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Bøker av Meriam Khadhar

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  • av Meriam Khadhar

    Vwedenie: Tuberkulez qwlqetsq odnoj iz osnownyh problem obschestwennogo zdrawoohraneniq w razwiwaüschihsq stranah. Ego rasprostranennost' w 12-26 raz wyshe u pacientow na dialize, chem w obschej populqcii. Diagnostika chasto zatrudnena iz-za otsutstwiq specificheskih simptomow i powyshennoj chastoty wnelegochnyh form, chto priwodit k zaderzhke w postanowke diagnoza i osobenno w lechenii. Cel'ü nashej raboty bylo wyqwlenie klinicheskih i terapewticheskih osobennostej tuberkuleza u bol'nyh hronicheskim dializom za dewqtiletnij period. V nashe issledowanie byl wklüchen 41 pacient. Diagnoz byl postawlen na osnowanii klinicheskih, bakteriologicheskih i gistologicheskih dannyh. Otmechalas' äwolüciq zabolewaniq w processe lecheniq, a takzhe pobochnye äffekty protiwotuberkuleznoj terapii. Proqwleniq tuberkuleza u pacientow na dialize nespecifichny. Jeti atipichnye osobennosti zaderzhiwaüt klinicheskij diagnoz, a takzhe nachalo lecheniq, wliqq na razwitie i prognoz.

  • av Meriam Khadhar

    Peritoneal dialysis is one of the methods of extrarenal purification in patients with end-stage renal disease and receiving replacement therapy.In 2015, estimates suggest that 272,000 people are on peritoneal dialysis worldwide about 11% of the dialysis population. Infectious complications are the most feared complications of this technique. There are two main types of infections: infections of the catheter outlet and infections of the dialysis fluid. These peritonitises occur essentially as a result of contamination during handling, or either by continuity following an outlet infection or in relation to a bacterial translocation through the digestive wall.The objective of this work is to evaluate the theoretical knowledge and practical conduct of young Tunisian nephrologists in terms of prevention of infectious complications in order to detect the difficulties encountered and remedy them.

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