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Bøker av Priyanka Priyadarshini

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  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    Transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS), commonly referred to as "patches," are medication dosage forms that give a regulated release of an amount of medication that is therapeutically efficacious over a patient's skin. This chapter goes into great length into the concept of skin, drug kinetics and penetration, TDDS formulation and evaluation, and its applications. Due to its distinct advantages, such as its prolonged therapeutic effect, avoidance of first-pass metabolism, and ease of therapy termination, TDDS has attracted intentional consideration for either local or systemic drug administration for decades. Since 1980, this industry has shown tremendous progress with numerous commercial triumphs. The advancements made have been predicated on a better understanding of skin barrier function as well as the physiological, physicochemical, and pharmacokinetic aspects that support the viability of transdermal administration. The stratum corneum acted as a barrier, although appendageal and transepidermal pathways for drug delivery through skin have been discovered.

  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    'Janki' means Mother Sita, the mother of the world, after whom Sitamarhi district is named because Goddess Sita was born in the hermitage area (today's Punaura) of Pundarik Rishi in Sitamarhi district of Bihar, which is also known as Punouradham and 'Diary'. A place where you have the freedom to express yourself freely in your own way. Keeping this feeling in mind, some solved and some unsolved writings of Sitamarhi's Jankis have been collected in one place and named as 'Janki Ki Diary'. This compilation 'Janki's Diary' is a poetry compilation composed by the teachers of Sitamarhi district of Bihar. In this poetry collection, women writers have expressed their feelings. The most special thing about this poetry collection is that except for a few teachers, everyone else has made a great effort in writing for the first time. All the women who contributed to the writing of this poetry collection are working as teachers in different blocks of Sitamarhi district of Bihar. - Priyanka Priyadarshini (Compiler & Editor)

  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    Priyanka's poetry collection 'Main Tum Aur Kulhad Wali Chai' has the voice of a beautiful woman, in which the poems made of words are woven around her joys and sorrows, her desires, her dedication, her rebellion, her feelings overflowing with understanding. Which tries to touch the depths of your mind. The trepidation inside a sentimental poet seems to be engraved in words very well. In this collection, the poetess is able to impress through her poems and the poems written in simple language have been able to leave a deep impact. -Mukesh Kumar Sinha, New Delhi (India)

  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    Os sistemas de administração de medicamentos transdérmicos (TDDS), geralmente referidos como "adesivos", são formas de dosagem de medicamentos que dão uma libertação regulada de uma quantidade de medicamentos que é terapêuticamente eficaz sobre a pele de um paciente. Este capítulo aborda em grande parte o conceito de pele, cinética e penetração de medicamentos, formulação e avaliação de TDDS, e as suas aplicações. Devido às suas vantagens distintas, tais como o seu efeito terapêutico prolongado, a prevenção do metabolismo de primeira passagem e a facilidade de término da terapia, o TDDS atraiu durante décadas a consideração intencional da administração local ou sistémica de fármacos. Desde 1980, esta indústria tem mostrado um tremendo progresso com numerosos triunfos comerciais. Os avanços alcançados foram baseados numa melhor compreensão da função da barreira cutânea, bem como dos aspectos fisiológicos, físico-químicos e farmacocinéticos que apoiam a viabilidade da administração transdérmica. O stratum corneum funcionou como uma barreira, embora tenham sido descobertas vias apêndices e transepidérmicas para a administração de medicamentos através da pele.

  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    Les systèmes transdermiques d'administration de médicaments (TDDS), communément appelés "patchs", sont des formes de dosage de médicaments qui permettent une libération régulée d'une quantité de médicament thérapeutiquement efficace sur la peau d'un patient. Ce chapitre traite en détail du concept de peau, de la cinétique et de la pénétration des médicaments, de la formulation et de l'évaluation des TDDS, ainsi que de leurs applications. En raison de ses avantages distincts, tels que son effet thérapeutique prolongé, l'absence de métabolisme de premier passage et la facilité de mettre fin à la thérapie, le TDDS a attiré l'attention intentionnelle pour l'administration locale ou systémique de médicaments depuis des décennies. Depuis 1980, cette industrie a fait d'énormes progrès et a connu de nombreux succès commerciaux. Les progrès réalisés reposent sur une meilleure compréhension de la fonction de la barrière cutanée ainsi que sur les aspects physiologiques, physicochimiques et pharmacocinétiques qui soutiennent la viabilité de l'administration transdermique. La couche cornée fait office de barrière, mais des voies appendiculaires et transépidermiques ont été découvertes pour l'administration de médicaments à travers la peau.

  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    I sistemi transdermici di rilascio dei farmaci (TDDS), comunemente chiamati "cerotti", sono forme di dosaggio dei farmaci che rilasciano in modo regolato una quantità di farmaco terapeuticamente efficace sulla pelle del paziente. Questo capitolo approfondisce il concetto di pelle, la cinetica e la penetrazione del farmaco, la formulazione e la valutazione dei TDDS e le loro applicazioni. Grazie ai suoi vantaggi, come l'effetto terapeutico prolungato, l'assenza di metabolismo di primo passaggio e la facilità di interruzione della terapia, la TDDS è stata presa in considerazione intenzionalmente per la somministrazione di farmaci locali o sistemici per decenni. Dal 1980, questo settore ha registrato enormi progressi con numerosi trionfi commerciali. I progressi compiuti si basano su una migliore comprensione della funzione della barriera cutanea e degli aspetti fisiologici, fisico-chimici e farmacocinetici che supportano la fattibilità della somministrazione transdermica. Lo strato corneo funge da barriera, anche se sono state scoperte vie appendicolari e transepidermiche per la somministrazione di farmaci attraverso la pelle.

  • av Priyanka Priyadarshini

    Transdermale Arzneimittelverabreichungssysteme (TDDS), gemeinhin als "Pflaster" bezeichnet, sind Darreichungsformen für Medikamente, die über die Haut des Patienten eine therapeutisch wirksame Menge an Medikamenten reguliert abgeben. Dieses Kapitel befasst sich ausführlich mit dem Konzept der Haut, der Arzneimittelkinetik und -penetration, der Formulierung und Bewertung von TDDS und ihren Anwendungen. Aufgrund seiner eindeutigen Vorteile, wie z. B. der verlängerten therapeutischen Wirkung, der Vermeidung des First-Pass-Metabolismus und der einfachen Beendigung der Therapie, wird TDDS seit Jahrzehnten bewusst für die lokale oder systemische Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln eingesetzt. Seit 1980 hat diese Industrie enorme Fortschritte gemacht und zahlreiche kommerzielle Erfolge erzielt. Die erzielten Fortschritte beruhen auf einem besseren Verständnis der Hautbarrierefunktion sowie der physiologischen, physikochemischen und pharmakokinetischen Aspekte, die die Durchführbarkeit der transdermalen Verabreichung unterstützen. Das Stratum corneum fungiert als Barriere, obwohl auch appendageale und transepidermale Wege für die Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln durch die Haut entdeckt wurden.

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