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  • av Rick Renner

    Are You at the Address of Faith?Hebrews 11 describes people who received a word from God and obeyed it no matter what the cost. Despite opposition, others' words of discouragement, and the odds that were against them, these men and women held on to their word from God with bulldog faith! They refused to let go of what He had promised them until they saw the promise fulfilled. And because of their tenacity, they changed history! In this in-depth ten-part series by Rick Renner, you'll learn:How to hold fast to your God-given promise.How to not cast away your faith when you become tired. How to have a "bulldog faith" that never lets go.How to live in the "address" of faith.And so much more! Hebrews 11 gives testimony of history-changing people - no different than you or I - who heard a word from God, responded in faith, came into divine alignment with what He had promised, and ultimately saw His word to them fulfilled! This truth can become a reality in your life too!

  • av Rick Renner

    You Can Pass the 'Love Test 'If you struggle walking in love with others in your life...if you are constantly perturbed with someone who rubs you the wrong way...or if you just want to walk in a higher level of love...get this series and devour every part of it! This series, The Love Test, is full of truth about God's love - what it is, how to have it, how to experience it, how to walk in it, and how to release it toward others. In this five-part series, Rick Renner unlocks Paul's words on the subject in First Corinthians 13. Rick says, "I had no idea how profound this teaching was going to be when I started studying to teach it. But the depth of meanings in this passage is simply remarkable."If anyone wants to know how he or she is really doing at walking in love - or how to do it better - this series will be life-changing! It not only shows people where they have missed it, but it will encourage them where they are doing well. And it will give them practical instruction about what they need to do to walk in love toward others!If you are serious about loving others with the love of Jesus Christ, you need a good dose of God's love to flow into you so it can then flow through you. You can walk in a higher level of love. This series will show you how!

  • av Rick Renner

    Starting the New Year StrongAre you ready to get moving in the new year and obtain some serious victories in your life? Before you tackle what's ahead of you, you first need to be sure you've done what you were already supposed to do. You can't move forward when loose ends are dangling all around you. So in this practical five-part series, Rick Renner shares the five key points he uses in his own life to make sure he is on track with what God has asked him to do. These simple but revolutionary points will help you move from where you are to the next phase of your life.In this series, Rick shows you the need to:Remember. Recall what God specifically told you to do.Review. Make an honest and gut-wrenching review of your performance. Report. Put goals on paper so your eyes are confronted with what you did and didn't do. Revise. Revise the plan if you've gotten off track or made a mistake.Restructure. Do what you need to do to focus on the future and what steps to take right now to start or resume moving forward.If you're going to have a strong new year, first wrap up the last one well and get rid of all those loose ends. This series will help you know how to close the last chapter so you can charge ahead into an exciting "rest of the story" that lies ahead!

  • av Rick Renner

    Questions and Answers With Rick RennerPeople write Rick all the time with heartfelt questions about life. In this five-part series, he takes a wide variety of those questions and carefully answers them. There are too many questions to list here, so the following are just a few that he covers:Who was possibly the first drunk in the Bible?Why did Nimrod build the Tower of Babel?How old was Jesus when the Magi arrived?Who was the most famous moon-worshiper?Who had the most dysfunctional marriage in the Old Testament?Was Balaam a prophet or a witch?Who were the Nephilim and giants in the Old Testament? Does the New Testament ever speak about monsters? And what did Jesus say about "ghosts"?What was Paul's thorn in the flesh?This is just a taste of this series that will answer so many of your questions and even questions you perhaps didn't know to ask!

  • av Rick Renner

    Right Place, Right Time - God's Plan and Purpose for YouDoes your heart cry out to be right in the middle of God's perfect will? Is it possible for you to be at the right place at the right time for all the "puzzle pieces" to come together so that things begin to happen miraculously for you? If you long to be at the right place at the right time to see God's plan unfold in your life, this is the series you need right now. A miraculous life really does await you. What God has planned is better than you've ever dreamed. But being at the right place at the right time is essential for all the pieces to come together. How do you cooperate with God's plan in such a way that causes this supernatural reaction and process to work?That's what you'll learn in this new five-part series entitled, Being in the Right Place at the Right Time. Rick will take you into the book of Acts to the real-life story of the apostle Paul and show you how Paul's life was transformed by being at the right place at the right time. Rick will not only show you what happens when you arrive there, he'll show you how to get there - ON TIME!A miraculous story is waiting to unfold in your life, but you have to be at the right place at the right time for it to happen. By studying this series, you'll know the steps to take to "get there" so that God's plan can begin to unfold for you!

