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Bøker av Richa Kothari

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  • av Richa Kothari

    Dans la présente étude, une série de complexes de Cu (II) d'adduits moléculaires de base de Schiff de la doxorubicine ont été synthétisés et caractérisés par des mesures analytiques, de conductance molaire, de susceptibilité magnétique électronique IR et de XRD sur poudre, et ont été examinés pour diverses activités biologiques (antioxydants et cytotoxicité). Dans tous les complexes de Cu (II), le rapport molaire métal/ligand de 1:2 a été obtenu à partir des données analytiques. Les données de conductance molaire confirment que tous les complexes sont de nature non électrolytique. Sur la base des données électroniques et magnétiques, une géométrie octaédrique déformée est attribuée à tous les complexes de cuivre (II). Tous les complexes de Cu (II) ont montré une activité anticancéreuse considérable contre les lignées cellulaires MCF-7 et une activité antioxydante plus prononcée en présence de DPPH. Les composés de titre nouvellement synthétisés ont été évalués pour leur inhibition de la croissance des cellules MCF-7, les résultats ont révélé que tous les composés testés possèdent des effets inhibiteurs sur la croissance des cellules cancéreuses MCF-7. Le composé 3 a montré l'activité d'inhibition la plus élevée contre la lignée cellulaire MCF-7 (IC50 7,21 ± 0,1 ¿g/ml) parmi tous les composés testés.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Nel presente studio sono stati sintetizzati una serie di complessi di Cu (II) di addotti molecolari della base di Schiff della doxorubicina, caratterizzati mediante misure analitiche, di conduttanza molare, di suscettibilità magnetica elettronica IR e di XRD in polvere e sottoposti a screening per varie attività biologiche (antiossidanti e citotossicità). In tutti i complessi di Cu (II), il rapporto molare metallo-legante è stato ottenuto dai dati analitici. I dati di conduttanza molare confermano che tutti i complessi sono di natura non elettrolitica. Sulla base dei dati elettronici e magnetici, tutti i complessi di rame (II) presentano una geometria ottaedrica distorta. Tutti i complessi di Cu (II) hanno mostrato una notevole attività antitumorale contro le linee cellulari MCF-7 e un'attività antiossidante più pronunciata in presenza di DPPH. I nuovi composti sintetizzati sono stati valutati per l'inibizione della crescita delle cellule MCF-7. I risultati hanno rivelato che tutti i composti testati possiedono effetti inibitori sulla crescita delle cellule tumorali MCF-7. Il composto 3 ha mostrato l'inibizione più elevata. Il composto 3 ha mostrato la più alta attività di inibizione contro la linea cellulare MCF-7 (IC50 7,21 ± 0,1 ¿g/ml) tra tutti i composti testati.

  • av Richa Kothari

    In der vorliegenden Studie wurde eine Reihe von Cu(II)-Komplexen von molekularen Schiff-Base-Addukten von Doxorubicin synthetisiert und durch analytische, molare Leitfähigkeit, IR-elektronische magnetische Suszeptibilität und Pulver-XRD-Messungen charakterisiert und auf verschiedene biologische Aktivitäten (Antioxidantien und Zytotoxizität) untersucht. Bei allen Cu(II)-Komplexen wurde anhand der analytischen Daten ein molares Verhältnis von 1:2 zwischen Metall und Ligand ermittelt. Die Daten zur molaren Leitfähigkeit bestätigen, dass alle Komplexe von Natur aus nicht elektrolytisch sind. Ausgehend von den elektronischen und magnetischen Daten wird für alle Kupfer(II)-Komplexe eine verzerrte oktaedrische Geometrie angenommen. Alle Cu(II)-Komplexe zeigten eine beträchtliche krebshemmende Aktivität gegen MCF-7-Zelllinien und eine ausgeprägtere antioxidative Aktivität in Gegenwart von DPPH. Die neu synthetisierten Titelverbindungen wurden auf ihre Hemmung des MCF-7-Zellwachstums untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass alle getesteten Verbindungen eine hemmende Wirkung auf das Wachstum von MCF-7-Krebszellen haben. Verbindung 3 zeigte die höchste Hemmaktivität gegen die MCF-7-Zelllinie (IC50 7,21 ± 0,1 ¿g/ml) unter allen getesteten Verbindungen.

