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Bøker av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

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  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

    The Ishavasya Upanishad is considered to be one of the most authoritative texts of the Vedic scriptures. The proper understanding of this Upanishad is the key to unlock the rest of these scriptures. This text is essential in the study of Hinduism in general and Vedanta in particular, since it teaches the essential unity of God and the universe. Its mysterious and encrypted verses, that may seem contradictory to us, are hard to understand without the proper guidance of a spiritual master. By his commentary, Prabhuji brings light to these ancient teachings, helping the readers to grasp its spiritual essence. This commentary encourages the reader to evaluate the message of the Upanishadic literature from a critical perspective. Prabhuji's teachings are an invitation, words of encouragement that can inspire us to investigate and explore within ourselves. If we are able to observe ourselves free of any interpretation, we will always find an open door.

  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

    El Ishavasya Upanishad se considera uno de los textos más acreditados de las escrituras védicas. La comprensión adecuada de este upani¿ad es la clave para descifrar el resto de dichas escrituras. Este texto es esencial en el estudio del hinduismo en general y del ved¿nta en particular, ya que enseña la unidad esencial de Dios y del universo. Sus misteriosos y encriptados versos, que pueden parecernos contradictorios, son difíciles de entender sin la adecuada guía de un maestro espiritual. Mediante su comentario, Prabhuji ilumina estas antiguas enseñanzas, ayudando a los lectores a asimilar su esencia espiritual. Este comentario anima al lector a evaluar el mensaje de la literatura upanishádica desde una perspectiva crítica. Las enseñanzas de Prabhuji son una invitación, palabras de aliento que pueden inspirarnos a investigar y explorar en nuestro interior. Si somos capaces de observarnos libres de toda interpretación, siempre encontraremos una puerta abierta.

  • - Liberation in the world
    av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

    Tantra, Liberation in the World takes us back to medieval India, full of spirituality, magic, esotericism, alchemy, and devotion. It guides us through the stages of the Tantric revelation, which shook the established religious order like a powerful earthquake and left its mark on almost all spiritual traditions of the world. Prabhuji provides us with an historical overview and a philosophical outline of Tantra. His intention is not to present academic research, but to describe the context of the revelation and share its essence with spiritual seekers who want to be enriched by its treasures. The Tantric path aspires for harmony between nature and spirit, or ¿akti and ¿iva. The polarity between them manifests at the macrocosmic and the microcosmic level. Therefore, Tantra invites us to explore the body in order to discover what lies beyond. It tells us that our humanity is not an obstacle to the Divine but a necessary stage in our evolution. Divinity dwells within us and in order to recognize it, we just need to pay attention. David, Ben Yosef, Har-Zion, who writes under the pen name Prabhuji, is a writer, painter, and avadh¿ta mystic. When he was eight years old, he had a mystical experience that sparked his search for the Truth. Since then, he has devoted his life to deepening the early transformative experience that marked the beginning of his process of involution. For more than fifty years, he has been exploring and practicing various religions and spiritual paths. For Prabhuji, awakening at the level of consciousness, or the transcendence of the egoic phenomenon, is the next step in humanity's evolution. Prabhuji has chosen to retire from society and lead the life of a hermit. He spends his days in solitude, praying, studying, writing, painting, and meditating in silence and contemplation.

  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

    Experimentando con la Verdad refleja el largo sendero recorrido por Prabhuji a lo largo de su vida. En esta compilacion de respuestas a buscadores sinceros, comparte su sabidura y erudicion con quienes desean profundizar en temas como la iluminacion, la meditacion, la devocion, la concentracion y dems. Prabhuji no se dirige a nosotros como un maestro o gur, sino como un amigo y un compaero de viaje. No nos ensea, sino que nos anima a emprender nuestra propia bsqueda. En lugar de ofrecer respuestas, ms bien nos invita a observar, inquirir, investigar y explorar por nosotros mismos. Criticando enfticamente la religion organizada, presenta las perlas de sabidura reveladas en las escrituras sagradas, y as deja al descubierto una misma Verdad bajo una diversidad de atuendos adquiridos en diferentes culturas.Al igual que diferentes colores forman una bella pintura, los numerosos senderos espirituales crean una maravillosa armona; y es en dicha armona donde todos se encuentran. Si escuchamos unas notas musicales fuera del contexto de su sinfona, no disfrutaremos de la meloda. Si prestamos atencion a un solo color, no podremos apreciar la pintura en su totalidad. Pero si nos atrevemos a observar la armona creada por todas las individualidades, percibiremos la Verdad.

