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Bøker av Muhammad Zubair

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  • - Led by Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him
    av Muhammad Zubair

    The Children of Israel were God's first chosen people but rejected the teachings of Prophets Jesus and Moses (peace be upon them both) and rebelled against God's will.God then chose the Arabs as His replacement people and sent Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to communicate His message through the Glorious Qur'an. The Arabs would form a great nation and carry out the job the Children of Israel had failed to do.God's rejection of Israel is described in the Old and New Testaments, as is one of the most famous battles of Islam, the Battle of Badr. Jewish and Christian leaders reject these teachings, however, and read Scriptures out of context to stop people following the true path of God.Its aim is to warn Jews and Christians of the Hell fire which awaits them if they continue to ignore God's will.

  • - Entering an unknown portal through crow's eye
    av Muhammad Zubair

    Enter a world of enchantment and adventure as James, an ordinary man from an ordinary town, steps through a crow's eye and discovers a realm beyond his wildest dreams. Immerse yourself in a bustling marketplace, filled with vibrant colors, exotic scents, and the infectious joy of its inhabitants. Follow James' journey as he embraces his newfound identity as an explorer and pioneer in a world where magical reality and wonder await.Hidden Portals: A Journey into the Crow's Eye, Welcome to the captivating world of The Crow's Eye Portal, a series of enchanting tales that will transport you to a realm of boundless imagination and endless possibilities. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary adventure alongside James, an ordinary man who stumbles upon an extraordinary gateway - a crow's eye.As James bravely steps through this portal, he finds himself thrust into a world far removed from his own, a realm brimming with magic, mystery, and wonder. Here, he will encounter fantastical creatures, unravel ancient enigmas, and confront formidable challenges that will test his courage and determination.With each step into this uncharted territory, James will uncover hidden secrets, forge unbreakable bonds, and discover the extraordinary power that lies within himself. Along the way, he will learn the true meaning of friendship, bravery, and self-discovery.Delve into the captivating pages of The Crow's Eye Portal and embark on a journey that will forever change your perception of the world and your place within it.Prepare to be captivated by the captivating tales of: - Unveiling the Secrets of Whispering Winds- Decoding the Enigma of the Shimmering Forest- Embracing the Guardians of the Celestial Bridge- Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mystical Labyrinth- Confronting the Shadows of the Obsidian Citadel- Navigating the Perils of the Shifting Sands- Unveiling the Truth Behind the Whispering Waters- Unlocking the Power of the Forgotten Star- Embracing the Destiny of the Crow's EyeJoin James on his extraordinary journey as he navigates the unknown, confronts his fears, and discovers the true meaning of courage, friendship, and self-discovery.

  • av Muhammad Zubair

    I diritti umani nell'Islam, argomento di studio e di ricerca, hanno acquisito importanza e sono diventati la necessità del momento nell'era attuale del mondo musulmano. L'Islam è definito una religione della natura (din al-fitrah) che soddisfa tutte le esigenze dell'individuo e della società alla luce degli insegnamenti rivelati, che sono completamente in accordo con la ragione. Il Corano enfatizza tutti i valori umani che devono essere garantiti a tutti gli esseri umani, indipendentemente dalla cultura e dalla religione, e il Profeta Muhammad (PBUH) nel suo ultimo sermone dichiarò apertamente l'attuazione dei diritti umani nella società. Quest'ultimo sermone è noto come Khutba Hujja Tul-Widda ed è la prima carta dei diritti umani al mondo adeguatamente documentata e pienamente garantita.

  • av Muhammad Zubair

    Les droits de l'homme dans l'Islam est un sujet d'étude et de recherche qui a pris de l'importance et est devenu le besoin de l'heure dans l'ère actuelle du monde musulman. L'islam est considéré comme une religion de la nature (din al-fitrah) qui répond à toutes les exigences de l'individu et de la société à la lumière des enseignements révélés, qui sont entièrement conformes à la raison. Le Coran met l'accent sur toutes les valeurs humaines qui doivent être accordées à tous les êtres humains, indépendamment de leur culture et de leur religion, et le Prophète Muhammad (PBUH), dans son dernier sermon, a ouvertement déclaré la mise en ¿uvre des droits de l'homme dans la société. Ce dernier sermon est connu sous le nom de Khutba Hujja Tul-Widda et il s'agit de la première charte des droits de l'homme correctement documentée et pleinement garantie dans le monde.

  • av Muhammad Zubair

    Os direitos humanos no Islão são um tema de estudo e investigação que adquiriu importância e se tornou a necessidade do momento na era atual do mundo muçulmano. O Islão é considerado uma religião da natureza (din al-fitrah) que satisfaz todas as exigências do indivíduo e da sociedade à luz dos ensinamentos revelados, que estão completamente de acordo com a razão. O Alcorão sublinha todos os valores humanos que devem ser concedidos a todos os seres humanos, independentemente da cultura e da religião, e o Profeta Maomé (PECE), no seu último sermão, declarou abertamente a implementação dos direitos humanos na sociedade. Este último sermão é conhecido como Khutba Hujja Tul-Widda e é a primeira carta dos direitos humanos do mundo devidamente documentada e plenamente garantida.

  • av Muhammad Zubair

    Die Menschenrechte im Islam sind ein wichtiges Studien- und Forschungsthema, das in der heutigen Zeit in der muslimischen Welt zum Gebot der Stunde geworden ist. Der Islam wird als eine Naturreligion (din al-fitrah) bezeichnet, die alle Anforderungen des Einzelnen und der Gesellschaft im Lichte der offenbarten Lehren erfüllt, die völlig mit der Vernunft übereinstimmen. Der Koran betont alle menschlichen Werte, die allen Menschen unabhängig von Kultur und Religion gewährt werden müssen, und der Prophet Muhammad (Friede sei mit ihm) erklärte in seiner letzten Predigt offen die Umsetzung der Menschenrechte in der Gesellschaft. Diese letzte Predigt ist als Khutba Hujja Tul-Widda bekannt und ist die erste richtig dokumentierte und vollständig gesicherte Charta der Menschenrechte in der Welt.

  • av Muhammad Zubair & Syed Muhammad Saqlain Raza Shah

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