  • av Richa Kothari

    V nastoqschem issledowanii sintezirowana seriq komplexow Cu (II) s molekulqrnymi adduktami osnowaniq Shiffa doxorubicina, kotorye byli oharakterizowany analiticheski, molqrnoj prowodimost'ü, IK-izmereniqmi, älektronnoj magnitnoj wospriimchiwost'ü i poroshkowoj rentgenografiej, a takzhe prowereny na razlichnye biologicheskie aktiwnosti (antioxidanty i citotoxichnost'). Vo wseh komplexah Cu (II) molqrnoe sootnoshenie metalla i liganda 1:2 bylo polucheno iz analiticheskih dannyh. Dannye molqrnoj prowodimosti podtwerzhdaüt, chto wse komplexy qwlqütsq neälektroliticheskimi po swoej prirode. Na osnowanii älektronnyh i magnitnyh dannyh wsem komplexam medi (II) pripisywaetsq iskazhennaq oktaädricheskaq geometriq. Vse komplexy Cu (II) proqwili znachitel'nuü protiworakowuü aktiwnost' protiw kletochnyh linij MCF-7 i bolee wyrazhennuü antioxidantnuü aktiwnost' i bolee wyrazhennuü antioxidantnuü aktiwnost' w prisutstwii DPPH. Vnow' sintezirowannye titul'nye soedineniq byli oceneny na ingibirowanie rosta kletok MCF-7, rezul'taty pokazali, chto wse ispytannye soedineniq obladaüt ingibiruüschim dejstwiem na rost rakowyh kletok MCF-7. Soedinenie 3 pokazalo samuü wysokuü ingibiruüschuü aktiwnost' protiw kletochnoj linii MCF-7 (IC50 7,21 ± 0,1 mkg/ml) sredi wseh ispytannyh soedinenij.

  • av Richa Kothari

    No presente estudo foi sintetizada uma série de complexos Cu (II) de aductos moleculares de base de Schiff de doxorubicina, caracterizados por análises, condutância molar, susceptibilidade magnética electrónica IR e medições de XRD em pó e rastreados para várias actividades biológicas (antioxidantes, e citotoxicidade). Em todos os complexos Cu (II), a razão metal/ligando molar 1:2 foi obtida a partir de dados analíticos. Os dados de condutância molar confirmam que todos os complexos são de natureza não electrolítica. Com base nos dados electrónicos e magnéticos, é atribuída uma geometria octaédrica distorcida a todos os complexos de cobre (II). Todos os complexos Cu (II) mostraram uma considerável actividade anticancerígena contra as linhas celulares MCF-7 e linhas de actividade antioxidante mais pronunciada e actividade antioxidante mais pronunciada na presença de DPPH. Os compostos de título recentemente sintetizados foram avaliados para a sua inibição do crescimento celular de MCF-7, os resultados revelaram que todos os compostos testados possuem efeitos inibidores sobre o crescimento de células cancerosas de MCF-7. O composto 3 mostrou a maior actividade de inibição contra a linha de células MCF-7 (IC50 7,21 ± 0,1 ¿g/ml) entre todos os Compostos testados.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Der titelgebende Zn(II)-Komplex wurde synthetisiert, indem die Verbindung Bis-[(E)-3{2-(1-4-chlorphenyl)ethylidien]hydrazinyl}-N-(4-methylphenyl)-3-oxo-propanamid mit Zn(II)-chlorid-Dehydrat in alkalischer Dimethylsulfoxid- und Ethanollösung unter Reflexionsbedingungen 8 Stunden lang umgesetzt wurde. Die entstandene farblose Verbindung wurde filtriert und aus dem Gemisch von Dimethylsulfoxid und Ethanol umkristallisiert. Die Hydrazon-Schiff-Base und ihr Zn(II)-Komplex wurden durch UV-Vis-Spektroskopie und XRD-, TEM- und SEM-Analyse charakterisiert. Die antibakteriellen Aktivitäten der Hydrazon-Schiff-Base und ihres Zn-Komplexes wurden mit der Scheibendiffusionsmethode untersucht.Die Spektren zeigten, dass der Hydrazon-Schiff-Base-Ligand eine Keto-Enoltautomerie durchläuft und einen zweizähnigen Liganden (N, N) gegenüber Zn+2 (II)-Ionen bildet. Es ist sehr interessant, dass neben den beiden Hydrazon-Schiff-Basen-Liganden, die sich mit den Zn+2-Ionen koordinieren, zwei weitere Thiosemicarbazin-Einheiten mit den Zn+2-Ionen im kristallinen Pulver koordiniert sind, was zu einem hexa-koordinierten verzerrten oktaedrischen Zn(II)-Komplex führt.

