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Bøker av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

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  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar, Safina Parveen Munsaf Khan & Tanvir Begum Niyaz Ali

    Artificial Intelligence is the study Natural Human Intelligence .i.e. study of Human Brain and Neuroscience for analysis and engineering Human like Electronic or Artificial Intelligence. In other hand, we can define term Bionic as ¿Its utility of Biological methods, function, procedures and system to interface or mimic electronically¿. The term Bionic coined by Jack E. Steele in 1958. It¿s very vast field to conduct good research on Bionic and Bionic Devices Interfacing for the enhancement of Medical Robotics. For Bionic system engineering excellent tradeoff of Biological and Electronics system required and can be obtain with linking of Artificial Neural Schemas with Biological Neural schemas. As per my strong research area in ¿Bionic Brain¿ since last seven years I must say this is the only field of robotics which direct concerns to medical betterment. Bionic and Cyborg are different; let us clear in last attempt to it. As discussed already Bionic is biological functions, methods, systems and procedures mimic electronically with neuron interfacing Cyborg "Cybernetic organism" is a being with both organic. This monograph gives you ideas about AI, Bionic and Cyborg domains.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

    Among the leading business challenges confronting CIOs and IT managers today are: cost-effective utilization of IT infrastructure; responsiveness in supporting new business initiatives; and flexibility in adapting to organizational changes. Driving an additional sense of urgency is the continued climate of IT budget constraints and more stringent regulatory requirements. Virtualization is a fundamental technological innovation that allows skilled IT managers to deploy creative solutions to such business challenges. Simply put, virtualization is an idea whose time has come. The term virtualization broadly describes the separation of a resource or request for a service from the underlying physical delivery of that service. This Book is all about what are the future businesses forms.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar & Safina Parveen Munsaf Khan

    In a narrow sense spintronics refers to spin electronics, the phenomena of spin-polarized transport in metals and semiconductors. The goal of this applied spintronics is to find effective ways of controlling electronic properties, such as the current or accumulated charge, by spin or magnetic field, as well as of controlling spin or magnetic properties by electric currents or gate voltages. The ultimate goal is to make practical device schemes that would enhance functionalities of the current charge-based electronics. An example is a spin field-effect transistor, which would change its logic state from ON to OFF by flipping the orientation of a magnetic field. In a broad sense spintronics is a study of spin phenomena in solids, in particular metals and semiconductors and semiconductor hetero-structures. Such studies characterize electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of solids due to the presence of equilibrium and non-equilibrium spin populations, as well as spin dynamics. These aspects of spintronics give us important insights about the nature of spin interactions¿spin-orbit, hyperfine, or spin exchange couplings solids. This Book is lucid presentation of Spintronics.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar & Shabeena Naaz Wasim Khan

    Anomalies Robotics is I defined the term as ¿Artificial Intelligence and Robotics bodies to fix it unconstrained followed by irregular geometry¿. Hence these would bet ask specific DeepMind robots in many-forms intelligence to change facet of world and human race on the planet earth and help to expand mankind in space using SAI and UAI discussed with modeling. The term I coined with forecasting of A.I and its applications in near future with keeping all facts and figure of A.I researches, literature from past to present including mine. Anomalies Robotics will be the next wave in future A.I and A.I based all tasks. I intended from the term ¿Anomalies Robotics¿ as these are the different ultra A.I based unconstrained robotics bodies or bare bodies those used to follow irregular geometry and unrecognizable robotics bodies and A.I from according to different applications needs. Hence might be A.I as the robotic body and what functions carried out by that body using A.I in its for various Applications- I exhibit models to represent the concept ¿Anomalies Robotics¿ and how its possible to engineer. Anomalies Robotics discussed in this Book with modeling.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

    Man can not exist in isolation.Human lives are interconnected with various living and non-living organisms.lives also depends on social, political, economical, ethical,regional,philosophical,emotional and likewise social system. In fact,the human life is shaped by their living environment. Where environment means all the conditions,circumstances, nature and influences surrounding which affecting the development of an organism, also equal meaning that the complex of physical, chemical and biotic factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community. The ecological degradation became a serious problem and its causes are businesses.Today's businesses are tough innovative and gave high boost to economical development, but not sustainable, rarely discharge corporate social responsibilities, generate high volume of several of harmful toxic gases and green house effect, damage earth, forest, nature and pollute air, water as well as noise pollutions. Hence may be in future human race have money, advanced electronincs/computer products, but using those we unable to save earth. Hence need to take initiatives for Organic business.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

    Quantum computing is very advanced, most recent high speed and high performance computing, often called ¿Nanocomputing¿ having Quantum (Nano) Processor, where data store, address and process in the form of single electron charge instead of conventional current flow. The status data and representation for processing obtain by polarization .i.e. either spin up or spin down motion of quanta in Quantum dots computing and information processing circuits to represent 1s and 0s respectively of digital equivalent quantum format, this phenomenon called ¿Spintronics¿. This quick book will gives you review, introduction and concept development ideas for Quantum Computing with its delimitations and research in progress.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

    Human Computer Interfaces (HCIs) are the interactive Graphical Users Interfaces (GUIs), facilitate users to communicate through graphics like dialog box, wizards, menus, bars, scrolls, buttons, pointers, cursers, icons, messages on as well as touch mechanism, speech recognition, biometric, smart- sensing-processing-actuating (response) systems with computers for their daily needs of computing. Now a day''s business became very dynamic in nature, hence demand most sophisticated business application software''s (GUI/HCI) and supporting advanced integrated operating systems. These business software''s must be in the form of effective and efficient MIS/BIS/KBES/AI/CRM/ERP/SCM with strong DSS component along with high degree of users friendliness as well as most interactive and should be business centric, where machines acquire, understand and processing data with accepting users (from human side) with give output to them thorough HCI from machines (from computers side) in the form of information, knowledge, and intelligence based on users input data. This book would be very effective step to get start in the field of HCI/GUI

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

    Biomedical electronics and instruments, equipment, diagnostic & detection tools success based on the success of high sensitive biosensors invention and development. Biosensors are the active electronic, semiconductor electronics, optoelectronics or other technologies related devices which sense biological signal from membrane in the form of antibodies, antigens, bacteria''s, viruses, glucose, oxygen, pH etc called signal/stimuli/receptor at the contact of membrane and biosensor with transducer along with biological sensing element called ¿ion-electron-interfacing¿ from where signal convert into detectable electrical signals through transduction principles and measured at computerized electronic signal processing system. This monograph strongly related only about optoelectronic biosensor, in which discussed investigated evanescent wave optical fiber biosensor is one of the strong light carry biological information sensation and high speed detection sensor. Book deal with review, research and fundamental modeling.

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

  • av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar

    Quantum leadership is very new and introductory approach to business leadership styles and due to its introductory to maturity phase rare business organization aware about it and implement it for business execution. The big fact about quantum leadership its based on the scientific principles and analogies of quantum physics, which is the field to know some uncertain situation of very dynamic behavior of quanta system, Which behaves non- linearly (logarithmically). If we compare our current business scenario its also posses same behavior. Today''s business is very dynamic and each day demands new changes for execution and those changes after prediction of nature and problems of business which itself has high degree of dynamisms. Thus instead of classical theories one should have to select quantum theories to design strategic business leadership call quantum leadership. This book will gives you some basic ideas and guidelines for its further development, design and implementation.

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