  • - El sendero del amor
    av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

  • - Satsangs con Prabhuji
    av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

  • - Satsangs with Prabhuji
    av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion
    444 - 617,-

    Esta obra nos remonta a la India medieval, llena de magia, esoterismo, alquimia y devocion. Prabhuji nos acompana por las etapas de la revelacion tantrica, la que cual potente terremoto, sacudio el orden establecido y dejo sus huellas en todas las religiones de la India.Prabhuji ofrece una resena historica y una presentacion metafisica del tantra, pero no con el proposito de un hacer estudio academico, sino para poner la revelacion en su contexto y poder explicar la esencia tantrica a aquellos buscadores espirituales que quieran enriquecerse con sus tesoros.La vision tantrica propone una busqueda de nuestra autentica naturaleza, de la esencia de lo que somos, de la liberacion de todo y todos, incluso de nosotros mismos. Sostiene que lo humano no es obstaculo para acceder a lo divino, sino una etapa inevitable en el sendero. Mas que un escollo, nuestra humanidad es una fase de nuestro desarrollo evolutivo.Tantra, la liberacion en el mundo nos revela que la divinidad esta cerca, que Dios mora en nosotros y que para descubrirlo, solo tenemos que prestar atencion.David, Ben Yosef, Har-Zion, quien escribe bajo el seudonimo de Prabhuji, es un artista, un escritor, un pintor, un compositor musical y un mistico avadhuta. Ha optado por retirarse de la sociedad y adoptar una vida ermitana. Pasa sus dias en soledad, orando, escribiendo, pintando y meditando en silencio y contemplacion. Nacio el 21 de marzo de 1958 en Santiago, la capital de la Republica de Chile. Una experiencia mistica acaecida a la edad de ocho anos lo impulso a la busqueda de la Verdad. Desde entonces, ha dedicado su vida a profundizar en la temprana experiencia transformativa que marco el comienzo de un proceso involutivo.Durante mas de cincuenta anos, ha explorado y practicado diferentes religiones y senderos espirituales.Para el, el despertar de la conciencia, o la trascendencia del fenomeno egoico, constituye el siguiente nivel del proceso evolutivo de la humanidad.

  • - Being the Self
    av Davi Ben Yosef Har-Zion Prabhuji
    392 - 416

    Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-duality, is one of Hinduism's most brilliant pearls. It is reserved for seekers of Truth who want to know their own essence and aspire to liberation, or moksa. It proposes the path of knowledge called jana-yoga and its main tool is self-inquiry: ';who am I?' This question is an expression of the highest and noblest spiritual rebellion. Vedanta restores our dignity and accepts us as the only authority on who we are. It says that our self-exploration might lead us to discover our own nature as the Self beyond time and space.Prabhuji presents the principles of Vedanta that will help seekers take their first steps on this path. Rather than offering explanations or answers, he inspires us to inquire, doubt, and investigate our own essence. He tells us that every effort to achieve enlightenment is superfluous because we already are what we aspire to be. We simply need to turn our attention to consciousness itself and be the Self.David, Ben Yosef, Har-Zion, who writes under the pen name Prabhuji, is an artist, writer, painter, composer, and avadhuta mystic. He was born in Santiago, the capital of the Republic of Chile, on March 21, 1958. When he was eight years old, he had a mystical experience that sparked his search for the Truth. Since then, he has devoted his life to deepening the early transformative experience that marked the beginning of his process of involution. For more than fifty years, he has been exploring and practicing various religions and spiritual paths. In his view, the awakening at the level of consciousness, or the transcendence of the egoic phenomenon, is the next step in humanity's evolutionary process.

