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Bøker av Mia Anderson

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  • - An Inspiring Book About Courage, Friendship and Helping Others
    av Mia Anderson

    ADVENTURE, EXPLORE, IMAGINE, BELIEVEFun stories to help boys ages 5 to 11 learn mindfulness and develop self-confidence.Join 8 young boys from around the world as they face difficult challenges and conquer their fears. Exciting Stories for Brave Boys is chock-full of motivating tales about courage, inner-strength, and growth that they can share with their friends and family for hours of entertainment.What you can expect from this book: Adventure, discovery, and illustrations―Explore relatable stories that help your child to find focus, develop coping skills, and to tackle tough situations. As well as humorous drawings that accompany each scene which can be colored.Skill-building fun―Boost reading comprehension for keen readers (and even those who find it more tedious) and stay engaged through relatable characters who tackle real-world problems that every child encounters.A range of topics―Learn how boys from different cultures who despite being scared at first, deal with their fears and small failures head on, learn from their mistakes, show compassion, make good decisions, and never give up on reaching their ultimate goals.Beautiful mandalas to stimulate imagination―Uplifting and empowering self-affirming messages with pictures that correspond to each of the countries included (U.S.A., South Korea, Great Britain, Brazil, India, South Africa, Sweden, and Egypt) to add to the activities, creativity, and enjoyment.Keep laughing, learning, reading and coloring with this captivating book.

  • av Mia Anderson

    Paleo Revolucioni është një libër gatimi inovativ që do t'ju ndihmojë të ndryshoni mënyrën e të ngrënës. Autorja Mia Anderson ka kombinuar prirjen moderne për shijen dhe mirëqenien me konceptin Paleo, duke krijuar një koleksion të rrallë dhe autentik të recetave Paleo.Paleo është një lëvizje ushqimore që vë theksin në ushqimin natyral dhe të përpunuar minimalisht, siç konsumohet nga njerëzit në kohët e lashta. Paleo Revolucioni Kulinar është një udhërrëfyes i detajuar për të ndjekur këtë mënyrë të ngrënies, duke ofruar receta të shijshme dhe të shëndetshme, të përgatitura me produkte natyrale dhe organike.Ky libër gatimi ofron receta të ndryshme Paleo, nga supa dhe sallata deri te pjatë kryesore dhe ëmbëlsira, duke përfshirë edhe variantet Paleo të ushqimit tradicional. Këto receta janë të përgatitura me produktet më të mira dhe më të freskëta, duke ofruar një shije autentike dhe të pastër.Në Paleo Revolucioni do të mësoni se si të ushqeheni në harmoni me natyrën dhe historinë tuaj gjenetike, duke përdorur produktet që janë më afër asaj që konsumonin njerëzit në kohët e lashta. Në këtë mënyrë, ju do të ndiheni më të shëndetshëm, më energjik dhe më i përgatitur për të përballuar sfidat e përditshme.Nëse jeni në kërkim të një mënyre të shëndetshme të të ngrënës dhe doni të eksploroni botën e Paleo, Paleo Revolucioni Kulinar është libri që ju duhet.

  • av Mia Anderson

    From the author and illustrator of Shark Goes to the Dentist! Octopus and friends are enjoying a game of hide and seek when suddenly Octopus finds himself stuck in a plastic bag!Can his friends find him and help him?

  • av Mia Anderson

    Shark has a wobbly tooth and doesn't know what to do. When a friend tells him he would have to visit the dentist, he becomes very scared. Luckily, he has his friends to help him on the way. Maybe visiting the dentist isn't as scary as it seems.

  • av Mia Anderson

    Committing theology to poetry is not new, but it's not wildly common. The Sunrise Liturgy aims to do just that. It is a sequence, like liturgy, with a start and a procession and a finish. The sun does the processing, and the play on sun and Son is never far from sight. Sunrise gives the cantus firmus to this theological theme and variations, where the going is by turns easy, by turns thickly polyphonic--take a deep breath! The cantus firmus shifts from voice to voice, disappearing, towards year's end, beyond the audible range of human mortals. But there are other mortals in this procession of the year, "acolytes of the Holy Impotence," and under and beside and through it all flows the St. Lawrence River, le fleuve, winding across the page, a tidal presence at once natural and mystical. As are the snow geese. As is the heron. There is an attempt to wrestle with a credible theodicy, especially environmental. There is a profound penchant for the eremitic, with nods to The Cloud of Unknowing and Gregory of Nyssa. And always there is the priestly sense of "performance," enactment, and Eucharist, for this is a priest speaking.

  • av Mia Anderson
    199 - 380

  • - A Poem Sequence
    av Mia Anderson

    Committing theology to poetry is not new, but it's not wildly common. The Sunrise Liturgy aims to do just that. It is a sequence, like liturgy, with a start and a procession and a finish. The sun does the processing, and the play on sun and Son is never far from sight. Sunrise gives the cantus firmus to this theological theme and variations, where the going is by turns easy, by turns thickly polyphonic--take a deep breath! The cantus firmus shifts from voice to voice, disappearing, towards year's end, beyond the audible range of human mortals. But there are other mortals in this procession of the year, "acolytes of the Holy Impotence," and under and beside and through it all flows the St. Lawrence River, le fleuve, winding across the page, a tidal presence at once natural and mystical. As are the snow geese. As is the heron. There is an attempt to wrestle with a credible theodicy, especially environmental. There is a profound penchant for the eremitic, with nods to The Cloud of Unknowing and Gregory of Nyssa. And always there is the priestly sense of "performance," enactment, and Eucharist, for this is a priest speaking.

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