  • av Rick Renner

    Running Your Race With PurposeGod has a specific plan that He designed just for you! It's a race that He wants to help you run and finish, but He won't run the race for you. You are the only one who can jump into God's ordained race for your life and run it to completion. Once you reach the finish line, amazing victories and rewards await you.Many people have started their race with a big bang, but ended with a fizzle. That doesn't have to be you. However, to start right and finish right, you need to follow some basic guidelines to help you stay on track. One thing is sure: "...Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). You were born again to be a winner! With the teaching you'll receive in this five-part series, you will learn the principles and attitudes you must have to get in the race, stay in the race, and run it to completion. In this encouraging series, Rick Renner will help you understand: What race you are called to run. What rewards await you for staying in the race. What you need to do to reach your goal. What to do to keep yourself in check. What to do to make sure you never become a castaway.

  • - A Christian Response to Halloween
    av Rick Renner

    Do You Know How To Respond Biblically to Halloween?Halloween is widely celebrated in the Western world, but what should the Christian's response be to this holiday? If the apostle Paul were living today, what would he say to the Church about Halloween?Without being alarmist in his approach, Rick Renner delves into the need to refrain from anything that hints of evil. The devil is no joke. Demons are no joke. Witchcraft is real. So is a day that celebrates these things, even "in fun," something Christians should participate in? If not, how should they explain it to their children?Halloween may look like fun and games, but there is a sinister evil behind this day of celebration. There is no need to be condemning of those who celebrate Halloween, but neither should a believer participate in it. In this five-part series, Rick Renner covers:New Testament attitudes toward the devil and demons.The reality of the demonic realm.The New Testament mandate to refrain from all occult activities.The historical beginnings of Halloween.And much, much more!

  • av Rick Renner

    The Relationship Between You and Your Pastor According to God's DesignThe Bible says God gave the gift of the pastor to the Church - and this gift is indeed needed for the Body of Christ! Since this ministry gift is so important, it is vital that you understand what a pastor is. Is it possible that a pastor is much more than you know or that your view of the pastoral ministry is tainted by a traditional background?In this five-part series, Rick Renner examines Scripture from both the Old and New Testaments to reveal the heart of God for giving us pastors. You'll find out why you need a pastor, how to find your pastor if you don't have one, and how you and your pastor should relate according to the teaching of the Word.Rick will show you:How to recognize a true pastoral gift.How to "know the voice" of your pastor.How to work successfully with a pastor in the local church and to correctly honor him or her.And so much more!

  • av Rick Renner

    The Age of Miracles Has Not Ceased - It Never Has!Were you told that the age of miracles ceased with the death of the apostles - or that the gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous have passed away? If you have been taught this, here is a series that will set you free!In this powerful five-part series taught by Rick Renner and Tony Cooke, the subject of miracles throughout Church history is expounded upon powerfully. You might be shocked to hear that miracles have never, EVER passed away - not even temporarily. The history of the Church is jam-packed with the miraculous work of God throughout the ages. This series, based on Scripture and well-documented history, will prove it to you.You'll learn:That miracles have never ceased.That God has consistently performed miracles throughout the ages.That the notion that miracles have passed away is pure nonsense. That history irrefutably proves that God is still in the miracle business.That the Holy Spirit wants to release miraculous power in your life.

  • av Rick Renner

    Experience the Fullness of the Holy Spirit by Exploring Him in the Bible!The Holy Spirit is God's gift to the Church, and the Bible is jam-packed with insights concerning the Person, power, and work of the Holy Spirit. By diving into the Bible, you will find a long list of symbols of the Holy Spirit that are powerful and important to understand.In this series, Rick Renner expounds on the symbols of the Holy Spirit used throughout the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells us so much about the Holy Spirit and what He wants to do in every Christian's life. But to understand that, it has to be unlocked - and unlocking this treasure is what will happen for you in these powerful programs.In this ten-part series, Rick covers:The Person, power and work of the Holy Spirit.The symbols of the Holy Spirit throughout the Old Testament.The symbols of the Holy Spirit throughout the New Testament.The deeper truths about the Holy Spirit that lie hidden to a casual reader of Scripture.The richer relationship that awaits any Christian who will develop deeper fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

