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Bøker av Natasha Boyd

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  • av Natasha Boyd

    Il est particulièrement mal choisi de tomber amoureuse du frère de sa meilleure amie. Surtout quand il s'agit d'un trou du cul pompeux, arrogant, bien que sexy en diable, que vous aimeriez embrasser ou frapper à mort à tout moment. (" Sexy, romantique, déchirant, humoristique.... Je l'ai littéralement englouti !" J. KENNER, auteur à succès du New York Times) Joey Butler a toujours eu cette façon d'être, et Jazz est tombée amoureuse du frère de sa meilleure amie. Jusqu'à ce qu'il commette l'impardonnable, l'été de sa dernière année de lycée. Trois ans plus tard, Jazz va tout faire pour protéger son c¿ur et ne pas retomber amoureuse de Joey. Mais lorsqu'il finit par admettre que Jazz est celle qu'il a toujours désirée, tous les paris sont ouverts. Ils vont devoir revivre le dernier été de leur amour avant que tout ne s'écroule, et se demander si un premier amour peut avoir une seconde chance? Il s'agit d'un livre sexy et contemporain, issu de la série Butler Cove/Eversea. Dans l'ordre de la série, il apparaît comme le tome quatre, mais il peut aussi se lire seul.

  • - A Romantic Comedy
    av Natasha Boyd

    Two strangers accidentally switch cell phones in a busy airport in this edgier You've Got Mail, sexy romance for the smart-phone era ...EmmyWhat a disaster! I only just made my flight to New York to help my uncle, and the phone I'm holding is not mine! It seems to belong to some commitment-phobic serial dater who's never made it past four dates (according to the constant notifications he's getting from his fake dating profile...) And worse? I have a sinking feeling it's that hot suit-monkey with the arctic grey eyes I just had a run-in with at the airport. Somehow, I have to persuade him not to get a new phone until I get back. My whole life is on that phone. I knew I should have backed it up. It's only a few days. Surely, we can handle it. Trystan This is a joke, right? My life could not get more f*cked up. I'm in the middle of selling my company and on my way to a funeral and that hot mess hippie-chick stole my freaking phone. I'm not sure how she convinced me not to immediately walk into a smart phone store and get a new one, but now she's going to have to play stand in and distract me while I deal with my long-avoided and estranged family. I don't have my dating apps after all, and frankly she's pretty funny. And sexy. And why can't I stop texting her? And now we're talking. And ... look, I'll admit that I usually run for the hills the morning after, but the morning after phone sex? That's not really real, right?

  • av Natasha Boyd

    Cela fait maintenant quatre ans que la star de cin├⌐ma, Jack Eversea, a conquis le c?ur de Keri Ann Butler.Keri Ann a termin├⌐ ses ├⌐tudes et lanc├⌐ sa carri├¿re artistique, et elle a fait savoir ├á Jack qu''elle ├⌐tait peut-├¬tre enfin pr├¬te ├á se marier. Mais quatre ans, c''est long pour faire attendre Jack. Il vient de terminer le tournage de l''un des projets les plus ├⌐prouvants qu''il n''ait jamais fait, sur le plan ├⌐motionnel, et il s''interroge maintenant sur son aptitude au mariage. Des circonstances inattendues vont provoquer des failles dans leur relation, opposant l''avenir au pass├⌐, l''amour ├á la responsabilit├⌐, et conspirer pour que les amoureux envisagent longuement leur avenir. La route a toujours ├⌐t├⌐ sem├⌐e d''emb├╗ches pour ces deux-l├á. L''amour ind├⌐fectible de Keri Ann pourra-t-il leur ouvrir la voie vers leur MARIAGE SUR LA PLAGE ?Il s''agit du troisi├¿me et dernier livre de la s├⌐rie sur Jack Eversea et Keri Ann Butler. Vous ne voudriez pas manquer ├ºa !

