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  • av Reed R Simonsen

    The Book of Ezra as it currently stands in our Bibles does not contain all of the Lord's word to this amazing prophet.Ezra's additional writings have never been totally lost to us, only suppressed for reasons that anyone reading them will quickly understand. Ezra's additional writings add much to our knowledge of End Times. So, you think you know the signs of the end? Are you sure about that?When is the end?Why did the ancient Jewish Rabbis and the Catholic Church hide this book from you?One they once accepted?Who is the three-headed Eagle and what does he have to do with the Iron Dragon?What about Lady Zion?Who are the people of the Dragon?Who is the Great Archangel Uriel?What did he want you to know before the Day of Judgement?What is the Alef? The Yud? The Vav? What is Adamic?Why is the only answer to the Qof the Facsimiles ofthe Book of Abraham? And what does this all have to do with the missing Ghayin and the Lord of Sabaoth?Where are the Lost Ten Tribes?How did they get there?How is Nebuchadnezzar's attack on Assyria connected?What is the sign of Noah's promise to father Japheth?Where is the tribe of Ephraim and what is his mark?Who was the greatest scribe of Israel's captivity?What were the final words of Ezra as he closed down the Old Testament and what does it have to do with Malachi? So what's in this short book of lost scripture that caused God to save it through the ages for you and me?Time to take a side study into the End of Days! Who's on the Lord's Side? You Are! Pick your side!Feast at the Lord's Table with this astounding book. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you wish to make it.This Book is a supplement to the Gospel Feast Series which are available at are also invited to feast with us on our free Podcast: The Gospel Feast! Time to Feast upon the WORD of GOD! Choose Your Feast, choose your side!

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    We live in the end of times. You do, here and now. This means that in the not too distant future the great and terrible day of the Lord will be upon us. This is the day of judgement foretold by the prophets since the beginning of time. It is called great and terrible because it will be a great day for some and a terrible day for others. Since all mankind falls short of the glory of God, we are fortunate to have Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Saviour. He is an almighty judge filled with compassion and mercy for all those who will forsake their sins, repent, and come to Him. He is, and will be, the final judge of our lives before the Father's throne. This is a good thing. It is the hope of this small book to increase faith in times of fear. To give a road map to help the confused make better sense of what is happening and offer some unsolicited advice that might be remembered in a day of limited options. This Gospel is freely given, so freely give. Read it, and if you think it's helpful, give it away.

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    So, you think you understand Ezekiel? A book about a wheel way up in the sky? Well, not really. The Book of Ezekiel tells us much about the horrors thatare coming upon the world in the Battle of Armageddon. Who is Gog? Who is MaGog? Why are there two battles of Gog & Magog and which is the Battle of Armageddon? What secrets does Ezekiel reveal in terms of the time table for the End Times? When will the Messiah return? Why do the Rabbis say some verses of Ezekiel are forbidden to discuss and how does Eastern Thinking explain why? What is the meaning of the strange vision Ezekiel saw? Are there animals in heaven? Why Lions, Oxen, & Eagles? Why is Ezekiel called the Father of Modern Judaism? What are the Riddles of the Lioness? The Eagle? The Vines? Will the Jews rebuild Solomon's Temple? When? Where? What is the meaning of the Valley of the Dry Bones and Why does the Restoration hold the answer to their voice? So what's in this strange book of scripture that caused God to preserve it throughout the ages for you and me? It's a feast of heavenly knowledge! A Gospel Feast! Time to read the Book of Ezekiel again as you have neverread it before. A Book for you at the end of time. Come and feast at the Lord's Table on the Word of God! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich andrewarding as you wish to make it. This is Book V in the Gospel Feast Series. Book IV: Zechariah & the Teachers ofrighteousness; Book III: Ruth; Book II: Jonah; & Book I: Daniel are also available. Time to Feast upon the WORD of GOD!For those wanting a more summarized version of Ezekiel's writings, dealing primarily with future events, please consider Vol. 5a in the series instead: The Essential Ezekiel. Also available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle eReaders

