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Bøker av Monteiro Lobato

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  • av Monteiro Lobato

    SOBRE O AUTORMonteiro Lobato (1882-1948) foi um escritor e editor brasileiro. "O Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo" é sua obra de maior destaque na literatura infantil. Criou a "Editora Monteiro Lobato" e mais tarde a "Companhia Editora Nacional". Foi um dos primeiros autores de literatura infantil de nosso país e de toda América Latina.Ao lado da literatura infantil, Monteiro Lobato também deixou extensa obra voltada para o público adulto. Retratou os vilarejos decadentes e a população do Vale do Paraíba, quando da crise do café. Situa-se entre os autores do Pré-Modernismo, período que precedeu a Semana de Arte Moderna.Lobato foi também jornalista, tradutor e empresário. Fundou a Companhia Petróleo do Brasil, à qual se dedicou por dez anos.

  • av Monteiro Lobato

    Uma menina de sete anos, chamada Lúcia, é a Narizinho. Ela vive com sua avó, Dona Benta, tia Nastácia e a boneca Emília no sítio mais famoso do Brasil, o Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo. Reinações significa brincadeira barulhenta, travessura, peraltice, atividades que desafiam os limites impostos.

  • av Monteiro Lobato

    A translation of Monteiro Lobato's "O Presidente Negro ou O Choque das Raças," presented in a bilingual format with English alongside the original Portuguese. Monteiro Lobato was one of Brazil's most imaginative writers. He is best known for his children's series about the bizarre adventures of a feisty little girl and her irreverent rag doll. But Black President: Clash of the Races-the only novel he wrote for adult readers-takes an even wilder ride through Lobato's strange, intriguing perspective on humanity. Originally titled The Black President, the story is about a young man and woman in Brazil who use a high-tech scope that can see into the future. They follow events in the United States in the year 2228 as Black and white voters vie to elect a president of their own race. It's close until a feminist candidate pits men against women regardless of race. The story inevitably reflects some of the racism that was accepted as normal in the 1920s, when the book was written. At the same time, it opens racism to everyone's view as the fictional characters grapple with it. And suddenly, a Black man becomes President of the United States. Hard to believe? Not a hundred years after the book was written. But three centuries later, as Lobato tells the story, a Black president is simply not acceptable to whites. And then things get ugly. Ana Lessa-Schmidt's insightful and nuanced translation is the first English version of this Brazilian classic. It was shocking in 1926, and it's even more shocking today.

  • av Monteiro Lobato
    273 - 359,-

  • av Monteiro Lobato

    Originally titled The Black President, or The Clash of the Races, by Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato, the story is about a young man and woman in Brazil who use a high-tech scope that can see into the future. They follow events in the United States in the year 2228 as Black and white voters vie to elect a president of their own race. It's close until a feminist candidate pits men against women regardless of race. And suddenly, a Black man becomes President of the United States. Hard to believe? Not a hundred years after the book was written. But three centuries later, as Lobato tells the story, a Black president is simply not acceptable to whites. And then things get ugly. It was shocking in 1926, and it's even more shocking today. The story inevitably reflects some of the racism that was accepted as normal in the 1920s, when the book was written. At the same time, it opens racism to everyone's view as the fictional characters grapple with it. An introduction by Vanete Santana-Dezmann puts the racism and the story itself into historical and literary perspective. Ana Lessa-Schmidt's insightful and nuanced translation is the first bilingual edition of this Brazilian classic. The original Portuguese appears alongside the English translation.

  • av Monteiro Lobato

  • av Monteiro Lobato

    Este é o único romance adulto de Monteiro Lobato, que aborda, dentre outros temas, a segregação racial, o feminismo e os debates do início do século XX. O cobrador Ayrton alcança o sonho de possuir seu veículo, porém sofre um acidente e é salvo pelo professor Benson, que descobre uma máquina em que se pode ver o futuro. Assim, Ayrton e Jane, filha de Benson, acompanham as eleições presidenciais dos EUA em 2228, em que o candidato negro James Roy Wilde é eleito.

  • av Monteiro Lobato

  • av Monteiro Lobato

  • - & the 1920 first edition facsimile
    av Monteiro Lobato

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