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Bøker av Raphael Israeli

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  • - Zionism and the Elusive Peace
    av Raphael Israeli

  • - Radical Islam & the West On A Collision Course
    av Raphael Israeli

    In our global world, where interfaith and interracial relationships are highly prized, thereby promoting the waning of nationalism, national culture, and specificity, the tendency is growing for many to feel like strangers in their own country.This is all in view of the unlimited mix of races, cultures, and people that we observe throughout the world that are changing at the expense of their national characteristics of cultures, which have been eclipsed toward disparities.This has impacted the mix of languages and ways of life, and has also resulted in the false conclusion that all people are alike, reason with the same rational arguments, and think alike, and that therefore they should be treated and should treat each other on the same grounds.The mounting cases of clashes and conflicts between radical Islam and Western civilization such as expressed in the Gaza War of October 7, 2023, launched by Hamas against Israel, where the pretext was not territorial or material, but civilizational and existential, suggest that various peoples and races are moved by different mindsets, and though using the same words and expressions, mean totally different, even diametrically opposed ideas and reasoning. Islamic countries, backed by authoritarian countries, support Hamas, while the liberal West stands by Israel.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of more than 100 books and 100 articles.

  • - How Western Minds Were Boggled by Islamic Machinations
    av Raphael Israeli

    This volume attempts to explain the inexplicable: How on the morning of Oct 7, 2023, 22 quiet and innocent Israeli villages were attacked at dawn and 1,200 of their people were slaughtered while still in bed. The attack was accompanied by thousands of missiles that were launched from Hamas positions in Gaza, a few hundred yards to the west.The 1,200 innocent Israelis who were slaughtered included entire families, babies in the arms of their mothers, the elderly, and some 300 youth at an adjoining music festival. Some were beheaded and mutilated, the women abused, and 240 of them were ferried or forced into captivity in horrible conditions, deprived of medicine and basic care. Meanwhile, their murderers incarcerated in Israel are being fattened in Israeli prisons with their "rights" being strictly observed by Israeli authorities.This pogrom, guided by Iran and applauded by most of the Arab and Islamic world, was perpetrated by thousands of Hamas operatives who invaded unprovoked from Gaza. The extreme and inhuman savagery has not been equaled by any explosion of hatred and cruelty since the Nazi era, and triggered the Gaza War.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of more than 100 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    Islamic history is replete with cyclical eruptions of radical Islam. One example: the Muslim Brotherhood, is an Islamic organization that was founded in 1928 in Ismailia, Egypt, as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement. It was begun in reaction to attempts to reform Islam by the great reformers and modernizers of the early 20th century, beginning with Afghani and Abdu. Each time an Islamic eruption took place, it resulted in violence, since the Westernized Muslims usually refused to step back and revert to be shackled by traditional Islam. The frequency of the recurrence of these waves of fundamentalism in our time is shown in the cases of ISIS, Hizbullah, Hamas, Al-Qa'ida, and Boko Haram. The international turmoil these groups have caused by their recourse to violence has occurred on all continents. This violence has posited more bluntly than ever before the question whether Islam will finally reconcile to the idea of modernization and moderation, or if it will persist in its rebellious ways that are encouraged inter alia by prevailing Wokeism moods. (About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of over 90 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    Religion Between Commercialization and Political Trade-offs: The Case of Islam marks the author's 100th published book.This volume is the product of a conference on Commercialization of Religion convened jointly by the Universities of Vienna and Nicosia, and held in Nicosia, Cyprus, in September 2023, where author Raphael Israeli spoke about Islam."I challenged the conventional wisdom, which posited a material and pecuniary interpretation of commercialization of religion in terms of buying and selling deals, but I suggested to expand that interpretation into a wider trade-off of values, assets, and political interests, and I gave examples of those deals of commercialization within the Arab-Israeli dispute, including the horrifying rampage and murder on October 7, 2023, by the Palestinian Hamas terrorists of over 1,500 Israeli innocent civilians, including babies, the elderly, and women at dawn in their beds, and abducting another 240 as hostages to Gaza."(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of 100 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    Palestinians in Rebellion shows that while Israelis and Palestinians have uneasily co-habited The Land of Israel/Palestine during the past century, Israel has thrived as an independent startup country, while the Palestinian state entity never came into being, and instead has been controlled by Britain, Egypt, Jordan, and then Israel.Since May 2021, a major revolt of the Palestinians against Israeli rule has taken place. Taking advantage of their concurrent missile attack on Israeli cities from Hamas-controlled Gaza, the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, as well as within Israel proper, rose in rebellion, using advanced weaponry and demonstrating unprecedented temerity in confronting Israeli troops, thereby causing enormous fatalities on both sides.In addition, deterioration in Israeli security conditions has unfolded, while a serious rift persists between right-wing reformist Israelis who won the majority of the votes in the November 2022 elections and the "liberal" constituency, which lost the elections and cannot accept its loss and admit its rival's new control.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of over 90 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 235,-

