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  • av Penelope Sky

  • av Penelope Sky

  • - A Forbidden Dark Romance
    av Penelope Sky

    Axel betrayed me. As hard as I tried to keep him out of my heart, he broke through it like shattered glass. Even though my father didn't approve and our relationship would always be a secret, I didn't care. He was worth it...until he wasn't. Six months have passed, and that's exactly how long it's taken me to get over what he's done. I never see him at my father's estate. My father never mentions him. Like he never existed at all, he's wiped from the face of the earth. Until my father tells me he's going to stab Axel in the back and replace him with someone new. I know what a mistake that will be, but my warning falls on deaf ears. We finally come face to face for the first time. His ingenious plan knocks my father off his feet and he takes the business for his own. If my father wants it back, it's going to come at a price. A price that he won't have to pay--but I will. And that's to marry him.

  • - Dark Thriller Romance Deutsch
    av Penelope Sky

    Benton muss ihn töten - oder ich werde nie sicher sein.Forneus ist zu besessen, um mich gehen zu lassen, und ich weiß, dass er mich holen kommen wird. Ich glaube, ich sehe ihn im strömenden Regen, aber Benton sagt, das seien nur die Schatten. Manchmal wache ich auf und sehe sein Gesicht an mein Schlafzimmerfenster gepresst, aber dann blinzle ich und er ist weg. Irgendwann werde ich Bentons Wohnung verlassen und mein eigenes Leben beginnen müssen, aber ich weiß, dass das nicht sicher ist. Ich fühle mich nur dann sicher, wenn Benton neben mir ist. Aber wenn er weg ist ... kann ich nicht atmen.Ich ziehe Benton jede Nacht an mich. Ich liebe seine Tochter, als wäre sie meine eigene. Die Angst, die mir im Nacken sitzt, drängt mich fester in Bentons Arme. Nach allem, was ich durchgemacht habe, weiß ich, dass Benton der einzige Mann ist, der sich um mich kümmern kann. Aber es gibt keine Zukunft für uns, solange er da draußen ist. Wenn Benton ihn nicht vorher tötet, wird er seinen Engel zurück in die Sekte schleppen.Und dieses Mal wird Benton mich nicht retten können.Hol dir jetzt den nächsten Teil dieser deutschen Dark Romance, indem du auf den Button JETZT KAUFEN oben auf dieser Seite klickst, und fang an, diesen deutschen Dark Romance Thriller zu lesen!

  • - Dark Thriller Romance Deutsch
    av Penelope Sky

    Ich sehe sein böses Lächeln im Theater. Ich sehe es in der Wohnung gegenüber von meiner. Ich sehe es überall.Ein furchterregender Mann stellt mir nach - und die Behörden tun nichts, um ihn zu stoppen. Bevor ich fliehen kann, schnappt er mich, und ich wache im Wald auf, weit entfernt von der Zivilisation. Ich wurde nicht verschleppt. Ich wurde nicht in ein Arbeitslager gesteckt. Ich befinde mich in einer Sekte. Die Männer halten sich für Dämonen und sie halten mich für einen Engel.Ich bin mit anderen Frauen dort gefangen, aber auch mit einem kleinen Mädchen namens Claire. Ich liebe sie vom ersten Moment an und es wird so zu meiner Lebensaufgabe, sie zu beschützen und da rauszuholen. Aber sie hat keine Angst und sagt: "Ich weiß, dass mein Daddy kommen und uns retten wird." Ich weiß, dass das alle kleinen Mädchen über ihren Vater denken - aber in ihrem Fall stimmt es tatsächlich.Benton taucht auf und verhandelt über die Freilassung seiner Tochter - aber ich bin nicht Teil des Deals. Er will sie wegbringen, aber Claire kämpft für mich, so, wie ich immer für sie gekämpft habe. "Sie hat sich um mich gekümmert, Daddy. Jetzt müssen wir uns um sie kümmern." Benton sieht mich an, mit so blauen Augen, dass sie zu brennen scheinen. Er ist der schönste Mann, den ich je gesehen habe, aber er ist auch der härteste. Er zeigt nur gegenüber dem kleinen Mädchen, das wir beide lieben, Sanftheit. "Weil du dich um meine Tochter gekümmert hast, kümmere ich mich um dich."Ich dachte, ich bräuchte Benton nur, um meine Freiheit zu erlangen - aber jetzt brauche ich ihn für so viel mehr.* Claire bleibt in dieser Geschichte unversehrt. Es gibt keine Gewalt gegen Kinder in irgendeiner Form. *Hol dir jetzt den ersten Teil dieser deutschen Dark Romance, indem du auf den Button JETZT KAUFEN oben auf dieser Seite klickst, und fang an, diesen deutschen Dark Romance Thriller zu lesen!

