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Bøker av Michael Wagner

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  • av Michael Wagner

    This illustrated story book introduces five characters who show how they know they belong through their different senses, be it hearing dogs charging down the hallway or smelling a sister's incense candles. By focusing on their senses during the fun, interactive moments, this book promotes a greater sense of belonging in children.

  • av Michael Wagner

    Joyous and uplifting for 5-7 year olds, Pig Dude is the rollicking and heartfelt tale of a young misfit with self-esteem issues who discovers he really can do anything... just like his Mama told him. Help build determination, optimism and resilience in young readers while entertaining them with an instant family favorite. Written by a popular and acclaimed author with a long track record of turning reluctant readers into book-lovers, Pig Dude will get your youngsters giggling with delight, pointing at the illustrations, and falling in love with books. You can do anything when your mama believes in you!

  • av Michael Wagner

  • av Michael Wagner

  • av Michael Wagner

    This is a valuable compilation of easy to follow recipes that every kitchen should have. They will fill your home with delicious aromas. Simple enough that even the kids can help. Good for the special holidays and family events.

  • av Michael Wagner

    Dr. Wagner presents a brief but powerful summary of the case for National Covenanting, and particularly, the case for the obligation that yet rests upon the Anglosphere Nations (i.e. the entirety of English-speaking civilization) to own their broken covenant with God, The Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Kingdoms (1643). For those who may be unfamiliar with the covenanted obligation that lies upon the Anglosphere Nations, this concise primer will provide the reader with an excellent overview of why God will not forget the sacred National Covenant that England, Ireland, and Scotland (along with all the Dominions of Great Britain) made with Him, who is Governor among the Nations (Psalm 22:28) and who keeps truth forever (Psalm 146:6). What makes this a matter of the utmost importance is that lawful covenants made with God (whether personal, ecclesiastical, or national) cannot be dissolved, repealed, or antiquated by the mere passage of time, by wars of independence, or by crossing an ocean to plant a daughter-kingdom. For the sacred duty of all those bound by lawful covenants is squarely founded upon the moral obligation of the Third Commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain" (Exodus 20:7).

  • av Michael Wagner

    A love-song to Australia in picture book form, featuring 40 pages of extraordinary comic-style illustrations. Explore our wonderful coastline and the joy of a family road-trip with Dad and Daisy. The hugely popular creators of Why I Love Footy and Why I Love Summer are back together with this celebration of what we love most about Australia, family holiday and classic Kombi vans! Dirt by Sea will have you dreaming of a holiday around Australia or maybe even planning one with the help of the journey map in the endpapers . . . Daisy lives in inland Australia with her dad and her grandparents. It's home, and she loves the red dirt land around her. But when her dad realizes that she's never seen the beach and thinks the Australian anthem is about a country 'dirt by sea', he sets off to show her the ocean in a once-in-a-lifetime father-daughter trip along the Australian coast, inspired by the first holiday he took with Daisy's mum.

  • av Michael Wagner

    Michael Wagner nimmt uns mit in die tieferliegenden Abgründe seines Seins und präsentiert eine Auswahl verschiedener bäriger Kurzgeschichten, die in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten aktuell waren, aber auch in der Mitte der 2020er-Jahre nichts an Unterhaltungswert eingebüßt haben.Vom Einblick in den Alltag eines Gefängnisses und die Seele eines Süchtigen über rührende Betrachtungen klassischer Familienstrukturen und romantisierter Beziehungen sowie völlig abstruse Beobachtungen bis zur Analyse der Arbeit des Einflusses des Vaters der modernen Zeitungsreportage, Egon Erwin Kisch, wartet eine enorme Bandbreite auf die Leserschaft.

  • av Michael Wagner

    Bär, weg mit dem Pelz ist die Geschichte einer Mannwerdung. Das Buch, das Ende der 1990er-Jahre spielt, ist in Ich-Form geschrieben. In vier Kapiteln werden die jeweiligen Entwicklungsschritte des jungen Hans Belz erzählt. Jeder Abschnitt spiegelt in Stil und Handlung die unterschiedlichen Etappen auf dem Weg ins Erwachsenenleben. Die Sprache des Romans ist direkt. Das große Thema ist die Liebe, der Sex und die Verstrickungen, die sich innerhalb von Beziehungen ergeben; sowohl in Männerfreundschaften als auch in Paarbeziehungen. Inhalt Der Hauptdarsteller Hans Belz verliert die Liebe seines Lebens nach der gemeinsamen Internatszeit aus den Augen. Sein Verhalten ihr gegenüber ist in den letzten Wochen von Gemeinheiten geprägt, nicht nur weil er sich exzessiv dem Alkohol hingibt. Noch während der Schulzeit fasst er mit seinem besten Freund Paul den Entschluss, Deutschland zu verlassen und in Irland zu leben. Nach dem Abitur erbt Paul ein Vermögen, mit dem er dem Ich-Erzähler den Lebensunterhalt finanziert. Hans Belz schreibt an einem Buch, muss feststellen, dass keine Frau die Leere ausfüllen kann, die in ihm ist; er vergeht in Sehnsucht an seine große Liebe Sara und trinkt. Er trifft eine neue Frau, Martina. Die allerdings fügt seiner geschundenen Seele nur weiteren Schaden zu. Immer wieder hat er Kontakt zu Sara, kann sie aber nie überzeugen, zu ihm zurückzukommen. Obwohl sie wieder mit ihm schläft, geht sie zu ihrem neuen Freund zurück, den sie heiratet. Zum Schluss klären sich die Fronten. Der Hauptdarsteller der Geschichte findet seine Identität.