  • av Rick Renner

    What You Need To Know About the AntichristPeople talk often about the coming of Jesus, but once Christ has come for His Church, the Bible says the Antichrist will be revealed to the world. In one split second, this "man of lawlessness" will come out of hiding and will go public. The reign of this individual will bring rot and ruin into every sphere of society as a last-days mutiny is waged against God.In this ten-part series, Rick Renner delves into this end-times subject like you've never heard it before. Basing his teaching mostly on First Thessalonians, Rick explores verses that are difficult to understand and makes them simple for you to comprehend. Since we are living at the very end of the age, we need to know what is coming. If you are interested in what the Bible says about it, this is one series you need to digest!In this series, Rick answers:Who is the Antichrist?What are his characteristics?What will he be like when he shows up?When will he be revealed to the world?What is stopping him from being revealed right now?

  • av Rick Renner

    Unending Joy Is Possible!Would you like to tap into a nonstop flow of supernatural joy? In this series by Rick Renner, you'll learn how the apostle Paul had joy even when locked up in one of Rome's most miserable prisons. If Paul could have joy where he was, you can have joy where you are too. God is waiting for you to dive into a life overflowing with supernatural joy. You just need to know how to tap into it.In this five-part series, you'll learn:How to step into a nonstop river of God's power.What is the supernatural supply of the Holy Spirit?How to forget your past and focus on your future.The key to letting the peace of God rule your heart and emotions.If you're tired of merely existing or running on low levels of energy and joy, this series will teach you how to step from where you are into God's unending power that is available for you right now!

  • av Rick Renner

    Do These Things Every Day and Live a Life That's Spiritually Strong!Do you want to be spiritually strong now and for the rest of your Christian life? To stay consistently strong, there are certain things you must learn to do regularly. Years ago during a time of crisis and hardship, Rick Renner discovered sevens steps to take every day to stay spiritually strong. For many years, he has put these steps into practice daily - and in this powerful series, Rick opens these seven things to you. They are easy to put into practice immediately to see change in your walk - or to fortify your already strong spiritual life. In this five-part series, Rick will show you:The importance of starting every day with God in the mornings.The necessity of daily taking in the Word of God.The significance of praying every morning before you do anything else.The importance of spending quiet time to reflect every day.The requirement of having people in your life to whom you are accountable.And so much more!

  • av Rick Renner

    Improve Relationships With Those Closest to YouDo you wish your family relationships were better? One thing is sure: Relationships are delicate and must be wisely managed or they quickly spin out of control. Nothing is more disruptive to your personal peace than trouble inside your own family. But what do you do if there is discord between family members?In this series, Rick and Denise Renner speak candidly about difficult family relationships and share keys from their lives and Scripture about how to navigate troublesome places in life. The devil wants to divide and spoil your family. But the Holy Spirit will show you how to circumvent every attack!In this five-part series, you'll learn:What to do if there is strife in your family.How to improve your relationship with your spouse.How to get back on track with your adult children.How to improve your relationship with older parents.If you're ready right now for your family relationships to improve, this series will help you get started on the road to enjoying those precious, blessed relationships. Apply what you learn, and you'll see things begin to turn around!

  • av Rick Renner

    Prepare for a Visitation of God's Power!How would you like for your family and others to have a visitation of God's power right in your living room? In the Gospels and the book of Acts, we find that Pentecost and these happenings occurred in living rooms of families over and over again. Because they opened their homes to God, the power of God came - Jesus came, and the disciples came - and God worked wonders inside those homes.Pentecost is waiting to happen again - and can happen right in your own living room! In this five-part series taught by Rick Renner, you'll learn:How to prepare your home and family for an eruption of God's power. How to have a divine visitation at your private address.How to throw open the doors for supernatural experiences at home. How to prepare your heart to be flooded with heavenly power. Heaven knows your address and wants to flood your home with power, but only you can open the door and welcome it into your life. In this series, you'll learn how to roll out the red carpet to welcome God's power right into your private space!

  • av Rick Renner

    Step Into Your Full-Color Experience!How do you get from where you are to where God wants you to be? Sometimes before you can get into the right place, you have to get "unstuck" from where you are. When you finally move to the place God has assigned for you, you will find supernatural blessings are awaiting you.To experience God's best, you have to know how to identify it and then be willing to get into alignment with it. In this five-part series by Rick Renner, you'll learn:How to identify where God wants you to be.How to get into alignment with His plan for your life. How to overcome the fear of transition.How to adapt and thrive in God's new place for you.When you finally understand the place that God has designed for your life and you get into alignment with it, you'll feel like you have stepped out of a black-and-white world into a full-color experience. It's all waiting for you right now!