  • av Penelope Sky

    I want a divorce. I told my husband that I loved him, and his coping mechanism was to bed someone else. I grabbed my belongings and left the place I once called home. The only thing I left behind was the divorce papers-awaiting his signature. Instead of adding his signature and dissolving this marriage as quickly as possible, he fights for me. Asks for forgiveness. Asks for another chance. Despite all my rejections, he keeps trying, and every time he tries it kills me...because I still love him. He hasn't worn his ring since our wedding day, but he slips it on and makes his proposal. "We only married because we had to. Let's marry because we want to." He slips the black ring onto his left hand and tightens his fingers into a fist. He repeats his wedding vows-and this time he means them. Should I marry this man-again? Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    I betrayed my husband-and I don't regret it. I interfered in his father's revenge, but the death of two innocent women was intolerable. I pissed off my father-in-law and destroyed my husband's trust. He asked for a divorce-but thankfully revoked it. The relationship we built is gone-and now we have to start over. Now his walls are higher than ever before. He spends the night with his mistresses instead of sleeping with me. There's so much distance between us, even when we're seated together at the dinner table. All the affection I earned from him is gone. This estrangement only deepens my feelings, because now I realize exactly what I lost. I'm not interested in a business relationship or a bodyguard. I don't want a friend. What I really a husband. And I know he wants a wife. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    Ich wollte gehen, aber Grave zwang mich zu bleiben. Er ist von mir besessen, und zwar nicht auf die gute Art und Weise. Griffin mag sich zur Ruhe gesetzt haben, aber er gibt mir eine Information, die mir die Freiheit bringen könnte. "Es gibt nur einen Kerl, vor dem Grave Angst hat. Wenn du ihn tot sehen willst, schlage ich vor, dass du dich mit ihm verbündest." "Wer ist der Kerl?", frage ich. "Cauldron Beaufort. Aber das hast du nicht von mir gehört." Ich reise nach Cap-Ferrat in Südfrankreich und finde diesen mächtigen Mann. Aber er ist nicht im Geringsten daran interessiert, mir zu helfen. Zumindest nicht umsonst. Wenn ich seinen Schutz will, muss für ihn etwas dabei herausspringen. Starker Alpha. Freche Heldin. Dunkle Romanze. Und jede Menge Hitze!

  • av Penelope Sky

    I knew a relationship with Cauldron wouldn't be easy. But I underestimated just how challenging it would be. How can you love someone that refuses to love you back? How can you love someone that betrays you not once, but twice?

  • av Penelope Sky

    Quand j'ai voulu partir, Grave m'a forcée à rester. Il est obsédé par moi, et pas de la bonne façon. Griffin s'est retiré, mais il m'a donné une information qui peut me délivrer.- Grave ne craint qu'un seul type. Si tu veux sa mort, je te suggère de former une alliance.- Qui donc ? je demande.- Cauldron Beaufort. Mais ce n'est pas moi qui te l'aie dit.Je me rends à Cap-Ferrat, dans le sud de la France, et je trouve cet homme puissant.Mais il ne m'aidera pas.Du moins, pas gratuitement.Si je veux sa protection, je vais devoir la gagner. Un enfoiré alpha comme héros. Une femme culottée comme héroïne. Une Dark Romance torride à souhait.

