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Bøker av Ravikumar Kurup

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  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Les religions païennes qui croient au panpsychisme appartiennent aux Indo-Européens, aux Néandertaliens et aux Aryo-Dravidiens, originaires de la masse continentale lémurienne qui comprenait l'Inde péninsulaire et l'Antarctique. Les Indo-Européens, les Néandertaliens et les Aryo-Dravidiens sont originaires de la masse continentale lémurienne, qui comprenait l'Inde péninsulaire et l'Antarctique. La communauté matrilinéaire Nair fossilisée du Kerala représente la communauté indo-européenne, néandertalienne et aryo-dravidienne originaire de l'ancien continent Lémurien ou Kumari Kandam reliant l'Inde péninsulaire à l'Antarctique. Ceci postule une origine antarctique ou lémurienne pour les Indo-Européens et les Aryo-Dravidiens. Les Indo-Européens et les Aryo-Dravidiens ont une origine commune en Inde péninsulaire et en Antarctique comme partie de la masse continentale lémurienne. L'exposition au réchauffement climatique et aux champs électromagnétiques de faible niveau entraîne une endosymbiose archéale et la néandertalization de la population. Cela conduit à la génération de néo-andertaliens ou de nouveaux Aryo-Dravidiens ou Indo-Européens. Ceci postule une hypothèse de sortie d'Asie. Les Indo-Européens, les Aryens, les Dravidiens, les Mongoloïdes, les aborigènes australiens et les Néandertaliens sont synonymes et sont apparus sur le continent antarctique lémurien.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    L'homo neanderthalis, les Indo-Européens, l'élite dravidienne et les Aryens pourraient avoir une origine commune dans la masse terrestre lémurienne. L'homo neanderthalis issu de la masse terrestre lémurienne composée de l'Inde péninsulaire, de l'Antarctique et de l'Australie aurait été le précurseur de la population indo-européenne. Les langues indo-européennes comme le sanskrit et l'akkadien ont un substrat dravidien. L'élite dravidienne aurait été synonyme d'indo-européens, d'aryens et d'homo neanderthalis. Cela suggère que la civilisation védique pourrait avoir une origine antarctique ou lémurienne. Cela suggère une origine océanique de l'homo neanderthalis dans le supercontinent de l'océan austral. Des tsunamis récurrents auraient forcé la migration de l'homo neanderthalis vers la masse continentale eurasienne, en particulier vers Harappa, Sumeria, Etruscia, l'Egypte et le Pays Basque. La population de ces régions est matrilinéaire. Il y a une forte incidence de gènes néandertaliens dans la population basque. La langue parlée à Harappa, en Sumérie, en Étrurie, en Égypte et au Pays basque avait une sous-strate dravidienne. L'Antarctikos suggère une origine antarctique pour l'homo neanderthalis et la civilisation védique indo-européenne aryo-dravidienne.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    La storia del mondo può essere considerata come un eterno conflitto tra gli indoeuropei di Neanderthal e gli homo sapiens semitici. L'analisi della storia umana basata sull'angolazione etnoantropologica evidenzia un conflitto di specie che plasma la geopolitica del mondo. Gli esempi sono molti. L'ascesa e la conquista dell'Europa da parte del cristianesimo è stata una vittoria dell'homo sapiens semitico sui gruppi neanderthaliani indoeuropei ario-dravidi. Le religioni pagane indoeuropee neandertaliane sono state spazzate via da un