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    So, you understand the Book of Genesis? A book about a chosen family? You sure?The Book of Genesis has been called the most divisive book of the Old Testament. Why?What is the curse of Esau and how does it affect your life right now?Why did Jacob wrestle with the Lord and why will you have to as well?Who was Zepho and why does it matter right now?Who started cannibalism after the flood?Who was Muhammad and who set him up and why?What is the real meaning of Jacob's ladder?What does the Solomon's Temple really symbolize? What has this to do with modern temples and me?How did Jacob prevail with the Lord and gain Israel?So what's in this first book of scripture that caused God to save it through the ages for you and me?A feast of Celestial power! A rich Gospel Feast! Just don't miss the endnotes, that's half the book.Time to read the book of Genesis again as you have never read it before. A book for you right now!Come and feast at the Lord's Table with this great book.This is Volume 9 in the Gospel Feast Series and part 3 of our study in Genesis.

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    The Prophet Elijah is considered one of the greatest servants of God to have ever walked the earth. Listen to this Jewish perspective: As the herald of the messianic age and a recurring figure in Jewish folklore, Elijah's legacy surpasses that of virtually all the other prophets of Israel. Elijah is a biblical prophet and a central figure in Jewish folklore, which is riddled with stories of his roaming the earth, performing miracles, and providing spiritual and physical healing. Considering his very high esteem, it is incomprehensively incomprehensible that he is such a mystery. In short we don't know very much about him. Stop and take a moment to ponder on what you really know about him. Who were his parents?Where was he born?What tribe of Israel did he belong to?Where did he get his authority?Which priesthood did he hold?Why was he taken up by the Lord so that he wouldn't die?What did he do to earn this blessing?Where was he taken?Where is he now?Why was he promised to return to earth before the Lord's return? Come and explore the Mystery of Mysteries that is the great prophet Elijah! It's time to Feast on the Word of the Lord!You are also invited to feast with us on our free podcast: The Gospel Feast.

  • - a summation of Vol. 5: Ezekiel & the Millennial Reign of Christ
    av Reed R Simonsen

    By reader request, this volume contains a summation of the essential aspects of Ezekiel necessary to survive the horror of the End Times prophesied to come upon the world by the great prophets of antiquity. The complete study of Ezekiel in the Gospel Feast Series has proven to be overwhelming so this book was created to make Ezekiel more accessible. Ezekiel is quite possibility the most difficult book in all of scripture. This volume clearly explains Ezekiel's vision of the great wheel of the Lord as well as answers the following questions: Who is Gog? Who is MaGog? Why are there two battles of Gog & Magog and which is the Battle of Armageddon?What secrets does Ezekiel reveal in terms of the time table for the End Times?When will the Messiah return?Why do the Rabbis say some verses of Ezekiel are forbidden to discuss and how does Eastern Thinking explain why?What is the meaning of the strange vision Ezekiel saw?Are there animals in heaven? Why Lions, Oxen, & Eagles?Why is Ezekiel called the Father of Modern Judaism?What are the Riddles of the Lioness? The Eagle? The Vines?Will the Jews rebuild Solomon's Temple? When? Where?What is the meaning of the Valley of the Dry Bones and Why does Restored Christianity hold the answer to their voice? So what's in this strange book of scripture that caused God to preserve it throughout the ages for you and me? It's a feast of heavenly knowledge!A Gospel Feast! Time to read the Book of Ezekiel again as you have never read it before. A Book for you at the end of time. Come and feast at the Lord's Table on the Word of God! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you wish to make it. This is Book 5a in the Gospel Feast Series. Other volumes on Daniel & the Last Days, John and the Great Plan of Happiness, Ruth & the Saviours on Mount Zion, Zechariah & the Teachers of Righteousness, Revelation & the Mark of the Beast as well as 4 volumes on Genesis from Adam to Joseph of Egypt and supplemental volumes on Ezra, Gad, and the Sons of Israel are also available here on Amazon. You are also invited to feast with us on our free podcast. Time to Feast upon the WORD of GOD!