  • av Penelope Sky

    Pendant des mois, j'ai cru que Cauldron était la solution à tous mes problèmes. Mais non. Aujourd'hui, il est devenu mon plus gros problème.

  • av Penelope Sky

    Cet homme est le seul rempart qui me protège.Le seul être qui donne un sens à ma vie.Mais je sais que mon démon reviendra...Je sais qu'il m'attend quelque part, dehors.Et à moins que Benton l'élimine, je serai toujours en danger.

  • av Penelope Sky

    With Roan out of the picture, I've taken Croatia and eastern Europe. Now it's time I take Italy as well. I just need to get rid of the Skull King. What better way to accomplish that than by using his daughter against him -- who happens to live right here in Paris. But my problem goes south the second I lay eyes on her. She's the perfect solution to all my troubles. All I have to do is put a knife to her throat to get what I want. The Skull King will cave. Italy will be mine. But that's the last thing I want to do. What I really want to do is make her mine. Who says I can't have both? At least until she finds out the truth...

  • av Penelope Sky

    Depuis que Roan a été éliminé de la scène, j'ai pris la Croatie et l'Europe de l'Est. Maintenant, le moment est venu de prendre l'Italie aussi.Je dois seulement me débarrasser du Skull King.Quelle meilleure façon d'y parvenir que d'utiliser sa fille contre lui - et il se trouve qu'elle vit juste ici, à Paris.Mais mon stratagème tombe à l'eau dès que je pose les yeux sur elle.Elle est la solution parfaite à tous mes problèmes. Je n'ai qu'à lui mettre un couteau sous la gorge pour obtenir ce que je veux. Le Skull King cédera. L'Italie sera à moi.Mais je ne veux surtout pas faire ça.Ce que je veux vraiment est de la faire mienne.Qui a dit que je ne peux pas avoir les deux ?Du moins, jusqu'à ce qu'elle découvre la vérité...

  • av Penelope Sky

    I've never released a prisoner-except Catalina. I kidnapped her as a ploy against my enemies. The plan was to kill her to torture Damien. But the second she opened her mouth and unleashed her fire, I lost sight of all that. I never sympathized with my victims to make their deaths easier, but she forced me to more than sympathize with her. Even though she would tell Damien what I did and he would come after me, I still let her go. I suspect I'll never see her again, but six weeks later, I spot her in a bar. She's exactly the same woman I remember and has a man by the balls-literally. He made the mistake of grabbing her to get his attention, so she returned the favor-with claws. I could walk out and forget I ever saw her, but now I'm too intrigued to walk away. Our conversation only makes my intrigue worse. The woman should be terrified of me, but she's an even bigger spitfire than before. Sassy. Unapologetic. Confident. I already picked up a woman for the night, but now Catalina is all I can think about. The obsession is both instantaneous and inexplicable. I ask her to give me a chance-and won't take no for an answer. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    I've fallen for my own tricks. My plan to soften Crewe Donahue seems to be working, because he's shown me a new side to him. He's more than just the authoritative businessman with illegal dealings. He's more than just the closeted criminal. He's kind, thoughtful...and good to me. If I can make this plan work, I know he'll let me go. But I didn't expect to be a victim in my own plot. Instead of making Crewe care about me, I've grown as attached to him. Instead of being a prisoner, I'm the woman in his bed. Instead of meaning nothing to him, I've become his confidant. I may have fooled him, but his business partner Ariel sees right through my scheme-and I'm afraid she'll blow my cover. If she does-he'll kill me. I felt nothing for this man when I first arrived, but now he's become so much more. Joseph and I have a plan to earn my freedom-and I think my brother has even more sinister intents. If I try to call it off, my brother will never forgive me. But if I go through with it...I'll lose Crewe. How do I choose? Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • - Le roi
    av Penelope Sky