genocidio culturale e umano. La conquista musulmana dell'Europa, dell'Iran e dell'India è un esempio della dominazione e della vittoria dell'homo sapiens semitico musulmano sulle élite pagane indoeuropee ario-travidiane dell'Eurasia. La rivoluzione russa e quella francese furono guidate da leader ebrei che diffusero le idee di uguaglianza, socialismo, democrazia e fratellanza, portando all'annientamento totale delle élite indoeuropee ario-ravidiche eurasiatiche e della loro cultura. Anche il movimento comunista era un movimento internazionale homo sapiens semitico. La globalizzazione è stata un movimento semitico homo sapiens che ha omogeneizzato il mondo e le culture.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Die Geschichte der Welt kann als ein ewiger Konflikt zwischen den neandertalischen indoeuropäischen Aryo-Draviden und dem semitischen Homo sapiens betrachtet werden. Die Analyse der Menschheitsgeschichte aus ethnoanthropologischer Sicht weist auf einen Artenkonflikt hin, der die Geopolitik der Welt prägt. Die Beispiele sind zahlreich. Der Aufstieg und die Eroberung Europas durch das Christentum war ein Sieg des semitischen Homo sapiens über die neandertalischen indoeuropäischen Aryo-Dravidian-Gruppen. Die heidnischen Religionen der indogermanischen Neandertaler wurden durch einen kulturellen und menschlichen Völkermord ausgelöscht. Die muslimische Eroberung Europas, des Irans und Indiens ist ein Beispiel für die Herrschaft und den Sieg des semitischen Homo sapiens über die heidnischen indoeuropäischen Aryo-Dravidian-Eliten in Eurasien. Die russische und die französische Revolution wurden von jüdischen Führern angeführt, die die Ideen der Gleichheit, des Sozialismus, der Demokratie und der Brüderlichkeit verbreiteten, was zur totalen Vernichtung der indoeuropäischen, ario-dravidischen eurasischen Eliten und ihrer Kultur führte. Die kommunistische Bewegung war auch eine semitische homo sapiens internationale Bewegung. Die Globalisierung war eine semitische homo sapiens Bewegung, die die Welt und die Kulturen homogenisierte.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    L'histoire du monde peut être considérée comme un conflit éternel entre les Aryo-Dravidiens indo-européens néandertaliens et les homo sapiens sémitiques. L'analyse de l'histoire humaine sous l'angle ethno-anthropologique met en évidence un conflit d'espèces qui façonne la géopolitique du monde. Les exemples sont nombreux. L'essor et la conquête de l'Europe par le christianisme ont été une victoire de l'homo sapiens sémitique sur les groupes néandertaliens indo-européens aryo-dravidiens. Les religions païennes indo-européennes aryo-dravidiennes néandertaliennes ont été anéanties par un génocide culturel et humain. La conquête musulmane de l'Europe, de l'Iran et de l'Inde est un exemple de la domination et de la victoire de l'homo sapiens sémite musulman sur les élites païennes indo-européennes aryo-dravidiennes en Eurasie. La révolution russe et la révolution française ont été menées par des dirigeants juifs qui ont répandu les idées d'égalité, de socialisme, de démocratie et de fraternité, conduisant à l'anéantissement total de l'élite eurasienne indo-européenne aryo-dravidienne et de sa culture. Le mouvement communiste était également un mouvement international homo sapien sémitique. La mondialisation était un mouvement sémitique homo sapiens qui a homogénéisé le monde et les cultures.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup
    1 635,-

