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Bøker av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

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  • - in the beginning book one
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    The greatest trick Lucifer ever played on mankind, was convincing them. he was their God, so they would follow him no matter what else they may see or hear, In the beginning, the first book of the series, the Olde man, the Rebellious teacher, a pile of books and a Holy bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting Demons, the religious system and the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the Truth

  • - The Einstein Code
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    Rebellious Teacher series episode 9 Einstein Code, a pile of books in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting demons, the religious system and the educational system trying to Teach to the world. already setup as a movie script with lots of special effect scenes and shape shifting scenes I entered some in various international film festivals all over the world and won 29 awards so far thank you Film freeway

  • - Episode five Fingerprint
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    We read all the books and saw all the movies about King Arthur and the Knights of the round Table, this is episode five of the Knights of Avalon series titled, Fingerprint, already setup as a movie script with lots of special effects and shape shifting scenes, I entered some of my books/screenplays in various international film festivals from all over the world and won 31 awards so far, thank you Film freeway

  • - Perfect Logline movie
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    I am a immortal spirit soul and so are you. I have lived many Lifetimes and so have you. They call me a Rebel Preacher, a Holy Bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other, Fighting Demons and Preaching to a world that does not want to know the truth

  • - Rebellious Teacher episode 2
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    We all read the book and saw the movie about episode one, the Rebellious Teacher, this is episode 2 Avalon the Rebellious Teacher, a pile of books in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting demons, the religious system and the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the Truth, already setup as a movie script with lots of special effect scenes and shape shifting scenes, I entered some in various International film festivals and won 27 awards from all over the world so far, thank you Film freeway, this will be a ten book/screenplay series this is book 2 of that series

  • - Olde man story tales
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    When I was a kid, I would listen to all the stories my grandpa and grandma would tell me, now I am 73 and a grandpa, it is time to share a lot of these bits of wisdom, I am now the Olde man, the Rebellious teacher, a pile of books and a holy bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand fighting demons, the religious system and the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not what to know the truth. I entered some in various international film festivals and won 40 awards so far, thank you Film freeway

  • - Episode 4, seventh day Saturday sabbath
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    Knights of Avalon series episode 4 the 7th day Saturday sabbath, the rebellious teacher series a pile of books and a Holy Bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand fighting Demons, the religious system and the educational system trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the truth

  • av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    We live in three world's, most of our lives we spend in the physical world, we use our 5 senses to see, hear, touch, smell and taste to prove we are alive, we go into this dream world, where we go to one of the other world's called the mental dream world where we sleep, leave our mortal. flesh and blood. temporary human flesh and blood body to experience the other world. Do we use our 5 senses there in this dream world? If we touch something do we actually leave our fingerprint there? Then we have the 3rd dimension or the 3rd world of spiritual world, what do you believe in? what where you taught? All we know is what we were taught, all they can teach us is what they were taught, who is right? who is wrong? who gets to decide? You do, ask questions, demand answers, I am the Rebellious teacher, a pile of books and a holy bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey. in the other hand, fighting demons, the religious system and the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the truth. I entered some of my books/screenplays in various international film festivals and won 35 awards so far from film freeway, all my books/screenplays are at thanks

  • - Rebellious Teacher episode 3 series
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    Episode 3 of the series Rebellious Teacher, we go to Hollywood California and meet the Imaginary, fictional Brigitte Monroe, the Journalist reporter of the Imaginary, fictional Hollywood Gossip newspaper that say "Whatever happens in Hollywood does not stay in Hollywood we like to share all our Gossip to all the World".If anyone can find out if this Rebellious Teacher is real, she can find out the truth, sent to Texas, with her film crew, to follow him around as he does his lecture/seminars, some sex scenes, rated R, the Rebellious Teacher, a pile of books in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting demons, the whole religious system and the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the Truth, part of a ten book/screenplay series, this is episode 3, I entered some of my books/screenplays in various international film festivals and won 27 awards from all over the world so far

  • - Episode five
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    Episode five of a ten-episode, series of the Rebellious Teacher a pile of books in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting Demons, the religious system and the educational system trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the truth, already setup as a movie script with lots of special effect scenes and shape shifting scenes. I entered some in various international film festivals and won 29 awards so far from all over the world thank you Film freeway

  • - Son of a Carpenter
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    Rebellious Teacher series episode 8 the Son of a Carpenter, part of a ten book/screenplay of the Rebellious Teacher, a pile of books in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting Demons, the religious system, the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the truth, already setup as a movie script with lots of special effect scenes and shapeshifting scenes, I entered these in various international film festivals all over the world and won 29 awards so far, thank you Film freeway

  • - book/screenplay one
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    They call me a Rebellious Teacher a pile of books and the Holy Bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand, fighting demons, the religious system and the educational system, trying to teach to a world that does not want to know the Truth, already setup as a movie script with lots of special effect scenes and shapeshifting scenes, I entered some of my books/screenplays in various international film festivals and won 27 awards so far thank you Film Freeway

  • av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

    If you believe when you die you get to go to a heaven or burn in a hell forever, then you just admitted you are a immortal spirit/soul. What if I told you yes, you are a immortal spirit/soul and have lived and Experienced many lifetimes? Deep down part of you knows its true. You live a long life and you die, did you get to Experience everything you want to in just one lifetime? You see babies born crippled, blind. some disease, crippled or handicap and your heart goes out, why? what did that baby do to deserve this? could that baby be a bad person in another life and now they are going thru their own heaven or hell right now. Can you ask God to give you another chance? What will you Experience next time around?

  • - Avalon
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • - A Way Of Life
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • - immortality
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • - Reflections
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • - The Truth about Jesus(Yeshua)The Messiah
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • - Third Book in the Series
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • - the Book that picks up where the Da Vinci code left off
    av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

  • av Melvin Leroy Abercrombie

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