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Bøker av Peter Kent

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  • av Peter Kent

    Author Peter Kent is a avid book reader and he loves writing science fiction fantasy stories.His passion for the genre shines through in his latest novel The Legend of the Stones of Life.This is a story of good versus evil; of the predators - several races of creatures who inhabit the dark seas of the planet. These disparate tribes are violently united in their joint quest to overthrow the peace-loving celestial peoples who live on the lands of this beautiful planet.This tale of the struggle between darkness and light will keep the reader gripped to the very end.

  • av Peter Kent

  • Spar 16%
    av Peter Kent

    Kryptowährungen versprechen schnelles Geld und Reichtum. Anders als die Goldsucher im vorletzten Jahrhundert brauchen Sie als Investor aber sehr viel mehr technisches Know-how, um in das Krypto-Mining einzusteigen. Dieses Buch wurde von zwei Insidern geschrieben. Sie erläutern, welche Hard- und Software Sie brauchen und wie Sie bei der Gewinnung von Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, LiteCoin und Dash am besten vorgehen - und zwar so, dass Sie der Konkurrenz voraus sind und Ihren Return on Investment maximieren.

  • av Peter Kent

  • - The birth of the Gods
    av Peter Kent & Peter Trestansky

    Autor Peter Kent je vásnivým čitateľom kníh a miluje písanie sci-fi fantasy príbehov.Jeho váseň pre tento záner ziari v jeho najnovsom románe Legenda o kameňoch zivota.Toto je príbeh dobra proti zlu; predátorov - niekoľko rás tvorov, ktorí obývajú temné moria planéty. Tieto rôznorodé kmene sú násilne zjednotené vo svojom spoločnom úsilí zvrhnúť mierumilovné nebeské národy, ktoré zijú v krajinách tejto krásnej planéty.Tento príbeh boja medzi temnotou a svetlom udrzí čitateľa uchopeného az do samého konca.Zivot je v tomto nekonečnom vesmíre taký krehký. Pohybuje sa na takom tenkom ľade, ze uz praská a ani nevie, ze uz praskol. Zivot je ako neobmedzený počet krizovatiek osudu. Kde sa rozhodujeme, kam povedie nás zivot. Sú to ťazké skúsky zivota, ktoré formujú nás charakter, to, čo sme a čím budeme v nasom myslení.Tento príbeh je o mimozemskej civilizácii ako najstarsej civilizácii vo vesmíre, ktorá bojuje proti temným silám. Správca tejto civilizácie v tejto knihe rozpráva príbeh svojej legendy, ako vznikol zivot vo vesmíre a ich hrdinovia, ktorí dali svoje zivoty za svoju existenciu.

  • Spar 18%
    av Peter Kent

    A primer on the currency alternative that's changing the worldBitcoin can be a bit puzzling to the uninitiated. Ledger? Blockchain? Mining? These cryptocurrency concepts aren't going away, and there are tremendous opportunities for those with some know-how to get onboard with the crypto culture. Bitcoin For Dummies helps you get un-puzzled, learn the Bitcoin basics, and discover the possibilities in the new world of digital currencies.With this 100% new edition, you can step into the fascinating culture of cryptocurrency and learn how to use Bitcoin as a currency or an investment vehicle. A little bit of knowledge will go a long way, and you'll be ready to sail smoothly ahead as the crypto tsunami advances.* Demystify Bitcoin and learn how to buy and sell cryptocurrency* Create a digital wallet and make everyday purchases using Bitcoin* Discover the ins and outs of investing in Bitcoin and other up-and-coming cryptocurrencies* Participate in the cutting-edge culture of cryptoBitcoin For Dummies is great for beginning Bitcoin users and investors who need to know the basics about getting started with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

  • av Peter Kent
    1 329,-

    This volume brings together some of the leading scholars of Vatican history to examine papal diplomacy in the 19th and 20th centuries. Essays consider the role of the Vatican in the major events of the modern era (the unification of Italy, World Wars I and II, the Holocaust, the war in Vietnam, the Nicaraguan revolution).

  • av Peter Kent

    Steer your way through today's hot topics

  • Spar 16%
    av Peter Kent

    Presents a proven plan for maximizing your online profits by leveraging the top three services: eBay, Yahoo! and Google. This book explains how to use cross-merchandising and integration strategies to promote sales and manage inventory across multiple sales channels.

  • - An Institutional Approach
    av Peter Kent, W. Seabrooke & Hebe Hwee-Hong How
    1 556,-

    Real estate activity across national boundaries (investment, development and asset management) is firmly established as a major component of global economic activity. International Real Estate provides the understanding of real estate strategies and transactions that cross national boundaries.

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