    O mundo tem sido assolado por movimentos populares de dissidentes em praticamente todos os países, que seguindo o precedente aberto pelos negros na América, que um século e meio depois da Guerra Civil Americana que supostamente libertou os negros da escravatura, continuam a assistir quase diariamente a cenas de discriminação e maus tratos contra os negros americanos no infame modelo de G. Floyd. Esses dissidentes e rebeldes contra a ordem existente adoptam vários padrões de protesto, mais ou menos violentos, temendo a obliteração da sua identidade sob o domínio da ideologia globalista, e optam por sublinhar o seu descontentamento, a sua rejeição da injustiça e a sua reivindicação de um direito absoluto devido à opressão absoluta que os tem empurrado para as margens das suas sociedades. Por vezes, estes movimentos populares podem ser classificados como wokeism ou zombeism, ou, pelo contrário, no caso do Islão, comparando o globalismo com a noção estabelecida de Ummah, a congregação universal de todos os muçulmanos.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 235,-

    Le monde est en proie à des mouvements populaires de dissidents dans pratiquement tous les pays, qui, à l'instar des Noirs d'Amérique, un siècle et demi après la guerre de Sécession qui avait soi-disant libéré les Noirs de l'esclavage, assistent encore presque quotidiennement à des scènes de discrimination et de mauvais traitements à l'encontre des Noirs américains, sur le modèle infâme de G. Floyd. Ces dissidents et rebelles à l'ordre existant adoptent divers modèles de protestation, plus ou moins violents, craignant l'effacement de leur identité sous l'emprise de l'idéologie mondialiste, et choisissent de souligner leur mécontentement, leur rejet de l'injustice et leur revendication d'un droit absolu face à l'oppression absolue qui les a repoussés aux marges de leurs sociétés. Ces mouvements populaires peuvent parfois être qualifiés de "wokeism" ou de "zombeism" ou, au contraire, dans le cas de l'Islam, d'assimiler le mondialisme à la notion établie d'Oumma, la congrégation universelle de tous les Musulmans.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 235,-

    Il mondo è stato afflitto da movimenti popolari di dissidenti praticamente in tutti i Paesi, che seguendo il precedente dei neri d'America, che un secolo e mezzo dopo la guerra civile americana che avrebbe liberato i neri dalla schiavitù, assistono ancora quasi quotidianamente a scene di discriminazione e maltrattamento dei neri d'America sul famigerato modello di G. Floyd. I dissidenti e i ribelli all'ordine esistente abbracciano vari modelli di protesta, più o meno violenti, temendo la cancellazione della loro identità sotto la spinta dell'ideologia globalista, e scelgono di sottolineare il loro malcontento, il loro rifiuto dell'ingiustizia e la loro rivendicazione di diritti assoluti a causa dell'oppressione assoluta che li ha spinti ai margini delle loro società. A volte, questi movimenti popolari possono essere classificati come wokeismo o zombeismo o, al contrario, nel caso dell'Islam, assimilare il globalismo alla nozione consolidata di Ummah, la congregazione universale di tutti i musulmani.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 235,-

