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Bøker av Miguel Ramos

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  • av Miguel Ramos

    Astuge sisse Hispaania köögi maailma koos Miguel Ramose raamatuga "Hispaania Kulinaaria Rännak". See kokaraamat viib teid maitsvate retseptide ja kultuuriliste avastuste maailma, tuues teieni Hispaania köögi autentsed maitsed ja rikkaliku ajaloo.Miguel Ramos, kirglik Hispaania köögi armastaja ja asjatundja, juhatab teid läbi erinevate Hispaania piirkondade ja nende unikaalsete maitsete. Iga lehekülg raamatus toob esile Hispaania toiduainete mitmekesisuse ja õpetab teid valmistama autentseid Hispaania roogasid oma köögis."Hispaania Kulinaaria Rännak" on rohkem kui lihtsalt kokaraamat; see on tõeline kultuuriline avastusretk kõigile, kes armastavad head toitu ja soovivad avastada Hispaania köögi sügavust. Miguel jagab oma sügavaid teadmisi Hispaania köögi ajaloost, traditsioonidest ja unikaalsetest koostisosadest, muutes selle raamatu hindamatuks ressursiks kõigile, kes soovivad sukelduda Hispaania maitsete maailma.Retseptid on selged ja inspireerivad, olles nii algajatele kui ka kogenud kokkadele kättesaadavad. Alates maitsvatest paelladest kuni täidetud tapaste ja kulinaarsete desserditeni tutvustab "Hispaania Kulinaaria Rännak" teile Hispaania kulinaarseid pärliteid.Valmistuge sukelduma Hispaania köögi rikkalikku maailma, kogema maitseid ja ajaloolisi traditsioone ning looma autentseid Hispaania roogasid oma köögis. "Hispaania Kulinaaria Rännak" on ideaalne juhend, mis viib teid unustamatu maitseelamuse ja kultuurireisi läbi Hispaania maitsete ja toitude maailma. On aeg avastada Hispaania köögi imed!

  • av Miguel Ramos

    Take a journey into A DARK HEADSPACE by immersing yourself in horror stories that will make you think, cry, laugh, cringe . . . and maybe even make your skin crawl

  • av Miguel Ramos & Brian Lue Sang

    In volume one of the Wild World of Ogots, you'll get two engaging stories, introducing never-before-seen ogots and plenty of unique creatures -- some nice and some nasty. The neatest thing about this book is that the stories star two custom ogots created for fans. So. What's in the book? Wild World of Ogots Volume One contains two standalone stories starring Uma Glitter and Wallaroo. First up, there's CHOMP: After her father is bitten by a poisonous creature, a compassionate and impulsive herbalist must find the source and create a cure before sunset. Next, IT'S RAINING PHUGS: When a writer is taken during the night, his anxious apprentice teams up with a couple of locals and a crusty captain to rescue him. Volume one also includes the OGOT EXPLORER GUIDE. Originally introduced in Humphrey: A Read and Explore Adventure Book, the ogot explorer guide takes you outside so you can find and learn about ogot communities in your area.

  • av Miguel Ramos & Brian Lue Sang

    In volume one of the Wild World of Ogots, you'll get two engaging stories, introducing never-before-seen ogots and plenty of unique creatures -- some nice and some nasty. The neatest thing about this book is that the stories star Uma Glitter and Wallaroo, two custom ogots created for fans. So. What's in the book? Wild World of Ogots Volume One contains two standalone stories starring Uma Glitter and Wallaroo. First up, there's CHOMP: After her father is bitten by a poisonous creature, a compassionate and impulsive herbalist must find the source and create a cure before sunset. Next, IT'S RAINING PHUGS: When a writer is taken during the night, his anxious apprentice teams up with a couple of locals and a crusty captain to rescue him. Volume one also includes the OGOT EXPLORER GUIDE. Originally introduced in Humphrey: A Read and Explore Adventure Book, the ogot explorer guide takes you outside so you can find and learn about ogot communities in your area.

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