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Bøker av Peter Msule

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  • av Peter Msule

    THE POWER OF GOD's LOVE is so overwhelming in its Depth, its Height, its Width, and its Greatness, that no human mind can fathom it, although some have attempted to describe it

  • av Peter Msule

    "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." (John 14:1) It has been proven both from the Holy Scriptures and practical experiences of true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, in all generations that, the Almighty God possess infinite fullness, perfection and truthfulness that guarantee absolute trust in Him. Though it is an established fact that, life does not always give you what you desire or even deserve, but, the Lord satisfies every human need; yearnings and aspirations of man. Man's Basic NeedsHumanity seeks security, wisdom, guidance and power on a daily basis. To believe in God means you regard and consider Him trustworthy and also acknowledge that He is both able and willing to provide your needs from His unlimited resources. When you truly believe and trust in God, He first and foremost fills your heart with joy for believing Him: then, He turns away your attention from things to Himself.The greatest blessing you can possibly acquire is to possess God; who is the possessor of heaven and earth. He created all things visible and invisible, both in heaven and on the earth for Himself. And in Him all things consist. (Col. 1: 16- 17). If you seek the LORD your God with all your heart, you will find Him. And when you find God, you have gotten everything in life and eternity. But the rule is: Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of your heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass (Psalms 37:4-5). Gaining Access to GodJesus said, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture" (John10:9). The phrase ''if any man enters; indicates that both believers and unbelievers can access the door of Mercy, if they desire and also strive to fulfill the terms and conditions for admission into the Throne room for the salvation of their souls and other needs.To this intent, God is calling out to you! He beckons; saying:- O' sleeper, awake from your spiritual slumber, awake from backsliding rebellion and disobedience;- You that is dead in sins and trespasses. Arise from the death. Rise up above those besetting sinful habits.- Lay aside every weight and the sin which closely clings to you.In view of the above opening statement of this prologue, the book is set out to encourage the reader that the mandatory proof that you trust in God and His ability to do the impossible, rests on your application of the principle of importunity in prayer.

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