    Mon mari est cruel, impitoyable et méprisable.Je le déteste avec chaque fibre de mon être.Je ne l'ai pas tué et je n'ai pas essayé de fuir parce que j'ai fait une promesse. Je me suis offerte à lui pour sauver quelqu'un que j'aime... Et c'est le prix que je dois payer.J'étais seule dans un bar quand l'homme le plus beau que j'aie jamais vu est entré. Des yeux bleus perçants, des pommettes hautes et ciselées, un corps musclé prêt pour la guerre... Il était divin. Je n'ai pas pu le lâcher des yeux. Quand il m'a proposé un verre, je n'ai pas refusé. J'étais en manque depuis si longtemps... Je voulais un homme, un vrai, pour la nuit. Mon mari avait des aventures, alors pourquoi pas moi ?J'ai alors remarqué l'anneau étrange à sa main droite, un diamant sculpté en forme de crâne. Si seulement j'avais su ce que cette bague signifiait, j'aurais compris à qui j'avais affaire.Un Skull King.Un homme encore plus sadique et implacable que mon mari.

  • av Penelope Sky

    I finally got what I wanted-but it's not how I wanted it. Once a cheater, always a cheater-and Liam was a prime example of that. Anna turned down my declarations and was dedicated to that marriage, but he didn't give her the same commitment. The second things got difficult, he slipped into someone else's bed. Now Anna is single again-but she's done with men. I tell her I love her, but she doesn't say it back. I want her in my bed but she chooses to sleep alone. Scarred by Liam's second betrayal, she's too broken to be the passionate woman I remember. That unbearable tension that used to be gone. I need to be patient. I need to be understanding. But those things are impossible when I know I'm the man she should have married in the first place. She asks me to be her friend...but I want to be so much more. I want to be everything. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    Lucian used to be the most terrifying man I'd ever met-but now Balto was. Balto looked him in the eye and stole me-and got away with it. I'm not only a pawn in his revenge, but his private trophy. He said he'll keep me until Lucian gives up what he wants-the remaining skull diamonds. But once he does, he'll hand me back. I never want to return to Lucian. Balto is the kind of man that makes my old lovers feel like boys. And he's the kind of man that would never hurt me. Every night is spent together, and he keeps me under his protection even when he's not around. He's a hard man, but he's soft at the right times. if I could have any man I want for the rest of my would be Balto. I know there's more here than our passionate nights and intense stares. His heart may be hardened by a difficult past, but is still beats, and I know it beats for me. Beats for us. Pick up the next installment of this dark romance bestseller 2023 now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. This dark alpha male romance trilogy is also available in Kindle Unlimited!