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    So, you think you know the Book of Ruth? A book about a Barley Harvest? Think Again! The Book of Ruth is so important to God that He requires faithful Jews to read it once a year as part of their Feast of Shavuot. That is the same feast that turned into the Christian day of Pentecost. Really? Why? Only 2 books in the Bible are named after women. Only one of these is named after a non-Jew. Why is she so important? Who is a Goel and what does the Book of Ruth say about our desperate need for one now?What do the Rabbis say Ruth teaches us about the celestial nature of Womanhood and why such is not only precious to God but intrinsic to heaven itself? What is the ancient Alef and why did he want a Beit? Why was the Mem both opened and closed? How did the Mem transform the Yud? What Does this say about men and women now and forever? What is the Order of Heaven and why does it mean both safety and power for God's Daughters? What is the Priesthood and why don't women hold it? What powers do women exercise on earth and in heaven? So what's in this short book of scripture that caused God to save it through the ages for you and me? A feast of heavenly knowledge! A Gospel Feast! Time to read the Book of Ruth again as you have never read it before. A book for you and your kin. Come and feast at the Lord's Table with this remarkable book. This is Book III in the Gospel Feast Series. 12 other volumes are currently available, such as Daniel & the Last Days and Book, Jonah and the Great Plan of Happiness, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Ezra & the End of Times, and 4 astounding books on Genesis. So you think you know the Gospel? Are you sure? Time to Feast Upon the Word!

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    So, you think you know the Book of Daniel? A book about a lion's den? Think Again! Isaac Newton, called the greatest scientist who ever lived, said that all of Christianity and Jesus Christ's divinity hang on Daniel's book? Really? That's a bold statement. The greatest Rabbis of Judaism have cautioned their students against using Daniel to figure out the times of the Messiah. How come? How could that hurt anything? Religious zealots have stirred up great revivals, founding new christian sects based on their readings of Daniel and the aftermath. Denominations that are still with us today. Really? Who are they? There is even evidence that archeologists and historians have purposely altered the calendar of mankind by 500 years, causing today's confusion as our generation tries to tie together humanity's collective history. Why would they do that? So what's in this short book of scripture that scientists, rabbis, historians and zealots saw? A Gospel Feast! Time to read the Book of Daniel again as you have never read it before. A Book for the Last Days. Come and feast at the Lord's Table with this amazing book. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you wish to make it. This is Book 1 in the Gospel Feast Series. Book 2: Jonah and the Great Plan of Happiness is also available. Book 3: Ruth & the Saviours on Mount Zion, and more on Zechariah, Revelation, and Genesis are also available.Time to Feast upon the WORD of GOD!

  • av Reed R Simonsen

    So, you think you know the Book of Jonah? A book about a Big Fish? Think Again! The Book of Jonah is so important that God requires faithful Jews to read it every year on their highest Holy Day. Really? Why? Who is the preparator Helel and what shocking secrets did Jonah reveal about him that you need to know? How were the ruins of Nineveh used to prove Evolution and how did a hill known as "Jonah's Hill" confound their plans? What is the Sign of the Prophet Jonah and why did the Lord use it? What does it have to do with a dove and the Son of the Widow? Don't miss the footnotes! Why did Jonah refuse his mission call and why did God insist he go anyway? It's not what you think. So what's in this short book of scripture? A Feast! Time to read the Book of Jonah again as you have never read it before. A Book for you, right now. Come and feast at the Lord's Table with this remarkable book. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you wish to make it. This is Book 2 in the Gospel Feast Series. Others" Daniel & the Last Days; Ruth & the Saviours on Mount Zion; Zechariah; Ezekiel; Revelation; and Genesis are available. Time to Feast Upon the Word!

  • - Standard Edition
    av Reed R Simonsen

  • - Our Lady Deseret
    av Reed R Simonsen

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