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Bøker av Patty Old West

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  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    The Wizard’s Revenge on the Little People is fierce and malicious. What is it that makes the Wizard so angry that he is trying to destroy wee folk only half a thumb high? Seven of them escaped when he invaded their homeland a thousand years ago. They took with them their precious Book of Lore. It contains the cure for an ailment he is afflicted with — The Magician’s Twitch.The wicked Wizard wants that book. But every time he attempts to gain possession of it, the Little People have been able to outwit him. Recently a document fell into his hands that predicts the Little People will soon return to their land and regain their kingdom. He is desperate to stop them at all costs.What evil plans does the Wizard have in mind? Will The Wizard’s Revenge prevent the Little People from realizing the dream they have held onto for centuries? 

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    A little boy from Cornwall aspires to become the ruler of the world. He reads all the books on magic he can find in the castle library, and grows up to be a mean, nasty Wizard. As a result, he develops The Magicians Twitch. This spoils his plans to rule the world. He thinks the cure can be found in the Twith Book of Lore and sets about to get his hands on it. He makes himself their size — half a thumb high — and invades their lands of Wozzle and Gyminge. Seven of the Little People escape to the Beyond taking their precious Book of Lore with them. For over a thousand years they live in peace until the wicked Wizard discovers where they were. Now these tiny folk find themselves in constant conflict with the Wizard as he attempts to steal their Book of Lore. His multiple attempts have never been successful, but now he has a brilliant new plan to obtain it once and for all.In The Magician’s Twitch, the Twith face a dreadful dilemma. Should they exchange the book that contains the accumulated wisdom of their ancient seers for something the Wizard says they might possibly value even more? Their future return may be what is in danger.

  • av Patty Old West

    The title, "Living a Life of Adventure" reflects the adventures Patty enjoyed in traveling across Canada, riding the elevator in the tallest building in the world in Dubai, viewing icebergs in Greenland, riding the red Hop-ON, Hop-Off bus in London, touring the Dr. Seuss Museum in Massachusetts, viewing St. Andrews golf course and touring the ancient home of the Munro clan in Scotland.

  • av Patty Old West

    The title "Patty Old West - The Golden Years" was chosen because in this book she marries 2 men of solid gold. They are helpful, considerate, kind, thoughtful, loving, and take good care of her. In 1998 she married a British missionary named Ken Old. She moved to England to live in his 14th century farmhouse. After his death, she moved back to Richland Washington. She renewed acquaintance with Roy West. They had graduated from High School together in 1949. Two years after Ken's death, she married Roy.This book, the 2nd of 4, includes her 2 marriages, 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. It also includes her travels to Europe- England, Cornwall, Devon, France, Holland, Germany and Italy. A trip on the Orient Express took her to Turkey which borders Eastern Europe and western Asia. It also traveled through Romania, Hungary and Austria. She also went to Antarctica.

  • av Patty Old West

    The title "Rocky Mountain Girl" reflects the fact that Patty was born high in the Rockies in Denver, Colorado. She lived in Central City at an elevation of 8,500 feet for 12 years. When she was 13, her family moved to Richland, Washington where the atomic bomb was developed. She lived in 5 different government houses - an 'A' house, a Precut, a prefab, a Ranch house and a 'B' house.This book, the first of four, includes her 2 marriages, 5 children and 10 grandchildren. It also includes her travels to Canada, Israel, Europe, Austrailia, New Zealand, Alaska, South America, Estonia, China and British Columbia.

  • av Patty Old West

    What happens when the goals and plans you have set for your life are dramatically changed? When God intercedes and sets a completely different course for your life? Do you accept His plans or forge your own way?If you are Ken Old, you acquiesce and open your heart and mind to His calling.Join Patty Old West as she commemorates the life of Kenneth G. Old. Learn how God used a civil engineer who dreamed of building bridges to build spritual bridges instead. Humbly yielding his life to the plans and purposes of God, Ken spent 33 years as a missionary in Pakistan.Humbly embarking on a life with God-ordained appointments, he experienced the hand of God providing abundantly above what he could ask or imagine. Let Good and Faithful Servant inspire you to yield your own life and be able to experience the awesome and amazing blessings that God can send your way.

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Kenneth Old & Patty Old West

    Over a thousand years ago, a wicked wizard invaded the homeland of the Twith. Seven of the wee folk escaped taking with them their precious Book of Lore. They settled at Gibbins Brook Farm in Sellindge. Because the wizard uses magic, he suffers from The Magician’s Twitch. For years he has tried to get his hands on the Twith Book of Lore. He thinks it contains the cure for his twitchy eye.When the wizard finds out about The Circus in Sellindge, he is ecstatic. The special performance for the folks at Gibbins Brook Farm will provide him the perfect opportunity to snatch their Book of Lore and be cured at last.The Circus in Sellindge provides not only fun and excitement, but suspense, drama, and disappointment as well. Two new residents on the Brook join the circus and surprise the entire village with their performances. While everyone is on the edge of their seats, holding their breath as events unfold, the wizard demonstrates his brilliance in the perfect execution of his own devious plans.

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Kenneth Old & Patty Old West

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    The Twith, the seven Little People of Gibbons Brook Farm, survived the Wizard of Wozzle's invasion of their homeland centuries ago. But their thrilling quests have only just begun!

