mystical. That's why we've made sure to address common misconceptions and fears, providing you with the tools you need to overcome skepticism and gain clarity in your journey. As you delve into the world of the Akashic Records, you'll learn how to: • Heal past traumas, release karmic patterns, and break free from generational cycles• Discover your soul's mission, align with your highest potential, and make empowered choices in your life• Understand soul contracts, karmic connections, and navigate the complexities of relationships with greater empathy and authenticity ...and much more! Don't let doubt hold you back from uncovering the profound wisdom and transformative power of the Akashic Records. This guide has been meticulously crafted to provide you with a comprehensive, step-by-step roadmap to accessing, interpreting, and utilizing the Universal Library of Wisdom for personal growth and spiritual development. So, are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey and unlock the secrets of the Akashic Records? Don't wait any longer - take charge of your destiny and harness the limitless potential within you. Order your copy of "Akashic Records: Unveiling the Universal Library of Wisdom" today and start manifesting the life you were always meant to live.

  • av Melissa Smith

  • av Melissa Smith

    Do you want to discover an easy and effective way to integrate tarot reading in your everyday life? I know how frustrating it can be looking for a practical guide to introduce you to this magic world but instead ending up feeling overwhelmed by a bunch of useless information.The good news is that you are in the right place! Intuitive Tarot Reading is dedicated to providing the easiest way to get started with tarot and develop your psychic abilities.When you finish listening to the audiobook, you will discover: What tarot cards are and how they workCard meanings and interpretation: upright and reversedCard layouts and spreads: three cards layout, the true love spread, the success spread. How to improve your reading skills by asking the right questionsHow to use tarot cards to guide daily decision-making Memories, fears, and beliefs are just a few examples of your subconscious, and it can direct your path without you even realizing it. The tarot helps you discover your unconscious mind and hidden emotions so that you are able to better navigate through life with the knowledge the universe bestows on you. This also leads to having the ability of being in control of your own path. Tarot reading may seem very complicated.... That's the purpose of this book: to help you see more clearly and take the first step in this beautiful journey.You don't need a particular set of skills; you just need to be passionate and follow your natural inclinations.

  • av Melissa Smith

    What is Ásatrú ? What is heathenism?Is paganism what mass media portrays it to be?If any of these questions have ever crossed your mind, or if you're curious about Ásatrú, you've come to the right place.You'll learn all about ancient Norse paganism and its modern revival through Asatru. This book covers everything from Norse mythology and the Norse pantheon, as well as rituals and practices.Most importantly, you'll learn all about the complete freedom Asatru offers its practitioners. At its core, Ásatrú focuses on you and your well-being.Ásatrú is freedom.It releases us from obligation and aims to foster an open and welcoming relationship between us and the gods we honor.Asatru is not about service or servitude. It is about honoring yourself and those who came before you.Here is just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:- The History and Mythology of Ásatrú- Key Characteristics of Paganism and Heathenry- The Ins and Outs of Heathenry- The General Structure of Ásatrú- What Does it Mean to be a Modern-Day Heathen?- The Heathen Perspective vs Common Perspectives- The Virtues of Ásatrú- The Importance of Rituals in Ásatrú … and much more!I offer you a doorway into Ásatrú. Here, you'll learn the basics of Ásatrú and familiarize yourself with key rituals, practices, the basic mythologies, and the gods.

  • av Melissa Smith

    The Elder Futhark has been around for 2,000 years or more. Many historical cultures have practiced the casting of runes for divination, spells, magic, and rituals to help improve their lives.Throughout this book, I will help you begin your journey of enlightenment and show you the wonders that the runes have to offer. We will cover the rituals that will become the basis of all those that follow and we will touch on the spells that will become a part of your everyday life.From Fehu to Othala, we will cover each rune meticulously and show you how to bring their wonderful energies into our modern world, where they are needed now more than ever.We will cover the Norse people that brought them to us and the magic and divination that was passed down through the generations. What you will learn is that magic has always been around you, but until now, it has remained just out of reach.You will learn how to choose the runes that suit you best, how to care for them, and of course, how to cast them and embrace their positive energies.So, let me take you to the starting point of your voyage and give you the tools you need to cast off on your journey of enlightenment.The Elder Futhark and the magic of our ancestors is free to take, you just need to open your mind a little. Would you like to know more? Scroll up, hit the "buy now" button, and start this amazing journey!

  • av Melissa Smith
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  • av Melissa Smith

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