  • av Penelope Sky

    Till Death Do Us Part. My father has a lot of enemies, and after his terminal diagnosis, he has to marry me off to someone powerful enough to protect me after he's gone. He chooses Maverick De Ville-a man that terrifies me. Rich and handsome, he doesn't need an arranged marriage, but he does need something from my father-and marrying me is the only way to get it. We equally detest the situation-but there's no other option. He's not what I pictured for my husband. He's cold, calloused, and cruel. He rules his men with an iron first. He says very little, especially to me. But he's made one thing very clear. "When people look into the darkness, they see shadows, but I see monsters. And I kill the monsters that hunt my sheep." His job is to protect me-and he does that very well. But the longer I spend time with this enigmatic man...the more I like him. My wellbeing is his first priority, and he supports me in every way imaginable. He's the foundation where I stand. He's the eyes in the back of my head. The wolf that protects me. And then he becomes the man in my bed... We agreed this was a business arrangement with no emotional attachment and he's committed to upholding those terms. I thought feeling nothing for my husband would be easy, but I find myself falling for him with every passing day. Now I want something more than a marriage. I want love. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    Crewe almost died-because of me. I told Joseph to abort the plan, but he went through with it anyway, shooting Crewe right in the chest and leaving him to die. My world crashed around me and I had no other choice but to run. I half-expected him to come for me in New York, but he never did. It's been a month since we parted, and I've returned to my old life in the city. I go to work, go on dates, live the life that was taken from me...but something is missing. The pain in my chest gets worse, not better, and I can't stop thinking about the man I left behind. The longing becomes so intense that I hop on a plane and cross the world to wind up on his doorstep, face to face with the fury in his stare. It's obvious I have no chance to get him back-but I try anyway. "You shouldn't have come here." His affectionate stare is replaced by a look of hatred. There's a small tremor in his arms, like it's taking all his strength not to reach out and snap my neck in his big hands. "Congratulations-you fooled me. You made me love you in a way I've never loved a woman all my life. Your deceit has earned your freedom-so go enjoy it." It's the moment where I should walk away, but I can't. I can't leave without fighting for this man-the man I love. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    I'm only marrying him because I have no other choice. I have no other choice if I want to keep the Tuscan Rose, but it's a heavy price to pay. Hades is a spiteful man, and I know making me his wife is his form of revenge. When he asked me to marry him before, I said no-and he's never accepted that answer. He wants to make me his-and remind me of his ownership every single day. I know what his endgame is-to make me fall in love with him. He wants me wrapped around his finger. Pinned under his thumb. Wants me to melt every time he calls me sweetheart. He's determined to make me feel the way he did before I broke his heart. But I watched my father destroy my mother with his affairs. She says she doesn't care, but she has no other choice but not to care. I'm used to seeing men with their mistresses at the Tuscan Rose, used to seeing my father's associates out at restaurants with women that aren't their wives. I refuse to give any man my heart...and watch him break it. But then he tells me what I want to hear. "I finally have the woman I want. You think someone else could ever turn my head? I'm sorry that your father betrayed your mother, but when I promised you my fidelity, I meant it. I'm your husband-now trust me." "How can I trust you when you only married me to hurt me?" He stares with that powerful intensity, dark eyes boring into mine with ruthless ownership. Then there's a glimmer of softness, so slight it was nearly impossible to see. "That's not the only reason." Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    I have a problem-I'm falling for the man I'm supposed to betray. My father has chosen a life of crime in the underworld, but I've made a different choice for myself. His past has caught up to him, and now I'm the only one who can save him. They make their demand in exchange for my father's life-Cato Marino. One of the richest and most powerful man in Italy. Ruthless and powerful, I have no chance of capturing him. The only way to get close to a man like to seduce him. Get in his bed and make him beg to keep me there. I do the unthinkable...and sleep with him. But now I'm the one begging to stay. Cato has become everything I've ever wanted in a man. Masculine but affectionate. Reserved but assertive. He wants me at his side always, in his bed every night, and he's erased the memory of every man that came before him. I burn in his fire and dance in the ashes. I'm the one that's supposed to seduce him...but he's made me head-over-heels. Now I'm faced with the horrible betrayal I'm supposed to commit. The men demand the exchange-Cato Marino for my father. Now I'm forced to choose between love and family. And if I don't decide my answer soon, something worse could happen. Cato could discover my treason-and he's the not the kind of man you cross. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    I refuse to fall in love-and that's why I left him. I met Hades at one of my father's parties. Our eyes met across the room and then we ended up in a private suite at the hotel. A clandestine affair ensued, passionate and fiery, and I was careful not to ask questions about his work-because I know he's a dangerous man. Easy and meaningless, it was exactly what I wanted. Now he wants me-all of me. Calls me his woman like I'm his when I belong to no one. I've seen my father with the mistresses he barely tries to hide, and I've watched my mother die a little more every time. In my world, that's how it works. If I were to be his wife, Hades would be no different. I end the relationship before it even starts. He's pissed off-but too proud to ask me to stay. Years later, my father passes away and leaves me the family business. But there's one contingency-I have to be married. My mother has already decided who that man will be-none other than him-Hades Lombardi. With a racing heart, I stare at him, furious but unable to fight. "Why are you doing this?" He gives me that hard stare, claiming me without touching me. "You thought you could leave me, sweetheart?" An arrogant smirk moves into his face. "On our wedding night, you'll be mine-and every night after that." I know he'll never stop-not until he makes me fall in love with him. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    My father, my own flesh and blood, would have killed me to get what he wanted. I've made a horrible mistake...and I can't take it back. I assumed Bartholomew was the dangerous one, when in fact, he's the only one that actually cares about me. Apologies are useless. I can't beg or plead. Nothing will change his mind. Not after what I did.

