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  • av Sam Crescent

    It's Christmas at The Skulls and you're invited. When it came to Emily, Blaine messed up. He knocked her up and wasn't there for her. He went off the deep end and lost everything including his woman and his daughter. He owes Angel everything for bringing his girls back into his life. Emily has tried to forget the past and move on but she can't. Blaine is back to being the man she fell in love with but for how long? Can she trust him? There are so many questions that she can't answer. It's the time for forgiving. Blaine's determined to prove to Emily he's not going anywhere. He's back and he's taking her as his wife. Will she accept or leave him for good? Nothing is ever certain at The Skulls!

  • av Sam Crescent

    Seven years ago, Gash was sent to prison on false rape and murder charges. He put the club first, but now it's time for him to get his revenge. There's one woman from his past who may have all the answers: Charlotte. But is she also to blame for his imprisonment? From the first moment Charlotte saw Gash, she fell in love with him. He was a hardened biker, but she saw something inside him that touched her heart. Now time has damaged both of them, and neither is the same. As they dig deeper into the past, Gash realizes Charlotte is not guilty and was hurt, too, by his enemies. Revenge matters even more now, for her sake, and now that Charlotte is in his life, he's not going to let her go. When their enemy's identity is revealed, will Gash risk Charlotte's life, or will he let Master go to protect the woman he loves?

  • av Sam Crescent

    The Virus.That's what they called it, the lone thing that had the ability to wipe out mankind-the lone thing that did just that. Those who survived were immune, but death might have been a better outcome than the world they now lived in.Sasha and her younger sister Lucy were trying to survive this new, desolate existence. They're on their own, savaging this now ruined world. Those who survived might be friends but more than likely they're enemies.Then they learned about a safe community up north, and although they should try for it, fear keeps them rooted. But movement is life and staying in one place too long would mean death.Then fate made that decision for them, one that forces their hand and makes them flee the new place they called home.They have nothing else to lose, even if it turns out to be a dead end.The road is a lonely place when it's only two, and hunger is a nasty villain.There's violence and degradation. There's anger and immoral needs.And then there's Malachi.He came into their lives at the perfect time, saving them, protecting them. And Sasha felt desire for the first time in her life. She also felt fear.He's barbaric and ruthless, with wild eyes and a cunning gaze. He's a criminal with a tattooed body, his former life now a distant memory. This new existence had changed everyone and everything, and all who now lived within it were warped, twisted.It was kill or be killed.But Sasha would do anything to keep her and Lucy safe, and so she strikes up a deal with the savage, knowing she could use her one currency to get them out of this.Her body.She'll stay with him, be whatever he needs, whatever he wants as long as he helps them get up north so her sister has a chance to survive, to be part of a community again.She'll do whatever he wants so long as he kept them safe.And he agrees.She's now his... the property of a savage who will use her because he now owned her.

  • av Sam Crescent

    Pain is a lasting feeling, emotion, and can consume a person without any discrimination. Amy Holland knew all too well what pain did to someone. She has been living with it for far too long, and it is all because of her father.Reese "Joker" Whitman has put his old life behind him. He is now just Joker, part of The Soldiers of Wrath, an outlaw MC that rules his town. Despite the hard edge he carries around, the violence and destruction he's been known to deliver, Joker wants Amy, the daughter of the woman his father married. Amy might be considered family, but she isn't blood, and he wants her more than he's ever wanted anyone in his life. However, he has to tread lightly, because she's been hurt, and she may never be able to give herself fully to him.When she finally sees Joker for who he is, it isn't fear or pain that consumes her; it is hope and desire. But can she give herself to the biker when she sees herself as too damaged to be loved?Reader warning: This is a work of fiction and contains explicit, adult material. Reader discretion advised.

  • av Sam Crescent

    Shakes knew he couldn't have Daniella, but that didn't stop him from taking her. Leaving meant betraying his club and going against her father, Zeke. Even though they are being hunted he won't let her go, he can't. But what happens when they are found? Can Shakes give Daniella back to her father? Can he make amends with the MC? With his patch and life on the line, and the possibility of losing Daniella forever, Shakes must decide which road he'll take.