  • av Prabhuji David Har-Zion

  • - ser el Ser
    av Prabhuji
    397 - 512,-

  • - The path of love
    av Prabhuji Prabhuji
    275 - 416

    Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion that can lead every sincere seeker to self-realization. This book explains the devotional evolution that starts from an experience of a personal God and culminates in the unity of the lover and the loved. With astounding insight, Prabhuji describes a process that divinizes the earthly, spiritualizes the material, and transforms worldly attachments into transcendental love.This yogic path reveals that far from being an interaction with another person, love is the perfume that emanates from our own presence, here and now. When we experience this love, we discover that it is not an emotion or a feeling but what is real within us. Bhakti is the purest and most elevated love arising from the depths of consciousness and the silence of meditation.Prabhuji is a writer and a mystic who has chosen to retire from society and lead a solitary life. He spends his days completely secluded from the public, writing in silence and absorbed in contemplation. Prabhuji does not offer any sat-sangs, courses, or lectures, nor does he accept disciples or followers. He shares his teachings only through books and online videos. We ask everybody to respect his privacy.

  • - The power is in you
    av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion
    275 - 415

  • av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

    Experimentando con la Verdad refleja el largo sendero recorrido por Prabhuji a lo largo de su vida. En esta compilación de respuestas a buscadores sinceros, comparte su sabiduría y erudición con quienes desean profundizar en temas como la iluminación, la meditación, la devoción, la concentración y demás. Prabhuji no se dirige a nosotros como un maestro o gurú, sino como un amigo y un compañero de viaje. No nos enseña, sino que nos anima a emprender nuestra propia búsqueda. En lugar de ofrecer respuestas, más bien nos invita a observar, inquirir, investigar y explorar por nosotros mismos. Criticando enfáticamente la religión organizada, presenta las perlas de sabiduría reveladas en las escrituras sagradas, y así deja al descubierto una misma Verdad bajo una diversidad de atuendos adquiridos en diferentes culturas.«Al igual que diferentes colores forman una bella pintura, los numerosos senderos espirituales crean una maravillosa armonía; y es en dicha armonía donde todos se encuentran. Si escuchamos unas notas musicales fuera del contexto de su sinfonía, no disfrutaremos de la melodía. Si prestamos atención a un solo color, no podremos apreciar la pintura en su totalidad. Pero si nos atrevemos a observar la armonía creada por todas las individualidades, percibiremos la Verdad».

  • av Prabhuji
    331 - 392

    Experimenting with the Truth reflects the long path Prabhuji has walked throughout his life. In this compilation of answers to sincere seekers, he shares his wisdom and erudition with those who wish to delve deeper into topics such as enlightenment, meditation, devotion, concentration, and so on. Prabhuji does not address us as a master or guru, but as a friend and traveling companion. He does not teach but encourages us to undertake our own search. Instead of offering answers, he invites us to observe, inquire, investigate, and explore by ourselves. Emphatically criticizing organized religion, he presents pearls of wisdom revealed in the sacred scriptures, which expose the same Truth dressed in a diversity of ways in different cultures.';Just as various colors form a beautiful painting, numerous spiritual paths create a wonderful harmony; and it is in this harmony where they all meet. If we hear musical notes without the rest of the symphony, we will not enjoy the melody. If we pay attention to a single color, we will be unable to appreciate the painting. But if we dare to observe the harmony expressed by all the individualities, we will perceive the Truth.'

  • - El poder esta en ti
    av Prabhuji
    431 - 486,-

  • - Sat-sangas con Prabhuji
    av Prabhuji

  • - Satsangs with Prabhuji
    av Prabhuji David Ben Yosef Har-Zion

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