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Bøker av Otto Rank

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  • - Creative Urge and Personality Development
    av Otto Rank

    "[Rank's thought] has implications for the deepest and broadest development of the social sciences . . . and of all [Rank's] books, Art and Artist is the most secure monument to his genius." -Ernest Becker

  • - Aus den Jahren 1912 bis 1914, Zweite Auflage
    av Otto Rank
    229 - 396

    Otto Rank untersucht den Einfluss von Mythen und Legenden auf unser Verständnis von psychologischen Phänomenen. Er zeigt auf, welche archetypischen Motive und Konstellationen in verschiedenen Mythologien auftreten und wie sie uns helfen können, unsere tief verwurzelten Verhaltensmuster zu verstehen. Ein wegweisendes Werk der Psychoanalyse in einer überarbeiteten Neuauflage.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Otto Rank
    202 - 383,-

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av Otto Rank

    "Au-delà du freudisme : La Volonté du Bonheur" d'Otto Rank est une ¿uvre qui explore et élargit les idées freudiennes tout en présentant une perspective originale sur la psychanalyse. Otto Rank, psychanalyste autrichien et l'un des collaborateurs initiaux de Sigmund Freud, propose ici une réflexion approfondie sur la nature humaine, la psyché et le désir de bonheur.Dans cet ouvrage, Rank remet en question certaines notions fondamentales de la théorie freudienne, notamment le complexe d'¿dipe, et il propose une vision plus optimiste de la nature humaine. Il met l'accent sur le rôle central de la volonté du bonheur dans la vie psychique, suggérant que l'individu est motivé par un désir fondamental de réaliser son potentiel et d'atteindre le bonheur.Rank explore également la dynamique des relations interpersonnelles et l'impact de la culture sur la construction de soi. Il aborde des thèmes tels que l'individuation, l'estime de soi et le rôle des valeurs culturelles dans le développement personnel.Ce livre se distingue par son approche critique envers certaines doctrines psychanalytiques établies, offrant ainsi une contribution importante au champ de la psychologie. "Au-delà du freudisme" demeure un ouvrage influent qui a contribué à élargir les horizons de la psychanalyse et à susciter des débats sur la nature humaine et le bien-être psychologique.

  • av Otto Rank

    Otto Rank hatte in der frühen Psychoanalyse das volle Vertrauen von Freud, der ihn in der psychoanalytischen Bewegung eine herausragende Position einnehmen ließ. Das änderte sich grundlegend nach Erscheinen seines Buches Trauma der Geburt, das zu einem Zerwürfnis der beiden führte. Rank ging zuerst nach Paris, dann weiter nach USA und schrieb weiterhin bedeutende tiefenpsychologische Werke, bereichert um Erkenntnisse aus Philosophie, Literatur und Ethnologie.Amerika sollte seine neue Heimat werden, aber auch hier wurde er von seinen ehemaligen Kollegen verschmäht und verleugnet. In dem Buch Jenseits der Psychologie fasst er seine lebenslangen Forschungen über die menschliche Psyche zusammen. Seine Überzeugung war, die Psychologie des Selbst müsse im Anderen gefunden werden.Mein Lebenswerk ist beendet. Die Gegenstände meines früheren Interesses, der Held, der Künstler, der Neurotiker erscheinen nochmals auf der Bühne, und zwar nicht nur als Mitspieler im ewigen Drama des Lebens, sondern ohne Maske, nachdem der Vorhang gefallen ist, unbekleidet und ohne Prunk. Auch nicht als geplatzte Illusionen, sondern als menschliche Wesen, die keines Interpreten bedürfen.