  • av Rick Renner

    God Wants To Use You!Are there qualifications that God requires to serve in His Kingdom? Do you know the qualities that impress Him? If so, do you have them? If not, how can you develop them? In this series, you'll find that you are exactly the kind of person God wants to use. You may have eliminated yourself because you thought there were some strikes against you - but in these lessons, you'll discover that God is ready to use anyone who is willing to grow, change and learn!In this ten-part series, Rick Renner teaches:The most important ingredient for being used by God.How to possess the qualities that impress God.How to develop those qualities if you are lacking them right now.How to get from where you are now to the place where you can really be used by God.These lessons will make a huge difference in your life. Dive in and get started today! You can be qualified to be used by God - this series will show you how.

  • av Rick Renner

    The Commitment and Blessing of the Communion TableMany churches have Communion just as a ritual. But what is Communion really all about? In this series, Rick Renner delves into what Communion meant in the ancient world and why Jesus commanded all Christians for all time to practice it. People all over the world - and in every Christian denomination - often take Communion without understanding what it means. In this five-part series, you will learn:What Communion meant in the First Century.What the symbols of the bread and juice really mean.What the disciples understood when Jesus served them Communion.What the spiritual and physical benefits of Communion are for you today.When you're finished with this series, you will see Communion in a brand-new light. Your eyes will be opened, and you'll have a brand-new understanding about why Jesus told us to practice Communion!

  • av Rick Renner

    You Can Pull Down and Destroy Strongholds of the Enemy!Do you know anyone who is afflicted by negative thinking that affects the way he sees himself and functions around others? Maybe that person is you.Many people - male and female, young and old - are prisoners of their own thoughts. These people are mental slaves, manipulated by lying imaginations that keep them from becoming all they were meant to be.If you are hampered or harassed by inward thoughts - and you know your life is limited because of those voices speaking so loudly to you - you need this series so you can start pulling down those strongholds and walk free to become the person you've dreamed you could be!In this five-part series by Rick Renner, you will learn: What the word "stronghold" means.The spiritual force operating behind a mental or emotional stronghold.The signs that a person has a stronghold in his or her life.What weapons can pull down a stronghold and remove it forever.Steps to removing a stronghold that you're really ready to get rid of.God has a wonderful plan for you, but the devil doesn't want you to fulfill it. To combat the enemy's lies and step into the life God intends for you, you need to know how to pull down enemy strongholds!

  • av Rick Renner

    Christ's Message to LaodiceaHas your fire for God waned or dwindled? If so, you can get it back again! In this series, with introductions filmed onsite in Laodicea, Rick Renner will show you how to become - or once again become - spiritually strong, vibrant, and healthy as a believer. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart. In fact, He is pounding on it because He wants you to open it to Him. This ten-part series includes: What signs show if you are spiritually cold or hot.What it means to be spiritually "lukewarm" and why Jesus finds it so repulsive.What the Bible means when it says Jesus spews some people out of His mouth.What door Jesus is standing at, "knocking and knocking."What you need to do to have personal revival in your heart.This message is exactly what you need if you want your spiritual life to be fired up or refired to be ablaze for Jesus. He is knocking at the door of your heart - a door meant for you to open! This series will help you begin to turn the knob and let Him in.

  • av Rick Renner

    A Revolutionary Look at the Story You Thought You KnewHave you ever felt the deep pain of betrayal by someone you loved? Do you realize that Jesus felt similar emotions in His humanity - and He understands your pain, your disappointment, and your limitations? In the series "Unknown Facts About the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ," Rick Renner provides information you've probably never heard about the world's most famous story - along with insights into the heart, emotions, and humanity of Jesus' final days on earth. The events of Christ's last days and hours reveal practical applications for your own life when you're faced with disappointment, pain, and betrayal. Rick's teachings guide you through an uncommon look into encounters along Christ's journey - from Gethsemane to Golgotha to the resurrection and beyond. This series will enable you to gain a more intimate glimpse into Jesus' final hours and the great love for humanity that He unflinchingly displayed. Your redemption had a price. In these 25 messages, discover just how completely that price was paid in full!Topics in this 25-part series include:Wounds of BetrayalTest of Loyalty, Test of LoveHas Anyone Ever Spit in Your Face?The Horror of a Roman ScourgingAgony of the SoulBuried and SealedPlaying Games at Jesus' ExpenseAn Empty TombKiss of DeceptionWho Is the Naked Boy in the Garden of Gethsemane?

