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Bøker av Michelle Bollom

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  • - When Happiness Fades-Joy Always Remains
    av Michelle Bollom

    No need for a Happy Meter when you already have Joy. Your disappointments don't have to define your day or your life. In just minutes a day you can exercise Joy to far outlast whatever discouragements come your way. Joy runs much deeper than despair.

  • - Go From Battling to Breaking Your Addictions
    av Michelle Bollom

    We are not a slave to our circumstances. We are only as bound as we choose to be. Temptations may come knocking, it is up to us if we will answer. Today is the day to choose to stop battling and start breaking the bonds of addiction in your life.

  • - Purity = Moral Excellence
    av Michelle Bollom

    In a world overrun with vices and the glorifying of the acceptable nature of having vices glorified on television, in music and simply every where we look, it's more important than ever that we learn how to change from just accepting a life of bondage to the various vices and to start living in true freedom. Living a life of virtue is living in purity.Somehow Purity seems uncool or even simply not something that is even attainable in this day and age, but that is simply just not true.In fact it's crucial we take purity serious in all areas to live with moral integrity. Purity is just not about sexual integrity, it's overall integrity. To live a life of purity is living with moral excellence and integrity, replacing vices with virtue in all areas.

  • - Shattering The Silence and Shame of Abortion
    av Michelle Bollom

    We're Only As Sick As Our Secrets! For over twenty-five years I kept a secret that almost killed me. I suffered in shame and silence believing I had committed the unforgivable sin. What I didn't know is that 1.3 million women a year make the same choice I did, but many are still suffering in shame and silence. This is my journey.Come start your healing journey today. There is hope, healing, and wholeness available for you after abortion.

  • - Start Releasing Instead of Rehearsing Your Hurts
    av Michelle Bollom

    Offense has us hold on to resentments and unforgiveness and before we know it bitter roots are formed and we keep rehearsing the hurts and offenses and it's a vicious cycle wrecking relationships and lives. Unforgiveness can actually shorten your life because serious diseases can develop as a result of the stress and pressure that offense, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness can put on a person.Over the last few years God showed me that I can rehearse and hold on to it all or I can release it to Him. That's easy to say, but it's a process of daily continuing to release the person/s that hurt us and allow God to work in us. Forgiveness is really about obedience. We forgive because God instructs us to do so.Unforgiveness hinders our faith. Forgiveness takes practice. We have to do it daily to get it from head knowledge to heart knowing.

  • - It All Starts In The Heart
    av Michelle Bollom

    "To become excellent in our actions and thoughts we first must commit to cleaning out the junk in our hearts!" Our actions are simply the fruit, but our heart-belief is the actual root.A corrupt and callused heart clouds our vision and compromises our mindset.A clean heart gives us clearer vision and produces a Majestic Mindset. The transformed heart is the catalyst for the transformed actions of a transformed life. You can't just think your way out of it ... you MUST HEAL your way out of it!

  • - A Worry-Free Life
    av Michelle Bollom

    Go from worrier to warrior in just minutes a day. You can live a worry-free life when you allow the Peace that surpasses all understanding to guide you through each moment. When you agree, believe and confess peace, worry will no longer dominate your day.

  • - How Fasting Fed My Faith
    av Michelle Bollom

    We all Hunger. But most of us hunger for earthly things to fill voids or stuff our emotions. Those countless counterfeits don't actually help us; they are really hindering us. This book is my journey through a fasting experience I did that developed a Heavenly Hunger that fed my faith and brought my earthly hunger under control. It's 30 days of encouragement from unpacking various transformational truths that helped set me free from the endless bondage to food addiction...and more.

  • - A Call To Valor
    av Michelle Bollom

    The Cowardly Lion traveled to Oz in search of Courage - but there's no need for us to hop on the yellow brick road. We already have Divine Courage inside of us readily available. Courage is not one great big thing, it's a million little choices everyday. What if we started to look at Courage differently? What if we saw how others handled everyday, unlikely situations that showed us Divine Courage at work; would we then be ready to answer the Call To Valor?

  • - Unbreakable Belief
    av Michelle Bollom

    Hopelessness can wreck our health and keep us tossed about by our burdens.Learning to have unbreakable belief instead of wishful thinking is what Hope really is; an anchor for our soul.

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