  • av Richa Kothari

    O título complexo Zn (II) foi sintetizado pela reacção do composto Bis-[(E)-3{2-(1-4-clorofenil) etilideno]hidrazinil}-N-(4-metilfenil)-3-oxo propanamida com Zn (II) cloreto desidratado em dimetilsulfóxido alcalino e solução de etanol em estado de reflexão durante 8 horas. O composto incolor resultante foi filtrado e recristalizado a partir da mistura de dimetilsulfóxido e etanol. A base de hidrazona Schiff e o seu complexo Zn (II) foram caracterizados pela utilização de espectroscopia UV-Vis e análise de XRD, TEM e SEM. As actividades antibacterianas da base de hidrazona de Schiff e do seu complexo Zn foram examinadas utilizando o método de difusão em disco.O resultado dos espectros mostrou que o ligante de base de hidrazona Schiff sofre um ligante keto-enoltautomerismo formando um ligante bidentado (N, N) em direcção aos iões Zn+2 (II). É muito interessante que nos lados dos dois ligandos de base de hidrazona Schiff que se coordenam com os iões Zn+2, foram também coordenadas duas fracções adicionais de tiossemicarbazina com iões Zn+2 no pó cristalino, resultando num complexo hexa distorcido de Zn (II) octaédrico coordenado.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Il complesso di Zn (II) del titolo è stato sintetizzato facendo reagire il composto Bis-[(E)-3{2-(1-4-clorofenil) etilidiene]idrazinil}-N-(4-metilfenil)-3-oxo propanamide con Zn (II) cloruro disidratato in soluzione alcalina di dimetilsolfossido ed etanolo in condizioni di riflessione per 8 ore. Il composto incolore risultante è stato filtrato e ricristallizzato dalla miscela di dimetilsolfossido ed etanolo. L'idrazone base di Schiff e il suo complesso di Zn (II) sono stati caratterizzati mediante spettroscopia UV-Vis e analisi XRD, TEM e SEM. Le attività antibatteriche dell'idrazone Schiff base e del suo complesso di Zn sono state esaminate con il metodo della diffusione su disco.I risultati degli spettri hanno mostrato che il ligando dell'idrazone Schiff base subisce un cheto-enoltautomerismo formando un ligando bidentato (N, N) verso gli ioni Zn+2 (II). È molto interessante il fatto che, oltre ai due ligandi idrazonici di base Schiff che si coordinano agli ioni Zn+2, nella polvere cristallina sono state coordinate con gli ioni Zn+2 anche altre due moiety di tiosemicarbazina, dando origine a un complesso Zn (II) ottaedrico distorto a coordinazione esa.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Le complexe Zn (II) titre a été synthétisé en faisant réagir le composé Bis-[(E)-3{2-(1-4-chlorophényl) éthylidiène]hydrazinyl}-N-(4-méthylphényl)-3-oxo propanamide avec le chlorure de Zn (II) déshydraté dans une solution alcaline de diméthylsulfoxyde et d'éthanol dans des conditions de réflexion pendant 8 heures. Le composé incolore résultant a été filtré et recristallisé à partir du mélange de diméthylsulfoxyde et d'éthanol. La base de Schiff hydrazone et son complexe Zn (II) ont été caractérisés par spectroscopie UV-Vis et analyse XRD, TEM et SEM. Les activités antibactériennes de la base de Schiff d'hydrazone et de son complexe de Zn ont été examinées en utilisant la méthode de diffusion de disque.Les résultats spectraux ont montré que le ligand de la base de Schiff hydrazone subit un céto-énoltautomérisme formant un ligand bidenté (N, N) vers les ions Zn+2 (II). Il est très intéressant de noter qu'à côté des deux ligands de base de Schiff hydrazone qui se coordonnent aux ions Zn+2, deux autres fragments de thiosemicarbazine sont également coordonnés aux ions Zn+2 dans la poudre cristalline, ce qui donne un complexe octaédrique distordu de Zn (II) hexa coordonné.