  • - Self-Determination for Alberta
    av Michael Wagner

  • Spar 12%
    - Internal Fixators - Concepts and Cases using LCP/LISS
    av Michael Wagner
    4 370,-

    This is the first compendium of principles of using locking compression plates in fracture management. With more than 100 cases from world-leading surgeons, including the inventors of the technique, this book will guide orthopedic trauma surgeons, general orthopedists, and residents through applications of the internal fixator technique. Intraoperative photos and illustrations and an interactive DVD containing additional cases, animations, and videos makes this AO Manual an indispensable reference.

  • av Michael Wagner

    Book three in the hilarious So Wrong series features old favourites like Mitey Mikey and Steve McSpleen, and new favourites like Betsy the Butt-Slapping Baby and the bored little boy who accidentally starts World War III.

  • av Michael Wagner

    Ages 7 to 12 / Grades 3 to 6.Loved by kids, parents, teachers and librarians alike.Shortlisted for three 2019 children's-choice awards.In So Wrong one, prepare to meet: Mitey Mikey, the world's greatest life coach for kids (according to him). A dangerously overloaded diaper. A terrible bully who completely loses his head. A remote-control that fixes bad parental attitudes with the click of a button. The Veree Hungree Caterpooper. And much more!From the diabolically dangerous duo of author Michael Wagner and artist Wayne Bryant comes a silly, random and hilarious collection of twisted tales, crazy commercials, questionable life lessons and other forms of laugh-out-loud madness.It's a hyperactive grab-bag of wit, warmth and cheekiness, which makes So Wrong so right!IMPORTANT: Each book is a stand-alone title. You do NOT have to read the series in order.

  • - und den damit verwandten Wissenschaften
    av Michael Wagner

  • av Michael Wagner, Werner Fruhstuck & Gerhard Hanappi
    1 532,-

    Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Inhalt -- Verzeichnis der Tabellen und Abbildungen -- 1. Explorative Forschungsstrategie -- 2. Kausalstrukturierte Kreisläufe -- 3. Interdependente Modellansätze -- 4. Exemplarische Erweiterung -- 5. Ausblick -- Fußnoten -- Literatur -- Die Autoren -- Backmatter

  • av Michael Wagner

    Ages 7 to 12 / Grades 3 to 6.Loved by kids, parents, teachers and librarians alike.Shortlisted for three 2019 children's-choice awards.In So Wrong 2, prepare to meet: Nan the Forgetful Nudist. Warren the One-legged Wonder Dog. Steve McSpleen - the hardest-working spleen in show business! BIG Red Riding Hood. Thomas the Tank. And much more!From the diabolically dangerous duo of author Michael Wagner and artist Wayne Bryant comes a silly, random and hilarious collection of twisted tales, crazy commercials, questionable life lessons and other forms of laugh-out-loud madness.It's a hyperactive grab-bag of wit, warmth and cheekiness, which makes So Wrong so right!IMPORTANT: Each book is a stand-alone title. You do NOT have to read the series in order.

  • av Michael Wagner

  • av Michael Wagner
    150 - 219

    You can do anything when your mama believes in you!Slapstick fun for 5-7 year olds, Pig Dude is a joyous, rollicking and surprisingly thoughtful tale of a young misfit with low self-esteem. Watch as he finds he's capable of anything he sets his mind to - just like Mama told him.Reading Pig Dude will help build determination, optimism and resilience in young readers while becoming an instant family favorite.Written by a best-selling children's authors, with a long track record of turning reluctant readers into book-lovers, Pig Dude will get your youngsters giggling with delight, pointing at the hilarious illustrations, and falling in love with the main character.

  • av Michael Wagner

    This title is part of Pearson's Bug Club - the first whole-school reading programme that joins books and an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this book: Collecting things is great fun. This title is suitable for ages 5-6 (Yellow level)

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