  • av Penelope Sky

    Je savais que ma relation avec Cauldron ne serait pas simple.Mais j'avais sous-estimé les difficultés.Comment aimer quelqu'un qui refuse de vous aimer en retour ?Comment aimer quelqu'un qui vous trahit non pas une, mais deux fois ?

  • av Penelope Sky

    Ich wusste, dass eine Beziehung mit Cauldron nicht einfach sein würde. Aber ich hatte unterschätzt, wie schwierig sie sein könnte. Wie kann man jemanden lieben, der sich weigert, diese Liebe zu erwidern? Wie kann man jemanden lieben, der einen nicht nur einmal, sondern zweimal verrät?

  • av Penelope Sky

    I don't keep secrets from her-except for one. This was supposed to be a meaningless fling with an expiration date, but once she betrayed her brother for me, I knew it was more. I've been in this relationship for the long haul since I first kissed her, so I'm glad she finally admits that what I've already known-that she's crazy about me. But our commitment makes everything more complicated, complicated because of the secret I hide. I hate the deception, but if I tell her that I almost killed her father, our relationship will be dead and buried. That kind of forgiveness can't be earned. I fall hard for this woman-and I watch her fall even harder for me. Our passionate nights turn into an inferno of desire and I know there's no other woman for me. My brother settled down when he found the right woman-and I know the same has happened to me. I hope it'll be enough to make her stay...once she knows the truth. Pick up your copy now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. It's also available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

  • av Penelope Sky

    He was supposed to return me-but he chose to keep me instead. Balto and Lucian finally came to terms on their agreement. Balto would finally get what he wants-and Lucian would get back his wife. But at the last moment, Balto listened to my pleas and chose me over everything else. Now he's vowed to kill Lucian so I can finally have my freedom. But the truth is-I don't want freedom. I want Balto-and I want him for the rest of my life. This time together has deepened my feelings to bottomless depths. Lucian tortured me, but Balto healed me. But he's the Skull King, so he'll always have enemies, always be dangerous. He says their no future for us. But I'm far more scared to live without him than take on those risks. I'd rather die beside him than live a lifetime with someone else. He can try to push me away-but it won't work. Pick up the last installment of this dark romance bestseller 2023 now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page. This dark alpha male romance trilogy is also available in Kindle Unlimited!

  • - L'oppresseur
    av Penelope Sky

    Balto m'a volée à Lucian sans aucune difficulté.Moi qui pensais retrouver ma liberté... et reprendre ma vie en main !Mais Balto a d'autres plans pour moi. Je suis à présent sa prisonnière. Il compte me garder et profiter de moi aussi longtemps qu'il le voudra.Jusqu'à ce que Lucian lui rende son précieux diamant.Je ne veux pas retourner entre les griffes de Lucian, pas après avoir connu un homme comme Balto. Je ne vois qu'une solution: devenir plus précieuse que ce diamant et envoûter Balto au point qu'il refuse de me rendre à Lucian.Mais puis-je vraiment rivaliser avec un diamant valant des milliards ?

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