  • av Richa Kothari

    In the present study a series of Cu (II) complexes of Schiff base molecular adducts of doxorubicin have been synthesized and characterized by analytical, molar conductance, IR electronic magnetic susceptibility and powder XRD measurements and screened for various biological activities (antioxidants, and cytotoxicity). In all the Cu (II) complexes 1:2 metal to ligand molar ratio was obtained from analytical data. The molar conductance data confirm that all complexes are non- electrolytic in nature. Based on the electronic and magnetic data, an distorted octahedral geometry is ascribed for all the copper (II) complexes. All Cu (II) complexes showed considerable anticancer activity against MCF-7 cell lines and more pronounced antioxidant activity lines and more pronounced antioxidant activity in the presence of DPPH. The newly synthesized title compounds were evaluated for their MCF-7 cell growth inhibition, the results revealed that all the tested compounds possess inhibitory effects on the growth of MCF-7 cancer cells. Compound 3 showed the highest inhibition activity against MCF-7 cell line (IC50 7.21 ± 0.1 ¿g/ml) among all tested Compounds.

  • av Richa Kothari

    The title Zn (II) complex was synthesized by reacting the compound Bis-[(E)-3{2-(1-4-chlorophenyl) ethylidiene]hydrazinyl}-N-(4-methylphenyl)-3-oxo propanamide with Zn (II) chloride dehydrate in alkaline dimethylsulphoxide and ethanol solution under reflexing condition for 8 hours. The resultant colorless compound was filtered and recrystallized from the mixture of dimethylsulphoxide and ethanol. The hydrazone Schiff base and its Zn (II) complex were characterized by using UV-Vis spectroscopy and XRD, TEM and SEM analysis. The antibacterial activities of hydrazone Schiff base and its Zn complex were examined using disc diffusion method. The spectra result showed that the hydrazone Schiff base ligand undergoes keto-enoltautomerism forming a bidentated ligand (N, N) towards Zn+2 (II) ions. It is very interesting that on sides of the two hydrazone Schiff base ligands which coordinate to the Zn+2 ions, an additional two thiosemicarbazine moiety were also coordinated with Zn+2 ions in the crystalline powder, resulting in a hexa coordinated distorted octahedral Zn (II) complex.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Una relazione di ligandi idrazonici di base schiffica acquisiti dallo zenzero e di complessi coordinati di nichel (II) sono stati combinati mediante la semplice reazione di condensazione della 3-bromobenzaldeide con lo zenzero prelevato dalla soluzione etanolica di zenzero in polvere e con il sale di nichel in rapporto molare 2:1. Tutti i complessi sintetizzati sono stati osservati utilizzando numerose procedure analitiche e spettroscopiche come analisi elementare, conduttanza molare UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD e analisi termo gravimetrica. I ligandi [Ni(L1)4Cl2].6H20 e [Ni(L2)6]2Cl.2H20 dove L1 e L2 sono ligandi idrazonici di base Schiff derivati da quelli presenti in natura e 3-bromobenzaldeide sintetizzati in condizioni di reazione moderate. I ligandi e i loro complessi di nichel (II) sono stati testati per l'attività antiossidante con il metodo DPPH e folin per scoprire il valore ¿max dei complessi metallici.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Ein Bericht über die von Ingwer erworbenen Hydrazon-Schiff-Base-Liganden und koordinierten Nickel(II)-Komplexe wurde durch die einfache Kondensationsreaktion von 3-Brombenzaldehyd mit Ingwer aus der ethanolischen Lösung von pulverisiertem Ingwer und Nickelsalz im Molverhältnis 2:1 kombiniert. Alle synthetisierten Komplexe wurden mit Hilfe vieler analytischer und spektroskopischer Verfahren wie Elementaranalyse, molare Leitfähigkeit, UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD und thermogravimetrische Analyse untersucht. [Ni(L1)4Cl2].6H20 und [Ni(L2)6]2Cl.2H20, wobei L1 und L2 die Hydrazone Schiff-Base-Liganden sind, die aus natürlich vorkommendem und 3-Brombenzaldehyd synthetisiert wurden, unter moderaten Reaktionsbedingungen. Die Liganden und ihr Nickel(II)-Komplex wurden mit der DPPH- und Folin-Methode auf ihre antioxidative Aktivität getestet, um den ¿max-Wert der Metallkomplexe zu ermitteln.

