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Bøker av Miller Michael Miller

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  • av Miller Michael Miller

    Do you want to learn about sumerians?Thi¿ b¿¿k is int¿nd¿d f¿r students, ¿nd ¿¿¿¿¿i¿ll¿ for ¿tud¿nt¿ b¿ginning t¿ ¿tud¿ th¿ ¿r¿h¿¿¿l¿g¿ ¿nd hi¿t¿r¿ ¿f th¿ ¿n¿i¿nt n¿¿r e¿¿t.The changes which took ¿l¿¿¿ on the mesopotamian ¿l¿in b¿tw¿¿n the tigris ¿nd eu¿hr¿t¿¿ rivers in th¿ fourth ¿nd third mill¿nni¿ b¿ are of ¿ru¿i¿l importance in understanding ¿ub¿¿¿u¿nt developments in w¿¿t¿rn äi¿ ¿nd b¿¿¿nd. Some of the topics and questions covered in this book include:The ancient sumerians in a nutshellThe social structure of ancient sumeriansThe religion and mythology of ancient sumeriansThe sumerian kingdoms chronologyThe everyday life of ancient sumeriansSumerian innovationsSumerian cultureAnd a great deal more that you don't want to miss out on!These stories that describe how the sumerians thought the world worked are now what we call myths. Even though myths aren't true, they can tell us about what the world was like in ancient civilizationsSumerians carved words on stone tablets, and some of those tablets are still around today. A few of these carvings are stories that tell us what the sumerians believed in. They lived in a world where nature was everywhere, and they were at the mercy of it.

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