  • av Rick Renner

    A Life AblazeDo you struggle to keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in your heart as it may have burned earlier in your life? Do you sometimes feel like all that's left are a few glowing embers - and that even those are starting to die out and become cold?How do you stoke the embers of the fire within you so that those flames begin to burn red-hot in your heart again? Once you have that fire burning hot and bright, how do you sustain and grow the intensity of that inner fire for the rest of your time on this earth? In this series, Rick Renner teaches you about the ten different kinds of fuel you need to stay spiritually ablaze for years to come. As you learn about these fuels, you will discover how to throw them into the fire in your heart so you can keep burning bright spiritually. With the help of this powerful series, you can keep your inner man blazing like a spiritual inferno! This ten-part series includes:What is the real condition of your spiritual fire right now?What to do if your spiritual embers are about to go out.What to do to help others whose flames are burning low.And so much more!

  • av Rick Renner

    Are You a Spiritual Infant, A Teenager, or an Adult?Do you know your current level of spiritual maturity? How do you know if you are mature, a spiritual infant - or something in between? How can you determine your level of spiritual growth?Many Christians remain spiritual infants and toddlers their entire lives - but that is not God's will for you! God has a marvelous plan for you, but for you to step into it, you have to get out of spiritual kindergarten and move upward spiritually. How do you do that? Exactly what makes you grow? What steps can you take to grow up spiritually and become mature enough to step into God's grand plan for your life?In this series, Rick Renner covers the fundamentals you must have in your life to grow up spiritually. Specifically, he covers six vital doctrines that are essential to know and understand if you are to become spiritually mature. If you really want to grow up spiritually and become all that God wants you to be, you must have certain fundamental principles in place under the foundation of your life. Let Rick help you know what they are and how to fit them securely in place!Topics in this 10-part series include:Determining Your Level of Spiritual Growth What Is Saving Faith? Three Types of Baptism in the New Testament The Laying on of Hands The Doctrine of Resurrection Repentance: What It Is, What It Isn't, and How To Do It The Doctrine of Eternal Judgment Are You Just a Listener or Are You a Disciple?

  • av Rick Renner

    Healing the Mind & Emotions of the OppressedWhat does it mean to be oppressed?What are the major signs of oppression?What causes oppression?Is oppression always demonic?Is an oppressed person possessed with demons?What is a stronghold, and how do you pull it down?What can you do to help heal the mind and emotions of the oppressed?If these are questions you would like to have answered, this five-part series by Rick Renner can provide the answers you need! For years Rick has taught on the subject of spiritual warfare from a balanced, biblical perspective. In this new series, he takes this subject one step deeper to unfold the true definition of oppression, its origin and visible effects, and how to permanently walk free of this affliction.Nearly every person has experienced oppression or knows someone who is struggling with it right now. Based on the example of Jesus' own ministry and His words on the subject, the information in this series can set you or a loved one on a path to freedom forever.

  • av Rick Renner

    Launching Out Into New TerritoryGod has something mighty He wants to do in your life. But to do it, He may need to get you "unstuck" - and that can be a scary proposition, especially if you've been stuck in one place or one mindset for a long time. But if you are willing to let the Holy Spirit free you, you'll find yourself in a God-ordained environment where He can begin to show you great and mighty things about Himself and about you and His plan for your life.In this five-part series by Rick Renner, you'll see what happened when Paul and his team left their base in Antioch to venture into new territory. Antioch had become safe and familiar, but God was calling them beyond their comfort zone into unfamiliar territory where glorious victories awaited them. But to experience God's plans, they had to launch out into new territory.God has amazing adventures and victories planned for you! Eventually a time will come - and maybe that time is now - when you'll have to say goodbye to comfortable settings to launch out into the new territories that are beckoning you. In this series, you'll learn:How to recognize when God is calling you to make a big change in your life.How you can be sure it's really the Holy Spirit speaking to you about a change.How to take those first steps wisely so that they are solid and sure.