  • av Richa Kothari

    V doklade imbir' priobrel gidrazon Shiffa osnowaniq ligandow i koordinirowannyh nikelq (II) komplex byli kombinacii putem prostoj reakcii kondensacii 3-brombenzal'degida s imbirem wzqt' iz ätanolowogo rastwora poroshkoobraznogo imbirq i soli nikelq w 2:1 molqrnom sootnoshenii. Vse sintezirowannye komplexy nablüdalis' s pomosch'ü mnogih analiticheskih i spektroskopicheskih procedur, takih kak älementnyj analiz, molqrnaq prowodimost' UV-Vis, FTIR, HRD i termograwimetricheskij analiz. [Ni(L1)4Cl2].6H20 i [Ni(L2)6]2Cl.2H20, gde L1 i L2 - gidrazony Shiffa, poluchennye iz prirodnyh ligandow i 3-brombenzal'degida, sintezirowannogo w uslowiqh umerennoj reakcii. Ligandy i ih komplexy s nikelem (II) byli protestirowany na antioxidantnuü aktiwnost' s pomosch'ü DPPH i folinowogo metoda dlq opredeleniq znacheniq ¿mah metallokomplexow.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Um relatório dos ligandos de base de Hydrazone Schiff adquiridos com Gengibre e Complexo Coordenado de Níquel (II) foram combinados pela simples reacção de condensação de 3-bromobenzaldeído com a solução Etanolica de Gengibre em Pó e Sal Níquel na proporção 2:1 Molar. Todos os complexos sintetizados foram observados através de muitos procedimentos analíticos e espectroscópicos como a análise elementar, a condutância molar UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, e a análise Termo gravimétrica. [Ni(L1)4Cl2].6H20 e [Ni(L2)6]2Cl.2H20 onde L1 e L2 as hidrazonas ligantes de base de Schiff derivadas de naturais e 3-bromobenzaldeído sintetizadas na condição de reacção moderada. Os ligandos e o seu complexo de níquel (II) foram testados quanto à actividade antioxidante pelo método DPPH e folina para descobrir o valor ¿max dos complexos metálicos.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Un rapport sur les ligands de base de Schiff Hydrazone acquis par le gingembre et le complexe de nickel (II) coordonné ont été combinés par la simple réaction de condensation de 3-bromobenzaldéhyde avec le gingembre extrait de la solution éthanolique de gingembre en poudre et le sel de nickel dans un rapport molaire de 2:1. Tous les complexes synthétisés ont été observés en utilisant de nombreuses procédures analytiques et spectroscopiques comme l'analyse élémentaire, la conductance molaire UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, et l'analyse thermo-gravimétrique. [Les complexes de nickel (II) ont été obtenus à l'aide de plusieurs méthodes analytiques et spectroscopiques, telles que l'analyse élémentaire, la conductance molaire, l'analyse UV-Vis, la FTIR, la DRX et l'analyse thermogravimétrique. Les ligands et leur complexe de nickel (II) ont été testés pour l'activité antioxydante par la méthode DPPH et la méthode folin pour trouver la valeur ¿max des complexes métalliques.

