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Bøker av Mirna Wabi-Sabi

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  • av Mirna Wabi-Sabi

    In a world full of Fake news, fake faces, fake writers and fake artists, why not fake a smartphone? Pretend that is your skin and words, pretend this is your cellphone. In here, you will find provocations about tech innovation and traditional fascism. Disclaimer: It comes with an irreversible Blue light filter but there is no guarantee it will improve your sleep.Pretend This Is A Cellphone is the latest bilingual non-fiction pocket book from Plataforma9, and was presented for the first time at A Feira do Livro in São Paulo, in June 2023. It includes an article originally published in English in AK Press's exuberant anti-fascist anthology called No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis. Followed by an article originally published online at Le Monde Diplomatique, about the author's experience infiltrating Bolsonarista virtual groups; an article originally published in English in the academic journal CyberOrient, on digital monitoring of immigrants in the US and integration policies in the European Union; and finally, a short essay on the rise of Fintechs as they consider themselves to be at the forefront of financial inclusion and the fight against poverty.​IndexGringos and FascismPart I: The Anti-[blank] Manual Part II: Capitalism, Fascism And White SupremacyPart III: The White AestheticPart IV: Conclusion​Virtual Vandalism and the Dispute Against LeftistsDigital Monitoring as a Threat to Human MobilityThe Ultra Wealthy Dream of Fintech UnicornsÍndiceGringos e Fascismo 7Parte I: O Manual Anti-[insira opressão aqui]Parte II: Capitalismo, Fascismo e Supremacia BrancaParte III: A Estética BrancaParte IV: ConclusãoO vandalismo virtual e a disputa contra 'esquerdistas'Monitoramento digital como ameaça à mobilidade humanaOs ultra ricos sonham com unicórnios da Fintech

  • av Mirna Wabi-Sabi

    'MATA bolsonarismo' inclui a publicação 'A narrativa desumanizante em torno dos assassinatos policiais no Rio de Janeiro', vencedora do 39.° Prêmio de Direitos Humanos de Jornalismo, e menção honrosa do 44.° Prêmio Vladimir Herzog.

  • av Mirna Wabi-Sabi

    Artists' publications are often used in contemporary art studies in discussions about the printed page. However, these publications go beyond their nomenclatures and place in art institutions. The boundaries of visual arts are increasingly blurred, and discussions of works of art become more potent when viewed within the broader spectrum of visual culture. Aesthetics have the power to produce knowledge and establish relations with ways of living and being in the world and throughout history. Publications, as such, are social places that can mediate these relationships between people, especially when it involves issues like feminism, capitalism, and decoloniality.The Jornal de Borda-an anarchist visual culture newspaper circulated in Latin America in Portuguese and Spanish between 2015 and 2021-is an example of artistic expression through printing. It strategizes the name of dissenting bodies-referred to as "corpas"-in the context of art within visual culture; it establishes relations between these bodies and anarchism within the Latin American context; and the aesthetic relates directly to other newspapers from the last century, such as A Plebe, honoring history as it makes history.FLIP-OVER BILINGUAL POCKET BOOK (English and Portuguese)

  • av Mirna Wabi-Sabi

    Buku dwibahasa.(11x18cm) 120 halaman.______Bilingual book;(11x18cm) 120 pages.Siapa saja yang membaca pasti pernah membaca terjemahan. Sekalipun bukan hasil terjemahan, tulisan itu dapat saja mengacu pada suatu terjemahan. Siapa saja yang tidak pernah membaca tentu pernah terpapar gagasan hasil terjemahan, baik di televisi, doa, atau di pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, buku ini tidak hanya ditujukan bagi orang yang menerjemahkan, tetapi bagi siapa pun yang berminat pada tersebarnya gagasan dan pemikiran di seluruh dunia. Minat akan gagasan mempengaruhi keadaan kita sebagai makhluk pemikir yang bermakna di dunia. Yang terutama hendak saya sampaikan di sini adalah memperkenalkan gagasan saja tidak cukup; perlu adanya penyebarluasan gagasan bahwa manusia itu penting. Bukanlah bangsa, korporasi, atau otoritas intelektual atau otoritas pemerintahan yang penting. Kita inilah yang sesungguhnya penting; pengetahuan hadir untuk memperkuat otonomi kita-khususnya pengetahuan mengenai manusia yang dipinggirkan secara sistematis oleh entitas-entitas tersebut di atas.__________Whoever reads, has read a translation. Even if the text is not a translation, it probably alludes to one. Anyone who does not read, has already been exposed to an idea that has been translated, be it in on T.V., in prayer, or at work. This book, therefore, is not only for people who translate. It is for anyone who has an interest in how ideas and thoughts are shared around the world. The interest in ideas informs our condition as thinking beings that matter in the world. What I want to convey here, above all, is that it is not enough to import ideas, it is necessary to disseminate the idea that people are important. It is not a nation, corporation, or intellectual and governmental authority that matters. We are the ones who matter, and the knowledge is there to enhance our autonomy - especially that of people who are systematically marginalized by the aforementioned entities.

  • av Henrik Ibsen & Mirna Wabi-Sabi

    Por que republicar uma peça escrita quase um século e meio atrás? Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos estupendos dos últimos anos, este texto de Ibsen nos mostra que ainda lidamos com problemas socio-econômicos muito parecidos com os do começo da revolução industrial. A pandemia de COVID-19 evidenciou as limitações da gestão pública ao administrar uma crise de saúde pública, assim como muitas outras crises pela história. "O verdadeiro grande mal é a pobreza, são as miseráveis condições de vida que esmagam muitas pessoas. Em última análise: os poderosos, os mesquinhos, os interesseiros, cultivam a ignorância para se manterem no poder e obter lucros e vantagens!" Ao fazer do protagonista uma mulher, trazemos uma perspectiva interseccional e atual, que aborda gênero e sexualidade no contexto de poder governamental e socio-econômico. Ibsen não nos entrega uma resposta pronta, ele apresenta questões estimulantes que a polarização política tende a ofuscar. Embarque nessa viagem no tempo, que nos leva a um lugar estranhamente familiar.

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