  • av Rick Renner

    Reverence for the Things of GodGod wants us to enter into His phenomenal, supernatural, holy presence to experience Him in all of His glory. But how we enter God's presence is very important. Is there a mindset we need to have as we enter the presence of God? But wait...isn't it true that as Christians, we are always in His presence? In this five-part series, Rick Renner deals with the answer to this question and the mindset you must cultivate if you want to experience the awesome presence of God for yourself. Often Christians treat God's presence casually and irreverently. But no one is more holy, powerful, awesome, and to be respected and revered than God. So what attitude should you have about God's presence in your life - and what attitude should you have as you approach worship, the Bible, and times when God wants to manifest Himself to you in unusual ways?We live in a time when people tend to be casual about everything, but we need to know how to reverently approach God, His Spirit, and His Word. God - and everything about Him - is to be respected and held in awe. In this series, Rick covers:The mindset needed about God and His Word.The mindset needed about the work of the Holy Spirit.The mindset needed about the giving of tithes and offerings.The mindset needed about the Church.

  • av Rick Renner

    How To Be Filled and Refilled With the Holy Spirit!Does your heart cry out for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit that will renew you and fill you with new spiritual power? From time to time, every Christian needs to be refilled with the Holy Spirit. Even if you were filled with the Holy Spirit earlier in your Christian life, there is much more awaiting you than you've ever experienced. Why stop at a past experience when a whole ocean of spiritual power awaits you?And if you've never experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit, this divine encounter will transform you into the Christian you've always wanted to be. Knowing what the infilling of the Spirit is, what it produces in your life, the evidence of this infilling, and how to be filled or refilled with the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for you to be the powerful believer you desire to be. In this series, let Rick Renner scripturally walk you through all these vital truths and lead you to a place where you can be filled or refilled with the Holy Spirit today!In this series, Rick covers:Two Works of Grace for Every BelieverThe New Testament Pattern for Being Filled With the Holy Spirit TONGUES - What Is It All About?The Benefits of Being Filled With the SpiritThe Supernatural Role of the Holy Spirit in Your Life

  • av Rick Renner

    Evil Is All Around You...But You Can Successfully Resist It!Do you feel you are surrounded by forces that are trying to negatively influence you or even take you down spiritually?It's no secret that evil is in the world - all kinds of evil. The Bibles makes it clear that the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Since he is out to devour you and those you love, don't you think it would be wise to learn how to resist him and the negative forces he uses to try to negatively affect you?In this series, Rick Renner deals spiritually and practically with the various kinds of negative forces that come to steal your joy and victory. God never intended for the devil to win a single victory in your life. If you know how the enemy operates, including the negative forces and schemes he tries to use against you, you can resist those forces and overcome each one of them. Let Rick show you how in this powerful series!Topics in this 5-part series include:How To Resist TemptationHow To Resist a Bad Environment How To Resist Faithless Opinions How To Resist the Devil's Voice How To Resist Attacks of Every Kind

  • av Rick Renner

    What Will Be the Signs of Jesus' Coming?Some Christian leaders can be sensationalistic about their beliefs about end-time events. But scaring people with Bible prophecy should not be our goal. God in His great love has chosen to inform us explicitly about the last days so that we can be prepared - not scared!In this ten-part series Signs You'll See Just Before Jesus Comes, Rick Renner shares the signs you'll see just before Christ comes again for His Church. Jesus' words in Matthew 24 are both revealing and alarming - yet nothing in the Bible was written to scare us, but to prepare us. God is faithful to inform us about the things we need to know to live victoriously in this last season of the age. In this series, you'll learn:· Where are we in time?· What specific signs will we see to inform us we're coming to the end of the age?· What is the final, ultimate sign that Jesus is about to come again?· And so much more!There is so much information in the New Testament about end-time events that we cannot claim ignorance. In this series, the Holy Spirit will enlighten, inform, and prepare you to live triumphantly in Christ in the last days.

  • av Rick Renner

    It's Time For You To Give a Riveting Faith Performance!When you make a bold confession of faith, it puts you center stage on the stage of faith. People take seats in the auditorium to watch how well you'll perform and if you'll really do what you've declared you're going to do or see what you've declared you're going to see come to pass.In this fabulous five-part series, Rick Renner will help you get ready to step onto the stage of faith and to deal with all the voices that may try to push you off your confession of faith. You need to make sure you show them how faith really works and give them a performance so unforgettable that it will encourage those spectators to get off their seats and onto the stage of faith for themselves!In this series, Rick will show you that your faith will:· Put you centerstage · Cause people to choose sides · Bring you attention · Bring applause and reward! Are you willing to step onto the stage of faith and give a "performance" that will transform you and encourage others to do the same? By taking in the material in this series, you'll learn how to give a faith performance that God, others, and you will enjoy!

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