    Mitochondria are symbiotic magnetotactic bacteria capable of magnetoperception and quantal perception. Mitochondria are therefore quantal organelle contributing to quantal perception of low level EMF and human diseases. The mitochondria are capable of fission and fusion forming networks and form the basic structure controlling the archaeal colony which forms the brain and the human body. The magnetotactic mitochondria by quantal perception are able to communicate with other organelle and control it and harmonize body function and brain function as a whole. The magnetotactic mitochondria by its quantal perceptive mechanism can interlink human brains and body in society contributing to societal consciousness and spread of disease states. The intergalactic magnetic field contributing to the formation of planets and star system is formed of magnetotactic bacteria. The contribute to the formation of the structure of the universe

  • av Ravikumar Kurup
    1 635,-

    The human brain synthesizes an endogenous membrane sodium-potassium ATPase inhibitor digoxin which plays a role in neuro-immuno-endocrine integration and pathogenesis of several neuropsychiatric and systemic diseases. Endogenous digoxin, a steroidal glycoside that functions as a membrane sodium-potassium ATPase inhibitor has also been related to its etiology due to the intracellular magnesium deficiency it produces. Endogenous digoxin has been linked to hemispheric dominance. Right hemispheric dominant individuals were hyperdigoxinemic, left hemispheric dominant individuals were hypodigoxinemic and bihemispheric dominant individuals were normodigoxinemic. The possibility of endogenous digoxin synthesis by an actinide-based primitive organism like archaea with a mevalonate pathway and cholesterol catabolism. Hemispheric dominance and digoxin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction are related to the tridosha states.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup
    1 487,-

    Mitochondria are quantal organelle capable of quantal perception in view of the iron-sulphur proteins. Mitochondrial dysfunction forms the basis of human diseases like neurodegeneration, cancer, autoimmune diseases, schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and diabetes mellitus. Mitochondria are energy factories of cells and are important pivots for intracellular interactions with other organelles. They interact with the endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, and nucleus through signal transduction, vesicle transport, and membrane contact sites to regulate energy metabolism, biosynthesis, immune response, and cell turnover. The mitochondria are the master of the cell and the brain.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Climate change leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth. Archaea has got methanogenic archaeal selenoproteins and uses the cellular selenium reserves and depletes selenium from the human system. This leads on to decreased cholesterol synthesis. Archaea also has got cholesterol oxidase activity and uses cholesterol for its energetics. The depletion of cholesterol leads to increased production of HMG CoA reductase enzyme, the rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis. The increased production of HMG CoA reductase leads to defective processing of the HMG CoA reductase molecule making it antigenic. The inhibition of HMG CoA reductase by antiHMG CoA reductase antibody inhibits the isoprenoid pathway and synthesis of CoQ producing mitochondrial dysfunction. This leads to increased glycolytic activity and generation of the Warburg phenotype. Endosymbiotic archaea mediated autoimmune mitochondrial dysfunction and Warburg phenotype can lead on to climate change related tropical syndromes.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Archaeal endosymbiosis leads to a new phenotype with neanderthalic features. The neoneanderthalic archaeaons have got magnetite capable of magnetoperception and quantal perception. The quantal perception of low level of EMF leads to frontal atrophy and cerebellar dominance producing a new neuronal phenotype with features of endemic cerebellar cognitive affective disorder manifesting as epidemic autism. This forms a new autistic behavioural phenotype which is introverted, non-compassionate, non-empathic, psychopathic and with extrasensory perceptual abilities of telepathy, telekinesis and time travel leading to communication with other galactic civilizations. The new behavioural autistic robotic neoneanderthalic phenotype will have the necessary intelligence and mental abilities cope with climate change. The neoneanderthalic archaeaons are capable of quantal perception and can communicate quantally with other star systems and multiverses. This leads on to the evolution of a galactic civilization. The neoneanderthalic archaeaons produce a metabolic phenotype capable of surviving in extremophilic environments of other star systems and can survive as civilization in other stars.