    Die Welt wird in praktisch allen Ländern von Volksbewegungen Andersdenkender heimgesucht, die nach dem Vorbild der Schwarzen in Amerika, die anderthalb Jahrhunderte nach dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, der sie angeblich von der Sklaverei befreit hat, noch immer fast täglich Szenen der Diskriminierung und Misshandlung schwarzer Amerikaner nach dem berüchtigten Vorbild von G. Floyd erleben. Diese Dissidenten und Rebellen gegen die bestehende Ordnung greifen zu verschiedenen mehr oder weniger gewalttätigen Protestformen, da sie die Auslöschung ihrer Identität durch die globalistische Ideologie fürchten und ihre Unzufriedenheit, ihre Ablehnung der Ungerechtigkeit und ihren Anspruch auf das absolute Recht aufgrund der absoluten Unterdrückung, die sie an den Rand ihrer Gesellschaften gedrängt hat, zum Ausdruck bringen wollen. Manchmal können diese Volksbewegungen als "Wokeism" oder "Zombeism" kategorisiert werden, oder, im Gegenteil, im Fall des Islams, wird der Globalismus mit der etablierten Vorstellung der Ummah, der universellen Versammlung aller Muslime, verglichen.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    Prakticheski wo wseh stranah mira woznikli narodnye dwizheniq dissidentow, kotorye, sleduq precedentu, sozdannomu negrami w Amerike, kotorye spustq poltora weka posle Grazhdanskoj wojny w Amerike, qkoby oswobodiwshej negrow ot rabstwa, wse esche pochti ezhednewno nablüdaüt sceny diskriminacii i zhestokogo obrascheniq s chernymi amerikancami po pechal'no izwestnoj modeli G. Flojda. Jeti dissidenty i buntari protiw suschestwuüschego porqdka prinimaüt razlichnye formy protesta, bolee ili menee nasil'stwennye, opasaqs' unichtozheniq swoej identichnosti pod natiskom globalistskoj ideologii, i predpochitaüt podcherkiwat' swoe nedowol'stwo, nepriqtie nesprawedliwosti i trebowanie absolütnogo prawa w swqzi s absolütnym ugneteniem, kotoroe wytesnqet ih na obochinu obschestwa. Poroj äti narodnye dwizheniq mozhno otnesti k kategorii wokeism ili zombeism, ili, naprotiw, w sluchae s islamom, upodobit' globalizm ustoqwshemusq ponqtiü ummy, wseobschej obschiny wseh musul'man.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    It's all Perception "The Shah of Iran had maintained excellent relations with Israel, and the Jews of Iran flourished, but upon the advent of Khomeini in 1978, who dubbed Jews the 'enemies of Allah,' those attitudes were reversed overnight until under President Ahmadinejad, Iran and its Hizbullah operatives in Lebanon became the most virulent and violent enemies of Jews and Israel everywhere. Similarly, one cannot compare the dominant stature of Yasser Arafat at the helm of the Palestinians, as he was himself a revolutionary operative who dipped his hands in terrorism, to the more subdued conduct of Abu Mazen, his successor, who enjoys the comfort and prestige of his position but shuns combat, and is content with iconizing PLO terrorists and murderers as models to be emulated by his people, in order to show that the momentum of the Palestinian Revolution did not recede even though the leader could no longer serve as the model himself." Under authoritarian regimes the depiction of events, politics and events of the future as well as of the past are unpredictable. They are often dependent on the whim of the ruler, who makes his own "constitution" when he comes to power, not as a rigid set of laws to restrict his own power, but as a blueprint for his unrestricted plan of action during his tenure. The manufacturing of lies, myth, invented history, and imagined genealogies, all geared to justify post-facto the ruler's takeover of the regime, or the self-allocation of titles and feats that aggrandize his fame, create a variant pattern of rule. This can even happen with the establishment of a dynasty under a republican regime, when the authoritarian ruler bequeaths his rule to his offspring (as has happened in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, greatly contributing ultimately to the fall of the regimes). Even more impressive and lasting is the self-conviction embraced by the ruler in the religious Islamic environment, when an expedient political fact like the failed succession of the Prophet Muhammad by his cousin and son-in law Ali was turned into a sacred creed that sanctified through the generations the millennial split of the Shi'ia from mainstream Sunni Islam. Thus, events are often perceived by Muslims in the light of their religious convictions, and myths are created to fill in historical gaps, which can generate distortions of policies when they are acted upon. About the author:Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of over 90 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 264,-

    Como resultado do globalismo, no qual certas elites ocidentais assumiram o domínio económico, social e político do mundo, desenvolveu-se um novo modo e estado de espírito entre os mais fracos e desfavorecidos, camadas da sociedade, tanto internamente dentro de regimes considerados injustos e mesmo antidemocráticos, como entre os imigrantes muçulmanos para o Ocidente. Estas pessoas insatisfeitas, como os Negros na América, os Árabes em Israel, e outros grupos empobrecidos entre os "oprimidos" e os deserdados, estão de facto a revoltar-se contra a ordem existente, criando um contra-Estado, algo como as sociedades secretas chinesas no tradicional Reino Médio, ou a "causa nostra" dos Estados modernos, onde vivem separados nos seus enclaves da corrente dominante da sociedade, até um dia em que possam separar-se e estabelecer a sua própria ordem social alternativa. Isto é o que é visto como um despertar, que está a ser submetido a um julgamento revolucionário da força desde as eleições de Novembro de 2022 em Israel.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 264,-