  • av Otto Rank

    Sigmund Freud hired Otto Rank as his secretary and funded Rank's PhD in literature at the University of Vienna. In 1910, at age 26, Rank published 'A Dream That Interprets Itself'. Freud could not praise the essay highly enough; impressed by Rank's erudition, Freud invited his protege to contribute two chapters, on poetry and myth, in 1914 to The Interpretation of Dreams. Thereafter, Rank's name would appear under Freud's on the title page of the foundational text of psychoanalysis for the next fifteen years. Grateful for Freud's generosity, Rank published a stream of articles and books advancing psychoanalytic thinking into almost every area of the arts and humanities, thus demonstrating to Freud's critics that the validity of psychoanalysis did not hinge solely on his autobiographical work The Interpretation of Dreams. Rank died in 1939 and his work fell out of favor until a renaissance of interest beginning in the 1970s. This is the first English translation of Rank's masterpiece of dream interpretation, originally published in 1910 as "Ein Traum, der sich selbst deutet" in the journal Jahrbuch fur Psychoanalytische und Psychopathologische Forschungen, 2(2): 465-540. It is accompanied by an in-depth introduction from editor Robert Kramer, the world's only Rankian psychologist. The book is essential reading for all psychoanalytic scholars, practitioners, and historians, and those interested in dream analysis.

  • av Otto Rank
    462 - 728,-

  • av Otto Rank

    Originally published in 1914, this fascinating volume in the Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series presents a psychological interpretation of characters from classical mythology, from Oedipus to Perseus, and Hercules to Jesus. Authored by Dr Otto Rank (1884-1939), an associate of Sigmund Freud, it is suited to those interested in the classics, history and mythology, and psychoanalysis alike. Chapters include: introduction - Sargon - Moses - Karna - Oedipus - Paris -Telephos - Perseus - Gilgamos - Kyros - Tristan - Romulus - Hercules - Jesus - Siegfried - Lohengrin. We are republishing this rare, vintage text in a high quality, modern and affordable edition, complete with a specially written concise biography.

  • av Sigmund Freud
    502 - 736,-

  • - Psychonalytische Studien
    av Otto Rank

  • - Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Motivgestaltung und Deutung
    av Otto Rank

  • av Otto Rank

  • - Gesammelte Studien aus den Jahren 1912 bis 1914
    av Professor Otto Rank

  • av Otto Rank
    434 - 988,-

  • - A Psychological Exploration of Myth
    av Otto Rank

    Segal as well as Otto Rank's 1914 essay "The Play in Hamlet."

  • av Otto Rank

  • - A Study of the Origin, Conceptual Evolution, and Nature of the Soul
    av Otto Rank

    Rank suggests that it is in expression of group beliefs that the idea of the soul attains its greatest power.

  • - The American Lectures
    av Otto Rank
    1 657

    A leading disciple and confidant of Freud, Otto Rank revolutionized the field of psychoanalytic theory in "The Trauma of Birth" (1924). This collection of lectures constitutes a "readable Rank," filled with insights suitable for those interested in the humanistic, existential, or object- relational aspects of psychotherapy.

  • av Otto Rank

    In Quest of the Hero makes available for a new generation of readers two key works on hero myths: Otto Rank's Myth of the Birth of the Hero and the central section of Lord Raglan's The Hero. Amplifying these is Alan Dundes's fascinating contemporary inquiry, "e;The Hero Pattern and the Life of Jesus."e; Examined here are the patterns found in the lore surrounding historical or legendary figures like Gilgamesh, Moses, David, Oedipus, Odysseus, Perseus, Heracles, Aeneas, Romulus, Siegfried, Lohengrin, Arthur, and Buddha. Rank's monograph remains the classic application of Freudian theory to hero myths. In The Hero the noted English ethnologist Raglan singles out the myth-ritualist pattern in James Frazer's many-sided Golden Bough and applies that pattern to hero myths. Dundes, the eminent folklorist at the University of California at Berkeley, applies the theories of Rank, Raglan, and others to the case of Jesus. In his introduction to this selection from Rank, Raglan, and Dundes, Robert Segal, author of the major study of Joseph Campbell, charts the history of theorizing about hero myths and compares the approaches of Rank, Raglan, Dundes, and Campbell.

  • av Otto Rank

    Rank's development of will psychology led him to a philosophy of the psychological, outlined in Truth and Reality. Here he explores the psychological determinants of the relationship of inner world to outer reality.

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