  • - Un Noel Anglais avec Jack: Eversea Serie 3
    av Natasha Boyd

    Dans cette nouvelle romantique et piquante, la star de cin├⌐ma Jack Eversea d├⌐cide de braver son histoire avec l''Angleterre et d''emmener l''amour de sa vie, Keri Ann Butler, chez lui, ├á No├½l, pour rencontrer sa m├¿re.Mais la bonne vieille Angleterre a une influence bizarre sur Jack. Et malgr├⌐ ces  douze jours de No├½l , comme cadeau super mignon, Keri Ann n''arrive pas ├á savoir si Jack est sur le point de la demander en mariage ou s''il regrette de l''avoir amen├⌐e chez lui. Se demande-t-il encore si elle peut supporter quelques paparazzi, ou bien doute-t-il encore de l''engagement de Keri Ann pour leur avenir ?Le couple magn├⌐tique est de retour dans une histoire amusante, parfois poignante, mais aussi super sexy, sur l''acceptation, la construction d''un avenir et comment faire l''amour sans bruit dans une vieille maison grin├ºante avec votre m├¿re au bout du couloir.Il s''agit d''une extension de Eversea et Jack pour toujours et le ceci est le tome 3 de la s├⌐rie Eversea/Butler Cove. Il est fortement recommand├⌐ de le lire apr├¿s les deux premiers tomes:"Eversea" et "Jack, Pour Toujours"

  • av Natasha Boyd & Tasha Boyd

  • - La suite d'Eversea
    av Natasha Boyd

  • - Une Histoire D'Amour
    av Natasha Boyd

  • av Natasha Boyd

    All Beau Montgomery, one of Charleston’s most eligible bachelors, wants to do is build boats. He has no interest in marriage whatsoever … until it means he might not get his inheritance and he can kiss his boat building dreams goodbye. But the hungry hordes of Charleston debutantes looking to score a Montgomery scare him sh*tless.Gwen "Gracie" Thomas has loved Beau Montgomery since she used to run barefoot around the marina as a scrappy teenager. Knowing she’ll never fit into his high society family, she decided long ago that she’d become his indispensable best friend rather than not be in his life at all. When he tells her he needs to marry in order to fulfill his dreams, she panics that he might actually meet someone and she’ll lose him forever. 

  • av Natasha Boyd

    EmmyΓÇ¿What a disaster! I only just made my flight to New York to help my uncle, and the phone I’m holding is not mine! It seems to belong to some commitment-phobic serial dater who’s never made it past four dates (according to the constant notifications he's getting from his fake dating profile...) And worse? I have a sinking feeling it’s that hot suit-monkey with the arctic grey eyes I just had a run-in with at the airport. Somehow, I have to persuade him not to get a new phone until I get back. My whole life is on that phone. I knew I should have backed it up. It’s only a few days. Surely, we can handle it. ΓÇ¿ΓÇ¿Trystan ΓÇ¿This is a joke, right? My life could not get more f*cked up. I’m in the middle of selling my company and on my way to a funeral and that hot mess hippie-chick stole my freaking phone. I’m not sure how she convinced me not to immediately walk into a smart phone store and get a new one, but now she’s going to have to play stand in and distract me while I deal with my long-avoided and estranged family. I don’t have my dating apps after all, and frankly she’s pretty funny. And sexy. And why can’t I stop texting her? And now we’re talking. And … look, I’ll admit that I usually run for the hills the morning after, but the morning after phone sex? That’s not really real, right?

  • - A beautiful love story you will never forget
    av Natasha Boyd

    Sun. Sand. Surf. Sex appeal. This New Adult romance combines the romance of Nicholas Sparks with the raw passion of Jamie McGuire's Beautiful Disaster. An intoxicating combination.

  • - A beautiful coming of age story, full of romance and passion
    av Natasha Boyd

    A sultry, sea-swept setting makes the perfect location for this sexy New Adult romance, ideal for fans of Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook and Jamie McGuire's Beautiful Disaster.

  • - Two lost souls find each other in this gorgeous and heart-breaking love story
    av Natasha Boyd

    A heartstoppingly powerful, deeply passionate new novel from the acclaimed author of Eversea and Forever, Jack.

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