    A seguito del globalismo, in cui alcune élite occidentali hanno assunto il dominio economico, sociale e politico del mondo, si è sviluppata una nuova modalità e un nuovo stato d'animo tra gli strati più deboli e svantaggiati della società, sia all'interno di regimi considerati ingiusti e persino antidemocratici, sia tra gli immigrati musulmani in Occidente. Queste persone insoddisfatte, come i neri in America, gli arabi in Israele e altri gruppi impoveriti tra gli "oppressi" e i diseredati, si stanno infatti ribellando all'ordine esistente creando un controstato, come le società segrete cinesi nel tradizionale Regno di Mezzo o la "causa nostra" degli Stati moderni, dove vivono separati nelle loro enclavi dalla società principale, fino al giorno in cui potranno separarsi e stabilire un proprio ordine sociale alternativo. Questo è ciò che viene considerato il wokeismo, che sta sostenendo una prova di forza rivoluzionaria dopo le elezioni del novembre 2022 in Israele.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 264,-

    Infolge der Globalisierung, in der bestimmte westliche Eliten die wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische Herrschaft über die Welt übernommen haben, hat sich unter den schwächeren und benachteiligten Schichten der Gesellschaft eine neue Geisteshaltung entwickelt, und zwar sowohl im Inland innerhalb von Regimen, die als ungerecht und sogar undemokratisch angesehen werden, als auch unter den muslimischen Einwanderern im Westen. Diese unzufriedenen Menschen, wie die Schwarzen in Amerika, die Araber in Israel und andere verarmte Gruppen unter den "Unterdrückten" und Enterbten, rebellieren in der Tat gegen die bestehende Ordnung, indem sie einen Gegenstaat schaffen, ähnlich wie die chinesischen Geheimgesellschaften im traditionellen Reich der Mitte oder die "causa nostra" moderner Staaten, wo sie in ihren Enklaven getrennt vom Mainstream der Gesellschaft leben, bis zu dem Tag, an dem sie sich abspalten und ihre eigene alternative Gesellschaftsordnung errichten können. Dies wird als "Wokeism" bezeichnet, der seit den Wahlen im November 2022 in Israel eine revolutionäre Kraftprobe besteht.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    V rezul'tate globalizma, w kotorom opredelennye zapadnye älity wzqli na sebq äkonomicheskoe, social'noe i politicheskoe uprawlenie mirom, sredi slabyh i obezdolennyh sloew obschestwa, kak wnutri strany w ramkah rezhimow, kotorye schitaütsq nesprawedliwymi i dazhe nedemokraticheskimi, tak i sredi musul'manskih immigrantow na Zapad, sformirowalsq nowyj rezhim i sostoqnie uma. Jeti neudowletworennye lüdi, kak negry w Amerike, araby w Izraile i drugie obednewshie gruppy sredi "ugnetennyh" i lishennyh nasledstwa, fakticheski wosstaüt protiw suschestwuüschego porqdka, sozdawaq kontrgosudarstwo, chto-to wrode kitajskih tajnyh obschestw w tradicionnom Podnebesnoj ili "causa nostra" sowremennyh gosudarstw, gde oni zhiwut otdel'no w swoih anklawah ot osnownoj massy obschestwa do togo dnq, kogda oni smogut otdelit'sq i ustanowit' swoj sobstwennyj al'ternatiwnyj social'nyj porqdok. Jeto to, chto rassmatriwaetsq kak wokeism, kotoryj prohodit rewolücionnuü probu sil posle wyborow w Izraile w noqbre 2022 goda.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 264,-

    Sous l'effet du mondialisme, dans lequel certaines élites occidentales ont pris le contrôle économique, social et politique du monde, un nouveau mode et un nouvel état d'esprit se sont développés parmi les couches les plus faibles et les plus défavorisées de la société, tant à l'intérieur de régimes considérés comme injustes, voire antidémocratiques, qu'au sein des immigrés musulmans en Occident. Ces personnes insatisfaites, comme les Noirs en Amérique, les Arabes en Israël et d'autres groupes appauvris parmi les "opprimés" et les déshérités, se rebellent en fait contre l'ordre existant en créant un contre-État, quelque chose comme les sociétés secrètes chinoises dans l'Empire du Milieu traditionnel, ou la "causa nostra" des États modernes, où ils vivent séparés dans leurs enclaves du courant principal de la société, jusqu'au jour où ils peuvent faire sécession et établir leur propre ordre social alternatif. C'est ce que l'on appelle le wokeism, qui fait l'objet d'une épreuve de force révolutionnaire depuis les élections de novembre 2022 en Israël.

