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Bøker av Peter Mt. Shasta

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  • av Peter Mt. Shasta

    This is the combined version of both previous Violet Tara books that Saint Germain instructed Peter Mt. Shasta to write that brings the ancient teachings of Tibetan Buddhism into the Western teachings of the I AM and the Violet Consuming Flame. The first book, I AM the Violet Tara, Goddess of Forgiveness and Freedom, introduced the Goddess Violet Tara and gave instruction in how to invoke the Violet Fire and her qualities of Forgiveness and Purity in daily life. This instruction is given in the context of Tibetan Tantric Buddhist practice that sees all reality as an aspect of our own mind.The second book, I AM Violet Tara in Action, Lessons in Mastery, was originally a collection of Peter's online talks that give further instruction and answer the many questions that Violet Tara practitioners have had. It ends with a section in which practitioners share their palpable experiences with this Goddess of Violet Fire.

  • av Peter Mt. Shasta

    Dieses Buch ist eine Zusammenstellung von ausgewählten Vorträgen, die Peter Mt. Shasta, Autor der Abenteuer eines Westlichen Mystikers, online gegeben hat. Es sind fortgeschrittene Anleitungen zur Erlangung der Selbst-Meisterschaft, unter der Schirmherrschaft des Aufgestiegenen Meisters Saint Germain.Peter Mt. Shasta enthüllt hier Methoden, die im Fernen Osten lange geheim gehalten wurden.Er teilt mit dir tiefgreifende Erkenntnisse, die sich leicht in der täglichen spirituellen Praxis anwenden lassen.Mit den ICH BIN Affirmationen und Anleitungen, die hier gegeben werden, wirst du in der Lage sein, größere Erleuchtung, Liebe, Frieden und Meisterschaft zu erlangen, die der ganzen Menschheit zugutekommen.

  • av Peter Mt. Shasta

    A handbook for Mastery, with easy to apply meditation instruction and guidance on how to make affirmations work for you. This is the long awaited book containing the I AM Affirmations which Peter Mt. Shasta gave during retreats. It gives specific affirmations for every aspect of life, and is a companion to his previous books: "I AM the Open Door" (Ascended Master discourses) and "Adventures of a Western Mystic: Apprentice to the Masters" (Autobiography).

  • - Apprentice to the Masters
    av Peter Mt. Shasta

    This is the true story of encounters with enlightened beings known in the East as Bodhisattvas, who have ascended into their Higher Self, known in Tibet as attaining the Rainbow Body, yet who can and do appear in whatever form they are needed to assist humanity. These are the Gods of ancient myth, known in the West as Ascended Masters. Here are the adventures of one individual as the Masters bring him face to face with his own Higher Self - the I AM Presence. Peter shares his life journey, showing how to apply the great Wisdom Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Time and again the Masters force him to integrate the profoundest spiritual teachings into daily human life - often with hilarious and/or poignant results. These ancient teachings are given now in simplified form for the present age, which Peter demonstrates in the description of his own apprenticeship to the Master Saint Germain.

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