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    The archaeal magnetite and porphyrions can mediate quantal and its extrasensory perception. The gravitational and anti-gravitational waves or thought fields are structured in the brain by the reticular formation porphyrion network. The anti-gravitational waves can be thought of as the collective unconscious. The gravitational waves can thus function as a thought field or sub-quantal field on which the particles like neutrons, electrons, bosons, quarks, fermions can pop in and out from waves to particles. The thought field of gravity functions as the universal observer and brings the particulate world of matter into existence. Gravitational waves can form pressure waves which can create gravitational sounds. These thought sounds can undergo soni-luminescence creating photons and electromagnetic radiation the basis of the world of matter. Thus the thought field of gravity and the matter is unified. Thought conscious and unconscious underlies the world of matter.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Panpsychism considers the universe as conscious and consciousness as a intrinsic feature of all sub-atomic particles, living things and non-living things. This gives continuity between the quantal world of existence and macroscopic world. The quantal superpositions collapse or undergo decoherance due to the observation of universal protoconsciousness field. The universal protoconsciousness field can be considered as gravity and antigravity. The universal protoconsciousness field permeates the whole galaxy and is intrinsic to all matter. Matter is a creation of consciousness.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    The intrinsic nature of universe is consciousness and the macroscopic world is created in top-down manner. The consciousness forms the intrinsic nature and substrate of the macroscopic universe, matter and the human world. It is akin to a dissociative identity disorder with different forms of matter and life as alters. The primordial intrinsic universal consciousness remains and brings forth the universe into existence again. Each of us exists even before we are born on earth and can exist in multiverses and can exist even after physical death because we are all brought into existence by the observer function of the protoconsciousness field or gravity which produces decoherence and gravitational collapse of multiple quantal superpositions. This can be called as the panpsychic protoconsciousness field.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    The porphyrions or supramolecular porphyrin arrays can exist as a wave quantal computer in the gravitational field with the graviton acting as logic gate and as the ubiquitous observer. The porphyrin arrays as wave forms exist as quantal superpositions and the graviton chooses one of the superpositions to macroscopic existence. The porphyrin supramolecular organism arises from the sea of gravitational waves which acts as the conscious mind and the graviton acting as the conscious observer. The quantal wave form of porphyrions by the mechanism of observation by gravitons of the conscious gravitational fields can come into macroscopic existence. The porphyrins can form a template on which isoprenoid organism, RNA viroids, DNA viroids and prions can form. They can self organise to form nanoarchaea and later eukaryotes, prokaryotes, multicellular organisms leading upto primates and humans. This forms the basis of the origin of life.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    The origin of the universe depends on the porphyrions or supramolecular porphyrin arrays can exist as a wave quantal computer in the gravitational field with the graviton acting as logic gate and as the ubiquitous observer. The porphyrin arrays as wave forms exist as quantal superpositions and the graviton chooses one of the superpositions to macroscopic existence. The porphyrin supramolecular organism arises from the sea of gravitational waves which acts as the conscious mind and the graviton acting as the conscious observer. The human body in its porphyrions incarnation especially in its wave form can disappear from existence. The human populations by this mechanism can get converted into a civilisation in the quantal world and live in multiple parallel universes for eternity. The quantal wave form of porphyrions by the mechanism of observation by gravitons of the conscious gravitational fields can come into macroscopic existence. The human civilization can arise from the nothingness of the quantal foam of gravitational waves mediating consciousness and disappear into nothingness.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    The Indo-European Aryo-Dravidian Neanderthalic group was organised within a hierarchical caste system of Kshatriyas, Brahmins, Vaisyas and Sudras. This caste system was occupational and practically the skill required for brain development pertaining to each caste occurred by mechanisms of endosymbiotic archaeal symbiotic density variations and archaeal RNA viroidal quasi-species consortial modelling. The castes were breeded to generate the requisite brain skills for each occupation. Since caste was a symbiotic substrate, it was interchangeable. The caste, race and colour are based on symbiotic substrate.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup
    1 281,-

