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Bøker av Ravi Sharma

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  • av Ravi Sharma

    Discover the property investing secrets that the wealthy use to create financial independence At age 21, Ravi Sharma bought his first property. By 32, he had acquired another dozen and amassed a $15M property portfolio. In Retire Filthy Rich with Real Estate, he shares how he did it and shows how anyone can follow in his footsteps. Forget the traditional wisdom: Retire Filthy Rich with Real Estate will transform the way you think about money, investment and property. Ravi answers all your investing questions and gives clear, actionable advice for anyone ready to change their future. Retire Filthy Rich with Real Estate gives you a playbook for investing strategically and building lasting wealth. Inside, you'll learn proven methods for achieving financial freedom, from your first real estate purchase to a six-property portfolio. Discover practical advice for navigating the complex and competitive property market, including the basics of deposits, grants and loans - plus more advanced strategies for maximising equity and cashflow. Refocus your objectives and take control of your finances Avoid the common money traps that hold people back Learn the rules of the property game (including what Monopoly teaches us about investing!) Invest smarter with strategies like rentvesting Create the future you want and live a life of choice Being 'filthy rich' isn't just about having a lot of money in the bank. It's about having the freedom to nurture your dreams, your relationships and a life you love. Retire Filthy Rich with Real Estate will show you how to use real estate to secure your financial future - so you can live that dream life sooner.

  • av Ravi Sharma

    P¿trunde¿i în lumea fermecat¿ a buc¿t¿riei indiene cu "Delicii din India" de Ravi Sharma. Aceast¿ carte de bucate v¿ aduce arome autentice ¿i re¿ete tradi¿ionale din India, oferindu-v¿ o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ în inima acestei culturi bogate ¿i fascinante.Ravi Sharma, un buc¿tar pasionat ¿i expert în arta culinar¿ indian¿, v¿ va ghida prin diversele regiuni ale Indiei, de la Punjab la Kerala ¿i de la Rajasthan la Bengali. Fiecare pagin¿ a acestei c¿r¿i dezv¿luie secretele bucatelor autentice ¿i te învä¿ cum s¿ g¿te¿ti preparate cu arome unice ¿i exotice."Delicii din India" nu este doar o simpl¿ carte de bucate; este un adev¿rat ghid pentru cei care iubesc buc¿t¿ria indian¿ sau vor s¿ o descopere. Ravi împ¿rt¿¿e¿te cunötin¿ele sale adânci despre ingrediente, tehnici de g¿tit ¿i cultura culinar¿ a Indiei, f¿când din aceast¿ carte o resurs¿ inestimabil¿ pentru töi iubitorii de gusturi autentice.Re¿etele sunt prezentate clar ¿i în detaliu, astfel încât atât încep¿torii, cât ¿i buc¿tarii experimentäi s¿ poat¿ g¿ti preparate indiene delicioase. De la aroma intens¿ a curry-ului la dulceäa deserturilor indiene, "Delicii din India" v¿ va inspira s¿ exploräi ¿i s¿ experimentäi acest patrimoniu culinar bogat.Preg¿ti¿i-v¿ pentru o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ care v¿ va îmbog¿¿i palatul ¿i cunötin¿ele despre buc¿t¿ria indian¿. "Delicii din India" v¿ deschide üa c¿tre o lume a gusturilor unice ¿i v¿ ajut¿ s¿ creäi bucate indiene autentice în propriile case. Este timpul s¿ v¿ l¿säi cucerit de aromele ¿i aromele Indiei!

  • av Ravi Sharma

    Zapraszamy Ci¿ w kulinarn¿ podró¿ do serca Indii. "Aromaty Indyjskiej Kuchni: Smakowita Podró¿ przez Kulinarne Maharad¿e" to ksi¿¿ka kulinarna autorstwa Ravi Sharmy, która zabierze Ci¿ w magiczny ¿wiat intensywnych smaków i tradycji kuchni indyjskiej.Ta wyj¿tkowa ksi¿¿ka kulinarna to o wiele wi¿cej ni¿ tylko zbiór przepisów. Poprzez autentyczne przyprawy, ¿wie¿e ziöa i tradycyjne sk¿adniki, pozwoli Ci odkry¿ bogactwo smaków kuchni indyjskiej. Od pikantnych curry po aromatyczne dania z pieca tandur, znajdziesz tu inspiracje na tworzenie dä, które przenios¿ Ci¿ na ulice Mumbaju czy Delhi.Ravi Sharma, mi¿önik indyjskiej kultury kulinarnej i znawca kulinarnych technik, dzieli si¿ z Tob¿ swoj¿ pasj¿ i wiedz¿. Jego przepisy to pö¿czenie tradycji z nowoczesnöci¿, co pozwoli Ci stworzy¿ dania, które przenios¿ Ci¿ do Indii bez opuszczania domu."Aromaty Indyjskiej Kuchni: Smakowita Podró¿ przez Kulinarne Maharad¿e" to przewodnik po smakach Indii. Odkryj radö¿ tworzenia dä, które przenios¿ Ci¿ w kulinarn¿ podró¿ przez egzotyczne smaki i aromaty.

  • av Ravi Sharma

    Bine ai venit în universul magic al buc¿t¿riei indiene cu cartea "Buc¿t¿ria Indian¿ pentru Încep¿tori: Descoper¿ Aromele Fascinante ale Orientului Mistic". Ravi Sharma, un pasionat de cultura indian¿ ¿i gastronomie, te invit¿ s¿ descoperi secretele buc¿t¿riei autentice din India.Aceast¿ carte de re¿ete indiene este creat¿ special pentru cei care vor s¿ p¿trund¿ în minunata lume a aromei ¿i a condimentelor din India. De la celebrele curry-uri pân¿ la delicioasele pl¿cinte indiene ¿i dulciuri rafinate, "Buc¿t¿ria Indian¿" î¿i va oferi o experien¿¿ culinar¿ bogat¿ în gusturi ¿i savoare.Ravi Sharma împ¿rt¿¿e¿te cu generozitate re¿etele tradi¿ionale ale buc¿t¿riei indiene, selectate cu grij¿, pentru a-¿i deschide apetitul c¿tre cultura acestui col¿ fascinant al lumii. Fiecare re¿et¿ este explicat¿ în detaliu ¿i adaptat¿ pentru încep¿tori, astfel încât s¿ pöi preg¿ti preparatele autentice din India cu üurin¿¿ ¿i succes.Îmbr¿¿i¿eaz¿ aromele exotice, bog¿¿ia ingredientelor ¿i diversitatea culinar¿ a Indiei cu "Buc¿t¿ria Indian¿ pentru Încep¿tori". O c¿l¿torie culinar¿ unic¿, care î¿i va aduce în farfurie savoarea autentic¿ a buc¿t¿riei indiene.

  • av Ravi Sharma

    The laws of nature cannot be changed. The results will be disastrous only if anyone tries to do it." AMARA made the same mistake. A witch tried to become a human to get her love. The relationship of love built on her desire, longing, and falsehood made her own life miserable but affected many more lives including her own 'love'. She gave birth to a demon 'MARKOOZ' who pushed the whole world into pain, suffering, and darkness for his hatred, revenge, and power lust. Breaking the darkness, 'SAMUEL' comes as the protector & fights an extraordinary war to regain the identity of his kingdom, its people & their justice! But does the darkness end!

  • - Based on a True Story
    av Ravi Sharma & Nicole Jain

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