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  • av Ray Ordorica

    While enjoying the Idaho back country, Rico Morgan and his sidekick Mole encounter a brutal murder deep in the wilderness. Three corpses, one a movie star, one a beautiful TV hostess, and one looking like a bum, are lying in the dirt with no clue as to why they were there or why they were killed. One of them is a CIA agent! The story takes Rico and Mole to Caracas, murder capitol of the world, looking for rogue CIA killers and whatever they stole that involves the Caracas head of state. An unexpected meeting with Rico's former lover Roxy puts spice in the mix. The Russians get after 'em and a biker gang chases them down a back alley. Can they fight their way out? An INTERVIEW with Ray Ordorica: So Rico and Mole are at it again, eh? Why Caracas?The story evolved from news events at the time of my writing it. Caracas is the hot spot for world-threatening nasty politics. The Venezuelan scene is even more turbulent than in the book. The bit of carbon featured in the book was also a big news item. Most of the news events in the story are true, though I took some liberty with the leaders in VeeZee.What's going on in Venezuela now? Does it change things in the book?One of the hardest parts of writing this book was keeping up with the daily changes in the real world of Caracas. I'd write some detail, then the Russians showed up and I'd have to go back to change stuff and add different details the next day. While parts of this book are about current happenings and situations in Caracas, in a year the events there will be totally different. It'll be interesting to compare it then with the details in this book, which are concerned to some extent with the misery there today.Have you been to Caracas? It sounds lovely.I have not been there. The available photos of it from a year or two ago show it to have been a fabulously beautiful city, one of the finest in the world. Huge and very modern. To see it at night now when it's all blacked out is like looking at a ghost town. There are some really spooky images of the blacked-out city online. It's also the murder capitol of the world, with 98% never solved.That bit about the big Linebaugh revolver...True?Yes. The 475 and 500 Linebaughs have indeed killed elephant. I had one for some years and sold it for the reasons discussed in the book. If you hold a hugely powerful gun like the big Linebaugh wrong you're going to get badly hurt. Current loadings for it are even more scary than what's presented in the book.What about that Chayanne guy in Mexico? Does he exist? And that music hall?He is a well-known singer, popular with most Latinos. He was in fact playing at that beautiful music hall in Mexico City as I wrote about it. His wife is indeed from Venezuela, and probably does know Daniela C. in real life.Where does Rico go from here?I have no idea. You'll have to ask him...or maybe Yeats. Just don't mention Roxy![Rumor has it Rico's in Africa! Rico, book 3, coming soon!]

  • av Ray Ordorica

    It all began with that darned toy robot. If it hadn't caught Rico Morgan's attention he might have been able to avoid all the shooting, chasing, and the pack of lies that led him to Casablanca. But when Rico Morgan opened the box and took out the toy robot with its problems, he was hooked. The story takes the dapper detective to a murder scene in Atlanta, then off to visit Elon in California, and then to ancient Casablanca, city of mystery in North Africa. There he joins forces with two women just in from their Australian adventures to chase down a hoodoo. They go to Portugal and then quickly to Timbuktu in the heart of the Sahara. That desert town holds a few stunning surprises for the gang, not the least of which is a killer robot that chases Rico through the black night, finding him no matter where he hides. Can Rico survive and get back to the peace and tranquility of his wilderness home? Come along for the ride, but hold on...there's gonna be some pounding!A brief interview with Ray Ordorica: What took so long for the third book?I had other activities that took my time last summer, such as two solid months of rebuilding and modifying a complex carport roof, followed by the untimely death of one of my cats. That knocked all the ambition out of me for the remainder of the year.We see a Charles Daly HP on the cover...?Every one of my books has a gun that's used by Mr. Morgan in the book. Rico has a great collection of firearms. He doesn't much like the smaller calibers, but you never know. Circumstances sometimes dictate carrying an oddball.What's coming up?I hear rumours there may be some activity in one of the far-western states in the near future.Anything else new?Nope! Gotta run now. Please buy my books, and for goodness' sake, please REVIEW them!

  • av Ray Ordorica

  • av Ray Ordorica

    Private eye Rico Morgan is hired to find out why pregnant women crossing from old Mexico into New Mexico are being killed, and why their babies are missing. Is it drug related? No sooner do Rico and his buddy Mole begin the investigation than they're attacked. The bullets keep on coming, but Rico's in the dark about why. What does he know that puts him, his friend Mole, and his violinist girlfriend Sally in mortal danger? Then the sexy CIA girl Roxy shows up, and things get tangled. They go to Mexico to set up a sting, but in the dark night in the desert things go horribly wrong. When Rico goes to England to rescue his kidnapped girlfriend the whole truth behind the Border Caper comes out.An Interview with Ray Ordorica: How long did it take you to write this?It took several years of on-and-off work. I began the book some time ago, but because of my work as a professional editor I could not find time to complete it. When The Alaskan Retreater's Notebook came out the publisher expressed a strong interest in Border Caper, so I got it done. Then I found out about self-publishing on Amazon, looked into it and liked it. Print-on-demand makes more sense than old-fashioned publishing, where you print a bunch of books, hope they sell, and the writer gets zip until they do. Amazon offers more benefits and more control than conventional publishing, so here it is. The second book in the Rico Morgan series was completed within four months, but the third book was delayed because of personal projects that kept me from writing.Er...the names! Where'd you get the idea for those odd names?Chester Gould, creator of Dick Tracy, used many odd names over the years: Rhodent, B.O. Plenty, Sam Catchem, E. Kent Hardly, and others. Even though Dick Tracy was a comic strip the action was sometimes deadly, bullets flyin'. By copying Gould's idea I could be fairly sure I wasn't using anyone's real name. Don't forget Pussy Galore, Holly Goodhead, Plenty O'Toole, Yurasis Dragon, and many others. Hence my extra disclaimer at the front of the book.What about Mexicans walking into the U.S. across the border in New Mexico?Back a few years ago my friends and I used to hunt birds in the desert outside of Las Cruces near the border. It was common for us to offer water to the great many Mexicans who simply walked in across the desert. I'm sure that has not stopped.You don't spend a lot of pages on descriptions of clothes, food and the like.Some notable authors fill their books with page after page of what the scenes looked like, types of clothing, colors, stripes, styles; types of haircut, shoes, even the shoes' decorations. They describe what they had for dinner and how they cooked it. I don't think my readers care a whole lot about what the people wore or what they ate, much less how they cooked it. That's nothing but filler. By way of a good example the Harry Potter books are entirely without filler and dead pages. J.K. Rowling knows her stuff. Like her, I prefer to stick to telling the story and keep the action content up.Without giving away any secrets, what about the advanced research discussed?The U.S., Russia, China, and I'm sure other nations are digging deep into the kinds of research mentioned in the book. Someday it'll help us all. Also, a new design of Mexican portable toilets is indeed in the news. Scary, eh?How'd you come up with the name Rico Morgan?As a kid I read many stories about pirate Henry Morgan. The name stuck with me, so that's where Rico's name comes from. 'Ricardo' makes him somewhat more cosmopolitan.What's next?Rico's going to San Francisco.

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