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Bøker av Ramiz Daniz

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  • av Ramiz Daniz

    Odpowiedzialnym i jednocześnie bardzo zaszczytnym zadaniem jest pisanie o wielkim azerbejdżańskim naukowcu Nasiraddinie Tusi, poprzez jego pracę oraz naukowe i artystyczne dziedzictwo, które pozostawilo najglębszy ślad w historii. Tusi jest jednym z najbardziej znanych przedstawicieli naszego narodu. Zajmuje godne miejsce wśród slawnych naukowców, których nazwiska są zapisane zlotymi literami na kartach historii. Jego genialna praca nie ogranicza się do cywilizacji wschodniej, ale odegrala znaczącą rolę w rozwoju nauki światowej. Szereg fundamentalnych prac Tusiego z zakresu matematyki, geometrii, astronomii, geografii i etyki, a także jego unikalne odkrycia i wynalazki wysoko podniosly prestiż azerbejdżańskiej nauki, potwierdzily jej zgodnośc ze światowym poziomem rozwoju. To wlaśnie dzięki innowacyjnym badaniom naukowym naukowca odkrycie Ameryki mialo miejsce kilka wieków wcześniej. Niestety, wiele osób o tym nie wie. Piszę tę książkę, aby przywrócic sprawiedliwośc. Świat powinien poznac zjawisko Tusiego i jego nieoceniony, naukowy wklad w rozwój cywilizacji światowej.

  • - Emissaries From Outer Space Destroy a Meteorite
    av Ramiz Daniz

    Science-fiction work "Destroying a superbolide" deals with the meteorite, which fell on Chelyabinsk in 2013. The celestial body was going to cause major disaster in one of the megalopolises of China. It was reported to the astronomer of Kitt Peak National Observatory, Michael Pershing by the aliens, who arrived in Arizona. The American scientist begun to cooperate with the aliens in order to prevent disaster. This wasn't easy, as FBI chased the aliens. Despite this, Michael and aliens left the United States and went to the territory of Russia by UFO and changed the trajectory of the meteorite by hitting it in the sky with a special weapon. Experts in the US, Russia and China understood that the meteorite was shot down by aliens. The celestial body entering the atmosphere had to be exploded once, but it was determined that it was exploded four times. Though millions of people survived the real disaster, UFO was attacked in Russia and China. UFO was destroyed in China. Michael and aliens were chased in Nepal and India. UFO came to their rescue after several difficult passages and took them to the secret base in Niah National Park in Malaysia. Michael begun longterm experiments there as a scientist to be helpful to people after returning to the civilized society. Meteorite entered the atmosphere at an altitude of 92 km with a speed of 9.5 miles per second. Ra could determine its coordinates with a special device - 540 30/ 29// east latitude and 640 15/ 58// north longitude. Each second was essential, as the speed was very high. Strangely, though Fairbanks infrasound station in Alaska was located 6460 km away from Chelyabinsk, meteorite was first recorded there. Infrared waves rotated around the Earth several times. The head of the Canadian researchers, Peter Brown, said that the smoke was 5 km in diameter and 7 km in height two minutes after the explosion. It's dust had been taken to Europe by the wind a week later. Information about the fall of meteorites on several places in Chelyabinsk region was spread. Agile groups were organized and sent to the place of insident by the order of the colonel general Nikolai Bogdanov, the commander of the troops of the Central Military Circle. Fragments of the celestial body were found in three parts of Chelyabinsk region - two in the Lake Chebarkol, one in the Zlatoust district. The fishermen in the Lake Chebarkol witnessed the fall of the meteorite fragments around. They saw 7 fragments flying over their heads and the water rose to the height of 3-4 meters when one of them fell into the lake. The thickness of the ice in the lake was about 30 sm at that time. Everything happened as the aliens wanted. The meteorite turned into a superbolide when it exploded in the sky and 90 percent of it's main weight burned and evaporated in the sky as it fell down. Only 10 percent of the meteorite, which was broken down into small particles, fell in the Earth and it's fragments were thrown in the area of 20 km in width and 100-150 km in length.

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 149,-

    Nazwanie "Amerika" dlq chetwertogo kontinenta uzhe mnogo let stawit w tupik nekotoryh uchenyh - ne byli li narusheny principy sprawedliwosti w processe priswoeniq imeni? V hode ätogo issledowaniq stalo qsno, chto kontinent, otkrytyj i predstawlennyj mirowoj obschestwennosti Hristoforom Kolumbom, poluchil neprawil'noe nazwanie. Ved' wse zanqtie Vespuchchi zaklüchalos' w tom, chtoby obmanywat' swoe okruzhenie i uchenyh. On, razrabatywaq swoi znamenitye karty, ispol'zowal linii kart Kolumba, Diego Chanki i Pero Vaz de Kamin'q, napisannyh w Nowom Swete, bylo dokazano, chto dwa iz chetyreh ego puteshestwij byli fiktiwnymi, pribliziwshis' k Kolumbu, on priswoil ego sekrety i ätim unizil admirala pered monarhami, buduchi starshim locmanom Kastilii blagodarq swoim priwilegiqm zakrepil nazwanie chetwertogo kontinenta kak "Amerika", on sygral isklüchitel'nuü rol' w peredache kart, schitawshihsq sekretnym dokumentom, kartografam. Nazwanie kontinenta w chest' ätogo moshennika oznachaet pobedu zlodeq.