  • av Richa Kothari

    A report of Ginger acquired Hydrazone Schiff base ligands and Coordinated nickel (II) Complex have been combination by the simple condensation reaction of 3-bromobenzaldehyde with the Ginger take out from Ethanolic solution of Powdered Ginger and Nickel salt in 2:1 Molar ratio. All the Synthesized complex have been observe by using many analytical and Spectroscopic procedure like elemental analyze, molar conductance UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, and Thermo gravimetric analysis. [Ni(L1)4Cl2].6H20 and [Ni(L2)6]2Cl.2H20 where L1 and L2 the hydrazones Schiff base ligands derived from naturally occurring and 3-bromobenzaldehyde synthesized in the moderate reaction condition. Ligands and their nickel (II) complex were tested for Antioxidant activity by DPPH and folin method to find out the ¿max value of the metal complexes.

  • av Richa Kothari

    A novel series of Cinnamon acquired hydrazone Schiff base ligands and Coordinated chromium (III) Complexes have been synthesised by the simple condensation reaction of 2-hydrazino Carbonyldrazide with the Cinnamonaldehyde (extracted from ethanolic solution of powdered Cinnamon), pyrrol carboxaldehyde and Chromium (III) salt in 2:1 Molar ratio. All the synthesized compounds have been Characterized by using various analytical and spectroscopic techniques like elemental analysis, molar conductance UV-Vis, FTIR, XRD, TEM and TGA techniques. On the basis of physicochemical measurements the following empirical formula have been assigned to Chromium(III) complexes [Cr(H2L)1] Cl2.H2O and [Cr(H2L)2] Cl2.H2O where (H2L)1 is the Cinnamon acquired hydrazone Schiff base ligand and (H2L)2 is the Schiff base ligand obtained from pyrrol crboxaldehyde. The total antioxidant activity of all compounds were tested via DPPH method and their antioxidant activity was appraise by comparing with standard substance 2,2-diphenyl -1-picrylhydrazinyl. It is dark coloured Crystalline powder composed of stable free radical molecules.

  • Spar 16%
    av Anita Singh, Richa Kothari & Naveen Kumar Arora
    2 166 - 2 604,-

  • av Richa Kothari

    Breast cancer encompasses a group of very heterogeneous diseases, which can be demonstrated at the molecular, histopathologic and clinical levels. The heterogeneity at the molecular level has been demonstrated by reproducible differences in the frequencies and magnitudes of genomic aberrations and by differential gene expression among breast carcinomas, even those with similar histology. Studies on whole-genome analysis using expression microarray have revolutionized our understanding of breast carcinomas, which has led to the discovery of 5 distinct subtypes of breast carcinomas (Luminal A,Luminal B, HER2 over-expression, Basal-like, Normal-like), each with unique recognizable phenotypes and clinical outcomes. Subsequent studies have shown that breast carcinomas can also be divided into 5 similar subgroups using immune histochemical (IHC)analysis as a surrogate with a limited panel of antibody markers (including ER, PR, HER2, CK5/6 and EGFR). These subgroups have distinguishing features closely associated with subtypes defined by gene expression profiling, including distinct clinical outcomes, different responses to adjuvant therapy and different patterns of metastatic recurrence.

  • av Richa Kothari

    Nanoparticles of copper have superior properties as compared to the bulk copper material. Cinnamomum zeylanicum has been used to synthesise copper nanoparticles in the present study as it is nontoxic and cheap. The prepared copper nanoparticles were characterized by UV¿ V spectrophotometer showing a typical resonance at about 631 nm which is specific for CuNPs. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicates that oxygen-containing functional groups in the C zeylanicum are involved in the nanoparticle synthesis reaction. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) was also used to confirm that CuNPs are spherical shape. The antimicrobial activity was carried out against E-coli, Enterobacteria, Stephylococcus aureus, Bascillus to confirm that these particles may act as antimicrobial agents.

  • av Richa Kothari

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