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Bøker av Ruth Ward Heflin

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  • av Ruth Ward Heflin

    What is the Glory?It is the atmosphere of HeavenIt is standing in the presence of the LordThis German translation is one of many foreign translations. There is a hunger around the world to come to the knowledge and to partake of the awesome reality of the Lord Himself. Enjoy your journey.Es ist die Sphare der Ewigkeit.Es ist die Offenbarung der Gegewart Gottes.Es ist die Herrlihkeit! So wie die Luft die AtmosphareEs de ist, so ist die Herrlichkeit die Atmosphare des Himmels.Wenn sie die einfachen Prinzipien von Lobpreis, Anbetung und Herrlichkeit begreifen konnen, die in diesem Buch deutlichgemachtWereden und sie sind oft so einfach, dafs wir daran vorbeigehenppdann konnen Sie alles, was Sie wushen Gott eraltren.

  • av Ruth Ward Heflin

    What is Unifying Glory?It is the touch of glory that brings divine joining of brother to brotherIt is a miraculous uniting of the diverse members of the family of GodIt is the answer to the prayer of Jesus. "That they all may be one."God is calling us to live in the cloud of His glory, in the smoke of His presence. He wants His people to be known as "The People of the Glory Cloud," no "The People Divided Inta a Thousand Denominations,"

  • - Experience de l'Atmospher Du Ciel
    av Ruth Ward Heflin

    Si vous parvenez a saisir les principes de base de la louange, de l'adoration ed de la Gloire definis dans ce livre (et qui sont tellemente simples que nous passons, facilmente a cote) vous pourrez posseder tout ce que vous desirez, en Dieu.Ruth Ward Heflin sert le Seigneur depuis plus de 35 ans dans de nombreux pays. Elle a preche a des grandes foules et a egalement apporte des paoled de la part de Dieu a des Rois et des Cheis d'Etats. Son ,inistere est conmi pour la revelation de l'onction prophetiques qui reposent sur lui et pour le don qu'elle a d'entrainer son auditoire dans l'adoration spontanee. Nee dans un foyer,pastoral classiue du mouvement de Pentecote, elle se trouve tout autant a l'aise un milieu des Catholique ou des Protestants. Elle possede aussi une large experience de a view et des trations Juives. Servant le Seigneur par le chant elle en a compose un grand nombre dont le plus connu, "I ask for the nations". (Je reclame les nations) est chante tout autour du monde. Dupues 1972 elle est pasteur de la communaute "Mount Zion Fellowshi" a Jerusalem.

  • av Ruth Ward Heflin

    What is the Glory? It is the realm of eternity. It is the revelation of the presence of God. He is Glory! As air is to the atmosphere of the Earth, so glory is the atmosphere of Heaven. Praise...until the spirit of worship comes. Worship...until the glory comes. Then...stand in the glory. If you can capture the basic principles of Praise, Worship, and Glory which are outlined in this book--so simple that we miss them--you can have anything else you want in God.

  • av Ruth Ward Heflin

    Revelation Glory is: knowing the unknowable; seeing things happen before they happen; being made a confidant of the very heart of God; seeing as He sees and knowing as He knows. It is wisdom and understanding sovereignly imparted to us when we have pressed beyond praise and worship and into the glory realm. It is an instantaneous and miraculous knowing that comes to us on in the Spirit.

  • - The New Wave of Signs and Wonders
    av Ruth Ward Heflin

  • av Ruth Ward Heflin

  • av Ruth Ward Heflin

    Si usted puede captar los principios basicos de la alabanza, de la adoracion,y la gloria presentados en este libro, principios tan sencillas que muchas veces los pasamos por alto podras obtener cualquier cosa que desees en Dios.Un libro con mucho exito por todo el mundo y en muchas idiomas.

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