  • av Sam Crescent

    Eloise has kept her desires in the dark her entire life. Not sure if she should feel ashamed over her need to have a sexual relationship that consists of pain, she focuses on keeping to herself, knowing that she can never have what she really wants. Steel is a member of The Soldiers of Wrath MC. He is a man that takes what he wants when he wants it; he is never denied. But he wants Eloise, and her refusal to give herself to him makes Steel want her even more. He's determined to break the composed and collected exterior that she carries. When Hanson, Eloise's boss, attacks her, it's Steel that comes and rescues her. Steel feels something for the woman that's seemed to turn his world upside down in such a short time. But Hanson isn't about to be put in his place, or lay down without a fight. He'll show Eloise and Steel that he'll take what he wants regardless of any threat. Can Eloise give herself to Steel fully, or will her fear for what she really wants hold her back? Can Steel finally allow himself to commit to a woman and show her that what she wants is exactly what he desires to give her?

  • av Sam Crescent

    King has always lived his life the way he saw fit and didn't care what anyone thought. Women were just a passing hobby to waste time and warm his bed. Being the VP of the Soldiers of Wrath Grit Chapter meant he had other responsibilities and priorities besides taking up with an old lady. But then Clara came into town and something shifted in him. For the first time in his life he felt possessive and territorial of a female. It felt damn good, but it also messed with his head, especially when she claims to want nothing more from him aside from the monster he's packing behind his fly. Clara won't ever settle down, and no man will ever own her. Visiting a friend in Grit, she discovers King, a man who refuses to back down. All she wants is to have some fun and to save enough money to move onto the next town, the next adventure. Every time she tries to get away, King is there, giving her a reason to stay.What will she do when King makes her realize she's falling in love? Can she trust him with her heart? What happens when she does try to run?

  • av Sam Crescent

    Demon, the President of The Soldiers of Wrath MC, is a vicious bastard, a heartless killer, and has no regrets about any of the violent things he does in life. It is how he survives, and how he keeps his club and his men safe. Deanna Monte has stayed in the life of her drug addicted, low-life father since her mother passed away. She may hate her dad, but after her mother's dying wish for Deanna to not give up on him, she knows she can't walk away. When Deanna is given to Demon as payment for her father's debt, she fights with everything inside of her and refuses to submit. But she's never met a man like Demon, a cruel man that is big and powerful and can take her life as easily as he breathes. She shouldn't want him the way she does, not after he takes her away from her life, refusing to let her go, and tells her that she is his now. But she does, and that frightens her most of all.

  • av Sam Crescent

    Running from her old life, innocent Elena finds herself thrust into the world of alpha bikers, domination, and freedom. Controlled her whole life, she jumps head first into the safety Striker offers, and she doesn't look back. When Striker realizes Elena is running from a twisted family and arranged marriage, he offers to help her. It isn't about Striker being noble; he's selfish and sees the natural submissive in her. The Dom in him wants her in his bed, wants to control her in every way. As Elena realizes the kind of relationship Striker wants reaches out to the dark desires she has deep inside, she knows she wants to explore all he has to offer. Her feelings for him grow into something deeper, more intense, and Elena wants nothing more than to accept this new life with Striker, even if it's totally foreign and frightens her. When they find that her family is still after her, Striker and the Soldiers of Wrath MC, a group of dangerous and violent bikers, know they must protect her at all costs. Elena chooses to put her life in their hands. In the end, will Striker want more than just a willing submissive to warm his bed and sate his appetites?

  • av Sam Crescent

    Zeke isn't a hero, has never seen himself having a happily ever after. He's been called many things: evil, twisted, sadistic, and dangerous. He is all of those things and more. He revels in it, embraces it, and uses it to make himself more powerful. He is a bad man all the way through.Then there is Alessandria, a woman chained, crying, frightened, who yearns for pain with her pleasure. The sadistic part of him wants her all for himself. He'll show her that the type of pain he wants to give her will ultimately bring her the pleasure she yearns for.Will Alessandria be able to handle the monster inside of Zeke, or like so many others, will she run?

  • av Sam Crescent

    READER NOTE: Dead Bastard (The Soldiers of Wrath, 4) must be read before Ruin and Rise in order to get the full experience of the story. Please find the current books out in The Soldiers of Wrath MC (all books currently available): *Book 1: Owned by the Bastard *Book 2: Bent, Not Broken *Book 3: Hard As Steel *Books 1-3 boxed set *Bonus Story: The Soldiers of Wrath MC FREE read (available on the CSP website) *Book 4: Dead Bastard *Book 4.5: Ruin and Rise ******* Sometimes falling into the ruin doesn't mean you can't rise from the ashes. Shakes and Daniella went through hell to find their happiness, but it didn't come without a price. To keep Daniella, Shakes had to lose a part of himself. Can they really rise from the ashes and not get burned? But then Daniella and Shakes' life gets turned upside down again when an unexpected pregnancy strains the already volatile relationship Shakes has with Daniella's father, Zeke. And where does Shakes' fate lie with the only family he's ever had...The Soldiers of Wrath?

