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Bøker av Nancy Wilson

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  • - Respect and the Christian Woman
    av Nancy Wilson

  • - A Study for Ladies of Every Age
    av Nancy Wilson

  • - A Study for Ladies of Every Age
    av Nancy Wilson

  • av Nancy Wilson

  • av Nancy Wilson

  • av Nancy Wilson

  • - A Practical Guide for Christian Grandmothers
    av Nancy Wilson

  • - O respeito e a mulher crista
    av Nancy Wilson

    O fruto de suas mãos, O respeito e a mulher cristã. A MULHER DE HOJE É INGÊNUA. Ela se tornou cativa das mentiras promulgadas pelo mundo moderno e sucumbiu à mentalidade humanista. A mulher moderna foi, do mesmo modo que Eva, enganada e conduzida por suas próprias paixões para longe do domínio e das responsabilidades que recebeu de Deus. Tomada pelo descontentamento foi iludida pelas falsas promessas de liberdade e felicidade se ela simplesmente abandonasse seu âmbito de domínio - o lar -, e negligenciasse suas responsabilidades - marido e filhos. Mas, de que maneira a mulher cristã que se dedica a servir a Deus em seu lar pode resistir a tudo isso? Buscando aquilo que a Bíblia ensina sobre casamento, filhos, homens e mulheres e seus respectivos papéis, e então obedecer sem rodeios, não importa o quanto custe. Isso é cristianismo radical? Não. É cristianismo básico. "Nancy Wilson descreve o papel e a responsabilidade da mulher Cristã de uma forma simples e direta. Num mundo que vem progressivamente abandonando a verdade de Deus quanto ao casamento e à família, as verdades e princípios bíblicos expostos neste livro servem como um chamado radical, encorajando a mulher Cristã a abraçar quem ela é em Cristo." - Kenneth WieskeInstituto João Calvino, Pernambuco, Brasil NANCY WILSON é dona de casa e esposa do pastor Douglas Wilson autor de Reformando o Casamento, Fidelidade, O Marido Federal, Sua Filha em Casamento, Firme nas Promessas, Futuros Homens, Minha Vida por Você, todos publicados pela Editora CLIRE. Ela escreve uma coluna para mulheres na revista "Credenda/Agenda". Nancy tem três filhos adultos e um montão de netos.

  • - 30 Day Paleo Challenge, 30 Day Bone Broth Challenge
    av Nancy Wilson

    30 Day ChallengeIncludes Both 30 Day Paleo Challenge and the 30 Bone Broth Challenge  In just 30 days’ time, a lot of things can change. You could change jobs, you could move to a new house, you could meet new people—any number of life altering events could occur during that finite amount of time. And according to Nancy Wilson, 30 days is all it takes to change your diet, and completely alter the course of your own health. In this book, nutrition expert Nancy Wilson explains the 30-Day Paleo Challenge like no other. This seasoned foodie, knows her food, and she knows how to make it work in a wide variety of situations. She starts us off by explaining what the Paleo Diet is (and isn’t) and even goes into great detail as to what specific foods are Paleo friendly and what foods are not. But beyond these basic guidelines, Ms. Wilson has filled this book with recipe after helpful recipe of truly unique, original, and completely delicious meals that you can safely pursue during your first 30 days of the Paleo diet. And you don’t have to wander around aimlessly googling calories and carbs, Ms. Wilson conveniently breaks it all down for you, so that you have the perfect reference with which to keep yourself on track. This comprehensive cookbook provides detailed tutorials for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between! You’re going to love the inventive Paleo transformations made on classic standbys such as burgers and fries, and even ice cream! You won’t feel deprived or left out in the slightest, when you follow the meal plans that Ms. Wilson has prescribed! All in all, I would have to say, with this guide at your side, the 30-Day Paleo Challenge just got a whole lot easier to make! Buy this book and begin your very own 30-Day Paleo Challenge today! And besides the great health benefits you can get from these bones, the taste of good, old fashioned bone broth is second to none! Here in this book we set you on course for a full 30-Day-Bone Broth Challenge, presenting you with the tools and recipes you need to consume nothing but bone broth-based meals for the next 30-Days! A lot of things can happen in 30 days, and if you stick to the regimen presented this book for that finite amount of time, it could very well change your life!Buy this book to discover how to:Lose weight and feel fitGain Energy and FocusCure Chronic Health ProblemsMake Lasting Lifestyle ChangesDevelop Your Own Unique Meal PlansUtilize Precise Bone Broth RecipesAnd Much More!