  • av Raphael Israeli
    1 264,-

    As a result of globalism, in which certain Western elites have taken over the economic, social and political rule of the world, a new mode and state of mind has developed among the weaker and disadvantaged strata of society, both domestically within regimes which are considered unjust and even undemocratic, and amidst Muslim immigrants to the West. These unsatisfied people, like the Blacks in America, the Arabs in Israel, and other impoverished groups among the ¿oppressed¿ and the disinherited, are in fact rebelling against the existing order by creating a counter -state, something like the Chinese secret societies in the traditional Middle Kingdom, or the ¿causa nosträ of modern states, where they live separate in their enclaves from the mainstream of society, until such a day that they can secede and establish their own alternative social order. This is what is viewed as wokeism, which is standing a revolutionary trial of force since the November 2022 elections in Israel.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    The long history of the dhimmi subordination of Christians and Jews to Islamic rule in the Middle East, North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and the Balkans produced a lengthy trail of persecution, oppression, population cleansing, and transfer.In the modern world, in the wake of more than a millennium of subjugation, a series of reactions by the suppressed peoples brought about either the removal of Muslim invaders, as in Iberia, the Balkans, and Palestine, or the exodus of the Christian and Jewish communities out of Islamdom.In North Africa and the Middle East, the rise of Zionism was the form that the Jewish rebellion took, causing the convergence of various Jewish dhimmi communities in Islamdom into Palestine, where they reconstituted their independence in their ancient Land of Israel.About the Author:Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the 1970s. He is the author of over 80 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    This volume sums up the extraordinary life of an extraordinary man. Dr. Mordechai Helfman was born and raised in Ukraine at the turn of the 20th century.He started his academic training in medicine in Kiev. Due to the severe anti-Semitic persecutions there, he fled to Prague, where he was caught up by the winds of Zionism, which swept up Diaspora Jews, partly in response to the escalating pogroms.Dr. Helfman returned to Kiev and then went to Berlin to complete his medical studies, specializing in ophthalmology, which prepared him for his Aliya (immigration to Mandatory Palestine), where that expertise was in demand.He never relented on his intense Zionist activity, preparing an entire generation to join the meager Jewish Yishuv under the British Mandate (1924), with a view to ultimately create a solid Jewish entity that would in time lead to Jewish independence in a Jewish state.With Jerusalem as his main base, he remained devoted to the UJA (United Jewish Appeal), spending most of his life until Israel was established raising funds throughout the world to encourage Aliya and collect funds for the Yishuv's development.Only when Israel was founded in 1948 did he turn his full attention to his medical expertise, serving as a popular eye doctor in Jerusalem, yet never neglecting his commitment to fund-raising.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the 1970s. Is the author of over 80 books and 100 articles.

  • av Raphael Israeli

    A great drama involving incredible courage took place during World War II in Morocco, but within all the momentous events happening during wartime, this story has been largely overlooked. The bravery shown by one Sephardic woman in wartime Casablanca has never received much attention.In addition to the millions of Jews and others who were decimated in the Nazi camps, and the millions of other displaced peoples and refugees who escaped from the claws of the Nazis, thousands of Jews were sheltered in Morocco by local Jewish communities.Helene Cazes-Benattar, modern Morocco's first woman lawyer, became the guardian angel of refugees stranded in North Africa. She provided sustenance and shelter for thousands of Jewish and non-Jewish asylum seekers, continuing on as a human rights activist until her death in 1979.She and the Moroccan Jews who helped shelter the European war refugees were themselves threatened by Vichy government authorities, who persecuted the Jews upon Nazi orders. Ultimately, the refugees were delivered to safety by the great American landing during Operation Torch in November 1942. Operation Torch was the first major involvement of American troops in the European/North African conflict.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the 1970s, and is the author of over 70 research books, a dozen edited books, and 100 scholarly articles about Islam.

  • - Israelis Naively Tolerating Domestic Subversion of Their Arab Policies
    av Raphael Israeli

  • - Early Auguries of the 2020 Arab Normalization with Israel
    av Raphael Israeli

    Noted scholar Raphael Israeli describes the surprising "normalization" process that occurred during the pandemic year 2020, in his latest book, Glittering Stars in a Dark Landscape: Early Auguries of the 2020 Arab "Normalization" with Israel.He explains how the 2020 explosion of the "normalization" between Israel and some Arab Gulf States was the fruit of a long process of Arab self-reckoning.Its fruition was crowned, thanks to the efforts of President Donald Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, with counsel from presidential advisor Jared Kushner.The process marks a revolution, insofar as it not only reverses the negative position taken by some Arab States that refused to deal with Israel as long as the Palestinian issue is not resolved, but in view of the Gulf States'' wealth and influence, this reversal will encourage others to follow in their footsteps.Great economic and political benefits will also accrue to Israel as a result.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the 1970s, and is the author of over 60 research books, a dozen edited books, and 100 scholarly articles about Islam.

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