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 149,-

    Le nom "Amérique" donné au quatrième continent a déconcerté certains scientifiques pendant de nombreuses années - si les principes de justice n'avaient pas été violés dans le processus d'attribution des noms ? Au cours de ces recherches, il est apparu clairement que le continent découvert et porté à la connaissance du public mondial par Christophe Colomb n'a pas reçu le bon nom. En effet, toute l'activité de Vespucci consistait à tromper son entourage et les scientifiques. En élaborant ses célèbres cartes, il a utilisé les lignes des cartes de Christophe Colomb, Diego Chanca et Pero Vaz de Caminha écrites dans le Nouveau Monde, il a été prouvé que deux de ses quatre voyages étaient fictifs, en approchant Christophe Colomb il s'est approprié ses secrets et par cela il a humilié l'amiral devant les monarques, en étant le pilote principal de Castille grâce à ses privilèges il a consolidé la dénomination du quatrième continent comme "Amérique", il a joué un rôle exclusif en transmettant les cartes qui étaient considérées comme le document secret aux cartographes. Le fait de nommer le continent en l'honneur de cet escroc marque la victoire du méchant.

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 149,-

    Il nome "America" per il quarto continente ha confuso alcuni scienziati per molti anni - se i principi di giustizia non fossero stati violati nel processo di denominazione? Nel corso di questa ricerca è emerso chiaramente che al continente scoperto e reso noto al pubblico mondiale da Cristoforo Colombo è stato dato il nome sbagliato. Infatti, l'intera occupazione di Vespucci consisteva nell'ingannare l'ambiente circostante e gli scienziati. Egli, elaborando le sue famose carte, utilizzò le linee delle carte di Colombo, Diego Chanca e Pero Vaz de Caminha scritte nel Nuovo Mondo, fu dimostrato che due dei suoi quattro viaggi erano fittizi, avvicinandosi a Colombo si appropriò dei suoi segreti e con ciò umiliò l'ammiraglio di fronte ai monarchi, essendo il pilota anziano di Castiglia grazie ai suoi privilegi consolidò la denominazione del quarto continente come "America", ebbe un ruolo esclusivo nel passare ai cartografi le carte che erano considerate il documento segreto. Il nome del continente in onore di questo imbroglione segna la vittoria del cattivo.

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 149,-

    Der Name "Amerika" für den vierten Kontinent hat einige Wissenschaftler jahrelang verwirrt - wenn bei der Namensgebung nicht gegen die Grundsätze der Gerechtigkeit verstoßen worden wäre? Im Laufe der Forschung hat sich herausgestellt, dass der von Christoph Kolumbus entdeckte und der Weltöffentlichkeit bekannt gemachte Kontinent den falschen Namen trägt. Denn Vespuccis ganze Tätigkeit bestand darin, seine Umgebung und die Wissenschaftler zu täuschen. Bei der Ausarbeitung seiner berühmten Seekarten benutzte er die Linien der Seekarten von Kolumbus, Diego Chanca und Pero Vaz de Caminha, die in der Neuen Welt geschrieben worden waren, es wurde bewiesen, dass zwei seiner vier Reisen fiktiv waren, er näherte sich Kolumbus an, eignete sich seine Geheimnisse an und demütigte so den Admiral vor den Monarchen, da er dank seiner Privilegien der oberste Lotse Kastiliens war, festigte er die Bezeichnung des vierten Kontinents als "Amerika", er spielte eine exklusive Rolle bei der Weitergabe der Karten, die als geheimes Dokument an die Kartographen galten. Die Benennung des Kontinents zu Ehren dieses Betrügers signalisiert den Sieg des Bösewichts.

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 149,-

    The name "America" for the fourth continent has confused some scientists for many years - if the principles of justice had not been violated in the naming process? In the course of this research it has become clear that the continent discovered and made known to the world public by Christopher Columbus has been given the wrong name. For, Vespucci's whole occupation consisted of deceiving his surroundings and scientists. He, elaborating his famous charts, used the lines of the charts of Columbus, Diego Chanca and Pero Vaz de Caminha written in the New World, it was proved that two of his four voyages were fictitious, approaching Columbus he appropriated his secrets and by that he humiliated the admiral before the monarchs, being the senior pilot of Castile thanks to his privileges he consolidated the denomination of the fourth continent as "America", he played an exclusive role in passing the maps which were considered the secret document to the cartographers. Naming the continent in honour of this swindler signals the victory of the bad guy.

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 149,-

    O nome "América" para o quarto continente confundiu alguns cientistas durante muitos anos - se os princípios de justiça não tivessem sido violados no processo de atribuição do nome? No decurso desta investigação, tornou-se claro que o continente descoberto e dado a conhecer ao público mundial por Cristóvão Colombo recebeu o nome errado. Pois, toda a atividade de Vespúcio consistiu em enganar os que o rodeavam e os cientistas. Ele, ao elaborar as suas famosas cartas, utilizou as linhas das cartas de Colombo, Diego Chanca e Pero Vaz de Caminha escritas no Novo Mundo, ficou provado que duas das suas quatro viagens eram fictícias, aproximando-se de Colombo apropriou-se dos seus segredos e com isso humilhou o almirante perante os monarcas, sendo o piloto-mor de Castela graças aos seus privilégios consolidou a denominação do quarto continente como "América", desempenhou um papel exclusivo na passagem dos mapas que eram considerados o documento secreto aos cartógrafos. A designação do continente em honra deste vigarista assinala a vitória do mau da fita.

  • av Ramiz Daniz

  • av Ramiz Daniz

  • av Ramiz Daniz
    1 078,-

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