  • - Lose Weight and Accelerate Fat Loss with Intermittent Fasting
    av Nancy Wilson

    Do you need to shed some weight? Are you trying to fit into that new outfit for the summer? But you don’t want to fall for those fad diets, and lose weight quick gimmicks of yesteryear, you need something that will truly stand the test of time. Much more than a diet, you need a lifestyle change. This is precisely what the 30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge provides. Intermittent fasting can reboot and reset the body, helping to get your metabolic processes back on track. Fasting teaches your body to burn fat rather than complex carbohydrates. With your body prepped and primed to burn fat for fuel, stubborn fat deposits such as on the belly, arms, and legs, will quickly evaporate! It may sound too good to be true, but just by tweaking the body through a dedicated and consistent regimen of fasting, this really is possible! This book provides you with the knowledge, the background, and the recipes to successful carry out your own intermittent fasting regimen over the course of 30 days. Known as the “30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge”—within this finite period of time you can change your whole life around! Buy this book to begin your 30-Day Challenge today! In this book you will learn how you can:Quickly burn fatSafely Engage in FastingRecalibrate Your MetabolismPrepare Healthy and Satisfying mealsAnd more!

  • - Lose Weight and Accelerate Fat Loss with Intermittent Fasting
    av Nancy Wilson

    Do you need to shed some weight? Are you trying to fit into that new outfit for the summer? But you don't want to fall for those fad diets, and lose weight quick gimmicks of yesteryear, you need something that will truly stand the test of time. Much more than a diet, you need a lifestyle change. This is precisely what the 30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge provides. Intermittent fasting can reboot and reset the body, helping to get your metabolic processes back on track. Fasting teaches your body to burn fat rather than complex carbohydrates. With your body prepped and primed to burn fat for fuel, stubborn fat deposits such as on the belly, arms, and legs, will quickly evaporate! It may sound too good to be true, but just by tweaking the body through a dedicated and consistent regimen of fasting, this really is possible! This book provides you with the knowledge, the background, and the recipes to successful carry out your own intermittent fasting regimen over the course of 30 days. Known as the "30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge"-within this finite period of time you can change your whole life around! Buy this book to begin your 30-Day Challenge today! In this book you will learn how you can: Quickly burn fat Safely Engage in Fasting Recalibrate Your Metabolism Prepare Healthy and Satisfying meals And more!

  • - The Complete Ketogenic Guide to Help You Lose Weight and Burn Body Fat
    av Nancy Wilson

    If I told you that all it takes is 30 days to turn your whole life around-you might not believe me. But in reality, under the right direction we can change quite a lot in just 30 days' time. And this is precisely what Nancy Wilson aims to do in her later health and fitness masterpiece, the, "30 Day Ketogenic Challenge". Keto has been proven to be an incredibly effective means of burning the fat stores of the body. This is done through the restriction of carbs, which forces the body to burn fat instead. In this book diet and nutrition expert Nancy Wilson goes the extra mile to bring you a cohesive 30-day plan for successfully following a ketogenic diet. Much more than just another diet cookbook, the information provided in this comprehensive guide lays out an entire game-plan for tackling all of the trouble spots each individual dieter may face. Loaded with a plethora of helpful suggestions, tips, tricks and dieting templates, Ms. Wilson provides the tools necessary to succeed at completing the 30-Day-Keto challenge, yet leaves it up to the reader to decide exactly how to fine tune the recipes and ingredients provided so that they fit their individual needs. If you prefer a light breakfast and a big lunch, you can arrange the meals presented here to reflect that. On the other hand, if you like a hearty breakfast but a light lunch, this can be arranged as well. Everything is done within the parameters of the Keto challenge, but you still have room to adjust and tweak as necessary. If you would like a book that can bring you real and lasting success in your 30-Day Keto Challenge this book is most definitely for you! In this book you will learn how you can: Achieve a fat burning metabolic state of Ketosis Arrange effective meal plans Know what to eat and what not to eat on Keto Follow Keto based recipes Lose weight And more!

  • - The Complete Guide to Lose Rapid Weight by Eating the Foods you Want
    av Nancy Wilson

    In just 30 days' time, a lot of things can change. You could change jobs, you could move to a new house, you could meet new people-any number of life altering events could occur during that finite amount of time. And according to Nancy Wilson, 30 days is all it takes to change your diet, and completely alter the course of your own health. In this book, nutrition expert Nancy Wilson explains the 30-Day Paleo Challenge like no other. This seasoned foodie, knows her food, and she knows how to make it work in a wide variety of situations. She starts us off by explaining what the Paleo Diet is (and isn't) and even goes into great detail as to what specific foods are Paleo friendly and what foods are not. But beyond these basic guidelines, Ms. Wilson has filled this book with recipe after helpful recipe of truly unique, original, and completely delicious meals that you can safely pursue during your first 30 days of the Paleo diet. And you don't have to wander around aimlessly googling calories and carbs, Ms. Wilson conveniently breaks it all down for you, so that you have the perfect reference with which to keep yourself on track. This comprehensive cookbook provides detailed tutorials for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between! You're going to love the inventive Paleo transformations made on classic standbys such as burgers and fries, and even ice cream! You won't feel deprived or left out in the slightest, when you follow the meal plans that Ms. Wilson has prescribed! All in all, I would have to say, with this guide at your side, the 30-Day Paleo Challenge just got a whole lot easier to make! Buy this book and begin your very own 30-Day Paleo Challenge today!

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