    The theory of hereditability of acquired characteristics puts natural cooperation as opposed to natural selection as the basis of evolution. The endosymbiotic archaea secrete RNA viroids. The archaeal RNA viroids are converted to DNA viroids by endogenous HERV reverse transcriptase and integrated into the genome by HERV integrase. Archaeal endosymbiosis can occur consequent to global warming which leads to increased colonic archaeal growth and endosymbiosis. Archaeal endosymbiosis can occur following dietary fibre deficiency, stress and exposure to EMF. The archaea will secrete RNA viroids which can get converted to DNA viroids and get integrated into the genome functioning as jumping genes modulating gene expression. The RNA viroids and their DNA templates getting integrated into the genome consequent to environmental stress leads to genomic flexibility and dynamicity which can be inherited. The archaeal endosymbiosis and symbiotic genomics lead to human evolution and development of the human brain with its unique characteristics. Symbiotic genomics can regulate brain function, immunity, metabolism and cell cycle changes. It is the symbiotic archaea that make us humans.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    The theory of hereditability of acquired characteristics rejected the Darwinian theory of natural selection and competition leading to survival of the fittest. It proposed natural cooperation as opposed to natural selection. The endosymbiotic archaea secrete RNA viroids. The archaeal RNA viroids are converted to DNA viroids by endogenous HERV reverse transcriptase and integrated into the genome by HERV integrase. Archaeal endosymbiosis can occur consequent to global warming, dietary fibre deficiency, stress and exposure to low level EMF which leads to increased colonic archaeal growth and endosymbiosis. The archaea will secrete RNA viroids which can get converted to DNA viroids and get integrated into the genome functioning as jumping genes modulating gene expression. The RNA viroids and their DNA templates getting integrated into the genome consequent to environmental stress leads to genomic flexibility and dynamicity which can be inherited. Exposure to environmental stress can alter the genome changing body function in response to stress and genomic change which is acquired is hereditable. This fits in with the neo-Lamarckian concept of hereditability of acquired characteristics.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Lamarckian hereditability of acquired characteristics proposed natural cooperation as opposed to natural selection. The endosymbiotic archaea secrete RNA viroids. The archaeal RNA viroids are converted to DNA viroids by endogenous HERV reverse transcriptase and integrated into the genome by HERV integrase. Archaeal endosymbiosis can occur consequent to global warming, stress, dietary fibre deficiency and exposure to low level EMF which leads to increased colonic archaeal growth and endosymbiosis. The archaea will secrete RNA viroids which can get converted to DNA viroids and get integrated into the genome functioning as jumping genes modulating gene expression. The RNA viroids and their DNA templates getting integrated into the genome consequent to environmental stress leads to genomic flexibility and dynamicity which can be inherited. Exposure to environmental stress can alter the genome changing body function in response to stress and genomic change which is acquired is hereditable. Symbiotic genomics forms the basis of global anarchic culture ¿ the tribe of urban nomadic, anarcho-capitalistic, androgynous pagans.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Lamarckian hereditability of acquired characteristics proposed natural cooperation as opposed to natural selection. The endosymbiotic archaea secrete RNA viroids. The archaeal RNA viroids are converted to DNA viroids by endogenous HERV reverse transcriptase and integrated into the genome by HERV integrase. Archaeal endosymbiosis can occur consequent to global warming, stress, dietary fibre deficiency and exposure to low level EMF which leads to increased colonic archaeal growth and endosymbiosis. The archaea will secrete RNA viroids which can get converted to DNA viroids and get integrated into the genome functioning as jumping genes modulating gene expression. The RNA viroids and their DNA templates getting integrated into the genome consequent to environmental stress leads to genomic flexibility and dynamicity which can be inherited. Exposure to environmental stress can alter the genome changing body function in response to stress and genomic change which is acquired is hereditable. Symbiotic genomics forms the basis of Brain Function, Immunity, Metabolic Integration and Cell Cycle Changes ¿ the Generation of Disease Phenotype.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup

    Lamarckian hereditability of acquired characteristics proposed natural cooperation as opposed to natural selection. The endosymbiotic archaea secrete RNA viroids. The archaeal RNA viroids are converted to DNA viroids by endogenous HERV reverse transcriptase and integrated into the genome by HERV integrase. Archaeal endosymbiosis can occur consequent to global warming, stress, dietary fibre deficiency and exposure to low level EMF which leads to increased colonic archaeal growth and endosymbiosis. The archaea will secrete RNA viroids which can get converted to DNA viroids and get integrated into the genome functioning as jumping genes modulating gene expression. The RNA viroids and their DNA templates getting integrated into the genome consequent to environmental stress leads to genomic flexibility and dynamicity which can be inherited. Exposure to environmental stress can alter the genome changing body function in response to stress and genomic change which is acquired is hereditable. Symbiotic genomics forms the basis of species, caste and race.

  • av Ravikumar Kurup & Parameswara Achutha Kurup

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