  • av Sam Crescent

    The Dentons are the ultimate crime family, involved in drugs, sex, illegal fights, gambling, and much more. They're vicious, but yet there is a rumor that whispers of a deeper legacy than that of their crime heritage. It is said that a Denton will only fall for a woman once, and he will fall hard. They will not settle for any other woman, and those that do, end up breaking hearts. Jacob never believed the family stories, but the moment he sees Louisa Moore, he knows the tales are all true. He falls for her instantly, but there's a problem-she wants nothing to do with him. Lou is shocked when Jacob Denton takes notice of her. No matter how many times Lou tries to push him away, Jacob will not stop. He wants her, and he will do whatever he can to get her. With her twin brother, Riley, on his side, Jacob knows he will win Lou's heart. However, what will happen when tragedy strikes? Will Lou give herself to Jacob, or will she cut him off? For the first time in his life, Jacob has something to fight for, but will he win?

  • av Sam Crescent

    Butch was sent to Vegas as a punishment many years ago. For the sins of his past, he must repay in kind. By being close to Ned Walker, he's found a life for himself and his wife, Cheryl. However, with the impending birth of their first child, tensions rise. After several failed pregnancies, the fear is there with every day that passes. For Cheryl, she sees not only that fear for their child, but also the demons that haunt Butch. He's constantly filled with regret for what he's done, but she doesn't know if he wishes to go back to Fort Wills or if he's ready to stay in Vegas. He was the child of a Prez. Leading is in his blood. Can he go back to being a club brother, or is it time for him to forge his own path? Butch must continue to go forward, and to do that, he wants to take The Skulls in a new direction. He wants to help Lash expand them. Does Butch have what it takes to be Prez? Or will he be stripped of his cut, and finally pushed out for good?

  • av Sam Crescent

    Ink knows Darcy has a "little girl" crush on him, and he finds it sweet and cute. However, when Darcy becomes sick, it brings back memories of a past he doesn't want to remember. Put in an impossible position, he hands in his leather cut and leaves Fort Wills, never intending to look back. For three years, Darcy has been filled with guilt. She knows she's the one responsible for losing Ink. She never meant to force him away, but she did. So when Ink returns, she wants to put everything right. Ink now has a fresh purpose in life. With the aid of her parents, Ink is going to help Darcy move forward, to live her life, to be independent. Ink wants to be her friend. But jealousy isn't something he expected to feel with Darcy. She's younger than he is, and he shouldn't fall for her, and yet, he can't live without her. For Darcy, having Ink to herself is a dream come true, but how long can it last? He left once. Will he leave her again? There's no way she'd be able to live with that kind of heartache-should she even take that chance?

  • av Sam Crescent

    Aria Taylor has always been told she wasn't good enough. After one horrible night, Aria has had enough. She's determined to lose the weight that people find so ugly. Grant has proven himself time and time again, but his brother has placed his ass far away from the club. When he's suspended as VP from the Chaos and Carnage MC, Grant is pissed. He knew Bull didn't want him at the club anyway. He likes the receptionist at the veterinary practice where he visits the dogs from the animal shelter. And pursuing Aria is a much more worthwhile use of his time. Everyone sees Grant as the playboy. He's considered a waste of space. Aria sees him differently though. When their contact within the Cartel turns up dead, and the bodies start mounting, it's not just a threat to the club, but the town. Someone wants Carnage. Grant is given a chance to take his brother's place, to have the ultimate power, but will he take it? Will he sacrifice everything to finally have control? Is that what he wants? Will the town of Carnage burn like the club?

  • av Sam Crescent

    I was never supposed to marry Andrei Belov. He was meant to marry my beautiful sister. But she did something very wrong to have the man in charge of the Volkov Bratva change his mind. Now I'm married to a man many call a monster. He ignores me. I mean nothing to him. I'm trapped and alone in a loveless marriage. My parents don't care. They have what they want. Andrei doesn't like it when I have friends. He doesn't like it when others take care of me. He claims not to have slept with my sister, but Bethany is still around to cause me trouble, to make me doubt. It all starts with a kiss to get what I want. If I kiss him, I'll get a reward, but soon the game changes. I'm Andrei Belov's wife. In this world, no one is safe, especially not me. I didn't know it, but I have an enemy, one that wants me dead no matter the cost. I wasn't supposed to marry into this family, but now, there is no way out.

