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  • av Narendra Modi

    લોકતંત્રનું ગળું ઘોંટી દેવા તત્કાલીન વડાપ્રધાન ઇંદિરા ગાંધીએ દેશમાં કટોકટી લાદી હતી. લોકતંત્રની રક્ષા અને કટોકટી સામેની લડતમાં ગુજરાત હંમેશાં મોખરે રહ્યું. આ સંઘર્ષના અગ્રેસર કાર્યશીલોમાંના એક શ્રી નરેન્દ્ર મોદીએ પોતે લોકશાહીની લડત અને તેના અંતિમ વિજયની ગાથા આ પુસ્તકમાં આલેખી છે. કટોકટી કેવી રીતે આવી એ વિશે ઘણું લખાય છે, પરંતુ કટોકટી ગઈ કેવી રીતે એ વિશે ખાસ કંઈ જ લખાયું નથી. આ વિચારમાંથી જ આ પુસ્તકનો જન્મ થયો. કટોકટી પછી ચૂંટણીઓ આવી અને જનતા પક્ષ વિજયી થયો તે નર્યો ચમત્કાર માત્ર હતો? ચૂંટણીઓ દ્વારા થયેલ ક્રાંતિકારી પરિવર્તન એ અચાનક જ આવી મળેલી સફળતા છે એવો પણ એક મત પ્રચલિત થયો છે. પણ વાસ્તવમાં નિશ્ચિત પરિણામો પ્રાપ્ત કરવા ૨૦ માસ સુધી લગાતાર સુનિયોજિત સંઘર્ષ કરવો પડ્યો છે અને તે સંઘર્ષનાં કેટલાં-કેવાં વિવિધ સૂક્ષ્મ, જ્ઞાત-અજ્ઞાત ક્ષેત્રો હતાં તેની પણ એક ભવ્ય ગાથા છે. આઝાદીની પહેલી લડાઈ કરતાં લોકશાહીના રક્ષણ માટેની આ આ બીજી લડાઈનું મૂલ્ય આ રીતે જરાય ઓછું નથી. અને તેમાં ગુજરાત પણ પ્રારંભથી લડતું રહ્યું છે. તેની ગાથા આ પુસ્તકમાં છે

  • av Narendra Modi

    The life of only those people in the world is purposeful who are able to dedicate a part or whole of their life in others' good and service. Such great people have made special contribution in constructing the world's history.In Bharat, in 1925 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was established to achieve the exalted goals of nationbuilding and individualbuilding. The work of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been progressing continuously. A large number of people have contributed in taking aheadthis task.Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, a Swayamsevak himself, during his journey for refinement and transformation got an opportunity to come into contact with a number of selfless and devoted people who dedicated every moment of their lives and every particle of their bodies in the service of the Motherland.Reminiscences of some greatest social workers who relentlessly and untiringly burnt their lives to glow the motherland Maa Bharati.

  • - Poems By Narendra Modi (Tamil)
    av Narendra Modi

    Devotion and dedication, love and longing, strength and vulnerability, all find expression in Narendra Modi's poetry. This Sanskrit translation of verses originally written in Gujarati transports us into the poet's mind?his voice, his vision and his thoughts. While the story of Mr Modi's rise from humble beginnings to high political office is well documented, what is not well known is his journey in verse. Now we know.

  • - Translated from the Gujarati Saakshi Bhaav by BhawanaSomaaya
    av Narendra Modi

  • av Narendra Modi

    "Narendra Modåi kåi apanåi yuvåasthåa meòm måatôrtva-prema ke vibhinna pahaluoòm para likhåi kahåaniyåaïm"--Cover.

  • av Narendra Modi

  • - Poems by Narendra Modi
    av Narendra Modi

    Devotion and dedication, love and longing, strength and vulnerability, all find expression in Narendra Modi's poetry. This English translation of verses originally written in Gujarati transports us into the poet's mind-his voice, his vision and his thoughts.While the story of Mr Modi's rise from humble beginnings to high political office is well documented, what is not well known is his journey in verse.

  • av Narendra Modi

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi went through different stages of life, but his thoughts and actions have always been consistent. The strong flow of feelings towards society and social harmony has been flowing continuously in his heart. He has a unique vision and approach towards society. His radical thought extends to his social dealings too and his focus is always on the happiness of the common man.Narendra Bhai has always worked untiringly for equality, love and harmony. His persona signifies consistency in thoughts, beliefs and lifestyle. He is intensely focused on finding measures to eradicate sorrows from the lives of the deprived and persecuted.The concept of a welfare state which gives the highest priority to the wellbeing and happiness of its people has long been advocated by our Indian culture. The true measure of the progress of any state is the extent of progress achieved by the underprivileged. True development is that which brings the fruits of happiness even to the last person in the remotest backward area.This book is a compilation of the articles written by Shri Narendra Modi which shows his love for the underprivileged, his endeavour to share in their joys and sorrows, the excellence of his thought processes and his sensitivity towards the society.

  • av Narendra Modi

    Devotion and dedication, love and longing, strength and vulnerability, all find expression in Narendra Modi's poetry. This Sanskrit translation of verses originally written in Gujarati transports us into the poet's mind-his voice, his vision and his thoughts.

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