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    The Return of the Twith to their homeland has had to wait for over a thousand years. These wee folk, only half-a-thumb high, had to flee when the wicked Wizard of Wozzle invaded their tiny country. They could not return because the Wizard erected an invisible curtain around it.They are hopeful though. Their ancient seer, Dayko, wrote a Rime outlining events that must occur before the Twith will regain their kingdom. More and more of the lines are being fulfilled. As events unfold, it becomes evident that the time set for the Return is fast approaching. The clock is ticking, and there is still no way through the curtain.Will The Return of the Twith become a reality or are they destined to wait for another thousand years?

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    BEYONDERS IN GYMINGE picks up where The Wizard Strikes Twice leaves off. The Wizard has captured gran’ma and taken her to Goblin Castle where she is now only half-a-thumb high. Gumpa is frantic to rescue her. Beyonder children join forces with the Little People for the long march to Gyminge. In this book you will hold your breath as the rescuers encounter unexpected barriers all along the way. Jock only has half of his forces with him. The other half had to stay behind to defend the farmhouse against attack by the Wizard. He has most of his goblin army on the Brook and has left the goblin king with a much smaller force to prevent any attempt to rescuing gran’ma. The battle is fierce and some are badly hurt. What will happen to the L ittle People now?

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    What inspires a twelve-year-old boy to be the best magician in all of Cornwall, all of England, all of the world?For Griswold, it's meeting Munro, a tiny man only half-a-thumb high with lofty dreams and great determination. Using cunning and deceit, Griswold does grow up to be a powerful wizard. But, he develops an incurable affliction that may jeopardize his ambitions. He believes the Little People, only-half-a thumb high, know how to cure his problem. He decides to conquer their kingdoms of Wozzle and Gyminge.Jock, who lives in Scotland, is a distant relative of the King of Wozzle. He hears of the troubles there, and asks his friend Jordy to go with him to help out. They get there by flying on a golden eagle named Crusty.The battle in Wozzle has already been lost. Now the fight is to keep Gyminge from falling into the Wizard's hands. Will they be successful in helping King Rufus in his battle against the better armed forces of the Wizard?

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    When Mrs. Squidge, also known as Squidgy, moves onto Gibbins Brook, she sees two of the Little People. She wants to contact the Wizard which spells danger for the Little People.Seven of the tiny folk, only half-a-thumb high, have been hiding from the Wizard of Wozzle ever since they escaped on a golden eagle when he invaded their homeland of Gyminge a thousand years ago. They are sure that Mrs. Squidge will tell the Wizard about them and he will waste no time in coming to find them. They have been living in the cottage that Squidgy moves into but will have to find a new home immediately. With no suitable place to stay, will they have to move as far away as London and give up their dream of ever returning to Gyminge?In Squidgy on the Brook, the second book of the Twith Logue Chronicles, you will be surprised at the way the Wizard can change his appearance.Squidgy on the Brook will draw you into a realm of fantasy where you will want to boo the Wizard and cheer for the Little People.

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    When the SnuggleWump ROARS, the ground shakes and everyone on the Brook is terrified.Seven Little People called Twith live on the Brook. They managed to escape from Gyminge when the wicked Wizard of Wozzle conquered their homeland. They are the only Twith who are free. They have been hiding from him for over a thousand years. Now he has found them and intends to capture them to get their precious Book of Lore.When the Wizard kidnaps one of their Beyonder friends, their forces are divided as half go to rescue her leaving only half to defend their home. Now the Wizard plans a massive attack on Gibbins Brook Farm using a creature called a SnuggleWump. This dragon like creature was accidentally created from a lizard by his assistant, Mrs. Squidge. In The SnuggleWump ROARS discover what overwhelming odds the Little People face in their battle against the evil Wizard. With their forces so weak for engaging in battle, will they be able to survive, or does this mean the end of the free Twith?

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    Frightened, they sent for Beyonder children to help. Those who come must always tell the truth. Although those children haven't yet arrived, the Little People, or Twith, are celebrating their victory in escaping detection.But now, the Wizard sets in motion an even more brilliant plan and doesn't intend to suffer defeat again. In the Wizard Strikes Twice you will find out how a birthday party gets turned topsyturvy and what trickery the Wizard uses to achieve his goals. The Twith realize they will need to take the battle into their homeland, but they must find a way through the invisible curtain that the Wizard put up all along the borders. Dayko's Rime, a poem written by the old high seer, gives clues to what must happen before the Twith can win the victory. Much of it remains a mystery, and the Twith enlist the help of Gumpa's brother to resolve some of that.When the Wizard Strikes Twice, you will fear for what might happen to these vulnerable tiny folk. Will they be able to overcome the wiles of the powerful Wizard or will they find themselves at his mercy?

  • - The Twith Logue Chronicles
    av Patty Old West & Kenneth G Old

    After twenty-five years of peace between Squidgy and the Little People on Gibbins Brook, the oldest of the Twith, Stumpy, goes missing. The Little People know that the wicked Wizard has found them. Their precious Shadow Book also goes missing from a locked room. How can that be? And a ferret named Jacko escapes from his owner putting the Little People in more danger.Seven of the tiny folk, only half-a-thumb high have been hiding from the Wizard of Wozzle ever since they escaped on a golden eagle when the Wizard invaded their homeland of Gyminge a thousand years ago.Now that the Wizard i s on the Brook, will the six who are still free be able to find Stumpy and the precious Shadow Book before the Wizard finds them and does who knows what to them? In Gibbins Brook Farm, the third book of the Twith Logue Chronicles, you will hold your breath as you read about the dangerous adventuresof the Little People.

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