  • av Sam Crescent

    Alex Greco hates her husband. To keep the peace between her crime lord father and the Greco mafia's boss, she's forced to marry his son, Roman. He's cold and has a reputation for hurting those close to him. There is no wedding night, and the first months of their marriage are awful. Roman doesn't want a wife, and certainly not an outsider who doesn't know their ways. Unlike the women he's used to, Alex thinks for herself and isn't afraid to tell him no. He plans to prove she isn't a sweet innocent, and he orders his friends to seduce her to show she's not worthy of him. When her life is endangered, it is up to Roman to save her and the peace pact between their families. By his father's order, he has to make this stubborn woman fall in love with him. Her husband is not as cold and callous as Alex originally thought. He's a monster to everyone but her, and she never expected to fall in love with him. She didn't count on finding out he was a liar, either. His father told him to make her fall in love with him, but how far was he willing to go?

  • av Sam Crescent

    For decades, war has raged between the Russo and De Luca families. When Damon De Luca finally brings the head of Russos to his knees, he demands to have Milah Russo at his beck and call. Not as his wife, but as his mistress. Milah will never go to Damon willingly. Caged up in his home, she fights him, but her days are numbered. She may be a Russo, but she belongs to him, and he will do whatever it takes to have and protect her. Determined to survive, Milah refuses to die at the mercy of the De Lucas. When she uncovers her great-aunt's journal, a story of a woman killed by De Luca's grandfather, she cannot believe the revelations inside. Damon breaks down her walls, making it impossible to continue hating him. She doesn't want to give in or fall for him. But what will happen when that monster is no more? When Damon reveals what he feels for her, will Milah continue the Russo tradition of destruction and pain, or will she put an end to their feud once and for all?

  • av Sam Crescent

    When Baker first saw Millie, he truly believed he was ready to start afresh. The death of his wife and child had left him hollow. It was time to start over and leave his old life behind, without looking back. Millie was used to coming last in everything, forever second best. There was no way she'd be able to compete with a ghost, so she let Baker go. But years have passed, and Baker is no longer a lost soul. He intends to show Millie the real man he has become. He's determined to have a future with Millie. With the help of his family, The Skulls, he knows he'll claim her as his old lady, and his wife in the end. With The Skulls at his back, there's no chance of failing. Everything seems to fall into place. Baker has Millie right where he wants her, in his heart, and in his bed. When her sister turns up, trouble comes with her. Can Baker convince Millie that he'll stick by her? Will Bethany come between them? It's time for Millie to find out what it's like to have The Skulls at her back. No one attacks a Skull and gets away with it, and Millie is a Skull, Baker's old lady, and part of the family.

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

  • av Sam Crescent

    Coming from a town run by his family, Preston Boone has wanted to prove everything isn't handed to him. He's achieved all his goals, showing them he can make it on his own. But now, with his parents celebrating a big wedding anniversary, he knows they're going to parade all the eligible women in front of him. A little white lie of an engagement couldn't hurt, could it? Eliza Drake hates her good-looking, workaholic boss. After one night of tequila, she's fake engaged to her boss. For one month, she has to play the role of a happy fiancée, and in return, she'll never worry about her job ever again. One month of sharing a bed, of accepting Preston's kisses, and the feel of his arms ... nothing could go wrong, right? Sometimes love is in the most obvious of places, but will these two crazy lovebirds figure it out?

  • av Sam Crescent & Stacey Espino

    They'd given up on women ... until they met her. Gabe isn't ready to trust anyone, certainly not a live-in housekeeper with a questionable past. His best friends, Vinny and Archie, insist the curvy redhead is the answer to all their problems. They fall too hard and too fast, and the last thing he wants is for Annalise to break their hearts. Annalise is hiding from her dark past, trying her best to make her own way in life. Being a live-in housekeeper and cook for three single cowboys should have made her leery, but everything about her new job feels like fate. Her employers are perfect gentlemen-until they aren't. She can't refuse their attention, but her mind and heart are in disagreement. How can a menage a quatre ever work long term? And why would three of the hardest, sexiest cowboys settle for only one woman? It doesn't take long for hearts and tempers to burn hot on the ranch. Once they give into their passion, their foursome becomes an addiction. But can three dominant cowboys share the woman they love? Or will Annalise tear their friendship apart? #MFMM

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